The Court of Cassation, officially called the Supreme Court of Appeals of the Republic of Turkey (Turkish : Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Yargıtay Başkanlığı – Yargıtay for short), is the last instance for reviewing verdicts given by courts of criminal and civil justice in Turkey.
The institution of the court of appeals was Divan in the Ottoman Empire until the 19th century. The first modern court of appeals Divan-ı Ahkam-ı Adliye which was the first form of today's Yargıtay was established during the reign of Abdülaziz on 6 March 1868. [1] There are different view on the date of foundation. Some jurists hold that 6 March 1868 is the founding date when the Padishah announced his will and others hold that 1 April 1868, when the statute of the court was passed is the founding date. [2] Its first president was Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, the governor of Aleppo. [1] The high court was composed of members from Muslim and non-Muslim communities in a ratio of two thirds and one third respectively. [1] The name Divan-ı Ahkam-ı Adliye was changed June 18, 1879, to Mahkeme-i Temyiz (Appeal Court) by an act on foundation of courts. [1]
During the Turkish War of Independence, the Mahkeme-i Temyiz transferred its case files to a Temporary Committee of Appeals Muvakkat Temyiz Heyeti, which was formed on June 7, 1920, in Sivas by the Ankara Government that replaced the government in İstanbul upon the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. [1] On 7 June 1920 the Grand National Assembly of Turkey passed a law that established four chambers for appeal cases referring to civil, criminal, religious justice and one for petitions. [2] The Court of Cassation in Istanbul continued to exist. When Istanbul came under the reign of the national government on 4 November 1922 the courts were united by transferring the files from Istanbul to Sivas. [2] The Temporary Committee of Appeals moved from Sivas to Eskişehir on November 14, 1923, due to better transportation potential. At the same time, the committee's name was changed to Court of Appeals (Temyiz Mahkemesi). [1]
In 1935, the Supreme Court of Appeals moved to its new building in Ankara, which was built by the renowned Austrian architect Clemens Holzmeister. [1] On January 10, 1945, the name of the "Court of Appeals" was changed to "Court of Cassation" (Yargıtay). The latest act (Law 2797) related to the Court of Cassation is from February 4, 1983. [1]
On 8 November 2023 a constitutional crisis unfolded in Turkey between the Court of Cassation and the Constitutional Court when the Court of Cassation intervened to overturn a ruling by the Constitutional Court regarding the release of an imprisoned member of the Turkish Parliament, Can Atalay. [3]
The Constitutional Court had previously ordered the release of Atalay, asserting that his imprisonment infringed upon his rights to security, liberty, and the right to be elected. However the Court of Cassation annulled this decision, instructing lower courts not to abide by it. [4] Furthermore, the appeals court called for a criminal investigation into the Constitutional Court members, alleging that their ruling constituted a violation of the constitution. [3]
The opposition parties and the Union of Turkish Bar Associations called this action a "judicial coup attempt". Additionally, certain executives[ clarification needed ] within the ruling Justice and Development Party criticised the Court of Cassation's ruling. [5] The new leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party, Özgür Özel, called the ruling "a coup attempt against the constitutional order." He further emphasized the significance of the situation, stating, "I called our parliamentary group to an extraordinary closed meeting on the latest developments in the judiciary. The developments cannot be underestimated or ignored. Beyond the crime of violating the Constitution, this is an attempt to oppose the constitutional order. It should be suppressed immediately." [5]The Court is divided into 30 chambers according to their particular specialized field. There are 20 civil chambers, 10 penal chambers. [6] Until 2001 there were 21 civil and 11 criminal chambers. [7] A chamber has five members, one of which is president of the chamber. Judgments are taken by majority. [7] One elected judge by the all judges of the Court of Cassation presides over the entire Court as general President. [6] All presidents and judge-members of civil chambers form the General Civil Assembly, and all presidents and judge-members of criminal chambers constitute General Criminal Assembly (Yargıtay Ceza Genel Kurulu). [7] The General Assemblies decide on cases, if the lower court does not comply with the chamber's decision, persisting in its own decision [7] and on cases that the Chief Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation has appealed. There are 250 high judges, 32 heads of chamber and 440 Rapporteur-Judges whose duty is to carry out preliminary preparation and to explain case-file to the judge-members of this Court and 144 prosecutors working at the Court of Cassation. [7] In the civil chambers, average case-file number which come to these chambers annually is 261,716 and duration of handling the case-file changes from two months to three months. In the criminal chambers, 139,025 case-files are concluded on the average annually. [7]
The High Court of Appeals is administered by the following judges (as of June 2024):
