Grand Junction Canal

Last updated


Grand Junction Canal
BSicon uSTRfq.svg
BSicon lvNULgq.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
direction of downstream flow
BSicon uFABZq+lr.svg
Braunston Turn
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uMARINAr.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uSTR+l.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Buq.svg
BSicon uSTRgq.svg
Grand Union Leicester Section
BSicon uSKRZ-Eu.svg
BSicon uSTAIRu.svg
BSicon uLOCKSd.svg
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Braunston Locks 1-6
BSicon utSTRa.svg
BSicon uddSTRr.svg
Braunston Tunnel
BSicon utSKRZ-A.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon utSTRe.svg
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uSTRr.svg
Norton Junction
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Buckby Locks 7-9
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Buckby Locks 10-11
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Whilton Locks 12-13
BSicon uMARINAr.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uSTR+l.svg
Grand Union Northampton Branch
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uMARINAr.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uSTRf.svg
BSicon uFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon uSTRr.svg
Gayton Junction
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon utSTRa.svg
BSicon utSTR.svg
Blisworth Tunnel
BSicon utSTRe.svg
BSicon gSTR+l.svg
BSicon BUILDINGr.svg
BSicon ueABZgr.svg
Stoke Bruerne Waterway Museum
BSicon ugDRYg.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Museum Dry Dock | Stoke Top Lock 15
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Stoke Locks 16-18
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Stoke Locks 19-20
BSicon uENDEaq.svg
BSicon uABZq+l.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uENDEaq.svg
BSicon uxABZgr.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uxWEIRg.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon lvNULfq.svg
BSicon exWWSELq.svg
BSicon uexFABZqlr.svg
BSicon uWEIRl.svg
BSicon uexFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
River Tove
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexABZgr.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexSTRl.svg
BSicon uexSTRq.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon uexSTRfq.svg
BSicon uENDExaq.svg
BSicon uABZgr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
Old Stratford Arm
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexDOCKSa.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Cosgrove Lock No 21
BSicon gSTR+l.svg
BSicon ugFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uexDOCKSe.svg
BSicon uexFKRZ.svg
BSicon uexDOCKS.svg
BSicon ugLOCKSu.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon lvNULfq.svg
BSicon exWWSELq.svg
BSicon gmFABZqlr+lr exu+.svg
BSicon ueKRZo.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uexFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uexDOCKS.svg
River Great Ouse| Wolverton Aqueduct
BSicon ugLOCKSd.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexSTRl.svg
BSicon uexFKRZ.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon gSTRl.svg
BSicon ugFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uexDOCKS.svg
BSicon uexFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon uexSTR+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Ao.svg
BSicon uexFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uexDOCKS.svg
New Bradwell Aqueduct
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uexSTRl.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uENDEaq.svg
BSicon uSTR+r.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon uENDEaq.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon uFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uexSTR+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uENDEaq.svg
BSicon uSTRr.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexDOCKS.svg
BSicon uxWEIRl.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uexSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uexSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uMARINAr.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uexDOCKS.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon exWWSELrg.svg
BSicon uexFABZqlr.svg
BSicon uexDOCKS.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon RAoW1q.svg
BSicon uLock3.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
Fenny Stratford Lock No 22
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uLock3.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
Stoke Hammond Lock No 23
BSicon uLOCKSd.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
Soulbury Locks No 24-26
BSicon uLock3.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
Leighton Lock No 27
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uLock3.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
Grove Lock No 28
BSicon uLock3.svg
BSicon WASSERl.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
BSicon lvNULgq.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
Church Lock No 29 |River Ouzel
BSicon uLock3.svg
Slapton Lock No 30
BSicon uLock3.svg
Horton Lock No 31
BSicon uLOCKSd.svg
Ivinghoe Locks No 32-33
BSicon uLOCKSd.svg
Seabrook Locks No 34-36
BSicon uSWING.svg
Seabrook Swing Bridge
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon uddSTRr.svg
BSicon uLOCKSd.svg
Marsworth Locks No 37-38
BSicon uSTRfq.svg
BSicon uSTAIRr.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
Aylesbury Arm| Marsworth Junction
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uLOCKSd.svg
Marsworth Locks No 39-45
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uSTR+l.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
Bulbourne Junction
BSicon uSTRfq.svg
BSicon uSTRr.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
Wendover Arm
BSicon uFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uMARINAl.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Cowroast Lock No 46
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Dudswell Locks No 47-48
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Northchurch Locks No 49-52
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Berkhamsted Locks No 53-55
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Side Locks No 56-57
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon gKBHFa.svg
Sewer Lock No 58
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon ugFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon gSTRr.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Bourne End Lock No 59
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
Winkwell Top Lock No 60
BSicon uSWING.svg
Winkwell Swing Bridge
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Winkwell Bottom Lock No 61
BSicon uddSTRr.svg
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Boxmoor Top Lock No 62
BSicon lvNULfq.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
BSicon WASSER+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
