1800 in New Zealand

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New Zealand
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The only recorded ship visit is a 3-day visit to Hauraki (the Waihou River between the Hauraki Plains and Coromandel Peninsula) to collect timber. It is possible that sealers visit Dusky Sound and that whalers are off the north-east coast but no specific records of any such activity remains. [1]







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The following lists events that happened during 1833 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1832 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1826 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1824 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1823 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1822 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1821 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1820 in New Zealand.

The following lists events that happened during 1819 in New Zealand.

The first Christian mission is established at Rangihoua. The Hansen family, the first non-missionary family also settles there. Samuel Marsden explores the Hauraki Gulf and travels to within sight of Tauranga Harbour. The first book in Māori is published in Sydney. The first European is born in New Zealand.

With the purchase of a vessel by Samuel Marsden for use by the Church Missionary Society at the beginning of the year the establishment of a mission in New Zealand is at last possible. After a preliminary scouting trip Marsden and the missionaries arrive at the end of the year and the first mission is begun at Rangihoua Bay in the Bay of Islands.

By the end of the year reports from London regarding Napoleon's retreat from Moscow, and from the Bay of Islands regarding the hospitality of the Māori, encourage Samuel Marsden into thinking the time for the establishment of a Christian mission to New Zealand is now imminent.

There are still far fewer ships visiting New Zealand than before 1810. This is due to the economic depression which started in New South Wales in 1810 and continues until 1815. The concern that the Boyd massacre might be repeated abates somewhat as a number of reports that it was provoked reach Port Jackson. As more ships resume visits to the Bay of Islands they consistently report that they are well treated.

Foveaux Strait is the centre of attention for sealing ships. Sealing gangs are dropped along the coast from southern Fiordland to Otago Harbour and on Stewart Island/Rakiura. The Bay of Islands is sometimes on the journey to or from Port Jackson. The Chatham Islands are also visited. A few whalers also operate around New Zealand; some also collect timber from Bay of Islands.

Sealing continues at Bass Strait but declines at Dusky Sound which is still used for provisioning. There is a new rush to the Antipodes Islands. The existence of Foveaux Strait is not reported in Port Jackson until early the following year so sealers are still travelling via the south of Stewart Island/Rakiura which some also visit. At Stewart Island/Rakiura, and its smaller surrounding islands, the sealers often encounter Māori which they have not done at all at Dusky Sound. As many as 16 whalers are operating around the north of New Zealand, occasionally visiting the Bay of Islands and taking an increasing number of Māori on board as crew.

There is a lessening of the sealing rush at Bass Strait as the rookeries become thinner, and as a result sealers return to Dusky Sound and explore the surrounding coast. Little of the movements of these ships is actually recorded as a veil of secrecy still surrounds their activities while the various ships try to make the most of any discoveries before the competition arrives. They occasionally meet local Māori but little information regarding these encounters survives. There are again around half a dozen whalers off the north-east coast of New Zealand, a few of which call into the Bay of Islands. The first Māori to join a whaling ship, and possibly the first to leave New Zealand in 10 years, does so early in the year.

There are no known visits by sealers this year as they concentrate on Bass Strait. However Charles Bishop and George Bass call at Dusky Sound in the Venus where they spend fourteen days stripping iron from the hulk of Captain Brampton's old ship the Endeavour, to barter in Tahiti for pork before returning to Sydney in November. There are several British whalers operating off the north-east coast, only one of which is certainly known to have landed. There are an unknown number of American whalers also in the area but as they do not usually call at Port Jackson their activities, including where, if at all, they land, are largely unknown.

The ships visits to collect timber come to an end as the wood they have been taking, kahikatea and pohutukawa, is found to be unsuitable for ship building. With the end of this industry the Firth of Thames area ceases to be the main point of contact for pakeha and Māori. At the end of the year Governor King reports half a dozen whaling ships are operating off the north coast. The first recorded sealing ship visit to Dusky Sound in 4 years takes place as most sealers visit the recently discovered Bass Strait rookeries instead.

The first humans are thought to have arrived in New Zealand from Polynesia some time around 1300 AD. The people, who later became known as Māori, eventually travelled to almost every part of the country. Their arrival had a significant impact on the local fauna, particularly the flightless birds such as moa.

Pōmare II, originally named Whiria, was a Māori rangatira (chief) of the Ngāpuhi iwi (tribe) in New Zealand and the leader of the Ngāti Manu hapu (subtribe) of the Ngāpuhi. He was the nephew of Pōmare I, his mother Haki being the elder sister of Pōmare I. When he succeeded his uncle as leader of the Ngāti Manu he took his uncle's names, Whētoi and Pōmare. He is referred to as Pōmare II, so as to distinguish him from his uncle.


  1. 1 2 3 Salmond, Anne. Between Worlds. 1997. Penguin Books (NZ) Ltd. ISBN   0-670-87787-5.
  2. New Zealand Encyclopaedia 1966: Samuel Marsden Biography
  3. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Samuel Marsden
  4. 'Williams, William', from An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A. H. McLintock, originally published in 1966. Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 18-September–2007 url
  5. DNZB: James Reddy Clendon
  6. Foster, Bernard J. (18 September 2007). "GUARD, John, from An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A. H. McLintock, originally published in 1966". Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand.