Central Committee of the 14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

Last updated

Central Committee
of the 14th Congress
31 December 1925 – 19 December 1927
General Secretary Joseph Stalin
Second Secretary Vyacheslav Molotov
Inner-groups Politburo: 10 full & 11 candidates
Secretariat: 6 full & 3 candidates
Orgburo: 15 full & 5 candidates
No. of departments11

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 14th Congress, and sat from 31 December 1925 until 19 December 1927. The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks).



The CC was not a permanent institution. It convened plenary sessions, one emergency session, four CC plenary sessions and six joint CC–Central Control Commission (CCC) plenary sessions were held between the 14th Congress and the 15th Congress. When the CC was not in session, decision-making powers were transferred to inner bodies of the CC itself; the Politburo, Secretariat and Orgburo (none of these bodies were permanent either, but convened several times a months). [1]

Plenary sessions of the Central Committee
Emergency Plenary Session28 December 19251 day
1st Plenary Session1 January 19261 day
2nd Plenary Session6–9 April 19264 days
1st Joint Plenary Session14–23 July 192611 days
2nd Joint Plenary Session23, 26 October 19262 days
3rd Joint Plenary Session3 November 19261 day
3rd Plenary Session7–12 February 19276 days
4th Plenary Session13–16 April 19274 days
4th Joint Plenary Session29 June – 9 August 192712 days
5th Joint Plenary Session21–23 October 19273 days
6th Joint Plenary Session12–14 November 19273 days


Individuals employed by Central Committee's bureaus, departments and newspapers made up the apparatus between the 14th Congress and the 15th Congress. [2] The bureaus and departments were supervised by the Secretariat, and each secretary (member of the Secretariat) supervised a specific department. [3] The leaders of departments were officially referred to as Heads, while the titles of bureau leaders varied between chairman, first secretary and secretary. [4]

Central Committee Apparatus of the 14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) [5] [6] [7]
InstitutionLeader Cyrillic Took officeLeft officeLength of tenureNationalityGender
Administrator of Affairs Yakov Brezanovsky Яков Брезановский31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Jewish [8] Male
Pyotr Guzakov Пётр Гузаков31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Russian Male
Agitation and Propaganda Department Sergei Syrtsov Сергей Сырцов31 December 192527 January 192627 days Russian Male
Vilhelm Knorin Вильгельм Кнорин27 January 1926May 19271 year and 124 days Latvian Male
Alexander Krinitsky Александр КриницкийMay 192719 December 1927202 days Russian Male
Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin Никола́й Буха́рин31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Russian Male
Bureau of the Secretariat Lev Mekhlis Лев Мехлис31 December 192522 January 192622 days Jewish [9] [10] Male
Ivan Tovstukha Иван Товстуха22 January 192619 March 192656 days Ukrainian Male
Central Asian Bureau Isaak Zelensky Исаак Зеленский31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Jewish [11] [12] Male
Department for Work Among Women (until July 1926)

Department for Worker Women and Peasant Women (from July 1926)

Klavdiya Nikolayeva Клавдия Николаева31 December 192527 January 192627 days Russian Female
Aleksandra Artyukhina Александра Артюхина27 January 192619 December 19271 year and 326 days Russian Female
Department of Party History Semyon Kanatchikov Семён Канатчиков31 December 1925September 1926273 days Russian Male
Finance Department P. N. Ivanov П. Н. Иванов31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Russian Male
Information Department Lev Roshal Лев Рошаль31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Jewish [13] [14] [15] Male
Lenin Institute Lev Kamenev Лев Ка́менев31 December 1925192631 days Jewish-Russian

[16] [17] [a]

Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov Ива́н Скворцо́в-Степа́нов192619 December 19271 year and 322 days Russian Male
North–West Bureau Nikolay Komarov Николай Колотилов31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Russian Male
Organizational and Distribution Department Konstantin Gey Константин Гей31 December 192525 March 192684 days Russian Male
Ivan Moskvin Иван Москвин25 March 192619 December 19271 year and 269 days Russian Male
Press Department Juozas Vareikis Иосиф Варейкис31 December 1925January 192628 days Lithuanian Male
Vladimir Vasilievsky Владимир Васильевский28 January 19264 March 192634 days Russian Male
Sergei Gusev Сергей ГусевMarch 192619 December 19271 year and 293 days Jewish [18] Male
Pravda Nikolai Bukharin Никола́й Буха́рин31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Russian Male
Secret Department Ivan Tovstukha Иван Товстуха19 March 192619 December 19271 year and 275 days Ukrainian Male
Statistical Department Yelena Smitten Елена Смиттен31 December 192519 December 19271 year and 353 days Belarusian Female



Members of the Central Committee of the 14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Name Cyrillic 13th CC 15th CC BirthDeathPMNationalityGenderPortrait
Andrey Andreyev Андрей АндреевOldReelected189519711914 Russian Male BSE1. Andreev, Andrei Andreevich.jpg
Nikolay Antipov Николай АнтиповOldReelected189419381912 Russian Male N.K. Antipov.jpg
Aleksandra Artyukhina Александра АртюхинаCandidateReelected188919691910 Russian Female Aleksandra Artioukhina.jpg
Aleksei Badayev Алексей БадаевCandidateReelected188319511904 Russian Male Aleksei Egorovich Badaev.jpg
Karl Bauman Карл БауманOldReelected189219371907 Latvian Male
Andrei Bubnov Андрей БубновOldReelected188419381903 Russian Male Andrei Sergeyevich Bubnov (1884-1938).jpg
Nikolai Bukharin Никола́й Буха́ринOldReelected188819381906 Russian Male Bucharin.bra.jpg
Georgy Chicherin Георгий ЧичеринNewReelected187219361918 Russian Male Chicherin1925.jpeg
Vlas Chubar Влас ЧубарOldReelected189119391907 Ukrainian Male Vlas Czubar.jpg
Mikhail Chudov Михаил ЧудовCandidateReelected189319371913 Russian Male
Alexander Dogadov Александр ДогадовOldReelected188819371905 Russian Male
Felix Dzerzhinsky Фе́ликс Дзержи́нскийOldDied187719261906 Polish Male RIAN archive 6464 Dzerzhinsky.jpg
Ivan Kabakov Иван КабаковCandidateReelected189119371914 Russian Male
Lazar Kaganovich Лазарь КагановичOldReelected189319911911 Jewish

[19] [20] [21]

Male Lazar' Moiseevich Kaganovich.jpg
Mikhail Kalinin Михаил КалининOldReelected187519461898 Russian Male Mikhail Kalinin attending the 8th Party Congress (4).jpg
Lev Kamenev Лев Ка́меневOldNot188319361901 Jewish-Russian

[22] [23] [b]

Male Lev Kamenev 1920s (cropped).jpg
Kuprian Kirkizh Куприян КиркижCandidateReelected188619321910 Belarusian Male Kuprian-kirkizh.jpg
Sergey Kirov Серге́й Ки́ровOldReelected188619341904 Russian Male Sergey Kirov (2).jpg
Nikolay Kolotilov Николай КолотиловOldReelected188519371903 Russian Male
Nikolay Komarov Николай КолотиловOldReelected188619371909 Russian Male Nikolay Pavlovich Komarov.jpg
Stanislav Kosior Станислав КосиорOldReelected188919391907 Polish Male Kosior.jpg
Vasily Kotov Василий КотовNewReelected188519371915 Russian Male
Leonid Krasin Леонид КрасинOldDied187019261898 Russian Male Krasin Leonid 1926.jpg
Gleb Krzhizhanovsky Глеб Кржижано́вскийOldReelected187219591898 Polish-German

[24] [c]

Male Gleb Maksimilianovich Krzhizhanovskiy.jpg
Nikolay Kubyak Николай КубякOldReelected188119371898 Russian Male N.A.Kubiak.JPG
Yegor Kulikov Егор КуликовNewReelected189119431910 Russian Male
Emanuel Kviring Эммануил КвирингOldReelected188819371912 Volga German Male The Soviet Union 1988 CPA 5986 stamp (Birth centenary of Emanuel Kviring, Soviet politician and statesman).jpg
Ivan Lepse Иван ЛепсеOldReelected188919291906 Latvian Male
Semen Lobov Семён ЛобовOldReelected188819371913 Russian Male
Dmitry Manuilsky Дмитро МануїльськийOldReelected188319591903 Ukrainian Male BSE1. Manuil'skii, Dmitrii Zakharovich.jpg
Alexei Medvedev Алексей МедведевOldReelected188419371904 Russian Male Aleksey Medvedev (09.05.1924).jpg
Vasily Mikhailov Василий МихайловOldReelected189419371915 Russian Male Mikhaylov V.M.jpg
Anastas Mikoyan Анастас МикоянOldReelected189519781915 Armenian Male Anastas Ivanovich Mikoian.jpg
Vyacheslav Molotov Вячеслав МолотовOldReelected189019861906 Russian Male Molotov VM.jpg
Mamia Orakhelashvili Мамия ОрахелашвилиPromotedReelected188819371903 Georgian Male Mamia Orakhelashvili.jpg
Grigol Ordzhonikidze Григо́рий Орджоники́дзеOldNot188619371903 Georgian Male Sergo Orjonikidze.jpg
Grigory Petrovsky Григо́рій Петро́вськийOldReelected187819581898 Ukrainian Male Grigory Petrovsky, 2.jpg
Georgy Pyatakov Юрій П'ятаковOldNot189019371910 Russian Male Pyatakov GL.jpg
Andrey Radchenko Андрей РадченкоNewNot188719381912 Ukrainian Male
Christian Rakovsky Христиан РаковскийOldNot187319411917 Bulgarian Male Christian Rakovsky 1920s.jpg
Jānis Rudzutaks Ян РудзутакOldReelected188719381906 Latvian Male Rudsutak.jpg
Moisei Rukhimovich Моисей РухимовичOldReelected188919371913 Jewish [25] Male Moses Rukhimovich.jpg
Ivan Rumyantsev Иван РумянцевOldReelected188619371905 Russian Male Ivan Rumiantsev.jpg
Alexei Rykov Алексей РыковOldReelected188119381899 Russian Male Bundesarchiv Bild 102-10691, Alexej Iwanowitsch Rykow.jpg
Vasily Schmidt Сергей ЧуцкаевCandidateReelected188619381905 German [26] Male Vasily Schmidt Portrait.jpg
Isaak Schwartz Исаак ШварцOldReelected187919511899 Jewish [27] Male BSE1. Shvarts, Isaak Izrailevich.jpg
Nikolai Shvernik Николай ШверникNewReelected188819701905 Russian Male Nikolai Mikhailovich Shvernik.jpg
Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov Ива́н Скворцо́в-Степа́новNewReelected187819281898 Russian Male Skvorcov-Stepanov.jpg
Ivar Smilga Ивар СмилгаCandidateNot189219381907 Latvian Male Smilga IT.jpg
Alexander Smirnov Александр СмирновOldReelected187819381898 Russian Male Aleksandr Smirnow.jpg
Grigori Sokolnikov Григорий СокольниковOldReelected188819381905 Jewish [28] [29] Male No-nb bldsa 1c112 Grigory Sokolnikov.jpg
Joseph Stalin Ио́сиф Ста́линOldReelected187819531898 Georgian Male Stalin-Joseph-1930 (close-up)-2.jpg
Daniil Sulimov Даниил СулимовOldReelected189019371905 Russian Male Daniil Egorovich Sulimov.jpg
Aleksandr Tolokontsev Александр ТолоконцевCandidateReelected188919371914 Russian Male
Mikhail Tomsky Михаил ТомскийOldReelected188019361904 Russian Male Tomskiy MP.jpg
Leon Trotsky Лев Тро́цкийOldRemoved187919401917 Jewish [30] [31] Male Lev Davidovich Trotskii.jpg
Alexander Tsiurupa Алекса́ндр Цюру́паOldReelected187019281898 Ukrainian Male No-nb bldsa 1c107 Tsiurupa.jpg
Nikolai Uglanov Николай УглановOldReelected188619371907 Russian Male Nicolai Uglanov.jpg
Konstantin Ukhanov Константин УхановOldReelected189119371907 Russian Male Konstantin Uhanov.jpg
Kliment Voroshilov Климент ВорошиловOldReelected188119691903 Russian Male Kliment Voroshilov.jpg
Grigory Yevdokimov Григорий ЕвдокимовOldRemoved188419361903 Russian Male Yevdokimov Grigory.jpg
Isaak Zelensky Исаак ЗеленскийOldReelected189019371906 Jewish [32] [33] Male
Ivan Zhukov Иван ЖуковNewReelected188919371909 Russian Male
Grigory Zinoviev Григо́рий Зино́вьевOldNot188319361901 Jewish [34] [35] Male Screenshot of Grigory Zinoviev.jpg


