The Sri Lankan Ordinary Level (O-level) formerly called Senior School Certificate (SSC), is a General Certificate of Education (GCE) qualification in Sri Lanka, conducted by the Department of Examinations of the Ministry of Education. It is based on the Cambridge University Ordinary Level qualification. An O-level is a qualification of its own right, but more often taken in prerequisite for the more in-depth and academically rigorous Advanced Level exams. It is usually taken by students during the final two years of Senior secondary school (Grade 10 & 11 (usually ages 15–16)) or external (non-school) candidate. The exam is usually held in December. The exams are held in three mediums Sinhala, Tamil and English. The exam is the basic Certificate awarded in Sri Lanka as proof of completion of Secondary Education. The GCE O/L examination is an important milestone for students as it determines their eligibility to pursue further studies at the Advanced Level (A/L) or vocational training courses.
G.C.E. (General Certificate of Education) Ordinary Level (O/L) examination consists of 6 main subjects along with three optional subjects which can be selected according to the candidate’s wish (Known as basket subjects) and altogether 9 subjects.
Below are the 6 mandatory subjects,
The optional subjects are categorized in to three categories (Baskets). Only one subject can be selected from each category. They are as below:
One subject can be selected from the above 1st Category.
One subject can be selected from the above 2nd Category.
In the second category, candidates must face both a practical test and a written test for the subjects Drama and Theatre, Oriental Music, Western Music, Carnatic Music, Oriental Dancing & Baratha Dancing. In Drama and Theatre, candidates will be asked to perform an act-out and sing a song. In Western Music, a candidate could be asked to perform a piece on any given instrument as well as an instrument of their choice. In Dancing, candidates will be asked to perform a dance as well as sing.
There aren't any practical tests for the Art subject. The candidates face an exam paper and are asked to draw.
For Literature subjects, namely English Literature, Sinhala Literature, Tamil Literature and Arabic Literature, there is not any practical test. Candidates only face a written examination in which their writing abilities are evaluated.
One subject should be selected from the above 3rd category.
All the above mentioned subjects are not available in each and every government / state run school due to lack of teachers, funding and resources.
The grades for the above subjects are normally graded as below,
Candidates who receive a grade of ‘W’ are considered failed in that particular subject. To be able to pass is to at least have a ‘S’ in the mandatory 6 subjects and if you fail all of the optional subjects but pass the 6 mandatory then you can still pass but if you get a ‘W’ in any of the mandatory subjects it is a immediate fail.
Mark | Grade Awarded |
75 - 100 | A |
65 - 74 | B |
50 - 64 | C |
35 - 49 | S |
Less than 35 | W |
The system used to grade students formally in the Sri Lankan GCE O/Level examination before the adoptation of the newer one was as follows:
Mark | Grade Awarded |
75 and above | D |
50 - 74 | C |
35 - 49 | S |
34 and below | F |
The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification in a range of subjects taken in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, having been introduced in September 1986 and its first exams taken in 1988. Public schools in Scotland use the Scottish Qualifications Certificate instead. However, private schools in Scotland often choose to follow the English GCSE system.
The Leaving Certificate Examination, commonly referred to as the Leaving Cert or (informally) the Leaving, is the final exam of the Irish secondary school system and the university matriculation examination in Ireland. It takes a minimum of two years' preparation, but an optional Transition Year means that for those students it takes place three years after the Junior Cycle examination. These years are referred to collectively as "The Senior Cycle". Most students taking the examination are aged 16–19; in excess of eighty percent of this group undertake the exam. The Examination is overseen by the State Examinations Commission. The Leaving Certificate Examinations are taken annually by approximately 60,000 students.
Abitur, often shortened colloquially to Abi, is a qualification granted at the end of secondary education in Germany. It is conferred on students who pass their final exams at the end of ISCED 3, usually after twelve or thirteen years of schooling. In German, the term Abitur has roots in the archaic word Abiturium, which in turn was derived from the Latin abiturus.
Maturità or its translated terms is a Latin name for the secondary school exit exam or "maturity diploma" in various European countries, including Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine.
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a subject-specific family of academic qualifications used in awarding bodies in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Crown dependencies and a few Commonwealth countries. For some time, the Scottish education system has been different from those in the other countries of the United Kingdom.
The Open University of Sri Lanka is a national university in Sri Lanka. It is unique within the Sri Lankan national university system for being the only university to offer programs of study leading to certificate, diploma, degrees and postgraduate degrees up to PhD level through the Open and Distance Mode of Learning (ODL). The degrees awarded by the university are treated as equivalent to degrees awarded by any other Sri Lankan University under the preview of the University Grants Commission.
The Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) was a subject-specific qualification family awarded in both academic and vocational fields in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. CSE examinations were held in the years 1965 to 1987. This qualification should not be confused with the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education which is a school-leaving qualification in India. Also, in some African and former British colonial countries there is a qualification named the Certificate of Secondary Education based on the original and former British variant. Also, the CSE should not be confused with the African qualification CSEE.
The Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), or the Malaysian Certificate of Education, is a national examination sat for by all Form 5 secondary school students in Malaysia. It is the equivalent of the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) of England, Wales and Northern Ireland; the Nationals 4/5 of Scotland; and the GCE Ordinary Level of the Commonwealth of Nations. It is the leaving examination of the eleventh grade of schooling.
The Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level is a GCE Ordinary Level examination held annually in Singapore and is jointly conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). Students are graded in the bands ranging from A to F and each band has a respective grade point, a lower grade point indicates poor performance. The number at the end of each grade corresponds to the grade point that they receive. To pass an individual O-Level subject, a student must score at least C6 or above. The highest grade a student can attain is A1.
Education in Sri Lanka has a long history that dates back two millennia. While the Constitution of Sri Lanka does not provide free education as a fundamental right, the constitution mentions that 'the complete eradication of illiteracy and the assurance to all persons of the right to universal and equal access to education at all levels" in its section on directive principles of state policy at (27. Sri Lanka's population had an adult literacy rate of 96.3% in 2015, which is above average by world and regional standards. Computer literacy in 2017 28.3% and phone users in 2017 105%, website users 32% in 2017. Education plays a major part in the life and culture of the country, which dates back to 543 BC. Sri Lanka's modern educational system modeled after Christian missionary system was brought about by its integration into the British Empire in the 19th century. Education currently falls under the control of both the Central Government and the Provincial Councils, with some responsibilities lying with the Central Government and the Provincial Council having autonomy for others.
In India, board examinations refer to the public examinations that are conducted at the completion of secondary and senior secondary education.
Tawjihi or Al-Tawjeehi is the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination in Jordan and Palestine. It is the last stage of school education. To sit for the exam, students are required to finish 2 years of pre-school education, 10 years of basic education, and 2 years of secondary academic or vocational education. Subjects in the exam include Arabic, English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Civil Studies and Islamic studies.
The A-level is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by the educational bodies in the United Kingdom and the educational authorities of British Crown dependencies to students completing secondary or pre-university education. They were introduced in England and Wales in 1951 to replace the Higher School Certificate. The A-level permits students to have potential access to a chosen university they applied to with UCAS points. They could be accepted into it should they meet the requirements of the university.
The O-Level is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education. It began in the United Kingdom and has been adopted, often with modifications, in several other countries.
The Sri Lankan Advanced Level (A-level), formerly known as the Higher School Certificate (HSC), is a General Certificate of Education (GCE) qualification exam in Sri Lanka, similar to the British Advanced Level. It is conducted annually by the Department of Examinations under the Ministry of Education. Typically, students take this exam during their final two years of college-level education, or as external (non-school) candidates after completing the GCE Ordinary Level exams. The majority of candidates enter the exam through their respective schools, but those who have completed their school education can also apply as private candidates. The qualification also serves as an entrance requirement for Sri Lankan state universities. The exams are offered in three mediums: Sinhala, Tamil, and English.
A National school in Sri Lanka is a school that is funded and administered by the Ministry of Education of the central government as opposed to Provincial schools run by the local provincial council. These schools provide secondary education, with some providing primary education as well. The classification began in 1985, with 18 schools being designated as national schools. Today, there are 396 National Schools in country constituting 3 percent of total National and Provincial Schools.
Leeds International School Nawalapitiya is an international school in Sri Lanka. English is the primary medium of instruction, with Sinhala and Tamil as compulsory second languages. The school's motto is "Aspire, Appraise, Accomplish."
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level, also called the O-level or O level, was a subject-based academic qualification. Introduced in 1951 as a replacement for the 16+ School Certificate (SC), the O-level would act as a pathway to the new, more in-depth and academically rigorous A-level, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Later, the complementary and more vocational Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) was added to broaden the subjects available and offer qualifications in non-academic subjects.
The Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Normal Level examination is a national examination held annually in Singapore. It is taken after four years in the Normal (Academic) or Normal (Technical) stream. For subjects examined in English and foreign languages, the examining authority are the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. For localised language subjects, the examining authority is the Ministry of Education (MOE).