List of South Australian royal commissions

Last updated

This is a list of royal commissions and commissions of inquiry appointed by the Government of South Australia. [1] [2] [3] Royal Commissions are currently held in South Australia under the terms of the Royal Commissions Act 1917. This list includes Royal Commissions that were conducted jointly with the Government of Australia. Note that this list excludes Select Committees.


Year(s)Royal Commission or CommissionCommissioners
Province of South Australia
1859 Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to inquire into the loss of the "SS Admella"
1861Royal commission on real property law
1864Royal Commission on the Customs House
John Hart
  • C.H. Goode
  • John Formby
  • GEO Young
1864Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report on the management, etc. of the Lunatic Asylum and Hospital
William Wyatt (Chairman)
  • George Mayo
  • Thomas Elder
  • Neville Blyth
  • A. Sidney Clark
1865Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to report on colonial defences
1865Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to inquire into the state of the northern runs
  • CHAS. Bonney
  • W. Cavenagh
  • C.J. Valentine
1865–1866Royal Commission on the Port Harbour
1866Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to inquire into the working of the Lands Titles Registration Office
  • John T. