2024 in ONE Championship

Last updated
2024 in ONE Championship
ONE Championship company logo.png
First dateJanuary 13, 2024
Last dateDecember 20, 2024
Total events60
ONE Fight Night9
ONE Friday Fights46
Total fights682
Title fights25

The year 2024 was the 14th year in the history of the ONE Championship, a mixed martial arts, kickboxing, Muay Thai and submission grappling promotion based in Cayman Islands.


Events list

Past events

#EventDateVenueCityCountryPerformance of the NightBonusRef.
311 ONE Friday Fights 92: Sitthichai vs. Shadow December 20, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Suakim Sor.Jor.Tongprajin $20,000
Songchainoi KiatsongritEgor Bikrev$10,000
Rak Erawan Watcharapon P.K.Saenchai
Shimon Yoshinari
310 ONE Friday Fights 91: Komawut vs. Balyko December 13, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandFreddie HaggertyPadejsuk N.F.Looksuan$10,000
Lee Seung-chul
309 ONE Fight Night 26: Lee vs. Rasulov December 7, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Cole Abate Dante Leon $50,000 [1]
Thongpoon P.K.Saenchai
308 ONE Friday Fights 90: Kongklai vs. Kacem December 6, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandAntar KacemAsadulla Imangazaliev$10,000
Xavier GonzalezAlessio Malatesta
Ubaid Hussain
307 ONE Friday Fights 89: Yod-IQ vs. Khomutov November 29, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandTonglampoon FA.GroupMungkorn Boomdeksean$10,000
Dionatha Santos TobiasLothong Kruaynaimuanggym
Pol PascualRustam Yunusov
Marwin Quirante
306 ONE Friday Fights 88: Pompet vs. Ortikov November 22, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandRaksaensuk Sor.Tor.HiewbangsaenAbdelali Zahidi$10,000
Hiroki NaruoHarlysson Nunes
305 ONE Friday Fights 87: Kongchai vs. Chokpreecha November 15, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Kongchai Chanaidonmuang Chokpreecha P.K.Saenchai$10,000
Singdomthong NokjeanladkrabangPayaksurin Sit. JP
Marwin Dittrich
304 ONE 169: Malykhin vs. Reug Reug November 9, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Kade Ruotolo Marcus Buchecha $50,000 [2]
Ayaka Miura
303 ONE Friday Fights 86: Kompetch vs. Chartpayak November 8, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandChatpichit Sor.Sor.Toipadriew$20,000
Egor BikrevMahesuan Aekmuangnon$10,000
Nonthachai Jitmuangnon
302 ONE Friday Fights 85: Yodlekpet vs. Puengluang November 1, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Yodlekpet Or.Atchariya Akif Guluzada$10,000
Toyota EagleMuayThaiDetchanan Wor.Wiangsa
Lekkla BS.MuayThaiGeorge Jarvis
301 ONE Friday Fights 84: Kongsuk vs. Muangthai October 25, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Muangthai P.K.Saenchai Banluelok Sitwatcharachai$10,000
Kochasit TasaeyasatParham Gheirati
300 ONE Friday Fights 83: Panrit vs. Superball October 18, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandPanrit LukjaomaesaiwareeMungkorn Boomdeksean$10,000
Hern N.F.Looksuan
299 ONE Fight Night 25: Nicholas vs. Eersel 2 October 5, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand John Lineker Johan Estupiñan$50,000 [3]
298 ONE Friday Fights 82: Yod-IQ vs. Dayakaev October 4, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandDenkriangkrai Singha MawynnAlessio Malatesta$10,000
Lucas Gabriel
297 ONE Friday Fights 81: Superbon vs. Nattawut September 27, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Superbon Singha Mawynn $50,000
Sam-A Gaiyanghadao Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai $10,000
296 ONE Friday Fights 80: Rak vs. Yodnumchai September 20, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandChartpayak SaksatoonTeeyai Wankhongohm MBK$10,000
Lamnamkhong BS.MuayThaiPetninmungkorn Dr.RatNamkangIceland
295 ONE Friday Fights 79: Kongchai vs. Abdulmuslimov September 13, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandMaemmot Sor.SalacheepIsannuea Tor.Tanjaroen$10,000
Asadula ImangazalievDzhabir Dzhabrailov
294 ONE 168: Denver September 6, 2024 Ball Arena Denver, Colorado United States Superlek Kiatmuu9 Saeksan Or. Kwanmuang $50,000 [4]
John Lineker Adrian Lee
Johan GhazaliJohan Estupiñan
293 ONE Friday Fights 78: Pakorn vs. Reis September 6, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandFabio ReisTonglampoon F.A.Group$10,000
Yodkitti FiatPathumAslamjon Ortikov
Yota Shigemori
292 ONE Friday Fights 77: Yodlekpet vs. Kongsuk August 30, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandRambong Sor.TherapatKhundet P.K.Saenchai$10,000
Teeyai Wankhongohm MBKNehramit AnnyMuayThai
Omar Kinteh
291 ONE Friday Fights 76: Peungluang vs. Samingdam August 23, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandThway Lin HtetGanchai Jitmuangnon$10,000
Petchchakrit T.N.DiamondHomeMasatoshi Hirai
Korpai Sor. Yingcharoenkarnchang
290 ONE Friday Fights 75: Kompetch vs. El Halabi August 16, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandNuapetch Tded99Petchnakian Phuyaiyunan$10,000
Mamuka Usubyan
289 ONE Friday Fights 74: Yodphupha vs. Gheirati August 9, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandDonking YotharakMuayThaiSainatee P.K.Saenchai$10,000
Kirill KhomutovHiroyuki
288 ONE Fight Night 24: Brooks vs. Balart August 3, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Mayssa Bastos Elias Mahmoudi $50,000 [5]
Aliff Sor.Dechapan
287 ONE Friday Fights 73: Worapon vs. Panrit August 2, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandXavier GonzalezSanpetch Sor.Salacheep$10,000
Watcharapon Singha MawynnToyota EagleMuayThai
Petchmai MC.SuperlekMuayThaiSonrak Fairtex
Alfie PontingFahjarat Sor.Dechapan
286 ONE Friday Fights 72: Kongsuk vs. Ouraghi July 26, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandPetchnamkhong MongkolpetchFreddie Haggerty$10,000
285 ONE Friday Fights 71: Songchainoi vs. Rak 2 July 19, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandPetchlamphun MuadablampangChartpayak Saksatoon$10,000
Yoddoi KaewsamritRifdean Masdor
Ilyas MusaevAbdulla Dayakaev
Asadula Imangazaliev
284 ONE Friday Fights 70: Focus vs. Irvine July 12, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandStephen IrvineApidet FiatPathum$10,000
Tun Min AungKendu Irving
283 ONE Fight Night 23: Ok vs. Rasulov July 6, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Nico Carrillo $50,000 [6]
282 ONE Friday Fights 69: Kulabdam vs. Anane July 5, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Nabil Anane Maisangkum Sor. Yingcharoenkarnchang$10,000
Sunday Boomdeksean Soe Lin Oo
Ikko OtaAvazbek Kholmirzaev
Katsuaki Aoyagi
281 ONE Friday Fights 68: Prajanchai vs. Di Bella June 28, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Kiamran Nabati Pakorn P.K.Saenchai $10,000
Suriyanlek Por.Yenying
280 ONE Friday Fights 67: Nakrob vs. Khalilov June 14, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandNakrob FairtexSamingdam Looksuan$10,000
Tonglampoon FA.GroupOtis Waghorn
Haruyuki Tanitsu
279 ONE 167: Tawanchai vs. Nattawut 2 June 8, 2024 Impact Arena Bangkok Thailand Mikey Musumeci Kade Ruotolo $10,000 [7]
Adrian Lee
278 ONE Friday Fights 66: Kongchai vs. Hamidi June 7, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Akram Hamidi Kaotaem Fairtex$10,000
Yod-IQ Or.PrimonsriMiao Aoqi
277 ONE Friday Fights 65: Jaosuayai vs. Puengluang May 31, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Jaosuayai Mor.Krungthepthonburi Watcharaphon P.K.Saenchai$10,000
Tahaneak NayokathasalaSamransing Sitchalongsak
Carlo Bumina-ang
276 ONE Friday Fights 64: Gheirati vs. Godtfredsen May 24, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandParham GheiratiPetchninmungkorn CaptainKaneBoxing$10,000
Teeyai P.K.SaenchaiJohan Estupiñan
Satoshi KatashimaShoya Ishiguro
275 ONE Friday Fights 63: Yodphupha vs. Şen May 17, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandSanpetch Sor.SalacheepPatakake SinbiMuayThai$10,000
Chartpayak SaksatoonGregor Thom
David Cooke
274 ONE Friday Fights 62: Mongkolkaew vs. ET 2 May 10, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandChokpreecha P.K.SaenchaiKongkula Jitmuangon$10,000
Yuki Morioka
273 ONE Fight Night 22: Sundell vs. Diachkova May 4, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandAkbar Abdullaev$50,000 [8]
272 ONE Friday Fights 61: Phetsukumvit vs. Duangsompong May 3, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandPetchpattaya SilkMuayThaiPetchnakian Phuyaiyunan$10,000
Muga Seto
271 ONE Friday Fights 60: Suriyanlek vs. Rittidet April 26, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandSuriyanlek Por.YenyingRittidet Sor.Sommai$10,000
Focus AdsanpatongKaoklai Chor.Hapayak
Yodnumchai FairtexDetchphupa ChotBangsaen
Suakim SorJor.Tongprachin Panmongkol CMA.Academy
270 ONE Friday Fights 59: Yamin vs. Ouraghi April 19, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandYamin P.K.SaenchaiPettasuea Seeopal$10,000
Yodkitti FiatPathumThaniTakuma Ota
Yuki Kasahara
269 ONE Fight Night 21: Eersel vs. Nicolas April 6, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Tye Ruotolo Ben Tynan$50,000 [9]
Kade Ruotolo
268 ONE Friday Fights 58: Superbon vs. Grigorian 3 April 5, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandNakrob Fairtex Muangthai P.K.Saenchai $10,000
Shadow Singmawynn (x2)
267 ONE Friday Fights 57: Panrit vs. Balyko March 29, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandSungprab LukpichitParham Gheirati$10,000
Moe Htet AungTran Quac Tuan
266 ONE Friday Fights 56: Ferrari vs. Tupiev March 22, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandJelte BlommaertTonglampoon FA.Group$10,000
Prakaipetchlek EminentAirFurkan Karabağ
Rak Erawan Rifdean Masdor
Sonrak FairtexKaenlek Sor.Chokmeechai
265 ONE Friday Fights 55: Avatar vs. Nabati March 15, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandRittidet Sor.SommaiBhumjaithai Mor.Tor.1$10,000
Chalarmdan Sor.Boonmeerit Natalia Diachkova
Ryota Koshimizu
264 ONE Fight Night 20: Todd vs. Phetjeeja March 9, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand
263 ONE Friday Fights 54: Ortikov vs. Watcharapon March 8, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandYoddoi KaewsamritPetchlampun Muadablampang$10,000
262 ONE 166: Qatar March 1, 2024 Lusail Sports Arena Lusail Qatar Anatoly Malykhin Tang Kai $50,000 [10]
261 ONE Friday Fights 53: Phetsukumvit vs. Kongsuk February 23, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Kongsuk Fairtex Sunday Boomdeksian$10,000
Mahesuan EkmuangnonHuo Xiaolong
Deniz Demirkapu
260 ONE Fight Night 19: Haggerty vs. Lobo February 17, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Jonathan Haggerty Saemapetch Fairtex $50,000 [11]
Martyna KierczyńskaThongpoon P.K.Saenchai
259 ONE Friday Fights 52: Kulabdam vs. Lobo February 16, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai Chalawan Ngorbangkapi$10,000
Petchpattaya SilkMuayThaiJongangsuek Sor.Thepsutin
Yodtongthai Sor.Sommai Thant Zin
Soe Lin Oo Luepong Kaewsamrit
258 ONE Friday Fights 51: Rambolek vs. Şen February 9, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandWanpadet Looksuan Avatar P.K.Saenchai $10,000
257 ONE Friday Fights 50: Yodphupa vs. Komawut February 2, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandPanrit LukjaomaesaiwareePetchsaenchai M.U.Den KhonmaiBaowee$10,000
Win SitjaynimRicardo Bravo
Carlo Bumina-ang
256 ONE 165: Superlek vs. Takeru January 28, 2024 Ariake Arena Tokyo Japan Superlek Kiatmuu9 Kade Ruotolo $50,000 [12]
Shinya Aoki Nieky Holzken
Marat Grigorian Garry Tonon
255 ONE Friday Fights 49: Nakrob vs. Pettonglor January 26, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandNakrob FairtexAbdallah Ondash$10,000
Khunponnoi Sor.SommaiKaimookkao Wor.Jakrawut
Freddie HaggertyRamadan Ondash
254 ONE Friday Fights 48: Kongthoranee vs. Mazoriev January 19, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Kongthoranee Sor.Sommai Sornsueknoi FA Group$10,000
Kwanjai KwanjaiMuayThaiGymJoachim Ouraghi
Majid Karimi
253 ONE Fight Night 18: Gasanov vs. Oh January 13, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok Thailand Kwon Won-il Rungrawee Sitsongpeenong $50,000 [13]
252 ONE Friday Fights 47: Suakim vs. Balyko January 12, 2024 Lumpinee Boxing Stadium Bangkok ThailandAlexey Balyko Kompetch Fairtex $10,000
Khunsuk Sor.DechapanNumpangna EagleMuayThai
Apiwat Sor.Somnuk

