1772 in poetry

Last updated

List of years in poetry (table)
In literature

Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).



Samuel Johnson by Sir Joshua Reynolds, painted about this time Dr-Johnson.jpg
Samuel Johnson by Sir Joshua Reynolds, painted about this time

Works published

Colonial America

United Kingdom



Death years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:


Birth years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:

See also


  1. Ellis Cashmore, review of The Norton Anthology of African-American Literature, Nellie Y. McKay and Henry Louis Gates, eds., New Statesman, April 25, 1997.
  2. Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience by Henry Louis Gates and Anthony Appiah, Basic Civitas Books, 1999, page 1171.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ludwig, Richard M., and Clifford A. Nault, Jr., Annals of American Literature: 16021983, 1986, New York: Oxford University Press
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cox, Michael, editor, The Concise Oxford Chronology of English Literature, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN   0-19-860634-6
  5. Thomas, Calvin, A History of German Literature, New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1909, retrieved December 14, 2009
  6. Web page titled "American Poetry Full-Text Database / Bibliography" at University of Chicago Library website, retrieved March 4, 2009

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