Candidate Members of the Central Committee of the 14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Name Cyrillic 13th CC 15th CC BirthDeathPMNationalityGenderPortrait
Ivan Avdeev Иван АвдеевNewRemoved187719361901 Russian Male
Nikolai Chaplin Николай ЧаплинCandidateCandidate190219381919 Russian Male
Robert Eikhe Роберт ЭйхеNewCandidate189019401906 Latvian Male Eikhe RI.jpg
Yan Gamarnik Ян ГамарникNewMember189419371916 Jewish [36] Male
Konstantin Gey Константин ГейCandidateCandidate189619391916 Russian Male K. V. Gei.jpg
Filipp Goloshchyokin Филипп ГолощёкинCandidateMember187619411903 Jewish [37] Male Goloshchekin.jpg
Akmal Ikramov Акмаль ИкрамовNewCandidate189819381918 Uzbek Male The Soviet Union 1968 CPA 3668 stamp (One of Organizers of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan Akmal Ikramov (1898-1938)).jpg
Vladimir Ivanov Владимир ИвановNewCandidate189319381915 Russian Male Vladimir-ivanov.jpg
Anna Kalgyna Анна КалыгинаNewCandidate189519371915 Russian Female
Grigory Kaminsky Григорий КаминскийNewCandidate189519381913 Jewish [38] [39] Male Grigory Naumovich Kaminsky.png
Aleksei Kiselyov Алексей КиселёвNewCandidate187919371898 Russian Male Aleksei Semionovich Kiseliov (1879-1937).png
Ivan Klimenko Иван КлименкоNewCandidate189119371912 Russian Male Klimenko Ivan Ievdokimovich.jpg
Ivan Kodatsky Иван КодацкийNewCandidate189319371914 Russian Male Kodatsky.jpg
Taras Kondratyev Тарас КондратьевNewCandidate189219371913 Russian Male
Joseph Kosior Иосиф КосиорNewMember188919371908 Polish Male Iosif Kosior.jpg
Alexander Krinitsky Александр КриницкийCandidateCandidate189419371915 Russian Male Krinicki.jpg
Mikhail Lashevich Александр КриницкийMemberRemoved188419371901 Jewish [40] [41] Male Mikhail Lashevich attending the 8th Party Congress in 1919.jpg
Vissarion Lominadze Виссарион ЛоминадзеNewCandidate189719351917 Georgian Male
Sargis Lukashin Сергей ЛукашинNewNot188319371905 Armenian Male Sergey-Lukashin-Sargis-Srapionyan.jpg
Isidore Lyubimov Исидор ЛюбимовNewMember188219371902 Russian Male
Alexander Markov Александр МарковCandidateCandidate187719351898 Russian Male
Dmitry Matveyev Дмитрий МатвеевNewNot190019371920 Russian Male
Grigory Melnichansky Григорий МельничанскийNewCandidate188619371902 Jewish [42] Male
Ivan Moskvin Иван МосквинCandidateMember189019371911 Russian Male Ivan Moskvin NKVD.jpg
Gazanfar Musabekov Газанфар МусабековNewCandidate188819381918 Azerbaijani Male Gazanfar Musabekov.png
Klavdiya Nikolayeva Клавдия НиколаеваMemberCandidate189319441909 Russian Female Nikolaeva KI.jpg
Ivan Nosov Иван НосовNewCandidate188819371905 Russian Male
Georgy Oppokov Георгий ОппоковNewMember188819381903 Russian Male Oppokov GI.jpg
Mamia Orakhelashvili Мамия ОрахелашвилиCandidatePromoted188819371903 Georgian Male Mamia Orakhelashvili.jpg
Valerian Osinsky Валериан ОболенскийNewCandidate188219381907 Russian Male Osinsky V.V.jpg
Pavel Postyshev Григо́рій Петро́вськийNewMember188719391904 Russian Male Globus-1935-05-Pavel-Postyshev-foto.jpg
Konstantin Rumyantsev Константин РумянцевCandidateCandidate188919391916 Russian Male
Kuzma Ryndin Кузьма РындинCandidateCandidate189319381915 Russian Male
Boris Semenov Борис СемёновNewCandidate189019371907 Russian Male
Alexander Serebrovsky Александр СеребровскийNewCandidate188419381903 Russian Male Alexander Serebrovsky.jpg
Mykola Skrypnyk Микола СкрипникCandidateMember187219331898 Ukrainian Male Skrypnyk Mykola1.jpg
Konstantin Strievsky Константин СтриевскийCandidateMember188519381902 Belarusian Male
Sergei Syrtsov Сергей СырцовCandidateMember189319371913 Russian Male 1929-sergey syrtsov.jpg
Fyodor Ugarov Фёдор УгаровNewMember188519321905 Russian Male
Józef Unszlicht Ио́сиф У́ншлихтNewCandidate187919381907 Jewish [43] Male Bundesarchiv Bild 102-09893, Sowjet-Kriegskommissar Unschlicht.jpg
Mikhail Uryvayev Михаил УрываевNewCandidate188719371917 Russian Male
Iosif Vareikis Иосиф ВарейкисCandidateCandidate189419381913 Lithuanian Male
Andrei Zhdanov Андрей ЖдановNewCandidate189619481915 Russian Male Andrei Zhdanov (cropped).jpg