2024 ONE Championship awards

2024 Fighter of the Year

1 Flag of the United States.svg Kade Ruotolo MMA
Submission Grappling
Flag of Thailand.svg Superlek Kiatmuu9 Muay Thai

2024 Breakout Star of the Year

1 Flag of Senegal.svg Oumar Kane MMA [15]
2 Flag of Algeria.svg Nabil Anane Muay Thai
3 Flag of Colombia.svg Johan EstupiñanMuay Thai
4 Flag of the United States.svg Adrian LeeMMA
5 Flag of France.svg Alexis Nicolas Kickboxing

2024 Fight of the Year

1 Flag of Thailand.svg Superlek Kiatmuu9 def. Flag of Japan.svg Takeru Segawa Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE 165 [16]
2 Flag of England.svg Jonathan Haggerty def. Flag of Brazil.svg Felipe LoboTKO (punch)30:45 ONE Fight Night 19
3 Flag of Russia.svg Anatoly Malykhin def. Flag of the Netherlands.svg Reinier de Ridder TKO (retirement)31:16 ONE 166
4 Flag of the Philippines.svg Lito Adiwangdef. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Danial Williams Decision (unanimous)35:00 ONE Fight Night 19
5 Flag of Thailand.svg Tawanchai P.K.Saenchai def. Flag of Thailand.svg Jo Nattawut Decision (majority)53:00 ONE 167

2024 Knockout of the Year

1 Flag of Thailand.svg Superlek Kiatmuu9 def. Flag of England.svg Jonathan Haggerty KO (elbow)10:49 ONE 168 [17]
2 Flag of Thailand.svg Superbon Singha Mawynn def. Flag of Thailand.svg Jo Nattawut KO (elbow)11:43 ONE Friday Fights 81
3 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Tang Kai def. Flag of the United States.svg Thanh Le TKO (punches)34:48 ONE 166
4 Flag of Scotland.svg Amy Pirnie def. Flag of Hong Kong.svg Yu Yau PuiKO (punch)10:49 ONE Fight Night 24
5 Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Akbar Abdullaevdef. Flag of Turkey.svg Halil AmirKO (punches)22:52 ONE Fight Night 22

2024 Submission of the Year

1 Flag of the United States.svg Kade Ruotolo def. Flag of Brazil.svg Francisco LoSubmission (rear-naked choke)14:48 ONE Fight Night 21 [18]
Flag of the United States.svg Tye Ruotolo def. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Izaak MichellSubmission (rear-naked choke)14:43
2 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Dante Leon def. Flag of Brazil.svg Bruno Pucci Submission (triangle armbar)12:01 ONE Fight Night 26
3 Flag of Brazil.svg Victória Souzadef. Flag of Japan.svg Itsuki Hirata Technical Submission (guillotine choke)11:31 ONE 167
4 Flag of Japan.svg Ayaka Miuradef. Flag of Argentina.svg Macarena AragonSubmission (scarf hold armlock)12:20 ONE 169
5 Flag of the United States.svg Cole Abate def. Flag of Japan.svg Shinya Aoki Submission (heel hook)12:25 ONE Fight Night 26

Title fights

Mixed Martial Arts
#Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeEventNotes
1Strawweight Joshua Pacio def. Jarred Brooks (c)DQ (illegal slam)10:56 ONE 166 For the ONE Strawweight World Championship.
2Featherweight Tang Kai (c)def. Thanh Le (ic)TKO (punches)34:48 ONE 166 For the ONE Featherweight World Championship.
3Middleweight Anatoly Malykhin def. Reinier de Ridder (c)TKO (retirement)31:16 ONE 166 For the ONE Middleweight World Championship.
4LightweightAlibeg Rasulovdef. Ok Rae-yoon Decision (unanimous)55:00 ONE Fight Night 23 For the interim ONE Lightweight World Championship. Rasulov failed hydration test and was ineligible for the title.
5Strawweight Jarred Brooks def. Gustavo Balart Submission (rear-naked choke)14:39 ONE Fight Night 24 For the interim ONE Strawweight World Championship. Balart missed weight (126 lb) and was ineligible for the title.
7Heavyweight Oumar Kane def. Anatoly Malykhin (c)Decision (split)55:00 ONE 169 For the ONE Heavyweight World Championship.
8Lightweight Christian Lee (c)vs.Alibeg RasulovNo contest (accidental eye poke)24:57 ONE Fight Night 26 For the ONE Lightweight World Championship. Accidental eye poke rendered Rasulov unable to continue
#Weight ClassMethodRoundT.TimeEventNotes
1Flyweight Superlek Kiatmuu9 (c)def. Takeru Segawa Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE 165 For the ONE Flyweight Kickboxing World Championship.
2Women's Atomweight Phetjeeja Lukjaoporongtom (ic)def. Janet Todd (c)Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE Fight Night 20 For the ONE Women's Atomweight Kickboxing World Championship.
3Featherweight Superbon Singha Mawynn def. Marat Grigorian Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE Friday Fights 58 For the interim ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Championship.
4Lightweight Alexis Nicolas def. Regian Eersel (c)Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE Fight Night 21 For the ONE Lightweight Kickboxing World Championship.
5Strawweight Prajanchai P.K.Saenchai def. Jonathan Di Bella Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE Friday Fights 68 For the vacant ONE Strawweight Kickboxing World Championship.
6Lightweight Regian Eersel def. Alexis Nicolas (c)Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE Fight Night 25 For the ONE Lightweight Kickboxing World Championship.
7Women's Strawweight Jackie Buntan def. Anissa Meksen Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE 169 For the inaugural ONE Women's Strawweight Kickboxing World Championship.
Muay Thai
#Weight ClassMethodRoundT.TimeEventNotes
1Bantamweight Jonathan Haggerty (c)def.Felipe LoboTKO (punch)30:45 ONE Fight Night 19 For the ONE Bantamweight Muay Thai World Championship.
2Women's Atomweight Allycia Rodrigues (c)def. Cristina Morales Decision (unanimous)53:00 ONE Fight Night 20 For the ONE Women's Atomweight Muay Thai World Championship.
3Women's Strawweight Smilla Sundell def. Natalia Diachkova TKO (punches to the body and knees)22:59 ONE Fight Night 22 For the vacant ONE Women's Strawweight Muay Thai World Championship (as Sundell missed weight and was stripped the title, only Diachkova was eligible).
4Featherweight Tawanchai P.K.Saenchai (c)def. Jo Nattawut Decision (majority)53:00 ONE 167 For the ONE Featherweight Muay Thai World Championship.
5Bantamweight Superlek Kiatmuu9 def. Jonathan Haggerty (c)KO (elbow)10:49 ONE 168 For the ONE Bantamweight Muay Thai World Championship.
6Flyweight Rodtang Jitmuangnon def.Jacob SmithDecision (unanimous)53:00 ONE 169 For the vacant ONE Flyweight Muay Thai World Championship. Rodtang missed weight (135.5 lb) and was stripped of the title. Only Smith will be eligible to win title.
Submission Grappling
#Weight ClassMethodRoundT.TimeEventNotes
1Lightweight Kade Ruotolo (c)def. Tommy Langaker Decision (unanimous)110:00 ONE 165 For the ONE Lightweight Submission Grappling World Championship.
2Welterweight Tye Ruotolo (c)def.Izaak MichellSubmission (rear-naked choke)14:43 ONE Fight Night 21 For the ONE Welterweight Submission Grappling World Championship.
3Women's Atomweight Mayssa Bastos def. Danielle Kelly (c)Decision (unanimous)110:00 ONE Fight Night 24 For the ONE Women's Atomweight Submission Grappling World Championship.
4Women's Atomweight Mayssa Bastos (c)def. Danielle Kelly Decision (unanimous)110:00 ONE Fight Night 26 For the ONE Women's Atomweight Submission Grappling World Championship.

2024 ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix

On April 12, 2024, CEO Chatri Sityodtong has told Thai media that ONE Championship intends to hold another Featherweight Grand Prix tournament this year. The two fighters will be participating in the tournament alongside includes Superbon Singha Mawynn and Chingiz Allazov. [19]

ONE Friday Fights 47

ONE Friday Fights 47: Suakim vs. Balyko
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJanuary 12, 2024 (2024-01-12)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 46: Tawanchai vs. Superbon ONE Friday Fights 47: Suakim vs. Balyko ONE Fight Night 18: Gasanov Vs. Oh

ONE Friday Fights 47: Suakim vs. Balyko (also known as ONE Lumpinee 47) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on January 12, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 140-pound catchweight muay thai bout between former three-division Lumpinee Stadium world champion Suakim Sor.Jor.Tongprajin and Alexey Balyko served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 47 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Alexey Balykodef. Flag of Thailand.svg Suakim Sor.Jor.Tongprajin KO (left hook)30:22
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kompetch Fairtex def. Flag of France.svg Daren Rolland TKO (punches)32:11
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Puengluang Baanrambadef. Flag of Brazil.svg Rhuam Felipe Morais CaldasDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (136 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Dentungtong Singha Mawynndef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchsirichai DetpetchsrithongDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (113 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Khunsuk Sor.Dechapandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nueapetch KelasportKO (punch)10:55
Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaenlek Sor.Chokmeechaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Superman Or.AudUdonTKO (knees)12:27
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Ferrari Fairtex def. Flag of Belarus.svg Antar KacemDecision (unanimous)33:00
Lightweight Kickboxing Flag of France.svg Alexis Nicolas def. Flag of Russia.svg Magomed MagomedovDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Numpangna EagleMuayThaidef. Flag of Japan.svg Sho OgawaKO (elbow)21:52
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Apiwat Sor.Somnukdef. Flag of Belarus.svg Elyes KacemKO (punch)21:23
Flyweight Flag of Tajikistan.svg Khalim Nazruloevdef. Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Ilimbek Akylbek UuluTKO (punches)21:59
Flyweight Flag of Australia (converted).svg Coopar Royaldef.. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Komronbek OrtikovSubmission (triangle armbar)33:16

ONE Fight Night 18

ONE Friday Fights 48

ONE Friday Fights 48: Kongthoranee vs. Mazoriev
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJanuary 19, 2024 (2024-01-19)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Fight Night 18: Gasanov Vs. Oh ONE Friday Fights 48: Kongthoranee vs. Mazoriev ONE Friday Fights 49: Nakrob vs. Pettonglor

ONE Friday Fights 48: Kongthoranee vs. Mazoriev (also known as ONE Lumpinee 48) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on January 19, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between former two-division Rajadamnern Stadium world champion Kongthoranee Sor.Sommai and Sharif Mazoriev served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 48 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongthoranee Sor.Sommai def. Flag of Russia.svg Sharif MazorievDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (124 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Aekkalak Sor.Samarngarmentdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchsaensaeb Sor.JaruwanDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Mardsing KhaolakMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sibsan Nokkhao KorMor11Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sornsueknoi FA Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Ngaopayak AdsanpatongKO (kick to the body)12:32
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Laos.svg Songpaendin Chor.Kaewwisetdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodsingdam KiatkamthornDecision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kwanjai KwanjaiMuayThaiGymdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchganya Sor.PuangthongKO (knee to the body)21:40
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of France.svg Joachim Ouraghidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Gingsanglek Tor.Laksong KO (left hook to the body)21:49Gingsanglek missed weight (142.6 lbs).
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pitchitchai PK.Saenchaidef. Flag of Iran.svg Mehrdad KhanzadehDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Iran.svg Majid Karimidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Teeyai P.K.SaenchaiKO (head kick and elbows)21:47
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Malaysia.svg Kabilan Jalivandef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Sulaiman LooksuanMuayThai Decision (majority)33:00
Strawweight Flag of Russia.svg Kara-Ool Changydef. Flag of the Philippines.svg Arsenio BalisacanTKO (doctor stoppage)25:00

ONE Friday Fights 49

ONE Friday Fights 49: Nakrob vs. Pettonglor
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJanuary 26, 2024 (2024-01-26)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 48: Kongthoranee vs. Mazoriev ONE Friday Fights 49: Nakrob vs. Pettonglor ONE 165: Superlek vs. Takeru

ONE Friday Fights 49: Nakrob vs. Pettonglor (also known as ONE Lumpinee 49) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on January 26, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between Nakrob Fairtex and Pettonglor Sitluangpeenumfon served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 49 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nakrob Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pettonglor SitluangpeenumfonDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongchai Chanaidonmuang def. Flag of Spain.svg Xavier GonzalezDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Lebanon.svg Abdallah Ondashdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Parnpet SorJor.LekmuangnonKO (left hook to the body)11:12
Catchweight (136 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Khunponnoi Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Amil ShahmarzadeKO (left straight)21:44
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodnumchai Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chokdee MaxjandeeKO (right elbow)22:29
Catchweight (123 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaimookkao Wor.Jakrawutdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sittichai Sor.DechapanTKO (three knockdown rule - flying knee)22:09
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yod-IQ Or.Pimonsridef. Flag of France.svg Rafi Bohic Decision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of England.svg Freddie Haggertydef. Flag of Thailand.svg Dankalong Sor.DechapanKO (punches)20:14
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Abdollah Dayakaevdef. Flag of Turkey.svg Şevket ÇerkezKO (punches)21:39
Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Lebanon.svg Ramadan Ondashdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yangdam JitmuangnonKO (left hook to the body)11:20Yangdam missed weight (123.6 lbs).
Welterweight Flag of Finland.svg Namo Fazildef. Flag of South Korea.svg Yoon Jae-woongDecision (unanimous)35:00
Women's Atomweight Flag of Pakistan.svg Anita Karim def. Flag of Italy.svg Adriana FusiniSubmission (keylock)12:20

ONE 165

ONE Friday Fights 50

ONE Friday Fights 50: Yodphupa vs. Komawut
Promotion ONE Championship
DateFebruary 2, 2024 (2024-02-02)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE 165: Superlek vs. Takeru ONE Friday Fights 50: Yodphupa vs. Komawut ONE Friday Fights 51: Rambolek vs. Şen

ONE Friday Fights 50: Yodphupa vs. Komawut (also known as ONE Lumpinee 50) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on February 2, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 143-pound catchweight muay thai bout between Road to ONE Thailand Season 1 winner Yodphupa Wimanair and Komawut FA Group served as the event headliner..

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 50 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (143 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Komawut FA.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodphupa WimanairDecision (split)33:00Yodphupa missed weight (147.2 lbs).
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Panrit Lukjaomaesaiwareedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongklai AnnyMuayThai TKO (punches and elbows)30:55
Catchweight (134 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchsaenchai M.U.Den KhonmaiBaoweedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchdam PetchkiatpetchKO (left hook)12:31
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chokpreecha P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Suesat ManopGym Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Win Sitjaynimdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Maoklee Chor.AjalaboonKO (punches)21:15
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Laemsing Sor.Dechapandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Mawin SoonkeelahuaytomDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (161 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Argentina.svg Ricardo Bravodef. Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Kenan BayramovKO (left hook)10:30
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Iran.svg Parham Gheiratidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Peemai Mor.RattanabanditDecision (split)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chabakaew Sor.Kaenjanchaidef. Flag of the United States.svg Rebecca WatfordDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchpalangchai Por.Charoenpaetdef. Flag of Japan.svg Shogo KuriakiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Flag of the Philippines.svg Carlo Bumina-angdef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Xie ZhipengTechnical Submission (arm-triangle choke)11:29
Flyweight Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Avazbek Kholmirzaevdef. Flag of Portugal.svg Leandro GomesSubmission (guillotine choke)14:40

ONE Friday Fights 51

ONE Friday Fights 51: Rambolek vs. Şen
Promotion ONE Championship
DateFebruary 9, 2024 (2024-02-09)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 50: Yodphupa vs. Komawut ONE Friday Fights 51: Rambolek vs. Şen ONE Friday Fights 52: Kulabdam vs. Lobo

ONE Friday Fights 51: Rambolek vs. Şen (also known as ONE Lumpinee 51) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on February 9, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between former Super Lightweight (140 lbs) Channel 7 Stadium champion Rambolek Chor.Ajalaboon and Soner Şen served as the event headliner.

The headline international bout, Mavlud Tupiev was expected to face Avatar P.K.Saenchai in a bantamweight muay thai bout, but he withdrew due to illness and was replaced by Antar Kacem.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 51 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rambolek Chor.Ajalaboondef. Flag of Turkey.svg Soner ŞenDecision (unanimous)33:00
Lightweight Muay Thai Flag of England.svg George Jarvisdef. Flag of Iraq.svg Mustafa Al TekreetiDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (129 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Wanpadet Looksuandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchphadaen JitmuangnonKO (overhand right)32:59
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Iran.svg Peyman Zolfagharidef. Flag of Laos.svg Petchnamkhong MongkolpetchDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (124 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Punmongkol Sor.Mongkolkarnchangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jomjai NaksuGymDecision (split)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Junior Fairtexdef. Flag of the United States.svg Angela ChangDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Avatar P.K.Saenchai def. Flag of Belarus.svg Antar KacemKO (knee to the body)31:48
Featherweight Kickboxing Flag of Morocco.svg Mohammed Boutasaa def. Flag of Russia.svg Dmitry ChangeliaDecision (split)33:00
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Kazakbai Tilenovdef. Flag of Russia.svg Ivan ParshikovTKO (punches)32:07Tilenov missed weight (147.6 lbs).
Featherweight MMA Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Adilet Alimbek Uuludef. Flag of South Korea.svg Cho Gyu-junSubmission (neck crank)23:55
Catchweight (138 lbs) Kickboxing Flag of Russia.svg Temirlan Bekmurzaevdef. Flag of Japan.svg Masahito OkuyamaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Tomoki Satodef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chusuan ChumaroonFarmDecision (unanimous)33:00

ONE Friday Fights 52

ONE Friday Fights 52: Kulabdam vs. Lobo
Promotion ONE Championship
DateFebruary 16, 2024 (2024-02-16)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 51: Rambolek vs. Şen ONE Friday Fights 52: Kulabdam vs. Lobo ONE Fight Night 19: Haggerty vs. Lobo

ONE Friday Fights 52: Kulabdam vs. Lobo (also known as ONE Lumpinee 52) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on February 16, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 144-pound catchweight muay thai bout between former two-division Lumpinee Stadium world champion Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai and former Welterweight (147 lbs) Omnoi Stadium champion Julio Lobo served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 52 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (144 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai def. Flag of Brazil.svg Julio Lobo TKO (3 knockdowns rule)12:47
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Thepthaksin Sor.Sornsingdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Singdomthong NokjeanladkrabangDecision (split)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chalawan Ngorbangkapidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kaoklai Chor.HapayakKO (knees and elbow)30:27
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Samingnum M.Ekachatdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Thanungern FA.GroupTKO (right cross)22:47Samingnum missed weight (146 lbs).
Catchweight (121 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchpattaya SilkMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Got TaiphetchaburiKO (overhand right)20:59
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Jongangsuek Sor.Thepsutindef. Flag of Thailand.svg Payakmekin JomhodMuayThaiTKO (3 knockdowns rule)21:54
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Mamuka Usubyan def. Flag of Thailand.svg Shadow Singmawynn Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodtongthai Sor.Sommai def.. Flag of Lebanon.svg Omar El HalabiTKO (strikes)21:38
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Thant Zindef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jaising SitnayokpunsakTKO (left hook)20:40
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Belarus.svg Ilyas Ezievdef. Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Asset AnarbayevDecision (unanimous)35:00
Heavyweight MMA Flag of Cameroon.svg Maxwell Djantou Nanadef. Flag of New Zealand.svg Adnan LarryTKO (retirement)25:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Soe Lin Oo def. Flag of Japan.svg Masayoshi TsuhashiTKO (punches)32:40
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Luepong Kaewsamritdef. Flag of Japan.svg Makuto SatoTKO (3 knockdowns rule)11:02

ONE Fight Night 19

ONE Friday Fights 53

ONE Friday Fights 53: Phetsukumvit vs. Kongsuk
Promotion ONE Championship
DateFebruary 23, 2024 (2024-02-23)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Fight Night 19: Haggerty vs. Lobo ONE Friday Fights 53: Phetsukumvit vs. Kongsuk ONE 166: Qatar

ONE Friday Fights 53: Phetsukumvit vs. Kongsuk (also known as ONE Lumpinee 53) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on February 23, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between former Rajadamnern Stadium Super Featherweight (130 lb) world champion Phetsukumvit Boybangna and former two-division Lumpinee Stadium world champion Kongsuk Fairtex served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 53 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongsuk Fairtex def. Flag of Thailand.svg Phetsukumvit Boybangna Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Mongkolkaew Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Denkriangkrai Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Brazil Ekmuangnondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chalee Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sunday Boomdeksiandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Phetchainart SitKamnannengKO (punches to the body)20:59Phetchainart missed weight (120.4 lbs).
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Payakkiri Misakawandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Ganchai JitmuangnonDecision (split)33:00
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Mahesuan Ekmuangnondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petch FairtexTKO (punches)32:30
Strawweight Kickboxing Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Huo Xiaolongdef. Flag of Iran.svg Majid KarimiKO (right hook)22:30
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Turkey.svg Deniz Demirkapudef. Flag of Thailand.svg Buakhiao Por.PaoinKO (front kick to the body)10:59
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Samingdam Looksuandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Seksan FairtexDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Chayan Oorzhakdef. Flag of the Taliban.svg Babar AliDecision (unanimous)35:00
Featherweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Nachin Satdef. Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Tural AskarovSubmission (triangle choke)13:51
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Worapon Sor.Dechapandef. Flag of Japan.svg Hiroki Kasahara Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg BM Fairtexdef. Flag of Japan.svg Masa BravelyDecision (unanimous)33:00

ONE 166

ONE Friday Fights 54

ONE Friday Fights 54: Ortikov vs. Watcharapon
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMarch 8, 2024 (2024-03-08)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE 166: Qatar ONE Friday Fights 54: Ortikov vs. Watcharapon ONE Fight Night 20: Todd vs. Phetjeeja

ONE Friday Fights 54: Ortikov vs. Watcharapon (also known as ONE Lumpinee 54) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on March 8, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 129-pound catchweight muay thai bout between undefeated (17–0) Aslamjon Ortikov and Watcharapon Singha Mawynn served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 54 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (129 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Aslamjon Ortikovdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Watcharapon Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pompetch P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Suriyanlek Por.YenyingDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Tubtimthong SorJor.Lekmuangnondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Khunsuk Sor.DechapanDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchbanrai Singha Mawynndef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchrit Nokkhao KorMor11Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Maisangkum Sor. Yingcharoenkarnchangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jaoinsee P.K.SaenchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (117 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yoddoi Kaewsamritdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nongchamp LuckybantermgKO (straight left)12:22
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Turkey.svg Ferzan Çiçekdef. Flag of England.svg George MouzakitisDecision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Chile.svg Francisca Veradef. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Celest HansenDecision (split)33:00
Flyweight MMA Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Yryskeldi Duisheevdef. Flag of Pakistan.svg Ismail KhanSubmission (rear-naked choke)14:30
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchlampun Muadablampangdef. Flag of Japan.svg Hiroto SameshimaKO (straight right)21:39
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Rustam Yunusovdef. Flag of Japan.svg Ramu ArayaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (143 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nonthakit Tor.Morsidef. Flag of Japan.svg Bazooka KokiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight MMA Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Sanzhar Zakirovdef. Flag of Japan.svg Ryosuke HondaTKO (punches)23:55

ONE Fight Night 20

ONE Friday Fights 55

ONE Friday Fights 55: Avatar vs. Nabati
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMarch 15, 2024 (2024-03-15)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Fight Night 20: Todd vs. Phetjeeja ONE Friday Fights 55: Avatar vs. Nabati ONE Friday Fights 56: Ferrari vs. Tupiev

ONE Friday Fights 55: Avatar vs. Nabati (also known as ONE Lumpinee 55) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on March 15, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Avatar P.K.Saenchai and undefeated (19–0) Kiamran Nabati served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 55 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Kiamran Nabati def. Flag of Thailand.svg Avatar P.K.Saenchai Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (133 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rittidet Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tomyamkoong BhumjaithaiKO (left hook)21:25
Catchweight (123 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Bhumjaithai Mor.Tor.1def. Flag of Thailand.svg Parnthep V.K.Khaoyai TKO (punches to the body)30:16
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Denphuthai SitJackMuayThaidef. Flag of Brazil.svg Rhuam Felipe Morais CaldasDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chalarmdan Sor.Boonmeeritdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Singtanawat NokjeansladkrabangTKO (punches)31:57
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaichon Sor.Yingcharoenkarnchangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jompadej NupranburiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Scotland.svg Stephen Irvinedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Longern PaesaiseeDecision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Natalia Diachkova def. Flag of the Netherlands.svg Chellina ChirinoKO (right hook)11:44
Lightweight MMA Flag of Brazil.svg Matheus Pereiradef. Flag of Russia.svg Khasan KhalievSubmission (guillotine choke)33:57
Flyweight Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Taiki Naito def. Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Sherzod KabutovDecision (unanimous)33:00Kabutov missed weight (136.4 lbs).
Catchweight (137 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Ryota Koshimizudef. Flag of Thailand.svg Joker PaesaiseeTKO (punches)30:54
Bantamweight Submission Grappling Flag of Japan.svg Shoya Ishigurodef. Flag of Japan.svg Toshiyasu SagaeDecision (unanimous)110:00

ONE Friday Fights 56

ONE Friday Fights 56: Ferrari vs. Tupiev
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMarch 22, 2024 (2024-03-22)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 55: Avatar vs. Nabati ONE Friday Fights 56: Ferrari vs. Tupiev ONE Friday Fights 57: Panrit vs. Balyko

ONE Friday Fights 56: Ferrari vs. Tupiev (also known as ONE Lumpinee 56) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on March 22, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Ferrari Fairtex and Mavlud Tupiev served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 56 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Ferrari Fairtex def. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Mavlud TupievDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Puengluang Baanrambadef. Flag of Thailand.svg Dentungthong Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Jelte Blommaertdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kritpetch P.K.SaenchaiTKO (3 knockdowns - overhand right)21:26
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sanpetch Sor.Salacheepdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodkritsada Sor.SommaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (117 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Tonglampoon FA.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongsurin SorJor.LekmuangnonKO (left hook)21:10
Catchweight (124 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Prakaipetchlek EminentAirdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchniyom FA.GroupKO (straight right)11:52
Catchweight (152 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Turkey.svg Furkan Karabağdef. Flag of Japan.svg Hiroyuki IharaTKO (3 knockdowns - leg kicks)12:14
Catchweight (116 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rak Erawan def. Flag of Japan.svg Shuto SatoKO (left hook to the body)21:19
Strawweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Changy Kara-Ooldef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sanlang GexiTKO (punches)24:25
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Malaysia.svg Rifdean Masdordef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pichai LukbanmaiTKO (3 knockdowns - left hook to the body)11:18
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Sonrak Fairtexdef. Flag of Japan.svg Masaya KatsunoKO (straight left)20:16
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaenlek Sor.Chokmeechaidef. Flag of Japan.svg Ryuto OinumaKO (punches)12:21

ONE Friday Fights 57

ONE Friday Fights 57: Panrit vs. Balyko
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMarch 29, 2024 (2024-03-29)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 56: Ferrari vs. Tupiev ONE Friday Fights 57: Panrit vs. Balyko ONE Friday Fights 58: Superbon vs. Grigorian 3

ONE Friday Fights 57: Panrit vs. Balyko (also known as ONE Lumpinee 57) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on March 29, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 140-pounds muay thai bout between Panrit Lukjaomaesaiwaree and Alexey Balyko served as the event headliner.

Thant Zin was expected to face Tai SorJor.Piek-U-Thai in a 136 pounds muay thai bout, but the bout was cancelled due to he illness and have symptoms of Appendicitis.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 57 (YouTube / Facebook)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Panrit Lukjaomaesaiwareedef. Flag of Russia.svg Alexey BalykoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Shakhriyor Jurayevdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Numpangna EagleMuayThaiKO (left elbow)20:23
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg DonKing YotharakMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chalongsuek JacksonMuayThaiKO (right uppercut)20:54
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Laos.svg Songpandin Chor.Kaewwisetdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Wanchuchai KaewsamritDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sungprab Lukpichitdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodnamnuea N&P BoxingGymKO (right hook)11:06
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Soe Lin Oo def. Flag of Portugal.svg Fabio ReisKO (straight left)21:42
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Iran.svg Parham Gheiratidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Otop Or.KwanmuangKO (punches)11:02
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Moe Htet Aungdef. Flag of Japan.svg Tomoya MaruyamaTKO (straight right)32:50
Catchweight (152 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Vietnam.svg Tuan Trandef. Flag of Japan.svg Yuya JonishiTKO (punches)30:56
Catchweight (163 lbs) MMA Flag of Japan.svg Seiya Matsudadef. Flag of Russia.svg Mikhail GritsanenkoDecision (split)35:00
Catchweight (163 lbs) MMA Flag of Japan.svg Akari Ogata def. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Khojinsa KomoldinovaTKO (punches)31:16

ONE Friday Fights 58

ONE Friday Fights 58: Superbon vs. Grigorian 3
Promotion ONE Championship
DateApril 5, 2024 (2024-04-05)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 57: Panrit vs. Balyko ONE Friday Fights 58: Superbon vs. Grigorian 3 ONE Fight Night 21: Eersel vs. Nicolas

ONE Friday Fights 58: Superbon vs. Grigorian 3 (also known as ONE Lumpinee 58) is a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on April 5, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A trilogy bout for the interim ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Championship between former champion Superbon Singha Mawynn and former Glory Lightweight champion Marat Grigorian headlined the event. The pairing first met at Kunlun Fight 69 on February 4, 2018, where Grigorian won via knockout in the first-round. Their second meeting took place at ONE: X on March 25, 2022, which ended in a unanimous decision in favor of Superbon.

A ONE Strawweight Kickboxing World Championship bout between reigning champion Jonathan Di Bella and reigning ONE Strawweight Muay Thai World champion Prajanchai P.K.Saenchai was expected to serve as co-main event. However, as Di Bella was unable to reach the required hydration levels at the weigh-ins, the fight was cancelled and Di Bella was stripped of his title.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $20,000 bonuses.

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 58 (PPV at Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Featherweight Kickboxing Flag of Thailand.svg Superbon Singha Mawynn def. Flag of Armenia.svg Marat Grigorian Decision (unanimous)53:00For the interim ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Championship.
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nong-O Hama def. Flag of Thailand.svg Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Yutaro Asahidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Saeksan Or. Kwanmuang Decision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nakrob Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Muangthai P.K.Saenchai Decision (split)33:00
Catchweight (134 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongthoranee Sor.Sommai def. Flag of Thailand.svg Jaosuayai Sor.Dechapan Decision (unanimous)33:00
Preliminary card (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Shadow Singmawynn def. Flag of Sweden.svg Erik HehirTKO (high kicks)30:53
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kompetch Fairtex def. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongchai Chanaidonmuang Decision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Jake Peacockdef. Flag of Japan.svg Kohei ShinjoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Kickboxing Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Zhang Peimian def. Flag of Malaysia.svg Aliff Sor.DechapanDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Jurai Ishiidef. Flag of Japan.svg Satoshi KatashimaDecision (unanimous)33:00

ONE Fight Night 21

ONE Friday Fights 59

ONE Friday Fights 59: Yamin vs. Ouraghi
Promotion ONE Championship
DateApril 19, 2024 (2024-04-19)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Fight Night 21: Eersel vs. Nicolas ONE Friday Fights 59: Yamin vs. Ouraghi ONE Friday Fights 60: Suriyanlek vs. Rittidet

ONE Friday Fights 59: Yamin vs. Ouraghi (also known as ONE Lumpinee 59) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on April 19, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between Yamin P.K.Saenchai and Joachim Ouraghi headlined the event.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 59 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yamin P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of France.svg Joachim OuraghiTKO (finger injury)10:36
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodtongthai Sor.Sommai def. Flag of Thailand.svg Petnamngam P.K.SaenchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rambong Sor.Therapatdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchphupa EkphujeansDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (121 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaimookkao Tor.Rangmartdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchparuehat SitnayoktaweeptapongDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pettasuea Seeopaldef. Flag of Thailand.svg Prom Yor.AndamanKO (head kick)22:28
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodkitti FiatPathumThanidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Luapong KaewsamritKO (punches to the body)10:25
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Siwakorn P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Shakhriyor JurayevDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Takuma Otadef. Flag of Thailand.svg Copter Sor.SommaiKO (punches and elbow)21:27
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Yuki Kasahara def. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchsimok P.K.SaenchaiKO (punches)21:55
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Laos.svg Petchnamkhong Mongkolpetchdef. Flag of Japan.svg Ikko OtaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight MMA Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Avazbek Kholmirzaevdef. Flag of Russia.svg Zaiundin SuleimanovTKO (spinning back kick and punches)30:16
Featherweight MMA Flag of South Korea.svg Oh Su-hwandef. Flag of Japan.svg Kazumichi MuraiKO (punches)10:28

ONE Friday Fights 60

ONE Friday Fights 60: Suriyanlek vs. Rittidet
Promotion ONE Championship
DateApril 26, 2024 (2024-04-26)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 59: Yamin vs. Ouraghi ONE Friday Fights 60: Suriyanlek vs. Rittidet ONE Friday Fights 61: Phetsukumvit vs. Duangsompong

ONE Friday Fights 60: Suriyanlek vs. Rittidet (also known as ONE Lumpinee 60) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on April 26, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 132-pound muay thai bout between Suriyanlek Por.Yenying and Rittidet Sor.Sommai served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 60 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Suriyanlek Por.Yenyingdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Rittidet Sor.SommaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Focus Adsanpatongdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Comeback TK.YuttanaKO (left kick to the body)11:32
Catchweight (136 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Songfangkhong FA Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Khunponnoi Sor.SommaiTKO (referee stoppage)20:59
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaoklai Chor.Hapayakdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Suwatlek Tded99KO (strikes)12:45
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodnumchai Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Mahesuan EkmuangnonKO (punches)11:21
Catchweight (113 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Detchphupa ChotBangsaendef. Flag of Thailand.svg Saengsakda BoyTarchangKO (left hook)12:09
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Suakim SorJor.Tongprachin def. Flag of Turkey.svg Deniz DemirkapuKO (left hook)21:22
Flyweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Kaito Odadef. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Coopar RoyalDecision (unanimous)35:00
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Eisaku Ogasawara def. Flag of Thailand.svg Sornsueknoi FA GroupDecision (majority)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Panmongkol CMA.Academydef. Flag of France.svg Thomas Van NijnattenKO (straight right)11:50
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Junior Fairtexdef. Flag of Japan.svg Masami MachidaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Strawweight Submission Grappling Flag of Estonia.svg Liisi Vahtdef. Flag of Japan.svg Natsuki TakamotoSubmission (armbar)11;38

ONE Friday Fights 61

ONE Friday Fights 61: Phetsukumvit vs. Duangsompong
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMay 3, 2024 (2024-05-03)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 60: Suriyanlek vs. Rittidet ONE Friday Fights 61: Phetsukumvit vs. Duangsompong ONE Fight Night 22: Sundell vs. Diachkova

ONE Friday Fights 61: Phetsukumvit vs. Duangsompong (also known as ONE Lumpinee 61) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on May 3, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between former Rajadamnern Stadium Super Featherweight (130 lb) world champion Phetsukumvit Boybangna and Duangsompong Jitmuangnon served as the event headliner.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 61 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Duangsompong Jitmuangnondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Phetsukumvit Boybangna Decision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Lebanon.svg Abdallah Ondashdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Suesat ManopGym Decision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Samanchai Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Brazil M-EakachatDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchpattaya SilkMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chalawan NgorbangkapiKO (left hook)21:48
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchsaenchai M.U.Dendef. Flag of Thailand.svg Ruayjing Sor.WisetkitDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchnakian Phuyaiyunandef. Flag of Thailand.svg SingUbon Or.UdUdonKO (left hook)21:09
Catchweight (121 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Lebanon.svg Ramadan Ondashdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pitchitchai PK.SaenchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (137 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Muga Setodef. Flag of Malaysia.svg Kabilan JelevanKO (right hook)21:29
Women's Atomweight MMA Flag of Sweden.svg Hanna Palmquistdef. Flag of England.svg Chloe CookeDecision (unanimous)35:00
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Haryuki Tanitsudef. Flag of Russia.svg Anton SalchakDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (143 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Min Kyaw Zadef. Flag of Japan.svg Ryohei IgadoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Belarus.svg Ilyas Eziyeudef. Flag of Japan.svg Joji GotoSubmission (rear-naked choke)33:01

ONE Fight Night 22

ONE Friday Fights 62

ONE Friday Fights 62: Mongkolkaew vs. ET 2
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMay 10, 2024 (2024-05-10)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Fight Night 22: Sundell vs. Diachkova ONE Friday Fights 62: Mongkolkaew vs. ET 2 ONE Friday Fights 63: Yodphupha vs. Şen

ONE Friday Fights 62: Mongkolkaew vs. ET 2 (also known as ONE Lumpinee 62) will be a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on May 10, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A featherweight muay thai bout between the 2022 RWS welterweight winner Shadow Singha Mawynn and former ONE Featherweight Muay Thai World Championship challenger Jimmy Vienot was expected to headline the event. However, Shadow withdrew due to illness and the bout was scrapped.

A 130-pounds catchweight muay thai bout between Mongkolkaew Sor.Sommai and ET Wankhongohm MBK headlined the event.

Furkan Karabağ was expected to face Mavlonbek Kakhkhorov in a featherweight muay thai bout at headline international card, but he pulled out in a last minute due to illness. The headlined of the international card was promoted a 127-pounds catchweight muay thai between Wei Ziqin vs. Riamu Matsumoto instead.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 62 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg ET Wankhongohm MBKdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Mongkolkaew Sor.SommaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Spain.svg Xavier Gonzalezdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Win SitjaynimDecision (split)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chokpreecha P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pongsiri SujibamigiewKO (punch)11:44
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongkula Jitmuangondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Mardsing KhaolakMuayThaiKO (left high kick and punches)12:37
Women's Catchweight (110 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nongam Fairtexdef. Flag of Hong Kong.svg Tsz Ching Phoebe LoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Luknam Kor.Klomkiewdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chabakaew Sor.KaenjanchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Wei Ziqindef. Flag of Japan.svg Riamu MatsumotoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Haruto Yasumoto def. Flag of Russia.svg Temirlan BekmurzaevDecision (unanimous)33:00Bekmurzaev was deducted fined 10% in round two due to illegal spinning back elbow.
Catchweight (124 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Yuki Moriokadef. Flag of Iran.svg Peyman ZolfaghariKO (straight right)11:57
Lightweight MMA Flag of Brazil.svg Matheus Pereiradef. Flag of Russia.svg Evgenii MorozovTKO (referee stoppage)25:00
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Mongolia.svg Batochir Batsaikhandef. Flag of Japan.svg Fabio HaradaTKO (punches)14:58

ONE Friday Fights 63

ONE Friday Fights 63: Yodphupha vs. Şen
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMay 17, 2024 (2024-05-17)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 62: Mongkolkaew vs. ET 2 ONE Friday Fights 63: Yodphupha vs. Şen ONE Friday Fights 64: Gheirati vs. Godtfredsen

ONE Friday Fights 63: Yodphupha vs. Şen (also known as ONE Lumpinee 63) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on May 17, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Road to ONE: Thailand Season 1 featherweight winner Yodphupha Wimanair and Soner Şen headlined the event.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 63 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodphupha Wimanairdef. Flag of Turkey.svg Soner ŞenDecision (majority)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sanpetch Sor.Salacheepdef. Flag of Thailand.svg NuengUbon Wankhongohm MBKKO (punches)22:14
Catchweight (113 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chatpichit SorSor.Toipadriewdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sakaengam Jitmuangnon Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pansak Wor.Wantaweedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pornsanae Sor.PhumipatDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Patakake SinbiMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tuangsap Sor.SalacheepKO (punch and elbow)21:11
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chartpayak Saksatoondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Mowgli Chor.AjalaboonKO (punches)12:04
Catchweight (116 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rak Erawan def. Flag of Brazil.svg Nicolas Leite SilvaDecision (unanimous)33:00Leite Silva missed weight (117.4 lb).
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Sulaiman Looksuan def. Flag of Japan.svg Tomoki SatoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Kimura Ayumudef. Flag of Romania.svg Silviu Vitez Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (136 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Scotland.svg Gregor Thomdef. Flag of Japan.svg Taku KondoKO (punch)12:08
Featherweight MMA Flag of England.svg David Cookedef. Flag of Japan.svg Kohei TakegamiTKO (punches)11:27

ONE Friday Fights 64

ONE Friday Fights 64: Gheirati vs. Godtfredsen
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMay 24, 2024 (2024-05-24)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 63: Yodphupha vs. Şen ONE Friday Fights 64: Gheirati vs. Godtfredsen ONE Friday Fights 65: Jawsuayai vs. Puengluang

ONE Friday Fights 64: Gheirati vs. Godtfredsen (also known as ONE Lumpinee 64) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on May 24, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai and Kiamran Nabati was expected to headline the event. However, Kulabdam withdrew due to finger injury and Nabati was rescheduled to rematch against Suablack Tor.Pran49 at ONE Friday Fights 68. As a results, a bantamweight muay thai bout between Parham Gheirati and Jordan Godtfredsen promoted to main event status.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 64 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Iran.svg Parham Gheiratidef. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Jordan GodtfredsenKO (front kick)20:40
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchmuangsri Wankhongohm MBKdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Denphuthai MC SuperlekMuayThaiTKO (finger injury)11:19
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchmorakot Sitnayoktaweeptaphongdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Dieselnoi LiamthanawatDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Laemsing Sor.Dechaphandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Dabdam Por.Tor.Tor.ThongtaweeDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Got Taiphetchaburidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Robocop RadGoldGymDecision (split)33:00
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchninmungkorn CaptainKaneBoxingdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Akkaradet GuaybangkorlaemKO (overhand right)11:37
Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Teeyai P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Japan.svg Shuto SatoKO (right hook)10:48
Catchweight (141 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Colombia.svg Johan Estupiñandef. Flag of Japan.svg Kouta OmoriKO (right high kick & straight left)10:27
Catchweight (134 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Noppadet Chor.Hapayakdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nawaaek Sor.SommaiDecision (split)33:00
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Turkey.svg Isfak Seyiddef. Flag of Brazil.svg Felipe NegochadleDecision (unanimous)35:00
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Satoshi Katashimadef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Jiang LuminKO (punch to the body)20:43
Catchweight (139 lbs) Submission Grappling Flag of Japan.svg Shoya Ishigurodef. Flag of Brazil.svg Bruno AzevedoSubmission (heel hook)19:17

ONE Friday Fights 65

ONE Friday Fights 65: Jaosuayai vs. Puengluang
Promotion ONE Championship
DateMay 31, 2024 (2024-05-31)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 64: Gheirati vs. Godtfredsen ONE Friday Fights 65: Jaosuayai vs. Puengluang ONE Friday Fights 66: Kongchai vs. Hamidi

ONE Friday Fights 65: Jaosuayai vs. Puengluang (also known as ONE Lumpinee 65) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on May 31, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between Jaosuayai Mor.Krungthepthonburi and Puengluang Baanramba headlined the event. [20]

Ilyas Musaev was expected to rematch against Yod-IQ Or.Primonsri at a headlined international card, but he withdrew due to injury and the bout was scrapped. Instead, the promotion was promoted a 147-pounds muay thai between Avatar P.K.Saenchai and Abdulla Dayakaev to new main event international card.

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 65 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Jaosuayai Mor.Krungthepthonburi def. Flag of Thailand.svg Puengluang BaanrambaKO (left hook)12:11
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchphupa Aekpujeansdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Longern Sor.SommaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Watcharaphon P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchnumkhum PhundakrataburiTKO (3 knockdowns)12:04
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Tahaneak Nayokathasaladef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchnongnoey Nokkhao KorMor11KO (left straight)12:17
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg ManU Sitjaenimdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jongangsuek Sor.TheppitakDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Samransing Sitchalongsakdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jingreedtong KelasportKO (right hook)20:28
Catchweight (147 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Abdulla Dayakaevdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Avatar P.K.Saenchai Decision (majority)33:00
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Dmitriy Kireevdef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Tun Min AungDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Zhang Jinhudef. Flag of Japan.svg Soichiro ArataDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight MMA Flag of the Philippines.svg Carlo Bumina-angdef. Flag of Mongolia.svg Chayan OorzhakSubmission (ninja choke)22:39
Strawweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Ryosuke Hondadef. Flag of Japan.svg Ryosuke NodaDecision (unanimous)35:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Hao Shuaidef. Flag of Japan.svg Shiga MasahiroDecision (unanimous)33:00

ONE Friday Fights 66

ONE Friday Fights 66: Kongchai vs. Hamidi
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJune 7, 2024 (2024-06-07)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 65: Jaosuayai vs. Puengluang ONE Friday Fights 66: Kongchai vs. Hamidi ONE 167: Tawanchai vs. Nattawut 2

ONE Friday Fights 66: Kongchai vs. Hamidi (also known as ONE Lumpinee 66) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on June 7, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A strawweight muay thai bout between former Rajadamnern Stadium Super Flyweight (115 lb) world champion Kongchai Chanaidonmuang and Akram Hamidi headlined the event. [21]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 66 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of France.svg Akram Hamidi def. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongchai Chanaidonmuang TKO (punches)11:41
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rambong Sor.Therapatdef. Flag of Laos.svg Muanglao KiattongyotDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaotaem Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Wanpadej LooksuanTKO (punch)21:14
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Attachai Kelasportdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Poye AdsanpatongDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (134 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchuanchom Chor.Hapayakdef. Flag of Thailand.svg SingUdon DetpetsithongDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (113 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rolex Wor.Panyawaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sitrak Por.PaidaengDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yod-IQ Or.Primonsridef. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Mavlud TupievKO (punches to the body)11:58Tupiev missed weight (149.8 lb).
Catchweight (157 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Khunsuek SuperbonTrainingCampdef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Thway Thit Win Hlaing Decision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Seksan Fairtexdef. Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Amil ShahmarzadeDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Miao Aoqidef. Flag of Japan.svg Shingo ShibataTKO (punches)21:21
Catchweight (161 lbs) MMA Flag of Russia.svg Evgenii Antonovdef. Flag of Austria.svg Islam KukaevTKO (elbows)14:50
Strawweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Torepchi Dongakdef. Flag of Japan.svg Hiroto MasudaTKO (knees and punches)14:39

ONE 167

ONE Friday Fights 67

ONE Friday Fights 67: Nakrob vs. Khalilov
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJune 14, 2024 (2024-06-14)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE 167: Tawanchai vs. Nattawut 2 ONE Friday Fights 67: Nakrob vs. Khalilov ONE Friday Fights 68: Prajanchai vs. Di Bella

ONE Friday Fights 67: Nakrob vs. Khalilov (also known as ONE Lumpinee 67) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on June 14, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between Nakrob Fairtex and Tagir Khalilov headlined the event. [22]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 67 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nakrob Fairtexdef. Flag of Russia.svg Tagir KhalilovKO (elbow)22:02
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Samingdam Looksuandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchseekiew Kor.KampanartKO (right hook)12:43
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Paeyim Sor.Boonmeeritdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchpawarit Sor.SommaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Copter Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kiriluang Chor.HapayakDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongsurin SorJor.Lekmuangnondef. Flag of Brazil.svg Nicolas Leite SilvaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Tonglampoon FA.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Prakaipetchlek EminentAirKO (knee)22:55
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of England.svg Otis Waghorndef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongklai Sor.Sommai TKO (three knockdowns)31:34
Catchweight (141 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Moe Htet Aungdef. Flag of Japan.svg Kazuki YamagishiDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (116 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Haruyuki Tanitsudef. Flag of Vietnam.svg Nguyen Van ThanhTKO (punches to the body)12:49
Flyweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Kaito Odadef. Flag of Vietnam.svg Tran Ngoc LuongDecision (unanimous)35:00
Women's Catchweight (117 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Koko Oharadef. Flag of Thailand.svg Saorattana SitkrujeabDecision (unanimous)33:00

ONE Friday Fights 68

ONE Friday Fights 68: Prajanchai vs. Di Bella
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJune 28, 2024 (2024-06-28)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 67: Nakrob vs. Khalilov ONE Friday Fights 68: Prajanchai vs. Di Bella ONE Friday Fights 69: Kulabdam vs. Anane

ONE Friday Fights 68: Prajanchai vs. Di Bella (also known as ONE Lumpinee 68) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on June 28, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A ONE Strawweight Kickboxing World Championship bout for the vacant title between the ONE Strawweight Muay Thai Champion Prajanchai P.K.Saenchai and former champion Jonathan Di Bella headlined the event. [23] The bout was originally scheduled at ONE Friday Fights 58 on April 5, but the bout was cancelled after Di Bella had not passed his hydration tests and was stripped of the title. [24]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses.


ONE Friday Fights 68 (PPV at Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Strawweight Kickboxing Flag of Thailand.svg Prajanchai P.K.Saenchai def. Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Jonathan Di Bella Decision (unanimous)53:00For the vacant ONE Strawweight Kickboxing World Championship.
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Superlek Kiatmuu9 def. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongthoranee Sor.Sommai Decision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Kiamran Nabati def. Flag of Thailand.svg Suablack Tor.Pran49KO (left hook)11:59
Bantamweight Kickboxing Flag of Thailand.svg Petchtanong Petchfergus def. Flag of Russia.svg Alaverdi Ramazanov TKO (foot injury)21:59
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Shadow Singha Mawynn def. Flag of France.svg Jimmy Vienot Decision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pakorn P.K.Saenchai def. Flag of France.svg Rafi Bohic KO (right hook)12:15
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Australia (converted).svg Tyson Harrisondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sibmuen Sitchefboontham Decision (split)33:00
Preliminary card (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodlekpet Or.Atchariya def. Flag of Thailand.svg Komawut FA.GroupDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Suriyanlek Por.Yenyingdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pompetch P.K.SaenchaiKO (right hook)12:50
Catchweight (132 lbs) Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Kaito Sakaguchi def. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Lan ShantengDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Kohei Wakabayashidef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Sanlang GexiDecision (split)35:00
Catchweight (143 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Ryota Hashimotodef. Flag of Japan.svg Yuto UenoKO (right hook)12:05

ONE Friday Fights 69

ONE Friday Fights 69: Kulabdam vs. Anane
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJuly 5, 2024 (2024-07-05)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 68: Prajanchai vs. Di Bella ONE Friday Fights 69: Kulabdam vs. Anane ONE Fight Night 23: Ok vs. Rasulov

ONE Friday Fights 69: Kulabdam vs. Anane (also known as ONE Lumpinee 69) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on July 5, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai and Nabil Anane headlined the event. [25]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 69 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Algeria.svg Nabil Anane def. Flag of Thailand.svg Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai KO (elbow and knee)22:54
Catchweight (150 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nontachai Jitmuangnondef. Flag of Italy.svg Alessio MalatestaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Buakhiao Por.Paoindef. Flag of Thailand.svg Raksiam Sor.BoonmeeritDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Maisangkum Sor. Yingcharoenkarnchangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchsaensuk ChotBangsaenKO (punches to the body)11:53
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sunday Boomdekseandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chusap Sor.SalacheepTKO (punches)21:01
Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Mungkorn Boomdekseandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kaenlek Sor.ChokmeechaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Soe Lin Oo def. Flag of Thailand.svg Pongsiri P.K.Saenchai KO (punch)20:49
Bantamweight Kickboxing Flag of Russia.svg Elbrus Osmanovdef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Miao AoqiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Ikko Otadef. Flag of Thailand.svg BM FairtexKO (punch)21:48
Strawweight MMA Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Avazbek Kholmirzaevdef. Flag of Russia.svg Changy Kara-OolSubmission (armbar)13:39
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Australia (converted).svg Celest Hansendef. Flag of Japan.svg Masami MachidaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Featherweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Katsuaki Aoyagidef. Flag of South Korea.svg Jung Jun-heeTKO (punches)14:47

ONE Fight Night 23

ONE Friday Fights 70

ONE Friday Fights 70: Focus vs. Irvine
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJuly 12, 2024 (2024-07-12)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 69: Kulabdam vs. Anane ONE Friday Fights 70: Focus vs. Irvine ONE Friday Fights 71: Songchainoi vs. Rak 2

ONE Friday Fights 70: Focus vs. Irvine (also known as ONE Lumpinee 70) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on July 12, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 130-pounds muay thai bout between Focus P.K.Wor.Apinya and Stephen Irvine headlined the event. [26]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 70 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Scotland.svg Stephen Irvinedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Focus P.K.Wor.ApinyaKO (punch)11:57Focus missed weight (132.5 lbs).
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodtongthai Sor.Sommai def. Flag of Thailand.svg ET Wankhongohm MBKTKO (knee injury)12:06
Catchweight (114 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodnumchai Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tubtimthong SorJor.LekmuangnonDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Apidet FiatPathumdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Boonchu Sor.BoonmeeritKO (punches)20:21
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg PayakSurin Or.AudUdondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tahaneak NayokatasalaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (123 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchphathai Bumrungsitdef. Flag of Iran.svg Sirvan AminiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chokpreecha P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Lebanon.svg Abdallah OndashDecision (majority)33:00
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Tun Min Aungdef. Flag of Vietnam.svg Tuấn Quốc TrầnTKO (eye injury)31:01
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petnamngam P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Russia.svg Amir AbdulmuslimovDecision (unanimous)33:00
Lightweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Gadzhimurad Amirzhanovdef. Flag of Brazil.svg Matheus PereiraDecision (unanimous)35:00
Catchweight (143 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of the United States.svg Kendu Irvingdef. Flag of Japan.svg Yuhei TsudaKO (elbow)21:37

ONE Friday Fights 71

ONE Friday Fights 71: Songchainoi vs. Rak 2
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJuly 19, 2024 (2024-07-19)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 70: Focus vs. Irvine ONE Friday Fights 71: Songchainoi vs. Rak 2 ONE Friday Fights 72: Kongsuk vs. Ouraghi

ONE Friday Fights 71: Songchainoi vs. Rak 2 (also known as ONE Lumpinee 71) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on July 19, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 116-pounds muay thai rematch between Songchainoi Kaitsongrit and Rak Erawan headlined the event. [27]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 71 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (116 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Songchainoi Kaitsongritdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Rak Erawan Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchlamphun Muadablampangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Silangern LannaWatersideTKO (punches)11:27
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chartpayak Saksatoondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pornsanae Sor.PhumipatKO (flying knee and punches)11:08
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yoddoi Kaewsamritdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chokdee MaxjandeeKO (punches)21:10
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Padejsuk Looksuandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchtaweesak SangmorakotDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (113 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Malaysia.svg Rifdean Masdordef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchaek SitbigjasskonrakpathumKO (elbow)12:49
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Ilyas Musaevdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Superball Wankhongohm MBK KO (punches)20:55
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Abdulla Dayakaevdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Ongbak FairtexKO (punches)12:34
Catchweight (133 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Assadulah Imangazalievdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchmuangsri Wankhongohm MBKKO (spinning back elbow)11:45
Catchweight (124 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Issei Yonahadef. Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Timur ChuikovDecision (unanimous)33:00
Featherweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Ivan Bondarchukdef. Flag of Russia.svg Nachyn SatDecision (unanimous)35:00
Women's Strawweight MMA Flag of Australia (converted).svg Faine Mesquitadef. Flag of Japan.svg Yuka OkutomiTechnical Submission (rear-naked choke)12:15

ONE Friday Fights 72

ONE Friday Fights 72: Kongsuk vs. Ouraghi
Promotion ONE Championship
DateJuly 26, 2024 (2024-07-26)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 71: Songchainoi vs. Rak 2 ONE Friday Fights 72: Kongsuk vs. Ouraghi ONE Friday Fights 73

ONE Friday Fights 72: Kongsuk vs. Ouraghi (also known as ONE Lumpinee 72) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on July 26, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A strawweight muay thai bout between Kongsuk Fairtex and Joachim Ouraghi headlined the event. [28]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 72 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongsuk Fairtex def. Flag of France.svg Joachim OuraghiDecision (unanimous)33:00Kongsuk missed weight (135.4 lb).
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Theptaksin Sor.Sornsingdef. Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Jelte BlommaertDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pentor SP.Kansart Paeminburidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Thongsiam LukjaoporongtomDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Laos.svg Petchnamkhong Mongkolpetchdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Lookkwan SujeebameekiewKO (punches)12:48
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Laos.svg Muanglao Kiattongyotdef. Flag of Laos.svg Songpaendin Chor.KaewwisetDecision (unanimous)33:00
Light Heavyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Beybulat Isaev def. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Alex RobertsTKO (leg injury)10:33
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of England.svg Freddie Haggertydef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kaichon Sor. YingcharoenkarnchangKO (punch)12:59
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pataknin SinbiMuayThaidef. Flag of Iran.svg Majid KarimiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Kickboxing Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Akif Guluzadadef. Flag of Japan.svg Haruto Yasumoto Decision (unanimous)33:00
Lightweight MMA Flag of India.svg Sumit Bhyandef. Flag of England.svg Will DrewittDecision (split)35:00
Lightweight Submission Grappling Flag of England.svg Craig Hutchisondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Banpot LertthaisongSubmission (armbar)11:57

ONE Friday Fights 73

ONE Friday Fights 73: Worapon vs. Panrit
Promotion ONE Championship
DateAugust 2, 2024 (2024-08-02)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 72: Kongsuk vs. Ouraghi ONE Friday Fights 73: Worapon vs. Panrit ONE Fight Night 24: Brooks vs. Balart

ONE Friday Fights 73: Worapon vs. Panrit (also known as ONE Lumpinee 73) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on August 2, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 142-pounds muay thai bout between Worapon Sor.Dechaphan and Panrit Lookjaomaesaiwaree headlined the event. [29]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 73 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Panrit Lookjaomaesaiwareedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Worapon Sor.DechaphanDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sanpetch Sor.Salacheepdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Watcharapon Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Spain.svg Xavier Gonzalezdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Win SitjanimKO (punch)20:28
Catchweight (131 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sornsueknoi F.A.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jencherng PumpanmuangDecision (unanimous)33:00
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Toyota EagleMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Fino Chor.KetwinaKO (punch)12:59
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchmai MC.SuperlekMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sungprab LookpichitKO (body kick)22:05
Lightweight Kickboxing Flag of England.svg George Jarvisdef. Flag of Argentina.svg Ricardo BravoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Sonrak Fairtexdef. Flag of England.svg Alfie PontingDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Kickboxing Flag of Russia.svg Ilashev Dostonbekdef. Flag of Japan.svg Tasuku YonekawaKO (spinning wheel kick and punch)32:19
Catchweight (119 lbs) Kickboxing Flag of Thailand.svg Fahjarat Sor.Dechapandef. Flag of Japan.svg Kuroda NaoyaKO (punch)30:43
Flyweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Khalim Nazruloevdef. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Zhamoliddin RakhmonzhonovDecision (unanimous)35:00
Lightweight MMA Flag of Iran.svg Mohammad Fahmidef. Flag of Bulgaria.svg Antonio BushevDecision (unanimous)35:00

ONE Fight Night 24

ONE Friday Fights 74

ONE Friday Fights 74: Yodphupha vs. Gheirati
Promotion ONE Championship
DateAugust 9, 2024 (2024-08-09)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 73: Worapon vs. Panrit ONE Friday Fights 74: Yodphupha vs. Gheirati ONE Friday Fights 75: Kongsuk vs. El Halabi

ONE Friday Fights 74: Yodphupha vs. Gheirati (also known as ONE Lumpinee 74) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on August 9, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Road to ONE Thailand Season 1 featherweight winner Yodphupha Petchkiatpetch and Parham Gheirati headlined the event. [30]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 74 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Iran.svg Parham Gheiratidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodphupha PetchkiatpetchDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Denkriangkrai Singha Mawynndef. Flag of Thailand.svg Patakake SinbiMuayThaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chatpichit SorSor.Toipadriewdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Khunsuek Sor.DechapanDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Singtanawat Nokjeanladkrabangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kaoklai Chor.HapayakDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (136 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Donking YotharakMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Panpetch Sor.NaruemonKO (punch)12:27
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sainatee P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nuengthoranee GuaybangkorlaemKO (punches)12:31
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Kirill Khomutovdef. Flag of Turkey.svg Ferzan ÇiçekKO (punches)22:50
Catchweight (137 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Ibragim Abdulmedzhidovdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yamin P.K.SaenchaiKO (punch)21:12
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Hiroyukidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Singsangpa LookboonmeeKO (punches)11:28
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Banna Hayashidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Saenchai NayokwittungsongKO (punch)12:07
Flyweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Dzhokhar Eskievdef. Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Ilimbek Akylbek UuluTKO (punches)10:15Akylbek Uulu missed weight (135.6 lb).
Strawweight MMA Flag of South Korea.svg Lee Seung-chuldef. Flag of the Philippines.svg Moises Lois IlogonTKO (punches)12:49

ONE Friday Fights 75

ONE Friday Fights 75: Kompetch vs. El Halabi
Promotion ONE Championship
DateAugust 16, 2024 (2024-08-16)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 74: Yodphupha vs. Gheirati ONE Friday Fights 75: Kompetch vs. El Halabi ONE Friday Fights 76: Peungluang vs. Samingdam

ONE Friday Fights 75: Kompetch vs. El Halabi (also known as ONE Lumpinee 75) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on August 16, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 127-pounds muay thai bout between Kompetch Fairtex and Omar El Halabi headlined the event. [31]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 75 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kompetch Fairtex def. Flag of Lebanon.svg Omar El HalabiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (141 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Buakhiao Por.Paoindef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchgarfield JitmuangnonDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nuapetch Tded99def. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchphupha AekpujeanKO (punch)32:31
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pansak Wor.Wantaweedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Dieselnoi LiamthanawatDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchnakian Phuyaiyunandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Magnum Sor.SommaiKO (punches)20:53
Catchweight (133 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Payakmekin SitLuangpeeNamfondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Promrob LooksuanDecision (split)33:00
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Mamuka Usubyan def. Flag of Thailand.svg Khunsuek SuperbonTrainingCampKO (punch)22:16
Lightweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Denis Burmatovdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Chanajon P.K.Saenchai Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Brazil M.Eakchatdef. Flag of Japan.svg Takuma OtaDecision (split)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Israel.svg Shir Cohendef. Flag of Chile.svg Francisca VeraDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight MMA Flag of Brazil.svg Robson de Oliveiradef. Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Rahil BaghirovSubmission (armbar)21:18
Strawweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Torepchi Dongakdef. Flag of Japan.svg Ryosuke HondaDecision (unanimous)35:00

ONE Friday Fights 76

ONE Friday Fights 76: Peungluang vs. Samingdam
Promotion ONE Championship
DateAugust 23, 2024 (2024-08-23)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand
Event chronology
ONE Friday Fights 75: Kompetch vs. El Halabi ONE Friday Fights 76: Peungluang vs. Samingdam ONE Friday Fights 77: Yodlekpet vs. Kongsuk

ONE Friday Fights 76: Peungluang vs. Samingdam (also known as ONE Lumpinee 76) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on August 23, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between Peungluang Baanrambaa and Samingdam Looksuan headlined the event. [32]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 76 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Peungluang Baanrambaadef. Flag of Thailand.svg Samingdam LooksuanDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (136 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Thant Zindef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tai Sor.Jor.Piek-U-ThaiKO (punches)11:14
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaimookkhao Wankhongohm MBKdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchkaolan Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg MrKaen BangSaenFightClubdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchpattaya SilkMuayThaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Thway Lin Htetdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Ganchai JitmuangnonDecision (majority)33:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petchchakrit T.N.DiamondHomedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchtasuea SeeopalKO (punch)12:44
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Duangsompong Jitmuangnondef. Flag of France.svg Joachim OuraghiDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Eh Mwidef. Flag of Japan.svg Reito TakazonoKO (punch)22:18
Catchweight (117 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Masatoshi Hiraidef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Sa Soe ThihaKO (body kick)21:24
Catchweight (133 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Korpai Sor. Yingcharoenkarnchangdef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Sulaiman Looksuan KO (punch)20:16
Catchweight (127 lbs) MMA Flag of Vietnam.svg Phạm Văn Namdef. Flag of the Philippines.svg Estrada Donga-asTKO (punches)23:53
Lightweight Submission Grappling Flag of Japan.svg Tomoshige Seradef. Flag of Russia.svg Magomed MatievSubmission (triangle choke)13:06

ONE Friday Fights 77

ONE Friday Fights 77: Yodlekpet vs. Kongsuk
Promotion ONE Championship
DateAugust 30, 2024 (2024-08-30)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 77: Yodlekpet vs. Kongsuk (also known as ONE Lumpinee 77) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on August 30, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 137-pounds muay thai bout between Yodlekpet Or.Atchariya and Kongsuk Fairtex headlined the event. [33]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 77 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (137 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongsuk Fairtex def. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodlekpet Or.Atchariya Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rambong Sor.Therapatdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Longern Sor.SommaiKO (punch)11:56
Catchweight (123 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Face Erawandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tawanchai V.K.KhaoyaiKO (punches to the body)11:46
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Khundet P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg ManU SitjaenimTKO (punches)10:46
Catchweight (116 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Teeyai Wankhongohm MBKdef. Flag of Thailand.svg YodUdon B.S.MuayThaiKO (punches)11:39
Catchweight (114 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nehramit AnnyMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petmuangthai Sor.NaruemonKO (punch)12:25
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pichitchai P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Laos.svg Petchnamkhong MongkolpetchDecision (split)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Omar Kintehdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchsaenchai M.U.Den KhonmaiBaoweeKO (punches)32:29
Catchweight (121 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Spain.svg Imad Salhidef. Flag of Japan.svg Arashi SakamotoKO (punch and head kick)21:40
Catchweight (143 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sutin RinnMuayThaidef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Super Yay ChanDecision (split)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Italy.svg Omar Drissidef. Flag of Japan.svg Soichiro ArataKO (punch)32:16
Flyweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Valmir Galievdef. Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Bolat ZamanbekovTKO (flying knee and punches)20:13

ONE Friday Fights 78

ONE Friday Fights 78: Pakorn vs. Reis
Promotion ONE Championship
DateSeptember 6, 2024 (2024-09-06)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 78: Pakorn vs. Reis (also known as ONE Lumpinee 78) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on September 6, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Pakorn P.K.Saenchai and Fabio Reis headlined the event. [34]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 78 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Portugal.svg Fabio Reisdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pakorn P.K.Saenchai KO (punch to the body)22:04
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Komawut F.A.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Siwakorn P.K.SaenchaiDecision (split)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Khunponnoi Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tanachart Por.PatcharawatDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Tonglampoon F.A.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Topgun Kor.KanluakTKO (punches and head kick)21:55
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodkitti FiatPathumdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Got TaipetburiKO (punch)12:38
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Detphupa ChotBangsaendef. Flag of Thailand.svg Rodbenz P.K.SaenchaiDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Aslamjon Ortikovdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodtongthai Sor.Sommai KO (punches)32:15
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Yota Shigemoridef. Flag of South Korea.svg Shin Dong-hyunKO (punch)22:43
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Sweden.svg Moa Carlssondef. Flag of Hong Kong.svg Tsz Ching Phoebe LoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Gianny De Leudef. Flag of Japan.svg Kuroda NaoyaKO (punches)30:27
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Idris Abdurashidovdef. Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Kazakbai TilenovTKO (punches)20:22
Flyweight MMA Flag of the Philippines.svg Jean Claude Saclagdef. Flag of South Korea.svg Lee Jun-youngKO (punches)11:34

