2024 Central Java gubernatorial election

Last updated
2024 Central Java gubernatorial election
Coat of arms of Central Java.svg
  2018 27 November 2024 (2024-11-27) 2029  
Turnout73.13% [1]
  Ahmad Luthfi as Candidate for Governor of Central Java, 2024.png Andika Perkasa as Candidate for Governor of Central Java, 2024.png
Candidate Ahmad Luthfi Andika Perkasa
Party Gerindra PDI-P
Running mateTaj Yasin Maimoen Hendrar Prihadi
Popular vote11,390,1917,870,084

2024 Central Java gubernatorial election results map by district (Gerindra colour scheme).svg
Results map by district

Governor before election

Nana Sudjana (acting)

Elected Governor


The 2024 Central Java gubernatorial election was held on 27 November 2024 as part of nationwide local elections to elect the Governor of Central Java for a five-year term. The election was contested by former Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Andika Perkasa, primarily backed by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, and former provincial chief of police Ahmad Luthfi, backed by a wide coalition of parties led by Luthfi's party Gerindra.


Electoral system

The election, like other local elections in 2024, follow the first-past-the-post system where the candidate with the most votes wins the election, even if they do not win a majority. [2] It is possible for a candidate to run uncontested, in which case the candidate is still required to win a majority of votes "against" an "empty box" option. Should the candidate fail to do so, the election will be repeated on a later date. [3]


According to electoral regulations, in order to qualify for the election, candidates were required to secure support from 24 seats in the Central Java Regional House of Representatives (DPRD). The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, with 33 seats, is the only political party eligible to nominate a candidate without forming a coalition. [4] However, following a Constitutional Court of Indonesia decision in August 2024, the political support required to nominate a candidate was lowered to between 6.5 and 10 percent of the popular vote. [5] Candidates may alternatively demonstrate support in form of photocopies of identity cards, which in Central Java's case corresponds to 1.84 million copies. No independent candidates registered with the General Elections Commission for the gubernatorial election. [6]

The previous governor, Ganjar Pranowo, had served for two full terms and is therefore ineligible to run in the election. [7] [8]


These are candidates who have been allegedly delegated by political parties endorsing for gubernatorial election:

Candidate from PDIP
Andika Perkasa Hendrar Prihadi
for Governorfor Vice Governor
Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa, Panglima TNI.jpg
Ketua LKPP Hendrar Prihadi.jpg
Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (2021–2022)Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (LKPP) (2022–present)
Mayor of Semarang (2013–2022)
33 / 120(28%)

PDIP (33 seats)

On 26 August, the third declaration candidates of PDI-P officially announced Andika Perkasa and Hendrar Prihadi running as governor and vice governor. [9]

Candidate from Gerindra and Independent
Ahmad Luthfi Taj Yasin Maimoen
for Governorfor Vice Governor
Irjen Pol Ahmad Luthfi (cropped).jpg
Border Taj Yasin Maimoen, Wagub Jateng.jpg
Inspector General of the Ministry of Trade (2024–present)
Head of Central Java Police (2020–2024)
Vice Governor of Central Java (2018–2023)
51 / 120(43%)

Golkar (17 seats)
Gerindra (17 seats)
PKS (11 seats)
PAN (4 seats)
PSI (2 seats)

The chief of the provincial police, Ahmad Luthfi, declared his willingness to run as a gubernatorial candidate in late June 2024. [10] By 25 July 2024, four political parties: Golkar, Gerindra, PAN, and PSI, had announced their endorsement of Luthfi. [11] He was assigned as Inspector General in the Ministry of Trade in late July 2024, after receiving the endorsements. [12]


The following are individuals who have either been publicly mentioned as a potential candidate, or considered as such by press:


The following are individuals mentioned as potential candidate, but publicly declared not to run or to run for another elected office:

Political map

Following the 2024 Indonesian general election, ten political parties are represented in the Central Java Regional House of Representatives: [24]

Political partiesSeat count
Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P)
National Awakening Party (PKB)
Party of Functional Groups (Golkar)
Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra)
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)
Democratic Party (Demokrat)
United Development Party (PPP)
National Mandate Party (PAN)
Nasdem Party
Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI)

Opinion polls

Pre-election polls

Poll sourceDateSample size Kaesang Madhang.png Anggota DPR Bambang Wuryanto.jpg Ketua LKPP Hendrar Prihadi.jpg Taj Yasin Maimoen, Wagub Jateng.jpg Ganjar Pranowo, Candidate for Indonesia's President in 2024.jpg OthersLeadError margin
Kaesang Pangarep Ahmad Luthfi Sudaryono Bambang Pacul Hendrar Prihadi Dico Ganinduto Taj Yasin Maimoen Ganjar Pranowo
Lembaga Survei Indonesia [25] 21 - 26 June 20241,2002.5%5.2%2.1%1.8%-1.7%1.5%1.0%2.5%2.7%+/- 2.8%
Parameter Politik Indonesia [26] 15 - 21 May 20248002.3%1.8%-2.0%7.7%7.1%10.9%1.4%9.4%2.7%3.5%


Official Results

CandidateRunning matePartyVotes%
Ahmad Luthfi Taj Yasin Maimoen Gerindra 11,390,19159.14
Andika Perkasa Hendrar Prihadi PDI-P 7,870,08440.86
Valid votes19,260,27592.65
Invalid votes1,528,5027.35
Total votes20,788,777100.00
Registered voters/turnout28,427,61673.13
Source: KPU Jawa Tengah


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