Politics in Jamaica takes place in the framework of a representative parliamentary democratic constitutional monarchy. The 1962 Constitution of Jamaica established a parliamentary system whose political and legal traditions closely follow those of the United Kingdom. As the head of state, King Charles III - on the advice of the Prime Minister of Jamaica - appoints a governor-general as his representative in Jamaica. The governor-general has a largely ceremonial role. Jamaica constitutes an independent Commonwealth realm.

Politics of Mauritius takes place in a framework of a parliamentary democracy. The separation of powers is among the three branches of the Government of Mauritius, namely the legislative, the executive and the Judiciary, is embedded in the Constitution of Mauritius. Being a Westminster system of government, Mauritius's unicameral house of parliament officially, the National Assembly, is supreme. It elects the President and the Prime Minister. While the President is voted by a single majority of votes in the house, the Prime Minister is the MP who supports a majority in the house. The President is the Head of State while the Prime Minister has full executive power and is the Head of Government who is assisted by a council of Ministers. Mauritius has a multi-party system. The Economist Intelligence Unit rated Mauritius a "full democracy" in 2022.
The Canadian order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the governing institutions of Canada. It has no legal standing, but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol.
The United States order of precedence is an advisory document maintained by the Ceremonials Division of the Office of the Chief of Protocol of the United States which lists the ceremonial order, or relative preeminence, for domestic and foreign government officials at diplomatic, ceremonial, and social events within the United States and abroad. The list is used to mitigate miscommunication and embarrassment in diplomacy, and offer a distinct and concrete spectrum of preeminence for ceremonies. Often the document is used to advise diplomatic and ceremonial event planners on seating charts and order of introduction. Former presidents, vice presidents, first ladies, second ladies, and secretaries of state and retired Supreme Court justices are also included in the list.

The Order of precedence in New Zealand is a guide to the relative seniority of constitutional office holders and certain others, to be followed, as appropriate at State and official functions. The previous order of precedence was revoked and Queen Elizabeth II approved the following Order of Precedence in New Zealand effective 20 September 2018:
- The Monarch of New Zealand.
- The Governor-General or, while acting in the place of the Governor-General, the officer administering the Government
- The Prime Minister
- The Speaker of the House of Representatives
- The Chief Justice
- The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps
- The Deputy Prime Minister
- Ministers of the Crown
- Former Governors-General
- Ambassadors and High Commissioners in New Zealand and Chargés d’Affaires accredited to New Zealand.
- The Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives
- Leaders, including co-leaders and joint leaders, of political parties represented in the House of Representatives, other than Ministers of the Crown.
- Members of the House of Representatives. There is no established order of precedence over members of parliament in general, although each party has its internal ranking.
- Judges of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, the Court of Appeal and the High Court of New Zealand.
- Former Prime Ministers, former Speakers of the House of Representatives, former Chief Justices, and members of the Privy Council.
- Mayors of territorial authorities and chairpersons of regional councils, while in their own cities, districts and regions. In 1989, boroughs and counties were amalgamated into district councils. District mayors, and the Chatham Islands mayor could expect to be accorded this same precedence.
- The Public Service Commissioner, Chief of Defence Force, Commissioner of Police, and Officers of Parliament .
- The Solicitor-General, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and Clerk of the Executive Council when attending a function involving the exercise of the position’s specific responsibilities.
- Chief executives of public service and non-public service departments.
- The Vice Chief of Defence Force, and Chiefs of Navy, Army and Air Force, and other statutory office holders.
- Consuls-General and Consuls of countries without diplomatic representation in New Zealand.
- Members of New Zealand and British orders, and holders of decorations and medals in accordance with the Order of Wear in New Zealand.
Custos rotulorum is a civic post that is recognised in the United Kingdom and in Jamaica.

The following state officials are some of the most important in the Isle of Man. They take place in the annual Tynwald Day procession and have precedence or importance at other occasions.
The Spanish order of precedence is currently prescribed by Royal Decree 2099/1983. The decree establishes the order of precedence of national official activities as well as common regulations to activities organised by municipalities, autonomous communities and other public institutions. The general order established by the decree is modified if the event takes place in the capital, Madrid, instead of elsewhere in Spain.
The Alberta order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the province of Alberta. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.
