Cardinal function

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In mathematics, a cardinal function (or cardinal invariant) is a function that returns cardinal numbers.


Cardinal functions in set theory

The "additivity" of I is the smallest number of sets from I whose union is not in I any more. As any ideal is closed under finite unions, this number is always at least ; if I is a σ-ideal, then
The "covering number" of I is the smallest number of sets from I whose union is all of X. As X itself is not in I, we must have add(I) ≤ cov(I).
The "uniformity number" of I (sometimes also written ) is the size of the smallest set not in I. Assuming I contains all singletons, add(I) ≤ non(I).
The "cofinality" of I is the cofinality of the partial order (I, ). It is easy to see that we must have non(I) ≤ cof(I) and cov(I) ≤ cof(I).
In the case that is an ideal closely related to the structure of the reals, such as the ideal of Lebesgue null sets or the ideal of meagre sets, these cardinal invariants are referred to as cardinal characteristics of the continuum.

Cardinal functions in topology

Cardinal functions are widely used in topology as a tool for describing various topological properties. [2] [3] Below are some examples. (Note: some authors, arguing that "there are no finite cardinal numbers in general topology", [4] prefer to define the cardinal functions listed below so that they never taken on finite cardinal numbers as values; this requires modifying some of the definitions given below, for example by adding "" to the right-hand side of the definitions, etc.)

  • The hereditary cellularity (sometimes called spread) is the least upper bound of cellularities of its subsets:
    where "discrete" means that it is a discrete topological space.

Basic inequalities

Cardinal functions in Boolean algebras

Cardinal functions are often used in the study of Boolean algebras. [5] [6] We can mention, for example, the following functions:


Cardinal functions in algebra

Examples of cardinal functions in algebra are:

See also

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  1. and
  2. if and , then
  3. If , and , then

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In mathematical analysis, the spaces of test functions and distributions are topological vector spaces (TVSs) that are used in the definition and application of distributions. Test functions are usually infinitely differentiable complex-valued functions on a non-empty open subset that have compact support. The space of all test functions, denoted by is endowed with a certain topology, called the canonical LF-topology, that makes into a complete Hausdorff locally convex TVS. The strong dual space of is called the space of distributions on and is denoted by where the "" subscript indicates that the continuous dual space of denoted by is endowed with the strong dual topology.


  1. Holz, Michael; Steffens, Karsten; Weitz, Edmund (1999). Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic . Birkhäuser. ISBN   3764361247.
  2. Juhász, István (1979). Cardinal functions in topology (PDF). Math. Centre Tracts, Amsterdam. ISBN   90-6196-062-2. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-03-18. Retrieved 2012-06-30.
  3. Juhász, István (1980). Cardinal functions in topology - ten years later (PDF). Math. Centre Tracts, Amsterdam. ISBN   90-6196-196-3. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-03-17. Retrieved 2012-06-30.
  4. Engelking, Ryszard (1989). General Topology. Sigma Series in Pure Mathematics. Vol. 6 (Revised ed.). Heldermann Verlag, Berlin. ISBN   3885380064.
  5. Monk, J. Donald: Cardinal functions on Boolean algebras. "Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich". Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1990. ISBN   3-7643-2495-3.
  6. Monk, J. Donald: Cardinal invariants on Boolean algebras. "Progress in Mathematics", 142. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, ISBN   3-7643-5402-X.