2009 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships – Men's qualification

Last updated

The men's qualifying round for the 2009 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships took place on 13 October 2009. [1] There were 3 subdivisions


Individual all-around

MenNameCountryDate of birthAge
Youngest Javier Sandoval Afanador Colombia Flag of Colombia.svg 12 February 199316 years
Oldest Yordan Yovchev Bulgaria Flag of Bulgaria.svg 24 February 197336 years
RankGymnastNation Gymnastique au sol.svg Cheval d'arcon.svg Gymnastique aux anneaux.svg Saut de cheval.svg Barres paralleles.svg Barre fixe.svg TotalQual.
1 Kōhei Uchimura Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 15.77514.75015.10015.00015.05015.25090.925Q
2 Maxim Devyatovskiy Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 15.15014.70014.22516.02514.52514.72589.350Q
3 Timothy McNeill Flag of the United States.svg  United States 13.80015.35014.82515.52515.10014.17588.775Q
4 Daniel Keatings Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 14.70014.42514.25015.75014.87514.40088.400Q
5 Jonathan Horton Flag of the United States.svg  United States 14.60012.80014.70015.65014.92515.32588.000Q
6 Mykola Kuksenkov Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 15.07513.60013.97515.42514.65015.02587.750Q
7 Alexander Shatilov Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 15.47514.05013.85015.52514.15014.37587.425Q
8 Yury Ryazanov Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 13.82513.55014.92515.27514.37515.00086.950Q
9 Kristian Thomas Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 14.05014.05014.22516.07513.85014.55086.800Q
10 Kazuhito Tanaka Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 13.07513.32514.70015.42515.60014.52586.650Q
11 Jeffrey Wammes Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 15.35012.52514.10015.90014.07514.35086.300Q
12 Luis Rivera Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 14.22514.10014.60015.55013.45014.12586.050Q
13 Enrico Pozzo Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 14.82514.60013.15014.47514.15014.72585.925Q
14 Manuel Almeida Campos Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 14.55013.05013.97515.20014.65014.17585.600Q
15 Roman Gisi Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 14.07513.55014.20015.52514.17513.95085.475Q
16 Luis Vargas Velazquez Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 14.47514.22513.35014.90014.17513.95085.075Q
17 Jorge Giraldo López Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 13.55013.65013.72515.05015.10013.92585.000Q
18 Didier Yamit Lugo Sichaca Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 13.37513.55014.20015.30014.32514.22584.975Q
19 Marcel Nguyen Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 15.25012.95014.12514.55014.27513.75084.900Q
20 Benoît Caranobe Flag of France.svg  France 14.60014.05014.12514.57513.57513.62584.550Q
21 Sergio Muñoz Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 14.65013.25013.92515.80012.87513.97584.475Q
22 Nicolas Boeschenstein Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 14.82510.65014.10016.12514.42514.30084.425Q
23 Federico Molinari Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 13.87513.07513.95015.40014.05013.25083.600Q
24 Sergio Sasaki Jr. Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 13.97513.70013.77514.87514.17512.62583.125Q
25 Artsiom Bykau Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 13.10014.22514.07515.00013.47513.25083.125R
26 Ildar Valeiev Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 14.50013.87512.32514.50013.92513.87583.000R
27 Bart Deurloo Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 14.20012.70012.97515.35013.72514.05083.000R
28 Fernando Fuentes Petro Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 13.67513.52513.42514.90014.07513.25082.850R
29Flag of Portugal.svg  Gustavo Palma Simoes  (POR)13.42513.27514.3515.02513.62512.8582.55