- The King of Canada: His Majesty King Charles III
- Lieutenant Governor of Alberta: Her Honour the Honourable Salma Lakhani
- Premier of Alberta: The Honourable Danielle Smith
- The Chief Justice of The Court of Appeal of Alberta: The Honourable Justice Frans Slatter
- Former lieutenant governors of Alberta
- The Honourable Donald Ethell
- The Honourable Lois Mitchell
- Former premiers of Alberta
- The Honourable Ed Stelmach
- The Honourable Alison Redford
- The Honourable Dave Hancock
- The Honourable Rachel Notley
- The Honourable Jason Kenney
- Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta: Nathan Cooper
- Ambassadors and high commissioners accredited to Canada
- Members of the Executive Council of Alberta, in relative order of precedence as determined by the premier
- Leader of the Official Opposition: Rachel Notley
- Current members of the King's Privy Council for Canada resident in Alberta, with precedence given to current members of the federal cabinet
- Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta with precedence governed by the date of their first election to the Legislature
- Members of the Senate of Canada, who represent Alberta by date of appointment
- The Honourable Douglas Black
- The Honourable Scott Tannas
- The Honourable Patti LaBoucane-Benson
- The Honourable Paula Simons
- Members of the House of Commons of Canada who represent Alberta constituencies by date of election
- Superior court justices
- Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta: The Honourable Justice M.T. Moreau
- Justices of the Court of Appeal of Alberta
- Justices of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta
- Heads of religious denominations
- Heads of consular posts: consuls-general; consuls; vice-consuls; consular agents
- Judges of the Provincial Court of Alberta
- Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of Alberta
- Other judges by seniority of appointment
- Mayors of Alberta municipalities
- Aboriginal Leaders
- Chiefs of the Treaty First Nations in Alberta, in order of seniority of election to office;
- President of Métis Settlements General Council
- President of Métis Nation of Alberta: Audrey Poitras
- Deputy Minister to the Premier and Cabinet Secretary
- Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
- Ombudsman
- Provincial Auditor
- Chief Electoral Officer: Glen Resler
- Ethics Commissioner: Marguerite Trussler
- Information and Privacy Commissioner: Jill Clayton
- Deputy Ministers
- Senior Alberta government officials with rank of Deputy Minister as determined by the Executive Council
- Chief executive officers of Crown corporations
- Leadership of Alberta universities
- Chancellor of the University of Alberta: Ralph B. Young
- Chancellor of the University of Calgary: Jim Dinning
- Chancellor of the University of Lethbridge: Shirley McClellan
- Chairman of the Board, University of Alberta
- Chairman of the Board, University of Calgary
- Chairman of the Board, University of Lethbridge
- Chairman of the Board, Athabasca University
- Chairman of the Board, Mount Royal University
- Chairman of the Board, MacEwan University
- President of the University of Alberta: David H. Turpin
- President of the University of Calgary: Ed McCauley
- President of the University of Lethbridge: Michael J. Mahon
- President of Athabasca University: Frits Pannekoek
- President of Mount Royal University: David Docherty
- President of Grant MacEwan University: David W. Atkinson
- Police and military
- Commanding Officer, "K" Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Curtis Zablocki
- Commander, 3rd Canadian Division: Brigadier-General W.H. Fletcher
- Commanding Officer, HMCS Nonsuch
- Commanding Officer, 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
- Commanding Officer, 1 Area Support Group
- Commanding Officer, 41 Canadian Brigade Group
- Commanding Officer, 4 Wing
An ex officio member is a member of a body who is part of it by virtue of holding another office. The term ex officio is Latin, meaning literally 'from the office', and the sense intended is 'by right of office'; its use dates back to the Roman Republic.

The Speaker of the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is the presiding officer of the chamber. The current Speaker of the Parliament is Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena, in office since 20 August 2020. The Speaker fulfills a number of important functions in relation to the operation of the House, which is based upon the British Westminster Parliamentary system.
The Order of Precedence in Sri Lanka the protocol list at which Sri Lankan government officials are seated according to their rank. This is not the list of succession.
The New Brunswick order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the province of New Brunswick. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.
- The King of Canada
- The Lieutenant Governor
- The Premier
- The Chief Justice of New Brunswick
- The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
- Former Lieutenant Governors
- Former Premiers
- Former Chief Justices of New Brunswick
- Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Ministers Plenipotentiary, and Chargé d'Affaires with precedence to their date of appointment
- Members of the Executive Council of New Brunswick with precedence in accordance with the Executive Council Act
- Leader of the Opposition
- Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench
- Members of the Senate
- Members of the House of Commons
- Judges of the Court of Appeal with precedence according to their date of appointment
- Judges of the Court of King's Bench with precedence according to their date of appointment
- Members of the Legislative Assembly in the following order: Deputy Speaker, Government House Leader, Opposition House Leader, Leaders of Unofficial Opposition Parties, other members with precedence according to their date and order of their swearing in as Members of the Legislature
- Elders and Chiefs of New Brunswick Indian Bands
- Leaders of religious denominations with precedence according to their date of appointment or election to the present office
- Chief Judge of the Provincial Court
- Judges of the Provincial Court with precedence according to their date of appointment
- Members of the Consular Corps in the following order: Consuls General, Consuls, Vice- Consuls, Honorary Consuls and Consular Agents with precedence among themselves according to their date of appointment
- Mayors of the Cities of New Brunswick in the following order: Fredericton, Saint John, Moncton, Edmundston, Campbellton, Bathurst, Miramichi and Dieppe
- Mayors of the Towns of New Brunswick with precedence among themselves according to the alphabetical order of the place-names
- Mayors of the Villages of New Brunswick with precedence according to the alphabetical order of the place-names
- Councillors of the Cities, Towns, and Villages of New Brunswick in the same order of precedence among themselves according to the alphabetical order of their surnames
- Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
- Ombudsman
- Auditor General
- Commissioner of Official Languages for New Brunswick
- Clerk of the Executive Council
- Deputy Heads of the Civil Service, with precedence according to their date of appointment
- Heads of Crown Corporations and Agencies, with precedence according to their date of appointment
- Assistant Commissioner of "J" Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Commander of Canadian Forces Base Gagetown
- Chancellors of New Brunswick Universities in the following order: University of New Brunswick, Mount Allison University, St. Thomas University and Université de Moncton
- Presidents of the Universities of New Brunswick in the same order of precedence as the Chancellors
The Saskatchewan order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.
The following is the Barbadian Table of Precedence.
- The President of Barbados
- The Prime Minister
- The Chief Justice
- The Members of the Cabinet
- The Attorney-General of Barbados, as the first minister to be sworn in after the Prime Minister.
- Other cabinet ministers, their own order unknown.
- The former Governors-General
- The National Heroes
- The President of the Senate
- The Speaker of the House of Assembly
- The Leader of the Opposition
- The former Prime Ministers, and the former Chief Justices
- The Members of the President's Privy Council of Barbados
- The Chairman of the Barbados Christian Council
- The Ambassadors and High Commissioners
- The Justices of the Court of Appeals, and the Judges of the High Court
- The Parliamentary Secretaries
- The Deputy President of the Senate
- The Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly
- The Members of the Senate
- The Members of the House of Assembly
- The spouses of deceased dignitaries such as: Governors-General, Prime Ministers, and National Heroes
- The Chairmen of the Commissions established under the Constitution
- The Head of the Civil Service
- The Ombudsman, Director of Public Prosecutions, and Auditor General
- The Director of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Solicitor General, the Chief Parliamentary Counsel, the Permanent Secretaries, and the Governor of the Central Bank
- The Ambassadors/High Commission (Overseas)
- The Chief of Staff for the Barbados Defence Force, and the Commissioner of Police
- 1. The Chancellor, University of the West Indies; 2. The Chairman;The Cave Hill Campus Council, University of the West Indies; 3. The Principal, Cave Hill Campus; and the Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies.
- The former Ministers
- The Members of The Order of the Caribbean Community, and the holders of knighthoods conferred under the monarchy of Barbados.
- The holders of the Companion of Honour of Barbados
- The holders of the Companions of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
- The Heads of the regional bodies with diplomatic status.
