Rodriguezia, abbreviated Rdza. in the horticultural trade, is a genus of orchids. It consists of 49 known species, native to tropical America from southern Mexico and the Windward Islands south to Argentina, with many of the species endemic to Brazil.

Polycycnis, abbreviated in horticultural trade as Pcn, is a genus of orchid, comprising 17 species found in Central America, and northern South America.
Aulosepalum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists of 8 species native to Mexico and Central America.
- Aulosepalum hemichrea(Lindl.) Garay - Oaxaca, Chiapas, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
- Aulosepalum nelsonii(Greenm.) Garay - Michoacán, Oaxaca
- Aulosepalum oestlundii(Burns-Bal.) Catling - Guerrero
- Aulosepalum pulchrum(Schltr.) Catling - Guatemala and southern Mexico
- Aulosepalum pyramidale(Lindl.) M.A.Dix & M.W.Dix - from central Mexico to Costa Rica
- Aulosepalum ramentaceum(Lindl.) Garay - Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí
- Aulosepalum riodelayense(Burns-Bal.) Salazar - Oaxaca
- Aulosepalum tenuiflorum(Greenm.) Garay - Morelos, Guerrero

Baskervilla is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists or 10 species native to Central America and South America

Benzingia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to mountains of Central America and northwestern South America from Costa Rica to Peru.

Brachystele is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists of 20 species native primarily to South America but with a few species in Mexico, Central America, and Trinidad & Tobago.
- Brachystele arechavaletae(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele bicrinitaSzlach.
- Brachystele bracteosa(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele burkartiiM.N.Correa
- Brachystele camporum(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele chlorops(Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Brachystele cyclochila(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele delicatula(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele dilatata(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele guayanensis(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele luzmarianaSzlach. & R.González
- Brachystele maasiiSzlach.
- Brachystele oxyanthosSzlach
- Brachystele pappulosaSzlach
- Brachystele scabrilinguaSzlach
- Brachystele subfiliformis(Cogn.) Schltr
- Brachystele tamayoanaSzlach.
- Brachystele unilateralis(Poir.) Schltr
- Brachystele waldemariiSzlach.
- Brachystele widgrenii(Rchb.f.) Schltr.

Chondrorhyncha is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. At the present time 7 species are recognized, though many more names have been proposed. All species are native to Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador.
- Chondrorhyncha hirtziiDodson - Ecuador
- Chondrorhyncha ineditaDressler & Dalström - Colombia
- Chondrorhyncha macronyxKraenzl. - Colombia
- Chondrorhyncha panguensisDodson ex P.A.Harding - Ecuador
- Chondrorhyncha roseaLindl. - Colombia, Venezuela
- Chondrorhyncha suareziiDodson - Ecuador
- Chondrorhyncha velastiguiiDodson - Ecuador

Cischweinfia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It was named after Harvard orchidologist Charles Schweinfurth. It has eleven currently recognized species, all native to Central America and northwestern South America.
Coccineorchis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 7 accepted species, native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
- Coccineorchis bracteosa(Ames & C.Schweinf.) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador
- Coccineorchis cernua(Lindl.) Garay - Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Coccineorchis cristataSzlach., Rutk. & Mytnik - Panama
- Coccineorchis dressleriSzlach., Rutk. & Mytnik - Panama
- Coccineorchis navarrensis(Ames) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia
- Coccineorchis standleyi(Ames) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras
- Coccineorchis warszewiczianaSzlach. - Costa Rica

Dimerandra, abbreviated Dmd. in the horticultural trade, is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. The group is found across tropical America: southern Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and northern South America.
Eloyella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 10 known species, native to Panama and to northern South America:
- Eloyella antioquiensis(P.Ortiz) P.Ortiz - Colombia
- Eloyella bifidaD.E.Benn. & Christenson - Peru
- Eloyella cundinamarcae(P.Ortiz) P.Ortiz - Colombia
- Eloyella dalstroemiiDodson - Ecuador
- Eloyella jostiiDodson & Dalström - Ecuador
- Eloyella mendietaeDodson & L.Jost - Ecuador
- Eloyella panamensis(Dressler) Dodson - Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador
- Eloyella thieniiDodson - Ecuador
- Eloyella thiviiSenghas - Bolivia
- Eloyella werneriDodson & Dalström - Ecuador
Euryblema is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains two known species, native to Panama and Colombia.

Triphora is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, southern Mexico, the West Indies and eastern North America as far north as Ontario. Noddingcaps is a common name for plants in this genus.
- Triphora amazonicaSchltr. - Florida, Caribbean, south to Brazil
- Triphora carnosula(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Brazil
- Triphora craigheadiiLuer - Florida
- Triphora debilis(Schltr.) Schltr. - southern Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama
- Triphora duckeiSchltr. - Brazil
- Triphora foldatsiiCarnevali - Venezuela
- Triphora gentianoides(Sw.) Nutt. ex Ames & Schltr. - Florida, Southern Mexico, Costa Rica, Veenzuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bahamas, Greater Antilles
- Triphora hassleriana(Cogn. ex Chodat & Hassl.) Schltr. - from Mexico to Argentina
- Triphora heringeriPabst - Brazil
- Triphora miserrima(Cogn.) Acuña - Cuba, Hispaniola
- Triphora nitida(Schltr.) Schltr. - Costa Rica
- Triphora pusilla(Rchb.f. & Warm.) Schltr. - Brazil
- Triphora ravenii(L.O.Williams) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama
- Triphora santamariensisPortalet - Brazil
- Triphora surinamensis(Lindl. ex Benth.) Britton - West Indies south to Brazil
- Triphora trianthophoros(Sw.) Rydb. Ontario, Eastern United States, much of Mexico
- Triphora unifloraA.W.C.Ferreira, Baptista & Pansarin - Brazil
- Triphora wagneriSchltr. - from Mexico to Ecuador
- Triphora yucatanensisAmes - Florida and the Yucatán Peninsula

Homalopetalum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 8 known species native to Central America, northern South America, Mexico and the West Indies.
- Homalopetalum alticola(Garay & Dunst.) Soto Arenas - Venezuela
- Homalopetalum hypoleptum(Lindl.) Soto Arenas - Brazil
- Homalopetalum kienastii(Rchb.f.) Withner - Mexico
- Homalopetalum leochilus(Rchb.f.) Soto Arenas - Cuba, Dominican Republic
- Homalopetalum pachyphyllum(L.O.Williams) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum pumilio(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Mexico, Central America, Ecuador
- Homalopetalum pumilum(Ames) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum vomeriforme(Sw.) Fawc. & Rendle - Cuba, Jamaica
Ixyophora is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It has 5 known species, all native to South America.
- Ixyophora aurantiaca(Senghas & G.Gerlach) Dressler - Peru
- Ixyophora carinata(P.Ortiz) Dressler - Colombia
- Ixyophora fosterae(Dodson) P.A.Harding - Bolivia
- Ixyophora luerorum(R.Vásquez & Dodson) P.A.Harding - Bolivia
- Ixyophora viridisepala(Senghas) Dressler - Ecuador

Myrosmodes is a genus of flowering plants from the family Orchidaceae, native to South America.
Palmorchis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America and Trinidad.
- Palmorchis caxiuanensisRocha, S.S.Almeida & Freitas - Pará
- Palmorchis colombianaGaray - Colombia
- Palmorchis deceptoriusVeyret & Szlach. - Colombia
- Palmorchis duckeiHoehne - Brazil
- Palmorchis eidaeDressler - Costa Rica
- Palmorchis guianensis(Schltr.) C.Schweinf. & Correll - Brazil, Venezuela, the Guianas
- Palmorchis imuyaensisDodson & G.A.Romero - Ecuador
- Palmorchis lobulata(Mansf.) C.Schweinf. & Correll - French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru
- Palmorchis nitidaDressler - Costa Rica, Panama
- Palmorchis pabstiiVeyret - French Guiana
- Palmorchis paludicolaDressler - Costa Rica
- Palmorchis pandurataC.Schweinf. & Correll - Ecuador
- Palmorchis powellii(Ames) C.Schweinf. & Correll - Costa Rica, Panama
- Palmorchis prospectorumVeyret - French Guiana, Suriname
- Palmorchis puber(Cogn.) Garay - Brazil, Venezuela
- Palmorchis pubescentisBarb.Rodr. - French Guiana, Suriname, Brazil, Venezuela, Trinidad
- Palmorchis silvicolaL.O.Williams - Costa Rica, Ecuador
- Palmorchis sobralioidesBarb.Rodr. - Ecuador, Brazil
- Palmorchis sordidaDressler - Costa Rica
- Palmorchis trilobulataL.O.Williams - Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Suriname, Ecuador
- Palmorchis trinotataDressler - Panama

Psilochilus is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, Mexico and the West Indies.
- Psilochilus carinatusGaray - Colombia
- Psilochilus dusenianusKraenzl. ex Garay & Dunst. - Venezuela, Brazil
- Psilochilus macrophyllus(Lindl.) Ames - widespread from central Mexico and the West indies south to Peru
- Psilochilus maderoi(Schltr.) Schltr. - Colombia
- Psilochilus modestusBarb.Rodr. - Venezuela, Brazil
- Psilochilus mollisGaray - Ecuador
- Psilochilus physurifolius(Rchb.f.) Løjtnant - Venezuela, Guyana
- Psilochilus vallecaucanusKolan. & Szlach. - Colombia

Pterichis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America and Jamaica.

Chondroscaphe is a genus of orchids native to southeastern Central America and northwestern South America.
- Chondroscaphe amabilis(Schltr.) Senghas & G.Gerlach in F.R.R.Schlechter - Ecuador, Colombia
- Chondroscaphe atrilinguisDressler - Costa Rica, Panama
- Chondroscaphe bicolor(Rolfe) Dressler - Costa Rica, Panama
- Chondroscaphe chestertonii(Rchb.f.) Senghas & G.Gerlach in F.R.R.Schlechter - Ecuador, Colombia
- Chondroscaphe dabeibaensisP.A.Harding - Colombia
- Chondroscaphe eburnea(Dressler) Dressler - Panama
- Chondroscaphe embreei(Dodson & Neudecker) Rungius - Ecuador, Colombia
- Chondroscaphe escobariana(Dodson & Neudecker) Rungius - Colombia
- Chondroscaphe flaveola(Linden & Rchb.f.) Senghas & G.Gerlach in F.R.R.Schlechter - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru
- Chondroscaphe gentryi(Dodson & Neudecker) Rungius - Ecuador
- Chondroscaphe merana(Dodson & Neudecker) Dressler - Ecuador
- Chondroscaphe plicata(D.E.Benn. & Christenson) Dressler - Peru
- Chondroscaphe venezuelanaPupulin & Dressler - Venezuela
- Chondroscaphe yamilethaePupulin - Costa Rica