30Flag of Greece.svg  Dimitrios Markousis  (GRE)1412.051414.32514.27513.782.35
31Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Samuel Offord  (AUS)13.57511.9514.415.5513.02513.7582.25
32Flag of Armenia.svg Vahagn Stepanyan (ARM)14.02513.713.92513.07514.27513.182.1
33Flag of Hungary.svg  Vid Hidvégi  (HUN)13.57514.92513.3512.77513.47513.581.6
34Flag of Mexico.svg  Daniel Corral Barron  (MEX)12.77513.6514.17515.913.22511.82581.55
35Flag of Austria.svg  Fabian Leimlehner  (AUT)13.312.87513.92514.4513.62513.3581.525
36Flag of Belarus.svg  Pavel Bulauski  (BLR)13.2513.2513.87514.47513.52512.92581.3
37Flag of Finland.svg  Sami Aalto  (FIN)13.4512.97513.82515.22513.0512.32580.85
38Flag of Denmark.svg  Helge Vammen  (DEN)13.82512.2512.52515.47513.37513.27580.725
39Flag of Croatia.svg  Marko Brez  (CRO)12.213.47513.114.713.22513.82580.525
40Flag of Sweden.svg  Bjorn Slanvall  (SWE)1412.62512.97514.52513.57512.580.2
41Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Jeremy Bourgois  (BEL)14.0513.513.2514.313.02511.7579.875
42Flag of Hungary.svg  Marcell Hetrovics  (HUN)13.311.37513.2514.42513.72513.72579.8
43Flag of Lithuania.svg  Patrikas Prusinskas  (LTU)12.9512.82512.515.02513.2513.07579.625
44Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Jackson Payne  (CAN)13.47510.57512.67514.02513.92514.67579.35
45Flag of Sweden.svg  George Foo  (SWE)12.6513.2513.02514.32513.612.37579.225
46Flag of Lithuania.svg  Jevgenij Izmodenov  (LTU)13.7512.82512.3514.02512.813.479.15
47Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Shakir Shikhaliyev  (AZE)13.211.92513.115.47513.07512.27579.05
48Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Wai-Hung Shek  (HKG)13.7512.02512.1515.9512.32512.67578.875
49Flag of Ireland.svg  Luke Carson  (IRL)12.92512.27512.52514.413.22513.17578.525
50Flag of Iceland.svg  Robert Kristmannsson  (ISL)13.52511.47512.614.9512.72513.0578.325
51Flag of North Korea.svg  Chol Jin Ri  (PRK)11.27513.7512.72513.814.22512.42578.2
52Flag of Portugal.svg  Luis Filipe De Araujo  (POR)13.812.07512.97514.17513.37511.177.5
53Flag of Norway.svg  Joachim Hancheolsen  (NOR)13.97510.3512.67514.92513.411.52576.85
54Flag of Ireland.svg  Rohan Sebastian  (IRL)12.612.4512.42513.82512.52512.97576.8
55Flag of New Zealand.svg  Patrick Peng  (NZL)13.47510.113.5513.87513.27512.47576.75
56Flag of Sweden.svg  Mans Stenberg  (SWE)14.510.613.47514.42511.4512.22576.675
57Flag of Austria.svg  Matthias Decker  (AUT)12.511.2512.5514.37512.91376.575
58Flag of Latvia.svg  Vitalijs Kardashovs  (LAT)13.1510.9512.315.1511.07513.375.925
59Flag of New Zealand.svg  Mikhail Koudinov  (NZL)12.67512.32513.17513.8510.7512.72575.5
60Flag of Denmark.svg  Alexander Windfeld-Hellsten  (DEN)12.17512.27512.414.212.2512.275.5
61Flag of Iceland.svg  Viktor Kristmannsson  (ISL)11.8512.47511.7514.52512.37512.32575.3
62Flag of India.svg  Partha Mondal  (IND)12.8512.811.914.312.6510.7575.25
63Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Ravshanbek Osimov  (UZB)12.812.17511.514.32511.67512.62575.1
64Flag of Algeria.svg  Hellal Metidji  (ALG)12.77512.2511.2514.1511.47512.7574.65
65Flag of India.svg  Ashish Kumar  (IND)13.7511.97511.2514.12512.67510.7574.525
66Flag of Qatar.svg  Mahmood Alsadi  (QAT)13.02512.32512.614.17513.3258.8574.3
67Flag of Jordan.svg  Ali Al Asi  (JOR)13.358.814.92514.711.72510.6574.15
68Flag of South Africa.svg  Tyrone Morris  (RSA)12.3512.72510.37511.67513.37512.32572.825
69Flag of Serbia.svg  Milos Paunovic  (SRB)11.6759.77512.8514.512.67510.972.375
70Flag of North Korea.svg  Kyong-Hak Kim  (PRK)13.114.515.52514.11572.225
71Flag of South Africa.svg  Christo Malan  (RSA)13.07511.07510.77514.111.710.27571
72Flag of Jordan.svg  Jad Mazahreh  (JOR)14.27.659.17515.27512.97511.62570.9
73Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Kiu-Chung Ng  (HKG)12.457.2512.07513.72511.29.8566.55
74Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Gilles Gentges  (BEL)12.7512.813.125013.62513.4565.75