River Bulbourne| Boxmoor Lock No 63
BSicon RAoW1q.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon WASSER+l.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Boxmoor Bottom Lock No 64
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Apsley Top Lock No 65
BSicon WASSERl.svg
BSicon exWWSELq.svg
BSicon uexFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Apsley Locks No 66-67
BSicon uddSTRr.svg
BSicon ueABZgl.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
BSicon uexENDEe.svg
Nash Mill Locks No 68-69
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon lENDE@F.svg
BSicon uSTR+l.svg
BSicon uABZgr.svg
BSicon uexWMILL L.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Kings Langley Lock No 69A
BSicon uexSTRl.svg
BSicon ueABZg+r.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uABZgl.svg
BSicon uSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uENDExe.svg
Home Park Mill Lock No 70
BSicon uSKRZ-Bu.svg
BSicon uexSKRZ-Bu.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Home Park Farm Lock No 71
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Hunton Bridge Locks No 72-73
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Bu.svg
  M25   link
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Lady Capel's Lock No 74
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uSTR+l.svg
BSicon uABZgr.svg
BSicon lENDE@G.svg
BSicon uexWMILL L.svg
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Cassiobury Park Locks No 75-76
BSicon uexSTRl.svg
BSicon ueABZg+r.svg
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Iron Bridge Lock No 77
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexABZgl.svg
BSicon uexWWSELq.svg
BSicon WASSER+r.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexABZgl.svg
BSicon WASSER+l.svg
BSicon uexWWSELlg.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon WASSERl.svg
BSicon WASSER+r.svg
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon WASSER+l.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon WASSER+l.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
Cassiobridge Lock No 78
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon hKRZWaeq.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon RAoW1q.svg
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon exWWSELrf.svg
BSicon WSTRc2.svg
BSicon WASSER3+1.svg
River Gade
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon WSTRc2.svg
BSicon WASSER3+1.svg
BSicon WSTRc4.svg
Common Moor Lock No 79
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon lvNUL3@g.svg
BSicon WASSER+1.svg
BSicon WSTRc4.svg
Lot Mead Lock No 80
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon exWWSELrf.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexWWSELq.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
BSicon lvNULgq.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
River Colne
BSicon WASSER+r.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
River Chess
BSicon lvNULf.svg
BSicon WWSEL.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Batchworth Lock No 81
BSicon uSTRl.svg
BSicon uLockl.svg
BSicon uABZg+r.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon uexSTR+l.svg
BSicon uxWEIRfl.svg
BSicon ueFABZglr+lr.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Stockers Lock No 82
BSicon uexABZg2.svg
BSicon uexSTRc3.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Springwell Lock No 83
BSicon uexSTR+c1.svg
BSicon uexSTR2+4.svg
BSicon ueSTR+c3.svg
BSicon uENDExa.svg
BSicon uexSTRc1.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon ueABZg+4.svg
BSicon uSTRl.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Copper Mill Lock No 84
BSicon exWWSELrg.svg
BSicon ueABZg+r.svg
BSicon WASSER+l.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Black Jack's Lock No 85
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uFABZgl+l.svg
BSicon uMARINAl.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
Widewater Lock No 86
BSicon hKRZWaeq.svg
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon STRq.svg
BSicon WASSERl.svg
BSicon WASSER+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon WDOCKS.svg
Denham Deep Lock No 87
BSicon WABZgl.svg
BSicon uhKRZWae.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
BSicon WASSER+r.svg
BSicon WABZq+l.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
BSicon uSTR.svg
BSicon WKHSTa.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
River Misbourne
BSicon RAoW1q.svg
BSicon RAq.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon RAoW1q.svg
BSicon RAoW1q.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uexSTR+l.svg
BSicon ueABZgr.svg
BSicon WWSEL.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uexWMILL R.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uDOCKae.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
Uxbridge Lock No 88
BSicon lvNULg.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
BSicon uABZg+l.svg
BSicon uSTRr.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
BSicon uexSTRl.svg
BSicon ueABZg+r.svg
BSicon WASSER+l.svg
BSicon WASSERr.svg
River Colne
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon RAoW1q.svg
BSicon WASSER+l.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
BSicon ueKRZo.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon lvNULg.svg
BSicon WASSER.svg
BSicon uMARINAf.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
Cowley Lock No 89
BSicon uhKRZWaeq.svg
BSicon uFABZqlr.svg
BSicon uFABZgr+r.svg
Cowley Peachey Junction
BSicon WASSERr.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
Fray's River| A408
BSicon umKRZu.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon ugDRYr.svg
BSicon uFABZglmr+lmr +g.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon uSTR+r.svg
Bulls Bridge Junction
BSicon uddSTRl.svg
BSicon uSTRl.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
Paddington Arm
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Norwood Locks No 90-91
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon STR2+4.svg
Three Bridges - Rail, Canal, Road
BSicon uLOCKSu.svg
Hanwell Locks No 92-97
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
BSicon lvNULgq.svg
BSicon WASSERq.svg
River Brent
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Osterley Lock No 98
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Bu.svg
BSicon RB+r.svg
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSKRZ-Buq.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon RBo.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Clitheroe's Lock No 99
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSKRZ-Buq.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uSKRZ-Au.svg
BSicon ueABZgl.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uxWEIRg.svg
Brentford Gauging Lock No. 100
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uWEIRr.svg
BSicon uexSTR+r.svg
BSicon uLock5.svg
BSicon uexSTR.svg
Thames Lock No 101
BSicon ueABZg+l.svg
BSicon uexSTRr.svg
BSicon uSTRq.svg
BSicon uFABZqlr.svg
BSicon uVEEfq.svg
River Thames (Tideway)

The Grand Junction Canal is a canal in England from Braunston in Northamptonshire to the River Thames at Brentford, with a number of branches. The mainline was built between 1793 and 1805, to improve the route from the Midlands to London, by-passing the upper reaches of the River Thames near Oxford, thus shortening the journey.

In 1927 the canal was bought by the Regent's Canal Company and, since 1 January 1929, has formed the southern half of the Grand Union Main Line from London to Birmingham. The canal is now much used by leisure traffic.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel's last major undertaking was the compact Three Bridges, London, on the canal. Work began in 1856, and was completed in 1859. [1] The three bridges are an overlapping arrangement allowing the routes of the Grand Junction Canal, Great Western and Brentford Railway, and Windmill Lane to cross. [2]



By 1790, an extensive network of canals was in place, or under construction, in the Midlands. However, the only route to London was via the Oxford Canal to the River Thames at Oxford, and then down the river to the capital. The river, particularly the upper reaches, was in a poor condition for navigation compared with the modern canals. The river suffered from shallow sections and shortage of water leading to delays at locks, and there were frequent conflicts with mill owners over water supplies.

In 1791–92, two surveys of a route from Brentford on the Thames to Braunston on the Oxford Canal were carried out, first by James Barnes and then by William Jessop. There were other proposals for an alternative direct route to London, and two bills were put to Parliament, but it was the bill for the Grand Junction Canal which was passed on 30 April 1793 as the Grand Junction Canal Act 1793 (33 Geo. 3. c. 80).


Founder's stock certificate of The Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal for one Share, issued in Daventry on 16 September 1793.
William Praed became the first chairman of the canal company. Grand Junction Canal 1793.jpg
Founder's stock certificate of The Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal for one Share, issued in Daventry on 16 September 1793.
William Praed became the first chairman of the canal company.

The Grand Junction Canal Act 1793 authorised the company to raise up to £600,000 to fund construction of the main line from where the eastern branch of the River Brent enters the Thames adjoining Syon Park in the parish of Brentford, to the Oxford Canal at Braunston. It also authorised branches to Daventry, the River Nene at Northampton, to the turnpike road (now the A5) at Old Stratford, and to Watford: those to Daventry and Watford were not built.

