Order of precedence in Manitoba

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The Manitoba order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the province of Manitoba. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.

  1. The King of Canada (His Majesty Charles III)
  2. Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba (Anita Neville, PC OM ) [1]
  3. President of the Executive Council, otherwise known as the Premier of Manitoba (Wab Kinew, MLA ) [2] [3]
  4. Chief Justice of Manitoba (Richard J. F. Chartier) [4]
  5. Former Lieutenant Governors of Manitoba in order of seniority of taking office [5]
    1. Pearl McGonigal, CM OM (19811986)
    2. Yvon Dumont, OM (19931999)
    3. Philip S. Lee, CM OM (20092015)
    4. Janice Filmon, CM OM (20152022)
  6. Former Presidents of the Executive Council of Manitoba in order of seniority in taking office [6]
    1. Edward Schreyer, PC CC CMM OM CD (19691977)
    2. Gary Filmon, PC OC OM (19881999)
    3. Gary Doer, OM (19992009)
    4. Greg Selinger, OM (20092016)
    5. Brian Pallister, (20162021)
    6. Kelvin Goertzen, (2021)
    7. Heather Stefanson, (20212023)
  7. Members of the King's Privy Council for Canada residing in Manitoba by order of seniority of taking the Oath of Office
    1. Otto Lang, PC OC KC (1968)
    2. Jake Epp, PC OC (1979)
    3. Lloyd Axworthy, PC OC OM (1980)
    4. Jack Murta, PC (1984)
    5. Charles Mayer, PC (1984)
    6. Jon Gerrard, PC MLA (1993)
    7. Rey Pagtakhan, PC (2001)
    8. Raymond Simard, PC (2004)
    9. Vic Toews, PC KC (2006)
    10. Steven Fletcher, PC MP (2008)
    11. Shelly Glover, PC MP (2013)
    12. Candice Bergen, PC MP (2013)
  8. Members of the Executive Council of Manitoba in relative order of seniority of appointment [2]
    1. Steve Ashton, MLA (1999)
    2. Dave Chomiak, MLA (1999)
    3. Gord Mackintosh, MLA (1999)
    4. Eric Robinson, MLA (1999)
    5. Ron Lemieux, MLA (1999)
    6. Stan Struthers, MLA (1999)
    7. Peter Bjornson, MLA (2003)
    8. Theresa Oswald, MLA (2004)
    9. Kerri Irvin-Ross, MLA (2006)
    10. Andrew Swan, MLA (2008)
    11. Jennifer Howard, MLA (2009)
    12. Flor Marcelino, MLA (2009)
    13. Erin Selby, MLA (2011)
    14. Kevin Chief, MLA (2012)
    15. Ron Kostyshyn, MLA (2012)
    16. Sharon Blady, MLA (2013)
    17. Erna Braun, MLA (2013)
    18. James Allum, MLA (2013)
  9. Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench of Manitoba (Glenn Joyal) [7]
  10. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba (Myrna Driedger, MLA ) [8]
  11. Puisne Judges of the Court of Appeal and of the Court of King's Bench in relative order of seniority of appointment [7] [9]
    1. Robert Carr (1983; supernumerary since 2006)
    2. Michel Monnin (1984)
    3. Kenneth R. Hanssen (1984; supernumerary since 2008)
    4. Kris Stefanson (1988; supernumerary since 2008)
    5. Rodney Mykle (1989; supernumerary since 2007)
    6. Gerry Mercier, KC (1989; supernumerary since 2009)
    7. Robyn Diamond (1989; supernumerary since 2011)
    8. Jeffrey Oliphant (1990; supernumerary since 2008)
    9. Albert Clearwater (1992; supernumerary since 2007)
    10. Alan MacInnes (1992; supernumerary since 2010)
    11. Holly C. Beard (1992)
    12. Perry Schulman, KC (1993; supernumerary since 2008)
    13. Barbara Hamilton, KC (1995)
    14. Freda Steel (1995)
    15. Brenda Keyser (1995)
    16. John A. Menzies (1996)
    17. Marc M. Monnin (1997)
    18. Deborah McCawley, KC (1997)
    19. Donald Little, KC (1998)
    20. Morris Kaufman (1998; supernumerary since 2010)
    21. Laurie Allen, KC (1998)
    22. Douglas Yard, KC (1998)
    23. Donald Bryk, KC (1999)
    24. Frank Aquila (2000)
    25. Robert B. Doyle (2000)
    26. Murray Sinclair (2001)
    27. Joan McKelvey (2001)
    28. Martin Freedman, KC (2002)
    29. Colleen Suche, KC (2002)
    30. Marilyn Goldberg, KC (2002)
    31. Shawn Greenberg (2003)
    32. Karen Simonsen (2004)
    33. Marianne Rivoalen (2005)
    34. Lori Spivak (2005)
    35. Lori Douglas (2005)
    36. A. Catherine Everett (2006)
    37. Michael Thomson (2007)
    38. Douglas Abra, KC (2007)
    39. Brian Midwinter, KC (2008)
    40. Robert G. Cummings (2008)
    41. Joan MacPhail, KC (2009)
    42. Chris W. Martin (2009)
    43. William Johnston (2009)
    44. William J. Burnett, KC (2009)
    45. Robert A. Dewar, KC (2009)
    46. Rick Saull (2010)
    47. Gerald L. Chartier (2010)
    48. Diana M. Cameron (2011)
    49. Shane Perlmutter (2011)
    50. Herbert Rempel (2011)
  12. Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly (Wayne Ewasko, MLA ) [3]
  13. Archbishop of St. Boniface (Albert LeGatt) [10]
  14. Bishop of Rupert's Land (Geoffrey Woodcroft) [11]
  15. Archbishop of Winnipeg (Richard Gagnon) [12]
  16. Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
  17. Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church (Lawrence Daniel Huculak, OSBM) [13]
  18. Chairman of the Manitoba Conference of the United Church of Canada (Barb Jardine) [14]
  19. Chairman of the Manitoba Conference of the Presbyterian Church in Canada
  20. Chairman or other representative persons of the following denominations as indicated below and whose person will be signified to the Clerk of the Executive Council from time to time:
    1. Lutheran Church
    2. Jewish Rabbi
    3. The Mennonite faith
    4. The Baptist Church
    5. The Salvation Army
    6. The Pastors Evangelical Fellowship
  21. Members of the House of Commons residing in Manitoba by order of seniority in taking office
    1. James Bezan, MP (2004)
    2. Niki Ashton, MP (2008)
    3. Kevin Lamoureux, MP (2010)
    4. Ted Falk, MP (2013)
    5. Larry Maguire, MP (2013)
  22. Members of the Legislative Assembly
    1. Jon Gerrard, MLA
    2. Ron Schuler, MLA
    3. Ralph Eichler, MLA
    4. Leanne Rowat, MLA
    5. Cliff Cullen, MLA
    6. Blaine Pedersen, MLA
    7. Matt Wiebe, MLA
    8. Wayne Ewasko, MLA
    9. Cameron Friesen, MLA
    10. Reg Helwer, MLA
    11. Jim Maloway, MLA
    12. Dennis Smook, MLA
    13. Ian Wishart, MLA
    14. Shannon Martin, MLA
  23. County Court Judges in relative order of seniority of appointment
  24. Magistrates in relative order of seniority of appointment
  25. Members of the local consular corps in relative order of seniority of appointment
  26. Mayors, Reeves and local government administrators in relative order of date of taking office

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The Canadian order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the governing institutions of Canada. It has no legal standing, but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">New Zealand order of precedence</span> Relative preeminence of officials for ceremonial purposes

The Order of precedence in New Zealand is a guide to the relative seniority of constitutional office holders and certain others, to be followed, as appropriate at State and official functions. The previous order of precedence was revoked and Queen Elizabeth II approved the following Order of Precedence in New Zealand effective 20 September 2018:

  1. The Monarch of New Zealand.
  2. The Governor-General or, while acting in the place of the Governor-General, the officer administering the Government
  3. The Prime Minister
  4. The Speaker of the House of Representatives
  5. The Chief Justice
  6. The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps
  7. The Deputy Prime Minister
  8. Ministers of the Crown
  9. Former Governors-General
  10. Ambassadors and High Commissioners in New Zealand and Chargés d’Affaires accredited to New Zealand.
  11. The Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives
  12. Leaders, including co-leaders and joint leaders, of political parties represented in the House of Representatives, other than Ministers of the Crown.
  13. Members of the House of Representatives. There is no established order of precedence over members of parliament in general, although each party has its internal ranking.
  14. Judges of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, the Court of Appeal and the High Court of New Zealand.
  15. Former Prime Ministers, former Speakers of the House of Representatives, former Chief Justices, and members of the Privy Council.
  16. Mayors of territorial authorities and chairpersons of regional councils, while in their own cities, districts and regions. In 1989, boroughs and counties were amalgamated into district councils. District mayors, and the Chatham Islands mayor could expect to be accorded this same precedence.
  17. The Public Service Commissioner, Chief of Defence Force, Commissioner of Police, and Officers of Parliament .
  18. The Solicitor-General, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and Clerk of the Executive Council when attending a function involving the exercise of the position’s specific responsibilities.
  19. Chief executives of public service and non-public service departments.
  20. The Vice Chief of Defence Force, and Chiefs of Navy, Army and Air Force, and other statutory office holders.
  21. Consuls-General and Consuls of countries without diplomatic representation in New Zealand.
  22. Members of New Zealand and British orders, and holders of decorations and medals in accordance with the Order of Wear in New Zealand.

Myrna Driedger is a politician in Manitoba, Canada. She was a member of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba from 1998 to 2023.

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The following is the order of precedence for Australia:

  1. The King of Australia: Charles III
  2. The Governor-General of Australia: Sam Mostyn
  3. Governors of states in order of appointment:
    1. Governor of New South Wales: Margaret Beazley
    2. Governor of Tasmania: Barbara Baker
    3. Governor of South Australia: Frances Adamson
    4. Governor of Queensland: Jeannette Young
    5. Governor of Western Australia: Chris Dawson
    6. Governor of Victoria: Margaret Gardner
  4. The Prime Minister: Anthony Albanese
  5. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives in order of election:
    1. President of the Senate Senator: Sue Lines
    2. Speaker of the House of Representatives: Milton Dick
  6. The Chief Justice of Australia: Stephen Gageler
  7. Senior diplomatic posts:
    1. Ambassadors and High Commissioners in order of date of presentation of the Letters of Credence or Commission
    2. Chargés d'affaires en pied or en titre in order of date of presentation of the Letters of Credence or Commission
    3. Chargés d'affaires and Acting High Commissioners in order of date of assumption of duties
  8. Members of the Federal Executive Council:
    1. Ministry List
  9. Administrators of Territories in order of appointment:
    1. Administrator of Norfolk Island: Eric Hutchinson
    2. Administrator of the Northern Territory: Hugh Heggie
    3. Administrator of the Australian Indian Ocean Territories: Farzian Zainal
  10. The Leader of the Opposition: Peter Dutton
  11. Former holders of high offices:
    1. Former Governors-General in order of leaving office:
      1. William Deane (1996–2001)
      2. Peter Hollingworth (2001–2003)
      3. Quentin Bryce (2008–2014)
      4. Peter Cosgrove (2014–2019)
      5. David Hurley (2019-2024)
    2. Former Prime Ministers in order of leaving office:
      1. Paul Keating (1991–1996)
      2. John Howard (1996–2007)
      3. Kevin Rudd
      4. Julia Gillard (2010–2013)
      5. Tony Abbott (2013–2015)
      6. Malcolm Turnbull (2015–2018)
      7. Scott Morrison (2018–2022)
    3. Former Chief Justices in order of leaving office:
      1. Anthony Mason (1987–1995)
      2. Murray Gleeson (1998–2008)
      3. Robert French (2008–2017)
      4. Susan Kiefel (2017–2023)
  12. Premiers of states in order of state populations, then Chief Ministers of the territories in order of territory populations:
    1. Premier of New South Wales: Chris Minns
    2. Premier of Victoria: Jacinta Allan
    3. Premier of Queensland: Annastacia Palaszczuk
    4. Premier of Western Australia: Roger Cook
    5. Premier of South Australia: Peter Malinauskas
    6. Premier of Tasmania: Jeremy Rockliff
    7. Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory: Andrew Barr
    8. Chief Minister of the Northern Territory: Natasha Fyles
  13. Justices of the High Court in order of appointment:
    1. Michelle Gordon AC
    2. James Edelman
    3. Simon Steward
    4. Jacqueline Sarah Gleeson
    5. Jayne Jagot
    6. Robert Beech-Jones
  14. Senior judges:
    1. Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia: Debra Mortimer
    2. President of the Fair Work Commission: Adam Hatcher
  15. Chief Justices of States in order of appointment:
    1. Chief Justice of South Australia
    2. Chief Justice of Tasmania
    3. Chief Justice of Victoria
    4. Chief Justice of Western Australia
    5. Chief Justice of New South Wales:
    6. Chief Justice of Queensland
  1. Australian members of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom in order of appointment:
    1. Ian Sinclair
    2. The Rt Hon Sir William Heseltine
  2. The Chief of the Defence Force
  3. Chief Judges of Federal and Territory Courts in order of appointment
    1. Chief Justice of the Northern Territory
    2. Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia
    3. Chief Justice of the Australian Capital Territory
  4. Members of Parliament
  5. Judges of the Federal Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia, and Deputy presidents of the Fair Work Commission in order of appointment
  6. Lord Mayors of capital cities in order of city populations:
    1. Lord Mayor of Sydney: Clover Moore
    2. Lord Mayor of Melbourne: Sally Capp
    3. Lord Mayor of Brisbane: Adrian Schrinner
    4. Lord Mayor of Perth: Basil Zempilas
    5. Lord Mayor of Adelaide: Jane Lomax-Smith
    6. Lord Mayor of Hobart: Anna Reynolds
    7. Lord Mayor of Darwin: Kon Vatskalis
  7. Heads of religious communities according to the date of assuming office in Australia
  8. Presiding officers of State Legislatures in order of appointment, then Presiding Officer of Territory Legislatures in order of appointment:
    1. Speaker of the Victorian Legislative Assembly: Colin Brooks
    2. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland: Curtis Pitt
    3. President of the Victorian Legislative Council: Nazih Elasmar
    4. Speaker of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly: Jonathan O'Dea
    5. President of the Tasmanian Legislative Council: Craig Farrell
    6. President of the South Australian Legislative Council: John Dawkins)
    7. Speaker of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly: Michelle Roberts)
    8. President of the New South Wales Legislative Council: Matthew Mason-Cox
    9. President of the Western Australian Legislative Council: Alanna Clohesy
    10. Speaker of the Tasmanian House of Assembly: Mark Shelton
    11. Speaker of the South Australian House of Assembly: Dan Cregan
    12. Speaker of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly: Joy Burch
    13. Speaker of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly: Ngaree Ah Kit
  9. Members of State Executive Councils in order of state populations, and then members of the Northern Territory Executive Council:
    1. Executive Council of New South Wales
    2. Executive Council of Victoria
    3. Executive Council of Queensland
    4. Executive Council of Western Australia
    5. Executive Council of South Australia
    6. Executive Council of Tasmania
    7. Executive Council of the Northern Territory
  10. Leaders of the Opposition of State Legislatures in order of state populations, then Leaders of the Opposition in Territory Legislatures in order of territory populations:
    1. Leader of the Opposition of New South Wales: Mark Speakman
    2. Leader of the Opposition of Victoria: John Pesutto
    3. Leader of the Opposition of Queensland: David Crisafulli
    4. Leader of the Opposition of Western Australia: Shane Love
    5. Leader of the Opposition of South Australia: Peter Malinauskas
    6. Leader of the Opposition of Tasmania: Rebecca White
    7. Leader of the Opposition of the Australian Capital Territory: Elizabeth Lee
    8. Leader of the Opposition of the Northern Territory: Lia Finocchiaro
  11. Judges of State and Territory Supreme Courts in order of appointment:
    1. Supreme Court of New South Wales
    2. Supreme Court of Victoria
    3. Supreme Court of Queensland
    4. Supreme Court of Western Australia
    5. Supreme Court of South Australia
    6. Supreme Court of Tasmania
    7. Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
  12. Members of State and Territory Legislatures in order of population:
    1. New South Wales Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council
    2. Victorian Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council
    3. Queensland Legislative Assembly
    4. Western Australian Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council
    5. South Australian House of Assembly and Legislative Council
    6. Tasmanian House of Assembly and Legislative Council
    7. Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly
    8. Northern Territory Legislative Assembly
  13. The Secretaries of Departments of the Australian Public Service and their peers and the Chiefs of the Air Force, Army, and Navy and Vice Chief of the Defence Force in order of first appointment to this group:
    1. Vice Chief of the Defence Force: Vice Admiral David Johnston
    2. Chief of Air Force: Air Marshal Robert Chipman
    3. Chief of Army: Lieutenant General Simon Stuart
    4. Chief of Navy: Vice Admiral Mark Hammond
  14. Consuls-General, Consuls and Vice-Consuls according to the date on which recognition was granted
  15. Members of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly
  16. Recipients of Decorations or Honours from the Sovereign
  17. Citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia

Bradley V. Green, is a Canadian lawyer, judge and a former politician in the Province of New Brunswick.

The Nova Scotia order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the province of Nova Scotia. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.

The British Columbia order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the province of British Columbia. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.

  1. The King of Canada
  2. The Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
  3. The Premier of British Columbia
  4. The Chief Justice of British Columbia
  5. Former Lieutenant Governors of British Columbia
    1. Hon. Steven Point OC OBC
    2. Hon. Judith Guichon OBC
  6. Former Premiers of British Columbia
    1. Bill Vander Zalm
    2. Rita Johnston
    3. Mike Harcourt OC
    4. Glen Clark
    5. Dan Miller
    6. Hon. Ujjal Dosanjh PC
    7. Gordon Campbell OC OBC
    8. Christy Clark
    9. John Horgan
  7. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
  8. The Members of the Executive Council of British Columbia by order of precedence
  9. The Leader of the Official Opposition of British Columbia
  10. Members of the King's Privy Council for Canada resident in British Columbia, with precedence given to members of the federal cabinet
  11. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia
  12. Church representatives of faith communities
  13. The Justices of the Court of Appeal of British Columbia with precedence to be governed by the date of appointment
  14. The Puisne Justices of the Supreme Court of British Columbia with precedence to be governed by the date of appointment
  15. The Judges of the Supreme Court of British Columbia with precedence to be governed by the date of appointment
  16. The Members of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia with precedence to be governed by the date of their first election to the legislature
  17. The Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of British Columbia
  18. The Commander Maritime Forces Pacific
  19. The Heads of Consular Posts with jurisdiction in British Columbia with precedence to be governed by Article 16 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
  20. The Mayor of Victoria
  21. The Mayor of Vancouver
  22. The Chancellors of the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University, respectively.
    1. Hon. Steven PointOBC
    2. Marion Buller, CM
    3. Tamara Vrooman, OBC

The Alberta order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the province of Alberta. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.

  1. The King of Canada: His Majesty King Charles III
  2. Lieutenant Governor of Alberta: Her Honour the Honourable Salma Lakhani
  3. Premier of Alberta: The Honourable Danielle Smith
  4. The Chief Justice of The Court of Appeal of Alberta: The Honourable Justice Ritu Khullar
  5. Former lieutenant governors of Alberta
    1. The Honourable Donald Ethell
    2. The Honourable Lois Mitchell
  6. Former premiers of Alberta
    1. The Honourable Ed Stelmach
    2. The Honourable Alison Redford
    3. The Honourable Dave Hancock
    4. The Honourable Rachel Notley
    5. The Honourable Jason Kenney
  7. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta: Nathan Cooper
  8. Ambassadors and high commissioners accredited to Canada
  9. Members of the Executive Council of Alberta, in relative order of precedence as determined by the premier
  10. Leader of the Official Opposition: Rachel Notley
  11. Current members of the King's Privy Council for Canada resident in Alberta, with precedence given to current members of the federal cabinet
  12. Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta with precedence governed by the date of their first election to the Legislature
  13. Members of the Senate of Canada, who represent Alberta by date of appointment
    1. The Honourable Scott Tannas
    2. The Honourable Patti LaBoucane-Benson
    3. The Honourable Paula Simons
    4. The Honourable Karen Sorensen
  14. Members of the House of Commons of Canada who represent Alberta constituencies by date of election
  15. Superior court justices
    1. Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta: The Honourable Justice Kenneth G. Nielsen
    2. Justices of the Court of Appeal of Alberta
    3. Justices of the Court of King's Bench of Alberta
  16. Heads of religious denominations
  17. Heads of consular posts: consuls-general; consuls; vice-consuls; consular agents
  18. Judges of the Provincial Court of Alberta
    1. Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of Alberta
    2. Other judges by seniority of appointment
  19. Mayors of Alberta municipalities
  20. Aboriginal Leaders
    1. Chiefs of the Treaty First Nations in Alberta, in order of seniority of election to office;
    2. President of Métis Settlements General Council
    3. President of Métis Nation of Alberta: Audrey Poitras
  21. Deputy Minister to the Premier and Cabinet Secretary
  22. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
  23. Ombudsman
  24. Provincial Auditor
  25. Chief Electoral Officer: Glen Resler
  26. Ethics Commissioner: Marguerite Trussler
  27. Information and Privacy Commissioner: Jill Clayton
  28. Deputy Ministers
  29. Senior Alberta government officials with rank of Deputy Minister as determined by the Executive Council
  30. Chief executive officers of Crown corporations
  31. Leadership of Alberta universities
    1. Chancellor of the University of Alberta: Ralph B. Young
    2. Chancellor of the University of Calgary: Jim Dinning
    3. Chancellor of the University of Lethbridge: Shirley McClellan
    4. Chairman of the Board, University of Alberta
    5. Chairman of the Board, University of Calgary
    6. Chairman of the Board, University of Lethbridge
    7. Chairman of the Board, Athabasca University
    8. Chairman of the Board, Mount Royal University
    9. Chairman of the Board, MacEwan University
    10. President of the University of Alberta: David H. Turpin
    11. President of the University of Calgary: Ed McCauley
    12. President of the University of Lethbridge: Michael J. Mahon
    13. President of Athabasca University: Frits Pannekoek
    14. President of Mount Royal University: David Docherty
    15. President of Grant MacEwan University: David W. Atkinson
  32. Police and military
    1. Commanding Officer, "K" Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Curtis Zablocki
    2. Commander, 3rd Canadian Division: Brigadier-General W.H. Fletcher
    3. Commanding Officer, HMCS Nonsuch
    4. Commanding Officer, 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
    5. Commanding Officer, 1 Area Support Group
    6. Commanding Officer, 41 Canadian Brigade Group
    7. Commanding Officer, 4 Wing
<span class="mw-page-title-main">Politics of Manitoba</span> Political system of Manitoba

The Province of Manitoba, similar to other Canadian provinces and territories, is governed through a Westminster-based parliamentary system. The Manitoba government's authority to conduct provincial affairs is derived from the Constitution of Canada, which divides legislative powers among the federal parliament and the provincial legislatures. Manitoba operates through three branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The executive branch—the Government of Manitoba—consists of the Executive Council and the Premier, who is the head of government and the President of the Executive Council. The legislative branch—the Manitoba Legislature—is composed of the Lieutenant Governor and the Legislative Assembly, which is composed of the 57 members (MLAs) elected to represent the people of Manitoba, as well as the Speaker, the Clerk, the Officers of the Legislative Assembly, and the employees of the legislative service.

The Ontario order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy used for ceremonial occasions of a provincial nature within the province of Ontario. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol.

The Saskatchewan order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.

The members of the 21st Manitoba Legislature were elected in the Manitoba general election held in April 1941. The legislature sat from December 9, 1941, to September 8, 1945.