ONE 168

ONE Friday Fights 79

ONE Friday Fights 79: Kongchai vs. Abdulmuslimov
Promotion ONE Championship
DateSeptember 13, 2024 (2024-09-13)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 79: Kongchai vs. Abdulmuslimov (also known as ONE Lumpinee 79) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on September 13, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 126-pounds muay thai bout between Kongchai Chanaidonmuang and Amir Abdulmuslimov headlined the event. [35]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 78 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongchai Chanaidonmuang def. Flag of Russia.svg Amir AbdulmuslimovDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Singdomthong Nokjeanladkrabangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petlampun MuadablampangDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (123 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Watcharaphon P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Russia.svg Danila VasilikhinKO (punch)12:27
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Maemmot Sor.Salacheepdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Copter Sor.SommaiKO (punch)10:31
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Isannuea Tor.Tanjaroendef. Flag of Thailand.svg Changthong M.U.DenKO (elbow and punch to the body)22:03
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nongfahsai TOP P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kanchanasiri SitnayokwailampamTKO (doctor stoppage)21:27Kanchanasiri missed weight (119.4 lb).
Catchweight (143 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Turkey.svg Şoner Şendef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nonthakit Tor.MosriKO (punch)31:54
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Asadula Imangazalievdef. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Bobirjon IsroilovKO (punch)10:34
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Muga Setodef. Flag of Brazil.svg Alber da SilvaKO (punches)31:20
Lightweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Dzhabir Dzhabrailovdef. Flag of Brazil.svg Eduardo FreitasKO (punches)10:20
Featherweight MMA Flag of South Korea.svg Oh Su-hwandef. Flag of Japan.svg Ken MaezonoDecision (unanimous)35:00

ONE Friday Fights 80

ONE Friday Fights 80: Rak vs. Yodnumchai
Promotion ONE Championship
DateSeptember 20, 2024 (2024-09-20)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 80: Rak vs. Yodnumchai (also known as ONE Lumpinee 80) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on September 20, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A atomweight muay thai bout between Rak Erawan and Yodnumchai Fairtex headlined the event. [36]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 80 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodnumchai Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Rak Erawan Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chartpayak Saksatoondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petnamngam P.K.SaenchaiKO (punches)20:28
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Teeyai Wankhongohm MBKdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yoddoi KaewsamritKO (punch)11:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Laos.svg Lamnamkhong BS.MuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Anurak Wankhongohm MBKTKO (punches)11:57
Catchweight (114 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petninmungkorn Dr.RatNamkangIcelanddef. Flag of Thailand.svg Komkrit JPowerRoofPhuketKO (punches)20:37
Catchweight (110 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chabakaew Sor.KanJanchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nongam FairtexDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongklai Sor.Sommai def. Flag of Turkey.svg Deniz DemirkapuKO (punch)21:45Kongklai missed weight (142.6 lb).
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Mavlonbek Kakhkhorovdef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Thway Thit Win Hlaing Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) MMA Flag of Russia.svg Bektur Zhenishbek Uuludef. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Avazbek KholmirzaevDecision (unanimous)35:00
Catchweight (117 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Hong Kong.svg Emily Chongdef. Flag of Japan.svg Koko OharaDecision (unanimous)33:00
Lightweight MMA Flag of South Korea.svg Jang Seon-gyudef. Flag of England.svg David CookeDecision (split)35:00Cooke missed weight (159.4 lb).
Flyweight Submission Grappling Flag of Japan.svg Shoya Ishigurodef. Flag of Japan.svg Hiryu NiwaDecision (unanimous)110:00

ONE Friday Fights 81

ONE Friday Fights 81: Superbon vs. Nattawut
Promotion ONE Championship
DateSeptember 27, 2024 (2024-09-27)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 81: Superbon vs. Nattawut (also known as ONE Lumpinee 81) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on September 27, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A featherweight muay thai bout between former ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Champion (also a current interim champion) Superbon Singha Mawynn and Jo Nattawut headlined the event. [37]

In the co-main event was expected a flyweight kickboxing bout between former three-divisions K-1 World Champion Takeru Segawa and Black Panther VenumMuayThai. [38] However, Black Panther withdrew due to injury and was replaced by Thant Zin. [39]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 81 (PPV at Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Superbon Singha Mawynn def. Flag of Thailand.svg Jo Nattawut KO (elbow)11:43
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Kiamran Nabati def. Flag of Thailand.svg Nong-O Hama Decision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Algeria.svg Nabil Anane def. Flag of Myanmar.svg Soe Lin Oo Decision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kulabdam Sor.Jor.Piek-U-Thai def. Flag of Thailand.svg Suablack Tor.Pran49KO (punch)30:57
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sam-A Gaiyanghadao def. Flag of Algeria.svg Akram Hamidi KO (punch)11:22
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Shadow Singha Mawynn def. Flag of Iran.svg Mohammad Siasarani Decision (unanimous)33:00
Preliminary card (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Suakim Sor.Jor.Tongprajin def. Flag of England.svg Otis WaghornDecision (majority)33:00
Catchweight (133 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Jaosuayai Mor.Krungthepthonburi def. Flag of Thailand.svg Suriyanlek Por.YenyingDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Takeru Segawa def. Flag of Myanmar.svg Thant ZinKO (knee and punches)22:47
Bantamweight Kickboxing Flag of the Netherlands.svg Ilias Ennahachi def. Flag of Japan.svg Hiroki Akimoto Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rittidet Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Japan.svg Eisaku Ogasawara Decision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Hyu Iwatadef. Flag of Algeria.svg Youcef EsaadDecision (unanimous)33:00

ONE Friday Fights 82

ONE Friday Fights 82: Yod-IQ vs. Dayakaev
Promotion ONE Championship
DateOctober 4, 2024 (2024-10-04)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 82: Yod-IQ vs. Dayakaev (also known as ONE Lumpinee 82) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on October 4, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight muay thai bout between Yod-IQ Or.Pimolsri and Abdulla Dayakaev headlined the event. [40]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 82 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yod-IQ Or.Pimolsridef. Flag of Russia.svg Abdulla DayakaevDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Denkriangkrai Singha Mawynndef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sanpet Sor.SalacheepKO (punch)10:51
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Donking YotharakMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Seksan FairtexDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pataknin SinbiMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Teeyai P.K.SaenchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Paeyim Sor.Boonmeeritdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Apidet FiatPathumDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (147 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chama SuperbonTrainingCampdef. Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Uzair IsmoiljonovDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (150 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Italy.svg Alessio Malatestadef. Flag of Laos.svg Wilachon P.K.SaenchaiTKO (punches)12:19
Lightweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Eduard Saikdef. Flag of Jordan.svg Odai AbozraiqTKO (punch)11:27
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Prakaypetlek Eminentairdef. Flag of Japan.svg HiroyukiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Strawweight Kickboxing Flag of Austria.svg Stella Hemetsberger def. Flag of the Netherlands.svg Chellina ChirinoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Lightweight MMA Flag of Brazil.svg Lucas Gabrieldef. Flag of Russia.svg Gadzhimurad AmirzhanovSubmission (arm-triangle choke)33:54
Catchweight (122 lbs) Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Rui Kakizakidef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Lu YifuDecision (unanimous)33:00

ONE Fight Night 25

ONE Friday Fights 83

ONE Friday Fights 83: Panrit vs. Superball
Promotion ONE Championship
DateOctober 18, 2024 (2024-10-18)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 83: Panrit vs. Superball (also known as ONE Lumpinee 83) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on October 18, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A 139-pounds muay thai bout between Panrit Lukjaomaesaiwaree and Superball Wankhongohm MBK headlined the event. [41]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 83 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (139 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Panrit Lukjaomaesaiwareedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Superball Wankhongohm MBK KO (punch)20:57
Catchweight (138 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Buakhiao Por.Paoindef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petwichit Singha MawynnDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petseenin Wankhongohm MBKdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Songfangkhong FA.GroupDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (121 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Mungkorn Boomdekseandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Poye AdsanpatongKO (elbows)11:24
Catchweight (116 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Thailandlek Sor.Rungsakdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Burengnon LukjaoporongtomDecision (unanimous)33:00
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Hern N.F.Looksuandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petthongkao PatcharagymKO (punches)22:39
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Panpayak Jitmuangnon def. Flag of Romania.svg Silviu Vitez Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Belarus.svg Antar Kacemdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Worapon Sor.DechapanDecision (split)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Spain.svg Mikel Fernándezdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Rungnarai Kiatmuu9 DQ (illegal soccer kick)12:40An illegal soccer kick to a downed Fernández being knocked unconscious.
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Wanpadej N.F.Looksuandef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Tang QiqinDecision (unanimous)33:00
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Katsuaki Aoyagidef. Flag of South Korea.svg Lee Jun-hwanTKO (punches)12:15
Women's Strawweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Norika Ryudef. Flag of the Philippines.svg Mariane MarianoDecision (unanimous)35:00

ONE Friday Fights 84

ONE Friday Fights 84: Kongsuk vs. Muangthai
Promotion ONE Championship
DateOctober 25, 2024 (2024-10-25)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 84: Kongsuk vs. Muangthai (also known as ONE Lumpinee 84) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on October 25, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


The event was headlined by a 137-pounds muay thai bout between Kongsuk Fairtex and Muangthai P.K.Saenchai. [42]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 84 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (137 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Muangthai P.K.Saenchai def. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongsuk Fairtex KO (punch)30:14
Catchweight (129 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Palangboon Wor.Santaidef. Flag of Spain.svg Xavier GonzalezDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petsaenkom Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sunday BoomdekseanDecision (majority)33:00
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Banluelok Sitwatcharachaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tubtimthong Sor.Jor.LekmuangnonKO (punches)30:45
Catchweight (120 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Singdam Kafefocusdef. Flag of Ukraine.svg Andrii MezentsevDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kochasit Tasaeyasatdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Detpichai NaweeAndamanKO (punches)11:41
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Iran.svg Parham Gheiratidef. Flag of England.svg George MouzakitisKO (elbow and punches)32:31
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Omar Kintehdef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Eh MwiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (134 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Sonrak Fairtexdef. Flag of Japan.svg Yuki Kasahara Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (123 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yangdam Jitmuangnondef. Flag of Laos.svg Kongpoxay LaoLaneXangDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight MMA Flag of the Philippines.svg Marwin Quirantedef. Flag of Vietnam.svg Phan Thanh TùngTKO (retirement)15:00
Lightweight Submission Grappling Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Yi Yuandef. Flag of Japan.svg Tomoshige SeraDecision (split)110:00

ONE Friday Fights 85

ONE Friday Fights 85: Yodlekpet vs. Puengluang
Promotion ONE Championship
DateNovember 1, 2024 (2024-11-01)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 85: Yodlekpet vs. Puengluang (also known as ONE Lumpinee 85) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on November 1, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A flyweight muay thai bout between Yodlekpet Or.Atchariya and Puengluang Baanrambaa headlined the event. [43]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 85 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodlekpet Or.Atchariya def. Flag of Thailand.svg Puengluang BaanrambaaKO (punch)30:52
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Akif Guluzadadef. Flag of Thailand.svg Samingdam N.F.LooksuanTKO (knee and punches)12:41
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Brazil M.Eakchatdef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Thway Lin HtetDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pethuahin Jitmuangnondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petsimok P.K.SaenchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Toyota EagleMuayThaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Detchanan Wor.WiangsaKO (punch to the body)31:37
Catchweight (127 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Lekkla BS.Muaythaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sueakao Sor.NaruemonKO (punches)21:47
Lightweight Muay Thai Flag of England.svg George Jarvisdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Rungrawee Sitsongpeenong KO (elbow and punches)31:15
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Takuma Otadef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Wei ZiqinDecision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Junior Fairtexdef. Flag of Argentina.svg Florencia GrecoDecision (unanimous)33:00Greco missed weight (116.4 lb).
Strawweight MMA Flag of Brazil.svg Robson de Oliveiradef. Flag of the Philippines.svg Jayson MiralpezDecision (unanimous)35:00
Featherweight MMA Flag of Russia.svg Ivan Bondarchukdef. Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Suleyman SuleymanovDecision (unanimous)35:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Tomoki Satodef. Flag of Italy.svg Omar DrissiKO (punches)21:05

ONE Friday Fights 86

ONE Friday Fights 86: Kompetch vs. Chartpayak
Promotion ONE Championship
DateNovember 8, 2024 (2024-11-08)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 86: Kompetch vs. Chartpayak (also known as ONE Lumpinee 86) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on November 8, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


The event was headlined by a 126-pounds muay thai bout between Kompetch Fairtex and Chartpayak Saksatoon. [44]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 86 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chartpayak Saksatoondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kompetch Fairtex Decision (majority)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petlamphun Muadablampangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nuapet Tded99Decision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Egor Bikrevdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Gingsanglek Tor.Laksong TKO (punch)11:45
Catchweight (134 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodseksan Rodsuayjajeddef. Flag of Thailand.svg Jaipet SoonkelatasaoDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (113 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Chatpichit Sor.Sor.Toipadriewdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Nueaphet KelasportKO (punches)31:42
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Mahesuan Aekmuangnondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Panlam Sor.SommaiTKO (punch)12:36
Catchweight (150 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nonthachai Jitmuangnondef. Flag of Russia.svg Dimitrii KovtunKO (knee to the body and punch)22:39
Strawweight Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Koki Osaki def. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Huo XiaolongDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (100 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of the Philippines.svg Islay Erika Bomogaodef. Flag of Japan.svg Fuu Sakata Decision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Sweden.svg Moa Carlssondef. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Celest HansenDecision (unanimous)33:00
Featherweight MMA Flag of the Philippines.svg Carlos Neyheban Alvarezdef. Flag of Turkey.svg Mirza AlievTKO (punches)24:22
Flyweight MMA Flag of the Philippines.svg Fritz Biagtandef. Flag of Iran.svg Sayedali AsliDecision (unanimous)35:00