William Jessop was appointed to take charge of construction which started almost immediately from both ends. On 3 June 1793 an engineer, James Barnes, was appointed at the rate of two guineas (£2 2s) per day plus half a guinea (10s 6d) expenses.

Berkhamsted station on the London and Birmingham Railway with the Grand Junction Canal on the right-hand side. Berkhampstead railway station 1838.jpg
Berkhamsted station on the London and Birmingham Railway with the Grand Junction Canal on the right-hand side.

At the north end, there were problems with the construction of Blisworth Tunnel: quicksand was encountered, and errors made in alignment which meant that the tunnel had a pronounced wiggle. With the opening of Braunston Tunnel, the line was open from the Oxford Canal through to Weedon Bec in June 1796. However, Blisworth Tunnel continued to cause problems, collapsing in January 1796. The canal was opened from Braunston to Blisworth in 1797. The canal from the Thames reached Two Waters near Hemel Hempstead in 1798, Bulbourne at the north end of the Tring summit in 1799, and Stoke Bruerne at the south end of Blisworth Tunnel the following year.

Thus, with the exception of Blisworth Tunnel, the main line was fully open in 1800. To allow goods to cross the gap, a road was built in 1800 over the top of Blisworth hill and, later, upon the recommendation of committee member Joseph Wilkes, Benjamin Outram was contracted to build a tramway over the hill. [4]

James Barnes proposed that work begin again on the tunnel on a new line. Robert Whitworth and John Rennie were called in for advice, and supported this proposal. However, construction on the new line did not start until June 1802, and was not completed until March 1805.

Initially, nine locks were used in a temporary arrangement to lower and raise the canal for the crossing of the River Great Ouse at Wolverton at the river's water level. In 1799, William Jessop designed a three-arch masonry aqueduct and embankment to cross the river and replace the locks. This collapsed in 1808, and a wooden trough was used as a temporary replacement. It was decided to build an iron aqueduct, with Benjamin Bevan as engineer. The foundation stone for the replacement aqueduct was laid on 9 September 1809, and it was opened on 22 January 1811.

The Grand Junction Canal had reduced the distance to London from the Midlands by 60 miles (100 km)—via Oxford and the River Thames—and made the journey reliable. As a result, it thrived: in 1810 it carried 343,560 tons of goods through London, with roughly equal amounts into and out of the capital.

The branches

The Grand Junction's original act, the Grand Junction Canal Act 1793 (33 Geo. 3. c. 80), authorised branches to Daventry, the River Nene at Northampton, to the turnpike road at Old Stratford (north-west of the modern Milton Keynes), and to Watford in Hertfordshire: those to Daventry and Watford were not built. The branch to Old Stratford was amended before it was built (see below). The branch to Northampton was delayed as the plans of the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union Canal to reach Northampton and thus join with the Grand Junction came to nothing. The link to Northampton was made by a tramroad transferred from Blisworth Tunnel, with the 5-mile (8 km) canal from Gayton being opened in 1815. The link to Leicester was eventually achieved by the opening of the Grand Union Canal, which took a more direct route from Foxton in Leicestershire to the Grand Junction at Norton Junction.

Geographic map of the route of the canal and its branches Grand Union Canal, London-Braunston.png
Geographic map of the route of the canal and its branches

The Grand Junction Canal Act 1794 (34 Geo. 3. c. 24) authorised three further branches, to Aylesbury, Buckingham, and Wendover. The 6+12-mile (10 km) navigable feeder from Wendover to the summit level at Tring was opened in 1799, while the 10+12-mile (17 km) Buckingham branch, an extension of the original proposal for a link to the main road at Old Stratford, was opened in 1801: both eventually fell into disuse, though the Wendover Arm is undergoing active restoration, and part of it is again navigable. The Aylesbury arm was envisaged to become a through route to the Thames and thus to the Wilts and Berks Canal and the Kennet and Avon Canal, but the 6-mile (10-kilometre) branch into the town, opened in 1815, was never extended.

The Grand Junction Canal (No. 2) Act 1795 (35 Geo. 3. c. 43) authorised a 13+12-mile (22 km) branch to Paddington from Bull's Bridge near Hayes: this was completed in 1801 and, with its large basin at Paddington and many wharfs along its length, it became an important trade route, even more so with the subsequent opening of the Regent's Canal. This branch also acted as a source of water from the River Brent.

