Hybrid coronary revascularization

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Hybrid coronary revascularization
Other namesHybrid coronary bypass
Specialty cardiology

Hybrid coronary revascularization (HCR) or hybrid coronary bypass is a relatively new type of heart surgery that provides an alternative to traditional coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI or PTCA) by combining the two into one operation. It is this combining aspect that "hybrid" refers to. HCR is one of several types of hybrid cardiac surgery; it is not to be confused with a MIDCAB (minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass) procedure, which uses the smaller thoracotomy incision but does not involve coronary stenting. [1]



Hybrid bypass offers all the benefits of a MIDCAB, although there are some disadvantages.

  1. A much smaller incision (made through the rib cage as opposed to cutting the sternum and opening the rib cage) than with traditional bypass surgery.
  2. Less pain for the patient and quicker recovery time. Particularly in high risk patients, morbidity and mortality decreases in comparison to conventional surgery. [2] [3] A study from FuWai Hospital in Beijing [4] reports on 104 patients with multivessel coronary artery disease who were compared with the same sized group of patients undergoing off pump surgery using propensity score matching. The patients treated with the hybrid approach had a significantly lower ICU stay and intubation time and experienced less complications in terms of bleeding and transfusions needs. At a median follow up of 18 months, patients undergoing the hybrid procedure also had a significantly higher freedom from major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular events (99% vs. 90.4%; p = 0.03).[ citation needed ] HCR is also associated with a significant decrease in the need for blood transfusion and a significant reduction in the duration of intubation. [5]
  3. Less risk of complications, infections etc. and also decreases the necessity for two separate cardiac procedures (bypass and stenting). [1] However, it requires the implementation of suitable X-ray equipment in the OR, i.e. a hybrid operating room. Helpful in this regard is the regular use of completion angiography. In a study designed and published by the Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute, [6] routine intraoperative completion angiography performed in a fully functional hybrid operation room detected important defects in 97 of 796 (12% of the grafts) venous coronary artery bypass grafts in 366 adult patients (14% of the patients) with complex coronary artery disease. Their findings in completion angiography at the end of the operation included suboptimal anastomoses, poor lie of the venous bypass graft, and bypasses to not diseased vessels. The angiography findings led to a change in the management, including minor adjustments of the graft, traditional surgical revision or percutaneous coronary interventions, resulting in optimal bypass outcomes. However, early perioperative angiography is not recommended nor it is a standard practice; therefore, in the case of suspected early postoperative myocardial ischemia, immediate angiography should be performed to verify patency of the grafts. [7]
  4. In the study from FuWai, the hybrid procedure was also less costly than an exclusively percutaneous strategy. [4]

A 2018 Meta Analysis with over 4000 patient cases found HCR to have significant advantages compared with conventional CABG. Reduced incidence of Blood Transfusion, reduced hospital stay duration and reduced intubation duration were all reported. In contrast, HCR was found to be significantly more expensive compared to CABG. [8] However, 2018 guidelines recommend (Level 2B recommendation) that hybrid coronary revascularization may be considered in specific patient subsets at experienced centres. [9]

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John D. Puskas is an American researcher, author, inventor and cardiovascular surgeon. As of 2022, he is Professor, Cardiovascular Surgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at Mount Sinai Morningside, Mount Sinai Beth Israel and Mount Sinai West. He holds 11 U.S. patents and co-founded the International Coronary Congress and the International Society for Coronary Artery Surgery. He is credited by ResearchGate with 330 publications and 15,234 citations and as of 2022 Scopus reports an h-index of 62. Puskas is known for advancing coronary artery bypass (CABG) surgery by refining surgical techniques for all-arterial, off-pump CABG and inventing finer instruments to be used for advanced coronary bypass surgical procedures. He is credited with performing the first totally thoracoscopic bilateral pulmonary vein isolation procedure. He is the co-editor of State of the Art Surgical Coronary Revascularization, the first textbook solely devoted to coronary artery surgery.

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Alfredo E. Rodríguez is an Argentine interventional cardiologist, clinical researcher, and author. He is the Chief of Interventional Cardiology Service at Otamendi Hospital and Director and Founder of the Cardiovascular Research Center (CECI) a non -profit Research Organization in Buenos Aires Argentina.


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