Music video
The music video for the remix was released through Young Thug's official YouTube channel one day later,on November 1,2019. In the video,Young Thug appears as a fireman,and Gunna is shown rapping in a burning house. [4]
The video opens with a marching band led by Wheezy,the song's producer,on a gridiron football field. The video then transitions to Gunna writing in cursive as the house he is in continues to burn down,Young Thug then receives a call to help Gunna as he is on fire inside the house. Young Thug puts on his fireman gear and drives a Slime F.D. truck to the scene,and finds Gunna "calmly writing a note like nothing is happening around him". As soon as Thug approaches Gunna,the house explodes from the blaze. The scene then cuts to Travis Scott on a gridiron field,where the fire has now reached. Scott is surrounded by a marching band playing the song's instrumental. The blaze eventually hits each of the marching band members,who are lined up to spell out "Hot" like the track's cover art. [5]
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