Chrysomyxa ledi var. rhododendri

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Chrysomyxa ledi var. rhododendri
Chrysomyxa rhododendri on Picea abies.jpg
On Norway spruce
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Pucciniomycetes
Order: Pucciniales
Family: Coleosporiaceae
Genus: Chrysomyxa
C. l. var. rhododendri
Trinomial name
Chrysomyxa ledi var. rhododendri
(DC.) Savile (1955)

Uredo rhododendriDC. (1815)
Chrysomyxa rhododendri(DC.) de Bary (1879)

Chrysomyxa ledi var. rhododendri is a plant pathogen responsible for the disease spruce needle rust.

It is present in European mountains, and especially in Switzerland in Grisons and Ticino between 1,000 and 2,000 metres. [1]

The spores of the fungus hibernate on Rhododendron species. In spring and summer, it migrates to spruce and infects recently emerged needles, coloring them in yellow. In autumn, the spores that developed on spruce infects the rhododendron again. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Dagmar Nierhaus-Wunderwald (2007-05-10). "Rust Fungus on Spruce" . Retrieved 2009-08-15.