75Flag of Colombia.svg  Javier Sandoval Afanador  (COL)11.612.57514.47512.2512.4563.35
76Flag of El Salvador.svg  Oscar Anibal Canas Figueroa  (ESA)013.211.0512.551111.3559.15
77Flag of Kuwait.svg  Mohammad Ali  (KUW)11.711.0512.5511.5510.257.05
78Flag of Mexico.svg  Luis Sosa Abarca  (MEX)13.82512.97515.07512.57554.45
79Flag of Egypt.svg  Mohamed Mohamed Hany  (EGY)13.17511.77513.313.6551.9
80Flag of Kuwait.svg  Bader Alrashed  (KUW)10.07511.07513.42510.2755.2550.1
81Flag of Kuwait.svg  Jawad Alherz  (KUW)1211.410.62513.62547.65
82Flag of Romania.svg  Marian Drăgulescu  (ROU)15.72516.514.7546.975
83Flag of Romania.svg  Flavius Koczi  (ROU)14.42515.62516.27546.325
84Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Angel Ramos Rivera  (PUR)11.57514.1258.111.5545.35
85Flag of Belarus.svg  Aliaksandr Tsarevich  (BLR)14.87515.02515.145
86Flag of North Korea.svg  Se Gwang Ri  (PRK)12.67515.07516.844.55
87Flag of Egypt.svg  Abdel Rahman Sobhy Ahmed Sobhy  (EGY)14.115.613.47543.175
88Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Nathan Gafuik  (CAN)14.07516.07512.8543
89Flag of Brazil.svg  Victor Rosa  (BRA)14.9513.7514.2542.95
90Flag of Spain.svg  Ivan San Miguel  (ESP)14.92515.47511.7542.15
91Flag of Ukraine.svg  Oleksandr Yakubovs'Kyi  (UKR)13.8514.57513.72542.15
92Flag of Hungary.svg  Peter Marjan  (HUN)14.17512.62515.141.9
93Flag of Ukraine.svg  Vitaliy Nakonechnyy  (UKR)1414.113.52541.625
94Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Claudio Capelli  (SUI)12.8514.913.841.55
95Flag of Mexico.svg  Miguel Monreal Hernandez  (MEX)14.514.32512.4541.275
96Flag of Argentina.svg  Osvaldo Martínez Erazun  (ARG)13.47514.47513.22541.175
97Flag of Argentina.svg  Juan Manuel Lompizano  (ARG)13.37512.52515.02540.925
98Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Yernar Yerimbetov  (KAZ)13.3514.37512.87540.6
99Flag of Vietnam.svg  Phạm Phước Hưng  (VIE)13.2512.215.12540.575
100Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Sascha Palgen  (LUX)13.37513.27513.7540.4
101Flag of Norway.svg  Marius Wirum Haaverstad  (NOR)12.3515.42512.5540.325
102Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Mao Hua Chiu  (TPE)12.2515.32512.640.175
103Flag of Spain.svg  Javier Gómez Fuertes  (ESP)11.6513.6514.57539.875
104Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Aleksandar Batinkov  (BUL)14.82512.32512.639.75
105Flag of Egypt.svg  Mohamed Sherif El Saharty  (EGY)13.612.92512.57539.1
106Flag of South Korea.svg  Soo-Myun Kim  (KOR)13.2251312.87539.1
107Flag of Austria.svg  Alexander Leidlmair  (AUT)13.511.712.637.8
108Flag of Norway.svg  Lars Jorgen Fjeld  (NOR)11.612.913.2537.75
109Flag of Brazil.svg  Caio Americo Costa  (BRA)11.02513.4513.237.675
110Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Martin Konečný  (CZE)14.0513.32510.137.475
111Flag of Qatar.svg  Nasser Alhamad  (QAT)12.72510.62513.77537.125
112Flag of Iceland.svg  Olafur Gardar Gunnarsson  (ISL)12.211.5513.32537.075
113Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Aleksandar Markov ] (BUL)12.6510.07513.9536.675
114Flag of Egypt.svg  Tamer Ahmed Ragab  (EGY)13.19.57512.1534.825
115Flag of Cyprus.svg  Georgios Spanos  (CYP)9.813.910.3534.05
116Flag of Chile.svg  González Sepúlveda  (CHI)15.57516.2531.825
117Flag of Germany.svg  Matthias Fahrig  (GER)15.52516.0531.575
118Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  Kai Zou  (CHN)15.67515.631.275
119Flag of Russia.svg  Anton Golotsutskov  (RUS)14.416.530.9
120Flag of Romania.svg  Marius Daniel Berbecar  (ROU)16.07514.67530.75
121Flag of Spain.svg  Isaac Botella Pérez  (ESP)14.5516.1530.7
122Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Epke Zonderland  (NED)15.17515.330.475
123Flag placeholder.svg  Prashanth Sellathurai  (25x17px)AUS15.57514.82530.4
124Flag of France.svg  Yann Cucherat  (FRA)15.37514.97530.35
125Flag of the United States.svg  Danell Leyva  (USA)14.82515.4530.275