- The Related grades, and the Clerk of Parliament
- The Chargé d'affaires and Acting High Commissioners, Deputy High Commissioners, Counsellors in Embassies, High Commissions and Legations, Consul-General - Chefs de Poste
- The Consuls - Chefs de Posts
- The Members of the Commissions established under the Constitution
- The Chairmen of Statutory Boards
- The Heads of Government Departments, including the Chief Technical Officers of departments integrated in Ministries, The Chief Magistrate, and the Chief Executive Officers of Statutory Boards
- Honorary Consuls, Vice-Consuls in Embassies, and High Commissions and Legations
The Maltese order of precedence is a conventionally set list. It is only used as a guide for protocol.
The order of precedence in the Philippines is the protocol used in ranking government officials and other personages in the Philippines. Purely ceremonial in nature, it has no legal standing, and does not reflect the presidential line of succession nor the equal status of the three branches of government established in the 1987 Constitution.
The Honourable or The Honorable is an honorific style that is used as a prefix before the names or titles of certain people, usually with official governmental or diplomatic positions.
The present Portuguese order of precedence is defined by the Law of the Precedences of Protocol of the Portuguese State of 25th August 2006. This defines the following precedence:
- The President of the Republic
- The President of the Assembly of the Republic
- The Prime Minister
- The President of the Supreme Court and the President of the Constitutional Court
- The President of the Supreme Administrative Court and the President of the Court of Auditors
- Former Presidents of the Republic
- Ministers of the Government of Portugal
- The Leader of the Opposition
- Vice-presidents of the Assembly of the Republic and Presidents of the parliamentary groups
- The Attorney-general of the Republic
- The Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
- The Ombudsman
- Representatives of the Republic to the Autonomous Regions
- Presidents of the Legislative Assemblies of the Autonomous Regions
- Presidents of the Regional Governments
- Leaders of other parties with seats in the Assembly of the Republic
- Former Presidents of the Assembly of the Republic and former Prime Ministers
- Councilors of State
- Presidents of Permanent Commissions of the Assembly of the Republic
- Secretaries and under-secretaries of State of the Government of Portugal
- Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
- Members of the Assembly of the Republic
- Members of the European Parliament
- Marshals and Admirals of the fleet
- Chiefs of the Civilian House and Military House of the President of the Republic
- Presidents of the Economic and Social Council, of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities and of the National Association of Freguesias
- The Governor of the Bank of Portugal
- Chancellors of Honorific Orders of Portugal
- Vice-presidents of the Supreme Judges Council
- Judges of the Constitutional Court
- Judges of the Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court, and Court of Audits
- Regional secretaries and under-secretaries of the Governments of the Autonomous Regions
- Members of the Legislative Assemblies of Autonomous Regions
- The Commandant-general of the National Republican Guard and the National Director of the Public Security Police
- Secretaries-general of the Presidency of the Republic, of the Assembly of the Republic, of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The Chief of Protocol
- Presidents of intermediate level courts (Relação), Presidents of the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities and of the Coordinator Council of the Polytechnics, leaders of the Bar Associations and Presidents of professional associations of public law
- Presidents of the Portuguese Academy of History and the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, Rectors of universities and Presidents of Polytechnics
- Members of the councils of the Honorific Orders of Portugal
- Judges of intermediate level courts and deputies attorneys-general, vice-rectors of universities and vice-presidents of polytechnics
- Presidents of the municipal councils (Mayors)
- Presidents of the municipal assemblies
- Civil governors of districts
- Chiefs of Staff of the President of the Republic, President of the Assembly of the Republic, and Prime Minister
- Presidents, members and secretaries-general of councils, national councils, superior councils, oversight councils, national commissions, high authorities, high commissioners, oversight committees, by order of seniority of the respective institution, directors-general and presidents of public institutions, by order of their respective ministries, the head of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia, and the President of the Portuguese Red Cross
- Admirals and general officers with command functions, by order of military rank, operational commanders and commanders of military zone, maritime zone, and air zone, of the Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira
- Directors of the National Defense Institute and the Joint Command and Staff College, commanders of the Military Academy, Naval School, and Air Force Academy, admirals and general officers of 3 and 2 stars
- Chiefs of staff of members of government
- Deputies directors-general and regional directors
- Judges and attorneys-general
- Aldermans (vereadores) of municipal councils
- Aides of the President of the Republic, of the President of the Assembly of the Republic, and of the Prime Minister
- Presidents of Civil Parishes
- Members of municipal assemblies
- Presidents of parish assemblies and members of civil parishes and parish assemblies
- Directors of service
- Chiefs of division
- Aides of members of government