The Newfoundland and Labrador order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. It has no legal standing but is used to dictate ceremonial protocol at events of a provincial nature.

  1. The Sovereign
  2. Consort of the Sovereign
  3. Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador
  4. Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador
  5. Chief Justice of Newfoundland and Labrador
  6. Speaker of the House of Assembly
  7. Former Lieutenant Governors, in order of their departure from office
    1. Frank Fagan
    2. Judy Foote
  8. Former Premiers, in order of their departure from office
    1. Brian Peckford
    2. Tom Rideout
    3. Clyde Wells
    4. Brian Tobin
    5. Beaton Tulk
    6. Roger Grimes
    7. Danny Williams
    8. Kathy Dunderdale
    9. Tom Marshall
    10. Paul Davis
    11. Dwight Ball
  9. Members of the Executive Council
  10. Leader of the Opposition
  11. Members of the King's Privy Council for Canada resident in Newfoundland and Labrador
  12. Members of the Cabinet of Canada who represent Newfoundland and Labrador
  13. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
  14. Associate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
  15. Puisne justices of the Court of Appeal
  16. Justices of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
  17. Chief Judge of the Provincial Court
  18. Associate Chief Judge of the Provincial Court
  19. Puisne judges of the Provincial Court
  20. Associate Chief Judge of the Family Court
  21. Puisne judges of the Family Court
  22. Members of the House of Assembly
  23. Members of the Senate who represent Newfoundland and Labrador
  24. Members of the House of Commons who represent Newfoundland and Labrador
  25. Roman Catholic Archbishop of St. John's
  26. Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
  27. Minister of the Presbyterian Church
  28. Heads of Consular Post with jurisdiction in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador
    1. Honorary Consulate-General of Ireland
    2. Consul General of France
    3. Consulate General of Portugal
    4. Honorary Consulate of Italy
    5. General Consulate of The Netherlands
  29. Mayor of St. John's
  30. Mayor of Corner Brook
  31. Mayor of Mount Pearl
  32. Mayors or other elected officials of incorporated municipalities
  33. Recipients of the Victoria Cross resident in Newfoundland and Labrador
  34. Commanding Officers
    1. CFB Gander
    2. CFB Goose Bay
    3. CFS St. John's
    4. HMCS Cabot
  35. Chief of Police, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
  36. Commanding Officer "B" Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  37. High Sheriff of Newfoundland and Labrador
  38. Members of the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador
  39. Chancellor of Memorial University of Newfoundland
  40. President and vice-chancellor of Memorial University of Newfoundland


  1. "Biography of Lieutenant Governor". Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. Archived from the original on 2014-10-27.
  2. 1 2 "Cabinet Ministers". Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. April 2014. Retrieved August 16, 2014.
  3. 1 2 "MLA Biographies - Living". Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. Retrieved August 16, 2014.
  4. "About the Court of Appeal". Manitoba Courts. August 15, 2014. Retrieved August 16, 2014.
  5. "Past Lieutenant Governors". Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. Archived from the original on 2014-01-05. Retrieved September 7, 2012.
  6. Gordon, Goldsborough (December 16, 2010). "Premiers of Manitoba". Memorable Manitobans. Manitoba Historical Society. Retrieved September 7, 2012.
  7. 1 2 "Court of Queen's Bench - Judges". Manitoba Courts. February 24, 2012. Retrieved September 7, 2012.
  8. "The Speaker of the House". Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. Retrieved September 7, 2012.
  9. "Court of Appeal - Judges". Manitoba Courts. March 3, 2011. Archived from the original on 2006-07-12. Retrieved September 7, 2012.
  10. "Biography". Archdiocese of Saint Boniface. Retrieved August 16, 2014.
  11. "Bishop". Diocese of Rupert's Land. Retrieved August 16, 2014.
  12. "Archbishop Richard Gagnon". Archdiocese of Winnipeg. Retrieved August 16, 2014.
  13. "Administration". Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg. Retrieved August 16, 2014.
  14. "Conference Staff". The United Church of Canada Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. Archived from the original on 2014-08-19. Retrieved August 16, 2014.