126Flag of South Korea.svg  Won Chul Yoo  (KOR)14.97515.330.275
127Flag of Spain.svg  Rafael Martinez  (ESP)15.37514.830.175
128Flag of Kuwait.svg  Fahad Al Ghannam  (KUW)
129Flag of Romania.svg  Cosmin Popescu  (ROU)15.07514.929.975
130Flag of North Korea.svg  Jin-Hyok Kim  (PRK)15.02514.1529.175
131Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Brandon O'Neill  (CAN)14.314.82529.125
132Flag of South Korea.svg  Seungil Kim  (KOR)14.5514.47529.025
133Flag of Slovenia.svg  Rok Klavora  (SLO)14.314.628.9
134Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Daniel Purvis  (GBR)15.07513.67528.75
135Flag of the United States.svg  Wesley Haagensen  (USA)13.87514.87528.75
136Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Joshua Jefferis  (AUS)14.77513.97528.75
137Flag of Germany.svg  Sebastian Krimmer  (GER)14.12514.628.725
138Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Alexander Rodríguez  (PUR)14.07514.528.575
139Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Herre Zonderland  (NED)13.814.7528.55
140Flag of Poland.svg  Roman Kulesza  (POL)14.513.82528.325
141Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Samuel Simpson  (AUS)14.313.8528.15
142Flag of Vietnam.svg  Hau Trung Linh  (VIE)12.815.2528.05
143Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Stepan Gorbachev  (KAZ)14.82513.12527.95
144Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Yevgen Gryshchenko  (GBR)14.47513.42527.9
145Flag of Finland.svg  Tomi Tuuha  (FIN)13.614.2527.85
146Flag of Greece.svg  Michail Doulkeridis  (GRE)13.513.62527.125
147Flag of Brazil.svg  Mosiah Brentano Rodrigues  (BRA)14.42512.5526.975
148Flag of Egypt.svg  Mohamed Sayed Srour  (EGY)12.214.72526.925
149Flag of Norway.svg  Steffen Kristensen  (NOR)14.6512.22526.875
150Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Anthony Van Assche  (NED)12.97513.926.875
151Flag of Japan.svg  Takuya Nakase  (JPN)12.72514.12526.85
152Flag of Poland.svg  Adam Kierzkowski  (POL)15.37511.37526.75
153Flag of Finland.svg  Timo Niemelae  (FIN)14.512.2526.75
154Flag of Spain.svg  Manuel Carballo  (ESP)13.513.22526.725
155Flag of Finland.svg  Markku Leinonen  (FIN)13.97512.5526.525
156Flag of Argentina.svg  Juan Sebastian Melchiori  (ARG)1412.2526.25
157Flag of Lithuania.svg  Vladislav Esaulov  (LTU)12.0514.12526.175
158Flag of Hungary.svg  Zoltán Kállai  (HUN)13.312.826.1
159Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Kevin Lytwyn  (CAN)14.3511.525.85
160Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chih-Yu Chen  (TPE)12.87512.87525.75
161Flag of Norway.svg  Marcus Conradi  (NOR)13.52512.12525.65
162Flag of Argentina.svg  Nicolás Córdoba  (ARG)11.9513.52525.475
163Flag of Argentina.svg  Mario Gorosito  (ARG)13.32511.97525.3
164Flag of South Korea.svg  Changju Ha  (KOR)12.512.7525.25
165Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Wei-Ming Lin  (TPE)12.37512.6525.025
166Flag of India.svg  Shinoj Muliyil  (IND)11.92512.97524.9
167Flag of Iceland.svg  Bjarki Asgeirsson  (ISL)12.57511.924.475
168Flag of Lithuania.svg  Julius Burinskas  (LTU)11.8512.42524.275
169Flag of Albania.svg  Alon Hasa  (ALB)12.4511.77524.225
170Flag of Lithuania.svg  Tadas Butautas  (LTU)12.17511.97524.15
171Flag of Georgia.svg  Paata Nozadze  (GEO)12.02512.02524.05
172Flag of Norway.svg  Erik Sletten Gulbrandsen  (NOR)10.812.97523.775
173Flag of India.svg Aditya Rana (IND)11.211.6522.85
174Flag of France.svg  Thomas Bouhail  (FRA)16.32516.325
175Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  Hongtao Zhang  (CHN)16.27516.275
176Flag of Hungary.svg  Krisztián Berki  (HUN)16.116.1
177Flag of Belarus.svg  Dzmitry Kaspiarovich  (BLR)16.116.1
178Flag of Latvia.svg  Jevgēņijs Saproņenko  (LAT)1616
179Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  Zhe Feng  (CHN)15.9515.95
180Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Louis Smith  (GBR)15.915.9
181Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  Mingyong Yan  (CHN)15.915.9
