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Derzelas (Darzalas) was a Dacian or Thracian chthonic god of abundance and the underworld, health and human spirit's vitality. [1]

Darzalas was the god of Hellenistic period Odessos (modern Varna) and was frequently depicted on its coinage [2] from the third century BCE to the third century CE [3] and portrayed in numerous terracotta figurines, as well as in a rare 4th century BC lead one found in the city. [4] Darzalas was often depicted in himation, holding cornucopiae with altars by his side. There was a temple dedicated to him with a cult statue, and games (Darzaleia) were held in his honor every five years, possibly attended by Gordian III in 238 CE.

Another temple dedicated to Derzelas was built at Histria - a Greek colony on the shore of the Black Sea in the third century BC.

Darzalas Peak on Trinity Peninsula in Antarctica is named after the god. [5] [ citation needed ]


  1. Gočeva, Zlatozara (1996). "Organization of Religious Life in Odessos". Kernos. 9: 121–127.
  2. "Thrace, Odessos - Ancient Greek Coins -".
  3. C. J. Howgego; Volker Heuchert; Andrew M. Burnett (2008). Coinage and Identity in the Roman Provinces. Oxford University Press. p. 110. ISBN   9780199237845.
  4. [ bare URL image file ]
  5. "SCAR Composite Gazetteer". Archived from the original on November 25, 2010.

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