  1. His father was Jewish and his mother Russian
  2. His father was Jewish and his mother Russian
  3. His father was Polish and his mother German



Plenary sessions, apparatus heads, ethnicity (by clicking on the individual names on "The Central Committee elected by the XIV th Congress of the CPSU (b) 12.31.1925 members" reference), the Central Committee full- and candidate membership, Politburo membership, Secretariat membership and Orgburo membership were taken from these sources:



  1. Simons & White 1984, pp. 423–425.
  2. Fainsod & Hough 1979, p. 410.
  3. Fainsod & Hough 1979, pp. 410–411 & 417–419.
  4. Fainsod & Hough 1979, pp. 417–419.
  5. "Бюро ЦК РСДРП - РСДРП(б) - РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Bureaus of the Central Committee of RSDLP(b) - RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. Knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  6. "Управления ЦК РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Administrations of the Central Committee RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  7. "Отделы, комиссии, институты ЦК РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Departments, Commissions, Institutes of the Central Committee RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  8. "Брезановский Яков Еремеевич (1888)" [Brezanovsky Yakov Eremeevich (1888)]. Open List. Retrieved 18 November 2023.
  9. Parrish, Michael (1992). Soviet Security and Intelligence Organizations 1917-1990: A Biographical Dictionary and Review of Literature in English. Greenwood Press. p. 272.
  10. "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995.
  11. Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 305.
  12. "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995.
  13. "Рошаль, Лев Борисович" [Roshal, Lev Borisovich]. Кадровый состав органов государственной безопасности СССР. 1935−1939. Retrieved 9 November 2023.
  14. "Рошаль Лев Борисович (1896)" [Roshal Lev Borisovich (1896)]. Открытый список. Retrieved 9 November 2023.
  15. "Рошаль Лев Борисович + 28.01.1940" [Roshal Lev Borisovich + 28.01.1940]. Расстрелянное поколение. Retrieved 9 November 2023.
  16. Service, Robert (2005). Stalin: A Biography. Harvard University Press. p. 103.
  17. Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 430.
  18. Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60, 80 and 303.
  19. Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 453.
  20. Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60, 70 and 303.
  21. "Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseyevich". Jewish Virtual Library. The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Retrieved 8 November 2023.
  22. Service, Robert (2005). Stalin: A Biography. Harvard University Press. p. 103.
  23. Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 430.
  24. "Глеб Максимилианович Кржижановский" [Gleb Maksimilianovich Krzhizhanovsky]. ХРОНОС.
  25. "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995. Retrieved 9 November 2023.
  26. Ivkin, V.I. Государственная власть СССР. Высшие органы власти и управления и их руководители. 1923—1991 гг. Историко-биографический справочни (in Russian). Moscow. p. 605.
  27. "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995. Retrieved 9 November 2023.
  28. Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 305.
  29. "Сокольников Григорий Яковлевич". www.hrono.ru.
  30. Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 304.
  31. Rubenstein, Joshua (2011). Leon Trotsky: A Revolutionary's Life. Yale University Press. p. 1.
  32. Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 305.
  33. "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995.
  34. Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 430.
  35. Service, Robert (2005). Stalin: A Biography. Harvard University Press. p. 103.
  36. Charny, Vitaly (1995). "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia".
  37. "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995. Retrieved 9 November 2023.
  38. "Lists.memo.ru" . Retrieved 10 November 2023.
  39. Charny, Vitaly (1995). "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. Retrieved 18 November 2023.
  40. "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995.
  41. Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 304.
  42. Charny, Vitaly (1995). "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". Archived from the original on 11 November 2023.
  43. Mendes, Philip (19 May 2014). Jews and the Left: The Rise and Fall of a Political Alliance (2014 ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. p. 136. ISBN   978-1-137-00830-5.