The Grand Junction Canal (No. 3) Act 1795 (35 Geo. 3. c. 85) authorised a branch to St Albans: this was not built.

The last branch to be authorised and built was the 5-mile (8 km) route to Slough, opened in 1882.

Acts of Parliament

Grand Junction Canal Act 1793
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Long title An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from the Oxford Canal Navigation at Braunston, in the county of Northampton, to join the River Thames at or near Brentford, in the county of Middlesex; and also certain collateral Cuts from the said intended Canal.
Citation 33 Geo. 3. c. 80
Royal assent 30 April 1793
Other legislation
Amended byGrand Junction Canal Act 1794
An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from the Oxford Canal Navigation at Braunston, in the county of Northampton, to join the River Thames at or near Brentford, in the county of Middlesex; and also certain collateral Cuts from the said intended Canal.
Grand Junction Canal Act 1794
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Long title An Act for making certain navigable Cuts from the towns of Buckingham, Aylesbury, and Wendover, in the county of Buckingham, to communicate with the Grand Junction Navigation authorised to be made by an Act of the last Session of Parliament, and for amending the said Act.
Citation 34 Geo. 3. c. 24
Royal assent 28 March 1794
Other legislation
AmendsGrand Junction Canal Act 1793
An Act for making certain navigable Cuts from the towns of Buckingham, Aylesbury, and Wendover, in the county of Buckingham, to communicate with the Grand Junction Navigation authorised to be made by an Act of the last Session of Parliament, and for amending the said Act.
Grand Junction Canal (No. 1) Act 1795
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Long title An Act for authorising the Company of the Grand Junction Canal to vary the Course of a certain Part of the said Canal, in the county of Hertford, so as to render the Navigation thereof more safe and convenient, and for making some other Amendments and Alterations in an Act made in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for making the said Canal.
Citation 35 Geo. 3. c. 8
Royal assent 5 March 1795
An Act for authorising the Company of the Grand Junction Canal to vary the Course of a certain Part of the said Canal, in the county of Hertford, so as to render the Navigation thereof more safe and convenient, and for making some other Amendments and Alterations in an Act made in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of his present Majesty, for making the said Canal.
Grand Junction Canal (No. 2) Act 1795
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Long title An Act for making a navigable Cut from the Grand Junction Canal, in the precinct of Norwood, in the county of Middlesex, to Paddington, in the said county.
Citation 35 Geo. 3. c. 43
Royal assent 28 April 1795
An Act for making a navigable Cut from the Grand Junction Canal, in the precinct of Norwood, in the county of Middlesex, to Paddington, in the said county.
Grand Junction Canal (No. 3) Act 1795
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Long title An Act for making and extending a navigable Cut from the town of Watford, in the county of Hertford, to the town of St. Alban, in the same county.
Citation 35 Geo. 3. c. 85
Royal assent 2 June 1795
An Act for making and extending a navigable Cut from the town of Watford, in the county of Hertford, to the town of St. Alban, in the same county.
Grand Junction Canal (No. 4) Act 1795
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Long title An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to finish and complete the same, and the several Cuts and other Works authorised to be made and done by them, by virtue of several Acts of Parliament.
Citation 36 Geo. 3. c. 25
Royal assent 24 December 1795
An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to finish and complete the same, and the several Cuts and other Works authorised to be made and done by them, by virtue of several Acts of Parliament.
Grand Junction Canal Act 1798
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Great Britain (1714-1801).svg
Long title An Act for confirming and carrying into Execution certain Articles of Agreement made and entered into between Beilby, Lord Bishop of London, Thomas Wood, Esq. Sir John Frederick, Bart. and Arthur Stanhope, Esq. Sir John Morshead, Bart. and Dame Elizabeth his wife, and Robert Thistlethwaite, Esq. and Selina his wife, and the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal; and for other Purposes therein-mentioned.
Citation 38 Geo. 3. c. xxxiii
Royal assent 26 May 1798
Text of statute as originally enacted
An Act for confirming and carrying into Execution certain Articles of Agreement made and entered into between Beilby, Lord Bishop of London, Thomas Wood, Esq. Sir John Frederick, Bart. and Arthur Stanhope, Esq. Sir John Morshead, Bart. and Dame Elizabeth his wife, and Robert Thistlethwaite, Esq. and Selina his wife, and the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal; and for other Purposes therein-mentioned.
Grand Junction Canal Act 1801
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1801-1816).svg