182Flag of Italy.svg  Matteo Angioletti  (ITA)15.915.9
183Flag of the United States.svg  Jacob Dalton  (USA)15.87515.875
184Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  Guanyin Wang  (CHN)15.815.8
185Flag of Poland.svg  Marek Lyszczarz  (POL)15.62515.625
186Flag of France.svg  Danny Pinheiro-Rodrigues  (FRA)15.62515.625
187Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Yordan Yovchev  (BUL)15.615.6
188Flag of Japan.svg  Eiichi Sekiguchi  (JPN)15.5515.55
189Flag of Ukraine.svg  Oleksandr Vorobiov  (UKR)15.5515.55
190Flag of Italy.svg  Igor Cassina  (ITA)15.515.5
191Flag of the United States.svg  Steven Legendre  (USA)15.47515.475
192Flag of Slovenia.svg  Aljaž Pegan  (SLO)15.47515.475
193Flag of France.svg  Cyril Tommasone  (FRA)15.4515.45
194Flag of Italy.svg  Matteo Morandi  (ITA)15.4515.45
195Flag of Romania.svg  George Robert Stănescu  (ROU)15.4515.45
196Flag of Japan.svg  Makoto Okiguchi  (JPN)15.42515.425
197Flag of Brazil.svg  Diego Hypólito  (BRA)15.415.4
198Flag of Greece.svg  Vasileios Tsolakidis  (GRE)15.37515.375
199Flag of Croatia.svg  Robert Seligman  (CRO)15.3515.35
200Flag of France.svg  Samir Aït Saïd  (FRA)15.3515.35
201Flag of Brazil.svg  Arthur Nabarrete Zanetti  (BRA)15.2515.25
202Flag of Venezuela.svg  Regulo Carmona  (VEN)15.2515.25
203Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Theo Seager  (GBR)15.22515.225
204Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Timur Kurbanbayev (KAZ)15.1515.15
205Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  Yibing Chen  (CHN)15.12515.125
206Flag of Greece.svg  Eleftherios Petrounias  (GRE)15.07515.075
207Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Claude Alain Porchet  (SUI)14.92514.925
208Flag of Finland.svg  Sakari Vekki  (FIN)14.8514.85
209Flag of Slovenia.svg  Sašo Bertoncelj  (SLO)14.8514.85
210Flag of Croatia.svg  Marijo Možnik  (CRO)14.67514.675
211Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Maxim Petrishko  (KAZ)14.62514.625
212Flag of Russia.svg  Aleksandr Balandin  (RUS)14.52514.525
213Flag of Romania.svg  Ilie Daniel Popescu  (ROU)14.514.5
214Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Stanislav Valeiev  (KAZ)14.3514.35
215Flag of Italy.svg  Andrea Coppolino  (ITA)14.3514.35
216Flag of Armenia.svg  Harutyum Merdinyan  (ARM)14.314.3
217Flag of India.svg  Mayank Srivastava  (IND)14.314.3
218Flag of Slovenia.svg  Mitja Petkovšek  (SLO)14.22514.225
219Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Philippe Rizzo  (AUS)14.1514.15
220Flag of Denmark.svg  Stefan Mortensen  (DEN)14.114.1
221Flag of Germany.svg  Philipp Boy  (GER)14.114.1
222Flag of South Korea.svg  Sang-Woo Kim  (KOR)14.07514.075
223Flag of Japan.svg  Koki Sakamoto  (JPN)14.0514.05
224Flag of Mexico.svg  Santiago Lopez Viana  (MEX)14.025014.025
225Flag of Denmark.svg  Joao Fuglsig  (DEN)14.02514.025
226Flag of Russia.svg  Anatoly Vasilyev  (RUS)1414
227Flag of South Korea.svg  Jihoon Kim  (KOR)013.9513.95
228Flag of Germany.svg  Thomas Taranu  (GER)13.913.9
229Flag of Croatia.svg  Tomislav Markovic  (CRO)13.813.8
230Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Hsien Huang  (TPE)13.7513.75
231Flag of Israel.svg  Eduard Gholub  (ISR)13.513.5
232Flag of Mexico.svg  Joaquin Ramirez Ramirez  (MEX)13.47513.475
233Flag of Italy.svg  Alberto Busnari  (ITA)13.47513.475
234Flag of Slovenia.svg  Ziga Britovsek  (SLO)13.2513.25
235Flag of Greece.svg  Eleftherios Kosmidis  (GRE)13.213.2
236Flag of Greece.svg  Vlasios Maras  (GRE)13.12513.125
237Flag of Austria.svg  Marco Baldauf  (AUT)12.92512.925
238Flag of Slovenia.svg  Gregor Saksida  (SLO)12.67512.675
239Flag of India.svg  Devesh Kumar  (IND)12.1512.15
240Flag of Algeria.svg  Mohamed Amir Hacib  (ALG)12.07512.075
241Flag of Algeria.svg  Fatah Aitsaada  (ALG)11.62511.625
242Flag of Finland.svg  Juho Kanerva  (FIN)11.5511.55
243Flag of Russia.svg  Andrey Perevoznikov  (RUS)11.4511.45