As recorded in the European Commission 2005 report: “The Law Establishing the Intermediate Courts of Appeal came into force on 1 June 2005. The establishment of the Courts of Appeal will substantially reduce the case load of the Court of Cassation and enable it to concentrate on its function of providing guidance to lower courts on points of law of general public importance. The Law provides that the Courts are to be established within two years of its entry into force.” [6] The progress report of the European Commission on Turkey dated 9 November 2010 stated: "The regional courts of appeal are not operational yet. By law, they should have been in operation by June 2007." [8]
In the country report 2009 Human Rights Watch wrote: "Decisions of Turkey’s Court of Cassation continued to flout international human rights law and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, and demonstrate that the judiciary remains a site of institutionalized resistance to reform." [9] The organization criticized a March 2008 precedent decision by the General Penal Board of the Court of Cassation, ruling that individuals joining demonstrations where the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) had called for public participation were to be charged with “membership” in the PKK for “committing a crime in the name of the organization.” [9] In a report of 17 June 2010 Amnesty International called for an end of prosecution of children under anti-terrorism legislation. [10] The organization stated, "Thousands of children in Turkey, some as young as 12, have been prosecuted under anti-terrorism legislation, solely for their alleged participation in demonstrations considered by the government to be in support of terrorism. Prosecutions are often based on insubstantive evidence or statements taken from the children under pressure. The anti-terrorism legislation that the children are prosecuted under is vague and overly broad in its wording and unfair in its application by judges and prosecutors." [10] On 19 November 2010 Amnesty International referred to legal changes regarding trials of minors: "The Turkish government amended the law to prevent the prosecution of child demonstrators under anti-terrorism legislation solely for their alleged participation in demonstrations. Under these amendments, all children previously convicted under the Anti-Terror Law will have their convictions quashed and all children prosecuted under other laws will be tried in Children’s Courts rather than adult Special Heavy Penal Courts." [11]
These and other criticisms led to further reforms. On 1 March 2011 the Law Library of Congress reported: "Turkey's Parliament passed a controversial judicial reform bill on February 9, 2011. Under the Law on the Amendment of Certain Laws, the highest level of the judiciary will be restructured. [12] The Court of Appeals (Court of Cassation, Yargıtay, the highest court for civil and criminal cases) will have the number of its chambers increased to 38 from 32, and the Council of State (or Supreme Administrative Court, Danıştay, the country's highest administrative court) will have 15 divisions instead of the current 13. [13]
In signing the bill into law on 14 February 2011, Turkish President Abdullah Gül remarked that had he not approved it, "200,000 cases could have faced the statute of limitations." [14]
The Court of Cassation is the supreme court for civil and criminal cases in France. It is one of the country's four apex courts, along with the Council of State, the Constitutional Council and the Jurisdictional Disputes Tribunal.
The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest judicial body in the system of courts of general jurisdiction in Ukraine.
France's independent court system enjoys special statutory protection from the executive branch. Procedures for the appointment, promotion, and removal of judges vary depending on whether it is for the ordinary or the administrative stream. Judicial appointments in the judicial stream must be approved by a special panel, the High Council of the Judiciary. Once appointed, career judges serve for life and cannot be removed without specific disciplinary proceedings conducted before the council with due process.
The Judiciary of Russia interprets and applies the law of Russia. It is defined under the Constitution and law with a hierarchical structure with the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court at the apex. The district courts are the primary criminal trial courts, and the regional courts are the primary appellate courts. The judiciary is governed by the All-Russian Congress of Judges and its Council of Judges, and its management is aided by the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court, the Higher Qualification Board of Judges, and the Ministry of Justice, and the various courts' presidents. And although there are many officers of the court, including jurors, the Prosecutor General remains the most powerful component of the Russian judicial system.
The Supreme Court of the Netherlands, officially the High Council of the Netherlands, is the final court of appeal in civil, criminal and tax cases in the Netherlands, including Curaçao, Sint Maarten and Aruba. The Court was established on 1 October 1838 and is located in The Hague.
The judicial system of Turkey is defined by Articles 138 to 160 of the Constitution of Turkey.
In France, a cour d'assises, or Court of Assizes or Assize Court, is a criminal trial court with original and appellate limited jurisdiction to hear cases involving defendants accused of felonies, meaning crimes as defined in French law. It is the only French court that uses a jury trial.
The judicial system of Egypt is an independent branch of the Egyptian government which includes both secular and religious courts.
