List of Coptic monasteries

Last updated

The following is a list of Coptic monasteries in Egypt and around the world. [1] [2]


Coptic Orthodox Monasteries in Egypt

See of Saint Mark Alexandria

Monastery of Saint Menas. DeirAbuMenaMonastery.jpg
Monastery of Saint Menas.
  1. St. Damiana Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Damietta)
  2. St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Mit Damsis, Damietta)
  3. St. Menas Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Mariout, Alexandria)
  4. St. Mercurius Coptic Orthodox Nunnery - (Alexandria)
  5. Ennaton Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Dakahlia) - (uninhabited)
  6. Metanoia Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (East Alexandria) - (uninhabited)
  7. Oktikaidekaton Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Alexandria) - (uninhabited)
  8. Pempton Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Mariout, Alexandria) - (uninhabited)
  9. St. Cyprius (Dair Qabriyus) Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Northeast Alexandria) - (uninhabited)
  10. (# 600) Coptic Orthodox Monasteries - (In and outside the city of Alexandria) - (Destroyed in the 7th century)
  11. St. Menas Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Abu Mena) - (Destroyed)

Diocese of Wadi El Natrun

Monastery of Saint Pishoy. StBishoyMonestary 01.JPG
Monastery of Saint Pishoy.
  1. Paromeos Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Wadi El Natrun)
  2. St. Macarius Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Wadi El Natrun)
  3. St. Pishoy Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Wadi El Natrun)
  4. Virgin Mary (El-Sourian) Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Wadi El Natrun)
  5. St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Khatatba, Monufia)
  6. St. Thomas Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Khatatba, Monufia)
  7. Armenian Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (uninhabited)
  8. St. John the Dwarf Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (uninhabited)
  9. St. Moses the Black Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (uninhabited)

Diocese of Cairo

Monastery of the Prophet Jeremiah. The Monastery of Jeremias at Assouan. (1918) - TIMEA.jpg
Monastery of the Prophet Jeremiah.
  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qimn al-Arus)
  2. St. Paul the Theban Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qimn al-Arus)
  3. St. George Coptic Orthodox Nunnery - (Coptic Cairo)
  4. St. Mercurius (Abu-Sefein) Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Coptic Cairo)
  5. St. Mercurius Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Tammua)
  6. St. Menas Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Fumm al-Khalig)
  7. St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Old Cairo)
  8. St. Samaan the Tanner Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Zabbaleen, Mokattam)
  9. St. Theodore the Oriental Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Haret Elroum)
  10. Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Haret Zuweila)
  11. St. George Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Haret Zuweila)
  12. St. Barsoum El-Erian Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Monshat Naser, Helwan)
  13. Prophet Jeremiah Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Saqqara) - (uninhabited)
  14. St. Arsenius Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Wadi al-Tih) - (uninhabited)

Diocese of Fayyum

  1. Archangel Gabriel Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Naqlun, Fayyum)
  2. Holy Virgin Mary (Deir al-Hammam) Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Luhan, Fayyum)
  3. St. Macarius of Alexandria Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Wadi Elrayan, Fayyum)
  4. St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Fayyum)

Diocese of Beni Suef

  1. Monastery of Saint Samuel the Confessor

Diocese of Eastern Desert

Monastery of St. Anthony - (Eastern Desert). Antonius Kloster BW 9.jpg
Monastery of St. Anthony - (Eastern Desert).
  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Eastern Desert)
  2. St. Paul the Anchorite Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Eastern Desert)
  3. St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Monastery - (Saint Catherine)

Diocese of Minya and al-Ashmunein

  1. al-Sanquriya Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Oxyrhynchus)
  2. Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Minya)
  3. St. Fana Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qasr Hur)
  4. St. Pishoy Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Deir el-Bersha, Mallawi)
  5. St. John (Deir Abu Hinnis) Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Ansena) - (uninhabited)
  6. Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Minya) - (uninhabited)

Diocese of Asyut

Ancient Mural at Deir el Ganadla Mural at Deir el Ganadla.jpg
Ancient Mural at Deir el Ganadla
The Hanging Monastery - (Deir El-Mualaq). DeirMuallaqTotal.jpg
The Hanging Monastery - (Deir El-Mualaq).
  1. Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Deir el Ganadla, Asyut)
  2. Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Durunka)
  3. Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (El-Qusiya)
  4. The Hanging Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Deir El-Mualaq)
  5. St. Apollo at Bawit Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Asyut) - (uninhabited)
  6. St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Abnub, Asyut)