Floor exercise

RankGymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Kōhei Uchimura Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 6.5009.27515.775Q
2 Marian Drăgulescu Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 6.6009.12515.725Q
3 Zou Kai Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 6.7008.97515.675Q
4 Tomás González Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 6.6008.97515.575Q
5 Matthias Fahrig Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 6.6008.92515.525Q
6 Alexander Shatilov Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 6.5008.97515.475Q
7 Steven Legendre Flag of the United States.svg  United States 6.5008.97515.475Q
8 Makoto Okiguchi Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 6.7008.72515.425Q
9 Diego Hypólito Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 6.5008.90015.400R
10 Rafael Martínez Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 6.4008.97515.375R
11 Jeffrey Wammes Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 6.4008.95015.350R

Pommel horse

RankGymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Zhang Hongtao Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 6.6009.67516.275Q
2 Krisztián Berki Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 6.7009.40016.100Q
3 Louis Smith Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 6.7009.20015.900Q
4 Flavius Koczi Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 6.6009.02515.625Q
5 Prashanth Sellathurai Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 6.6008.97515.575Q
6 Cyril Tommasone Flag of France.svg  France 6.4009.05015.450Q
7 Robert Seligman Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 6.3009.05015.350Q
8 Timothy McNeill Flag of the United States.svg  United States 6.4008.95015.350Q
9 Cosmin Popescu Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 6.4008.67515.075R
10 Vid Hidvégi Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 6.2008.72514.925R
11 Aliaksandr Tsarevich Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 6.0008.87514.875R


RankGymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Yan Mingyong Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 6.8009.10015.900Q
2 Danny Pinheiro-Rodrigues Flag of France.svg  France 6.8008.82515.625Q
3 Yordan Yovchev Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 6.7008.90015.600Q
4 Oleksandr Vorobiov Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 6.8008.75015.550Q
5 Matteo Morandi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 6.7008.75015.450Q
6 Robert Stănescu Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 6.8008.65015.450Q
7 Samir Aït Saïd Flag of France.svg  France 6.7008.65015.350Q
8 Arthur Zanetti Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 6.5008.75015.250Q
9 Regulo Carmona Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 6.7008.55015.250R
10Timur KurbanbayevFlag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan 6.8008.35015.150R
11 Chen Yibing Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 6.5008.62515.125R


RankGymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.Score 1D ScoreE ScorePen.Score 2TotalQual.
Vault 1Vault 2
1 Anton Golotsutskov Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 7.0009.50016.5007.0009.32516.32516.412Q
2 Marian Drăgulescu Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 7.0009.50016.5007.2009.02516.22516.362Q
3 Flavius Koczi Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 7.0009.27516.2757.0009.40016.40016.337Q
4 Thomas Bouhail Flag of France.svg  France 7.0009.4250.116.3257.0009.30016.30016.312Q
5 Ri Se-gwang Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 7.2009.60016.8007.0008.72515.72516.262Q
6 Isaac Botella Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 6.6009.55016.1506.6009.47516.07516.112Q
7 Matthias Fahrig Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 7.0009.05016.0506.6009.37515.97516.012Q
8 Jeffrey Wammes Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 6.6009.30015.9006.6009.47516.07515.987Q
9 Dzmitry Kaspiarovich Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 7.0009.10016.1006.6009.05015.65015.875R
10 Jevgēņijs Saproņenko Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 7.0009.1000.116.0006.6009.00015.60015.800R
11 Shek Wai-hung Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 6.6009.35015.9506.2009.32515.52515.737R

Parallel bars

RankGymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Feng Zhe Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 6.9009.05015.950Q
2 Wang Guanyin Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 6.8009.00015.800Q
3 Kazuhito Tanaka Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 6.4009.20015.600Q
4 Adam Kierzowski Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 6.3009.07515.375Q
5 Vasileios Tsolakidis Flag of Greece.svg  Greece 6.3009.07515.375Q
6 Yann Cucherat Flag of France.svg  France 6.4008.97515.375Q
7 Yoo Won-chul Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 6.6008.70015.300Q
8 Epke Zonderland Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 6.1009.07515.175Q
9 Phạm Phước Hưng Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 6.5008.62515.125R
10 Jorge Giraldo López Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 6.0009.10015.100R
11 Timothy McNeill Flag of the United States.svg  United States 6.1009.00015.100R

Horizontal bar

RankGymnastNationD ScoreE ScorePen.TotalQual.
1 Zou Kai Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 7.2008.40015.600Q
2 Igor Cassina Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 6.7008.80015.500Q
3 Aljaž Pegan Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 6.8008.67515.475Q
4 Danell Leyva Flag of the United States.svg  United States 6.8008.65015.450Q
5 Jonathan Horton Flag of the United States.svg  United States 6.7008.62515.325Q
6 Epke Zonderland Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 7.1008.20015.300Q
7 Kōhei Uchimura Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 6.4008.85015.250Q
8 Aliaksandr Tsarevich Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus 6.6008.50015.100Q
9 Mykola Kuksenkov Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 6.3008.72515.025R
10 Yury Ryazanov Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 6.6008.40015.000R
11 Kim Kyong-hak Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 6.7008.30015.000R

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  1. "41st Artistic Gymnastics World Championships October 13–18, 2009 London (GBR) Results Men's Qualification" (PDF). USA Gymnastics . International Gymnastics Federation. 13 October 2009. pp. 3–34. Retrieved 6 July 2022.