Long title An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal more effectually to provide for the Discharge of their Debts, and to complete the whole of the Works to be executed by them, in pursuance of the several Acts of the Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, and Thirty-eighth Years of the Reign of his present Majesty; and for altering and enlarging the Powers and Provisions of the said Acts.
Citation 41 Geo. 3. (U.K.) c. lxxi
Royal assent 20 June 1801
Text of statute as originally enacted
An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal more effectually to provide for the Discharge of their Debts, and to complete the whole of the Works to be executed by them, in pursuance of the several Acts of the Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, and Thirty-eighth Years of the Reign of his present Majesty; and for altering and enlarging the Powers and Provisions of the said Acts.
Grand Junction Canal Act 1803
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1801-1816).svg
Long title An Act for empowering the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal, to raise a further Sum of Money to enable them to complete the Works authorised to be executed, in pursuance of the several Acts passed in the Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-eighth, and Forty-first Years of the Reign of his present Majesty; and for amending, altering, and enlarging the Powers and Provisions of the said Acts.
Citation 43 Geo. 3. c. viii
Royal assent 24 March 1803
An Act for empowering the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal, to raise a further Sum of Money to enable them to complete the Works authorised to be executed, in pursuance of the several Acts passed in the Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, Thirty-sixth, Thirty-eighth, and Forty-first Years of the Reign of his present Majesty; and for amending, altering, and enlarging the Powers and Provisions of the said Acts.
Grand Junction Canal Act 1805
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1801-1816).svg
Long title An Act for altering, amending, and enlarging the Powers of certain Acts for making and maintaining the Grand Junction Canal.
Citation 45 Geo. 3. c. lxviii
An Act for altering, amending, and enlarging the Powers of certain Acts for making and maintaining the Grand Junction Canal.
Grand Junction Canal Act 1812
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1801-1816).svg
Long title An Act to explain, amend, and enlarge the Powers of certain Acts passed for making and maintaining the Grand Junction Canal.
Citation 52 Geo. 3. c. cxl
Royal assent 9 June 1812
Text of statute as originally enacted
An Act to explain, amend, and enlarge the Powers of certain Acts passed for making and maintaining the Grand Junction Canal.
Grand Junction Canal Act 1818
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1816-1837).svg
Long title An Act to enable the Grand Junction Canal Company to vary the Line of Part of their Canal in the county of Hertford, and for altering and enlarging the Powers of several Acts relating to the said Canal.
Citation 58 Geo. 3. c. xvi
Royal assent 17 March 1818
Text of statute as originally enacted
An Act to enable the Grand Junction Canal Company to vary the Line of Part of their Canal in the county of Hertford, and for altering and enlarging the Powers of several Acts relating to the said Canal.
Regent's Canal (Water) Act 1819
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1816-1837).svg
Long title An Act to vary and alter certain Acts of his present Majesty, relating to the Grand Junction Canal, the Grand Junction Water Works, and the Regent's Canal, in order to effect an Exchange of Water, for the better Supply of the Regent's Canal Navigation and Grand Junction Water Works.
Citation 59 Geo. 3. c. cxi
Royal assent 22 June 1819
Text of statute as originally enacted
An Act to vary and alter certain Acts of his present Majesty, relating to the Grand Junction Canal, the Grand Junction Water Works, and the Regent's Canal, in order to effect an Exchange of Water, for the better Supply of the Regent's Canal Navigation and Grand Junction Water Works. [5]
Grand Junction Canal Act 1879
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (1837).svg
Long title An Act for authorising the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to make a Branch Canal to Slough; and for other purposes.
Citation 42 & 43 Vict. c. clxxviii
Royal assent 21 July 1879
Text of statute as originally enacted
An Act for authorising the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to make a Branch Canal to Slough; and for other purposes.
Regent's Canal and Dock Company (Grand Junction Canal Purchase) Act 1928
Act of Parliament
Coat of arms of the United Kingdom (1901-1952).svg
Long title An Act to provide for the transfer to the Regent's Canal and Dock Company of the canal undertaking of the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to confer various powers upon the Regent's Canal and Dock Company and for other purposes.
Citation 18 & 19 Geo. 5. c. xcviii
Royal assent 3 August 1928
Text of statute as originally enacted
An Act to provide for the transfer to the Regent's Canal and Dock Company of the canal undertaking of the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to confer various powers upon the Regent's Canal and Dock Company and for other purposes.