Diocese of Sohag

Monastery of St. Shenouda (Left) & Monastery of St. Karas (Right). WhiteMonasteryViewToEast.jpg
Monastery of St. Shenouda (Left) & Monastery of St. Karas (Right).
  1. Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Akhmim)
  2. Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Hawawish, Akhmim)
  3. St. George (Dair al-Hadid) Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Akhmim)
  4. Coptic Orthodox Monastery of the Martyrs - (Akhmim)
  5. St. Pachomius the Martyr Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Akhmim)
  6. St. Pisada Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Akhmim)
  7. St. Thomas the Hermit Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Akhmim)
  8. St. Karas Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Sohag)
  9. St. Michael Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (as-Salamuni)
  10. St. Pishay Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Sohag)

St. Shenouda The Archimandrite Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Sohag)

  1. Abouna Yassa Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Tima)
  2. The Seven Mountains Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Bir al-'Ain)
  3. Naga ed-Deir (ancient monastery excavation site near just north of Girga)

Diocese of Qena

Monastery of the Archangel Michael - (Qamula, Qena). QamulaDeirMikhailChurchHlVirgin.jpg
Monastery of the Archangel Michael - (Qamula, Qena).
  1. Holy Cross Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Hagir Danfīq, Qena)
  2. St. Badaba Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Nag Hammadi, Qena)
  3. Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Naqada, Qena)
  4. St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Naqada, Qena)
  5. Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qamula, Qena)
  6. St. Andrews Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qamula, Qena)
  7. St. Pisentius Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qamula, Qena)
  8. St. Victor Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qamula, Qena) - (uninhabited)

Diocese of Luxor

Monastery of St. Theodore the Warrior - (Luxor). DeirTadrosChurch.jpg
Monastery of St. Theodore the Warrior - (Luxor).
  1. St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Mahrosa, Luxor)
  2. St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Riziqat, Luxor)
  3. Coptic Orthodox Monastery of the Martyrs - (Esna, Luxor)
  4. St. Matthew the Potter Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Esna, Luxor)
  5. St. Pachomius Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (El-Shayeb, Luxor)
  6. St. Pishoy Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Armant, Luxor)
  7. St. Theodore the Warrior Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Luxor)
  8. St. Wannas Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Luxor)

Diocese of Aswan

  1. St. Pachomius Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Edfu)
  2. St. Simeon (St. Hadra) Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Qubbet el-Hawa)

New Valley Governorate

  1. Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Dakhla Oasis) - (Destroyed)
  2. St. Matthew Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Dakhla Oasis) - (Destroyed)

Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem


  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Jerusalem)
  2. St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Bethlehem)
  3. Al-Sultan Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Jerusalem)
  4. St George Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Jerusalem)
  5. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Jericho)
  6. St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Jericho)
  7. St. Zacchaeus Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Jericho)


  1. St. George Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Homs)


  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery - (Madaba)

Coptic Orthodox monasteries overseas

Coptic Orthodox monasteries Outside Egypt. [3]


  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery [4] - (Heathcote, Victoria)
  2. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Orthodox Monastery [5] - (Putty, New South Wales)
  3. St. Mary and St Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery [6] - (Kooralbyn, Queensland)
  4. Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Monastery for Nuns [7] - (Woodend, Victoria)
  5. St Mary and St Demiana's Monastery, Queensland Australia for Nuns [8]


  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery [9] - (Perth, Ontario)
  2. St. Mary, St. George & St. Philopateer Coptic Orthodox Convent [10] - (Paisley, Ontario)
  3. St. George & St. Paul The Anchorite Monastery [11]


  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery [12] - (Kröffelbach, Germany)
  2. St. Mary & St. Mauritius Coptic Orthodox Monastery [13] - (Höxter, Germany)


  1. St. Shenouda The Archimandrite Coptic Orthodox Monastery [14] - (Milan)


  1. St. Mary and Archangel Michael Monastery


  1. El Amir Tadros El Meshreky Monastery [15]


  1. St. Anthony’s Monastery
  2. St. Anna's Monastery [16]

United States of America

  1. St. Anthony Coptic Orthodox Monastery [17] - (Newberry Springs, California)
  2. St. Mary & St. Moses Abbey - (Sandia, Texas) [18]
  3. St. Mary & St. Demiana Coptic Orthodox Convent [19] - (Dawsonville, Georgia)
  4. St. Mary & St. John The Beloved Coptic Orthodox Convent [20] - (Warren, Ohio)
  5. St. John The Beloved Coptic Orthodox Monastery [21] - (Canadensis, Pennsylvania)
  6. St. Paul Brotherhood [22] - (Murrieta, California)
  7. Coptic Monastery of St. Shenouda in Rochester [23] - (New York)
  8. Holy Virgin Mary Spiritual Vineyard [24] - (Charlton, Massachusetts)
  9. St. Mary & St. Phoebe Consecrated Sisters [25]
  10. St. Katherine and St. Verena Coptic Orthodox Convent

United Kingdom

  1. St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Monastery [26] - (England)
  2. St. George Coptic Orthodox Convent - (Dublin, Ireland)

See also

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