The Court of Cassation of Belgium is the supreme court of the Belgian judiciary. The court is composed of thirty judges with life tenure who are nominated by the High Council of Justice of Belgium and appointed by the Belgian federal government. The court handles cases in the two main languages of Belgium, Dutch and French, and provides certain facilities for cases in German. The court is assisted in its work by a public prosecutor's office and a bar association, which both function separately from other structures. The duty of the public prosecutor's office is to provide advisory opinions to the court on how the law ought to be interpreted and applied. The attorneys of the court's bar association assist litigants in proceedings before the court; in certain cases, their assistance is mandatory.
In most legal jurisdictions, a supreme court, also known as a court of last resort, apex court, and highcourt of appeal, and court of final appeal, is the highest court within the hierarchy of courts. Broadly speaking, the decisions of a supreme court are binding on all other courts in a nation and are not subject to further review by any other court. Supreme courts typically function primarily as appellate courts, hearing appeals from decisions of lower trial courts, or from intermediate-level appellate courts. A supreme court can also, in certain circumstances, act as a court of original jurisdiction.
The Constitutional Court of Turkey is the highest legal body for constitutional review in Turkey. It "examines the constitutionality, in respect of both form and substance, of laws, decrees having the force of law, and the Rules of Procedure of the Turkish Grand National Assembly". If necessary, it also functions as the Supreme Criminal Court to hear any cases raised about the President, Vice President, members of the Cabinet, or judges of the high courts. In addition to those functions, it examines individual applications on the grounds that one of the fundamental rights and freedoms within the scope of the European Convention on Human Rights which are guaranteed by the Constitution has been violated by public authorities.
The courts of appeal are the main appellate courts in the judicial system of Belgium, which hear appeals against judgements of the tribunals of first instance, the enterprise tribunals and the presidents of those tribunals in their judicial area. There are five courts of appeal for each of the five judicial areas, which are the largest geographical subdivisions of Belgium for judicial purposes. The division of the Belgian territory into the five judicial areas is laid down in article 156 of the Belgian Constitution. A judicial area covers multiple judicial arrondissements ("districts"), except for the judicial area of Mons. Each arrondissement has a tribunal of first instance. Further below, an overview is provided of the five courts of appeal and the judicial arrondissements their judicial area covers. The courts of appeal do not hear appeals against judgements of the labour tribunals; these are heard by the courts of labour.
The judiciary of the Republic of Chile includes one Supreme Court, one Constitutional Court, 17 Courts of Appeal, 84 Oral Criminal Tribunals and Guarantee Judges; 7 Military Tribunals; over 300 Local Police Courts; and many other specialized Tribunals and courts in matter of family, labor, customs, taxes, electoral affairs, etc.
The Judiciary of Spain consists of Courts and Tribunals, composed of judges and magistrates (Justices), who have the power to administer justice in the name of the King of Spain.
The Supreme Court is the court of last resort in Serbia which reviews and possibly overturns previous rulings made by lower courts.
The judicial system of Syria is a synthesis of Ottoman, French, and Islamic laws. The civil, commercial and criminal codes are primarily based on the French legal practices. Promulgated in 1949, those laws have special provisions sanctioned to limit application of customary law among beduin and religious minorities. The Islamic religious courts continue to function in some parts of the country, but their jurisdiction is limited to issues of personal status, such as marriage, divorce, paternity, custody of children, and inheritance. Nonetheless, in 1955 a personal code pertaining to many aspects of personal status was developed. This law modified and modernized sharia by improving the status of women and clarifying the laws of inheritance.
The Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania is the highest court of Albania and is the final court of appeals in the country's judicial system. It is composed of seventeen judges: the Chief Justice and sixteen Members.
The judiciary of Bahrain is a system of three courts that interpret and apply the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Namely, these three courts are the Civil Courts, Sharia Courts, and Criminal Courts. Civil Courts have jurisdiction to adjudicate all commercial, civil, and administrative disputes, as well disputes related to the personal status and domestic relations of non-Muslims. The Sharia Courts, which apply Sharia law, have jurisdiction over all aspects of the personal status of Muslims. Criminal Courts have the jurisdiction to deal with criminal matters.
The Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic is the highest court existing in the Republic and is, therefore, the head of the judiciary in the country.
On 8 November 2023 a constitutional crisis unfolded in Turkey between the Court of Cassation and the Constitutional Court when the Court of Cassation intervened to overturn a ruling by the Constitutional Court regarding the release of an imprisoned member of the Turkish Parliament, Can Atalay.