Further development

A clause under their acts allowed the Grand Junction Canal to supply drinking water. Accordingly, the Grand Junction Waterworks Company was established in 1811, initially taking water from the River Colne, the River Brent and a reservoir in North West Middlesex now known as Ruislip Lido. These waters proved unsatisfactory and the company transferred its inlets to the River Thames.

The importance of trade between London and the Midlands meant that railway competition was an early threat to this canal compared with others in the country. John Rennie undertook a survey in 1824 for a London to Birmingham railway.

There were also ambitious proposals for new canals. In 1827 there was a proposal for a London and Birmingham Junction Canal from the Stratford-upon-Avon Canal to Braunston. In 1832, William Cubitt proposed a Central Union Canal from the Worcester and Birmingham Canal near Worcester Bar via Solihull to the Oxford at Ansty, while in 1833 there were proposals for a London and Birmingham Canal, from Stratford direct to the Regent's Canal, which would bypass the Grand Junction Canal entirely. This, together with the railway threats, spurred the Grand Junction into making improvements.

The London and Birmingham Railway was completed in 1838 and, with the exception of the Oxford Canal, the canals on the route from London to Birmingham co-operated to reduce tolls to compete with the railway. As a result, there was an increase in traffic, but income was significantly reduced.

To cope with the traffic volumes, the locks at Stoke Bruerne were duplicated in 1835, and new larger reservoirs built at Tring to ease a serious water shortage. In 1848 the Grand Junction entered the carrying trade, pitting its boats directly against the railway competition. From 1864, steam narrow boats were acquired, working with a butty, and these penetrated as far as the Erewash Canal. Carrying was given up in 1876 because it did not pay.

By 1871 the tunnels at Braunston and Blisworth were becoming bottlenecks and steam tugs were provided to tow strings of waiting boats through.

Under the encouragement of major carriers Fellows Morton & Clayton, the Grand Junction bought the (old) Grand Union Canal and the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union Canal in 1894 and worked with other navigations to encourage more through traffic to London: the Grand Junction was concerned that through traffic was being deterred by the poor condition and high tolls of the railway-owned Cromford Canal and Nottingham Canal.

Top lock at Stoke Bruerne Stoke Bruerne top lock.jpg
Top lock at Stoke Bruerne

An inclined plane was opened at Foxton Locks in 1900, as part of a plan to enable wide barges to use the Grand Union Canal and thus bring more traffic on to the main line of the Grand Junction from the east Midlands. Widening of the locks at Watford was also planned, but not carried through. Consideration was given to constructing other inclined planes as part of a plan to enlarge the canals to carry 80-ton barges, but no more were built.

With ever more traffic going by rail, the canal's only significant weapon was low tolls. While this slowed the decline in volumes, it did so only by large reductions in income, and consideration was given to amalgamations with other canals.

Concerns began to develop about the state of repair of the canal via Warwick to Birmingham, on which the Grand Junction was reliant for a through route. In 1925, discussions began with the three Warwick canals and the Regent's Canal, and in 1926 a merger was agreed. The Regent's Canal bought the Grand Junction Canal and the three Warwick canals, and from 1 January 1929 they became part of the (new) Grand Union Canal.

See also

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James Barnes was a canal and railway engineer in England and twice Mayor of Banbury.


  1. "Disused Stations: Station".
  2. "Grand Union Canal Walk".
  3. Roscoe, Thomas (1839). The London and Birmingham Railway, pub. Charles Lilt. London. Facing p. 64.
  4. Northamptonshire's First Railway, The Blisworth Hill Railway 1800–1805 [ permanent dead link ]
  5. Priestley, Joseph (1831). Historical account of the navigable rivers, canals, and railways, of Great Britain. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. pp. 297–312. Retrieved 24 October 2009.

Further reading

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