ONE 169

ONE Friday Fights 87

ONE Friday Fights 87: Kongchai vs. Chokpreecha
Promotion ONE Championship
DateNovember 15, 2024 (2024-11-15)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 87: Kongchai vs. Chokpreecha (also known as ONE Lumpinee 87) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on November 15, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A strawweight muay thai bout between Kongchai Chanaidonmuang and Chokpreecha P.K.Saenchai headlined the event. [45]

Asadula Imangazaliev was expected to face Road to ONE: Thailand Season 1 flyweight winner Dedduanglek Wankhongohm MBK at this event, but the bout was cancelled due to Imangazaliev illness. [46]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 87 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kongchai Chanaidonmuang def. Flag of Thailand.svg Chokpreecha P.K.SaenchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (129 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Scotland.svg Stephen Irvinedef. Flag of Thailand.svg Denkriangkrai Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Singdomthong Nokjeanladkrabangdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Watcharapon Singha MawynnKO (punch)11:38
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kritsana DaodenMuayThaidef. Flag of Laos.svg Lamnamkhong BS.MuayThaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Khunpon Or.AudUdondef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petchayut NupranburiTKO (punches and knee)22:18
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Payaksurin Sit. JPdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pettapee RongrienkelasuratTKO (punches)31:24
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of the United States.svg Kendu Irvingdef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Miao AoqiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Germany.svg Marwin Dittrichdef. Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg Li-Chih YehTKO (punches and elbow)32:59
Catchweight (120 lbs) Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Kojiro Shibadef. Flag of the United States.svg Jamark CooperKO (head kick)32:34
Strawweight MMA Flag of the Philippines.svg Eros Baluyotdef. Flag of Russia.svg Changy Kara-OolSubmission (heel hook)21:06
Featherweight MMA Flag of Japan.svg Seiya Matsudadef. Flag of Bulgaria.svg Rusi HadzhievDecision (unanimous)35:00

ONE Friday Fights 88

ONE Friday Fights 88: Pompet vs. Ortikov
Promotion ONE Championship
DateNovember 22, 2024 (2024-11-22)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 88: Pompet vs. Ortikov (also known as ONE Lumpinee 88) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on November 22, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


The event is expected to be headlined by a 130-pounds muay thai bout between Pompet P.K.Saenchai and Aslamjon Ortikov. [47]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 88 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Aslamjon Ortikovdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Pompet P.K.SaenchaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (131 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sornsueknoi FA.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sing Sor.ChokmeechaiDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Theptaksin Sor.Sornsingdef. Flag of Russia.svg Ivan BuldakovDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (131 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Apiwat Sor.Somnukdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodkritsada Sor.SommaiDecision (majority)33:00
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Kaotaem Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Lamsing Sor.DechapanDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Raksaensuk Sor.Tor.Hiewbangsaendef. Flag of Thailand.svg Thapluang PetkiatpetKO (punches to the body and knee)30:42
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Ibragim Abdulmedzhidovdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Duangsompong JitmuangnonKO (punch)12:23Abdulmedzhidov missed weight (138.6 lb).
Catchweight (158 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Morocco.svg Abdelali Zahididef. Flag of Myanmar.svg Tun Min AungKO (head kick)22:40
Flyweight Kickboxing Flag of Japan.svg Hiroki Naruodef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Zhang JinhuTKO (body kick and punches)31:23
Bantamweight MMA Flag of Brazil.svg Harlysson Nunesdef. Flag of Belarus.svg Ilyas EzievTKO (upkick and punches)22:16
Lightweight Submission Grappling Flag of Russia.svg Vladimir Kuchmistyidef. Flag of England.svg Craig HutchinsonDecision (unanimous)110:00

ONE Friday Fights 89

ONE Friday Fights 89: Yod-IQ vs. Khomutov
Promotion ONE Championship
DateNovember 29, 2024 (2024-11-29)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 89: Yod-IQ vs. Khomutov (also known as ONE Lumpinee 89) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on November 29, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A bantamweight Muay Thai bout between Yod-IQ Or.Pimonsri and Kirill Khomutov headlined the event. [48]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 89 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yod-IQ Or.Primolsridef. Flag of Russia.svg Kirill KhomutovDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Pataknin SinbiMuayThaidef. Flag of Laos.svg Petnamkhong MongkolpetDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (119 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Tonglampoon FA.Groupdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Mungkorn BoomdekseanDecision (split)33:00
Catchweight (118 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Brazil.svg Dionatha Santos Tobiasdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Mahahin PetkiatpetKO (punch to the body)22:50
Catchweight (128 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Lothong Kruaynaimuanggymdef. Flag of Laos.svg Songpandin Chor.KaewwisetKO (head kick and punch)21:22
Catchweight (126 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Spain.svg Pol Pascualdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petkiri PongsevenfarmTKO (punches)12:55
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Khunsuek SuperbonTrainingCampdef. Flag of Iran.svg Mohammad Siasarani Decision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Rustam Yunusovdef. Flag of Morocco.svg Toufiq ChabibiKO (elbow and knee)22:58Chabibi missed weight (138 lb).
Bantamweight Kickboxing Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Uzair Ismoiljonovdef. Flag of Japan.svg RikitoDecision (split)33:00
Women's Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Tangtang Suansunandhagymdef. Flag of Japan.svg Wakana TsujiiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight MMA Flag of the Philippines.svg Marwin Quirantedef. Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Musa MusazadeSubmission (rear-naked choke)24:03

ONE Friday Fights 90

ONE Friday Fights 90: Kongklai vs. Kacem
Promotion ONE Championship
DateDecember 6, 2024 (2024-12-06)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 90: Kongklai vs. Kacem (also known as ONE Lumpinee 90) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on December 6, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


The event was headlined by a 142-pounds muay thai bout between Kongklai Sor.Sommai and Antar Kacem. [49]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 90 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Belarus.svg Antar Kacemdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kongklai Sor.Sommai KO (punches)20:45Kongklai missed weight (143.8 lb).
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Asadula Imangazalievdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Dedduanglek Wankhongohm MBKKO (spinning backfist)11:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rambong Sor.Therapatdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Patakake SinbiMuayThaiDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (142 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Turkey.svg Şoner Şendef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petgarfield JitmuangnonTKO (punches)12:47
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Spain.svg Xavier Gonzalezdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petkitti JiabRamintraKO (punches)22:21
Catchweight (147 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Italy.svg Alessio Malatestadef. Flag of Portugal.svg Fabio ReisKO (head kick)12:53
Catchweight (132 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Pakistan.svg Ubaid Hussaindef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petsinchai KingballroofphuketKO (knees and punch)12:10
Catchweight (167 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Denis Burmatovdef. Flag of Algeria.svg Ayoub BahriDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (159 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Scotland.svg Rudy Da Silvadef. Flag of Japan.svg Kaisei SatoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Lightweight Muay Thai Flag of England.svg Joe Welchdef. Flag of Australia (converted).svg Meeka MichaelDecision (unanimous)33:00
Flyweight MMA Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Avazbek Kholmirzaevdef. Flag of Russia.svg Valmir GalievSubmission (rear-naked choke)21:32

ONE Fight Night 26

ONE Friday Fights 91

ONE Friday Fights 91: Komawut vs. Balyko
Promotion ONE Championship
DateDecember 13, 2024 (2024-12-13)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 91: Komawut vs. Balyko (also known as ONE Lumpinee 91) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on December 13, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


The event was headlined by a 140-pounds muay thai bout between Komawut FA.Group and Alexey Balyko. [50]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received $10,000 bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 91 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Komawut FA.Groupdef. Flag of Russia.svg Alexey BalykoDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (139 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Myanmar.svg Sonrak Fairtexdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Petwichit Singha MawynnDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Petsansab Sor.Jaruwandef. Flag of Thailand.svg Dabdam Por.Tor.Tor.ThongtaweeDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Jaruadsuk Sor.Jor.Wichitpadriewdef. Flag of Sweden.svg Amir El DakkakDecision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (130 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Sirichok Sor.Sommaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tanachart Por.PatcharawatKO (punches)10:57
Catchweight (117 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Yodsinlapa Rodsuayjajeddef. Flag of Thailand.svg Tienngam NakbinalaiyonKO (punches)20:15
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of England.svg Freddie Haggertydef. Flag of Thailand.svg Kaoklai Chor.HapayakTKO (punches)31:48
Catchweight (122 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Padejsuk N.F.Looksuandef. Flag of Japan.svg HiroyukiTKO (elbow)12:57
Strawweight Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Yugo Katodef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Ke JingjunKO (punches)21:06
Catchweight (112 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Nongfahsai TOP P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Sweden.svg Moa CarlssonDecision (unanimous)33:00
Strawweight MMA Flag of South Korea.svg Lee Seung-chuldef. Flag of Vietnam.svg Phạm Văn NamTKO (punches)23:15
Women's Strawweight MMA Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Zemfira Alievadef. Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Yu GaoTKO (punches)21:06

ONE Friday Fights 92

ONE Friday Fights 92: Sitthichai vs. Shadow
Promotion ONE Championship
DateDecember 20, 2024 (2024-12-20)
Venue Lumpinee Boxing Stadium
City Bangkok, Thailand

ONE Friday Fights 92: Sitthichai vs. Shadow (also known as ONE Lumpinee 92) was a combat sports event produced by ONE Championship that took place on December 20, 2024, at Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.


A featherweight Muay Thai bout between former Glory Lightweight Champion Sitthichai Sitsongpeenong and Shadow Singha Mawynn headlined the event. [51]

Bonus awards

The following fighters received bonuses:


ONE Friday Fights 92 (YouTube / Watch ONE)
Weight ClassMethodRoundTimeNotes
Featherweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Shadow Singha Mawynn def. Flag of Thailand.svg Sitthichai Sitsongpeenong Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (140 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Suakim Sor.Jor.Tongprajin def. Flag of Thailand.svg Panrit LukjaomaesaiwareeKO (punch)22:57Panrit missed weight (140.4 lb).
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Songchainoi Kiatsongritdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Yodnumchai FairtexKO (punches)21:18
Flyweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Egor Bikrevdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Panpayak Jitmuangnon KO (punch)21:08
Bantamweight Muay Thai Flag of Russia.svg Abdulla Dayakaevdef. Flag of Thailand.svg Sibmuen Sitchefboontham KO (punch)10:35Dayakaev missed weight (147.2 lb).
Atomweight Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Rak Erawan def. Flag of Thailand.svg Koko Sor.SommaiTKO (retirement)13:00
Catchweight (159 lbs) Kickboxing Flag of Armenia.svg Marat Grigorian def. Flag of Morocco.svg Abdelali ZahidiKO (punches)22:36
Catchweight (121 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Thailand.svg Watcharapon P.K.Saenchaidef. Flag of Thailand.svg Maisangkum Sor. YingcharoenkarnchangKO (punches)12:22
Featherweight Kickboxing Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Liu Mengyangdef. Flag of Japan.svg Masaaki Noiri Decision (unanimous)33:00
Women's Atomweight Kickboxing Flag of France.svg Anissa Meksen def. Flag of Japan.svg Kana Morimoto Decision (unanimous)33:00
Catchweight (134 lbs) Muay Thai Flag of Japan.svg Shimon Yoshinaridef. Flag of Thailand.svg Rittidet Sor.SommaiTKO (punches and elbows)20:39
Bantamweight Kickboxing Flag of Russia.svg Elbrus Osmanovdef. Flag of England.svg Nathan BendonDecision (unanimous)33:00

See also


  1. "ONE Fight Night 26 Results And Fight Bonuses – Lee vs. Rasulov". FightBook MMA. 2024-12-07. Retrieved 2024-12-07.
  2. "Buchecha, Moraes, Ruotolo, Miura Make Statements At ONE 169: Malykhin Vs. Reug Reug". ONE Championship – The Home Of Martial Arts. 2024-11-09. Retrieved 2024-11-10.
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  7. "Three fighters bag B5.4 million in bonuses at ONE 167". Bangkok Post. 2024-06-08. Retrieved 2024-06-08.
  8. Joseph, Mike (2024-05-04). "ONE Fight Night 22 Results: Smilla Sundell Folds Natalia Diachkova, Abdullaev Shocks Amir". myKhel.com. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  9. Pekios, Craig (2024-04-06). "ONE Fight Night 21: Eersel vs Nicolas - Who won the $50,000 bonuses?". www.sportskeeda.com. Retrieved 2024-04-06.
  10. Pimentel, Anatoly (2024-03-01). "ONE 166: Qatar - Who got the $50,000 bonuses?". www.sportskeeda.com. Retrieved 2024-03-02.
  11. Pimentel, Anatoly (2024-02-17). "ONE Fight Night 19: Who won the $50,000 bonuses?". www.sportskeeda.com. Retrieved 2024-02-17.
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  13. Pimentel, Anatoly (2024-01-13). "ONE Fight Night 18: Who took home the $50,000 bonuses?". www.sportskeeda.com. Retrieved 2024-01-13.
  14. "Superlek And Kade Ruotolo Named 2024 Fighters Of The Year In ONE Championship". ONE Championship – The Home Of Martial Arts. 2025-01-02. Retrieved 2025-01-04.
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  26. "Focus vs. Stephen Irvine Headlines ONE Friday Fights 70 on July 12, Full Card Revealed". ONE Championship – The Home Of Martial Arts. 2024-07-10. Retrieved 2024-07-17.
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  31. "Full Card Revealed For ONE Friday Fights 75 On August 16". ONE Championship – The Home Of Martial Arts. 2024-08-12. Retrieved 2024-08-13.
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