Aten (city)

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Egypt relief location map.jpg
Archaeological site icon (red).svg
Shown within Egypt
Location Luxor, Luxor Governorate, Egypt
Region Upper Egypt
Coordinates 25°43′21″N32°36′06″E / 25.72250°N 32.60167°E / 25.72250; 32.60167
Part of Theban Necropolis, Thebes
Founded1386–1353 BCE
Periods New Kingdom of Egypt
Associated with
Site notes
Discovered8 April 2021 (confirmation announced)
Excavation datesSeptember 2020 onwards
Archaeologists Zahi Hawass
Official nameAncient Thebes with its Necropolis
Criteriai, iii, vi
Designated1979 (3rd session)
Reference no. 87
Region Arab States

Aten, properly called The Dazzling Aten [lower-alpha 1] though dubbed initially by archaeologists the Rise of Aten, [1] [lower-alpha 2] is the remains of an ancient Egyptian city on the west bank of the Nile [2] in the Theban Necropolis near Luxor. Named after Egyptian sun god Aten, the city appears to have remained relatively intact for over three millennia. Since excavation began in late 2020, it is emerging as the largest city of its kind in ancient Egypt, with a remarkable degree of preservation, leading to comparisons with Pompeii. [3] [4]



Aten in hieroglyphs
Aten (city)
Aten (city)
Aten (city)Aten (city)
Aten (city)
Aten (city)Aten (city)Aten (city)Aten (city)Aten (city)

pn-ṯḥn-jtn (Pen-tjehen Aten)
The Dazzling Aten

The city's foundation is dated to the period of Amenhotep III, some 3,400 years ago (1386–1353 BCE). [4] A number of inscriptions enabled archaeologists to establish precise dates for the city's history. One refers to 1337 BCE, coinciding with the reign of Akhenaten, who is thought to have shifted to his new capital at Akhetaten the following year. [1] Traces uncovered so far suggest that Aten subsequently fell under the rule of Tutankhaten, who changed his name to Tutankhamun after another Egyptian god, and thereafter was used by the penultimate ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty, Ay. [4] So far four distinct settlement layers attest to renewed habitation as late as the Coptic Byzantine era, from the 3rd to 7th centuries CE. [4]


Many previous exploratory missions had endeavoured to locate the city only to meet with failure. [2] Excavations at the site, roughly in an area between the respective mortuary temple of Ramses III and that of Amenhotep III were carried out under the direction of Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass, and began in September 2020, beginning with what turned out to be the southern quarters of the city. [1] The city's remains were stumbled upon when Hawass and his team were searching for the remains of the funerary temple of Tutankhamun. [5] The find turned out to reveal what appears to be the greatest administrative and industrial centre of that period. [2]

It forms part of Amenhotep's palace complex (Malkata, also known originally as "the Dazzling Aten") lying just north of the new area. [4] The confirmation of the discovery was announced by Hawass on 8 April 2021. Egyptologist Betsy Bryan hailed it as the most important archaeological discovery in Egypt since the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. [3]


To date several distinct neighbourhoods, formed by zigzagging mudbrick walls, [4] have been uncovered, including a bakery quarter, replete with items of everyday life and work related to the town's artistic and industrial life. [3] [4] Three distinct palaces have been identified. [6] As of April 2021, the northern quarters and the town's cemetery have been located, but are unexcavated. [1]


Location of the city of Aten, excavated in 2020-21, overlaid on the first detailed modern map of the area Location of the city of Aten, discovered 2020-2021, overlaid on the first detailed modern map of the area.jpg
Location of the city of Aten, excavated in 2020–21, overlaid on the first detailed modern map of the area

See also



  1. "The inscription that found inside here says that this city was called: 'The dazzling Aten', Hawass told reporters at the site." (Magdy 2021)
  2. "The Egyptologists have dubbed the project 'The Rise of Aten,' after a mud seal identifying the city as 'the domain of the dazzling Aten'." (Cascone 2021)



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The Amarna Era includes the reigns of Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamun and Ay. The period is named after the capital city established by Akhenaten, son of Amenhotep III. Akhenaten started his reign as Amenhotep IV, but changed his name when he discarded all other religions and declared the Aten or sun disc as the only god. He closed all the temples of the other Gods and removed their names from the monuments. Smenkhkare, then Tutankhamun, succeeded Akhenaten. Discarding Akhenten's religious beliefs, Tutankhamun returned to the traditional gods. He died young and was succeeded by Ay. Many kings did their best to remove all traces of the period from the records. The Amarna art is very distinctive: the royal family was portrayed with extended heads, long necks and narrow chests. They had skinny limbs, but heavy hips and thighs, with a marked stomach.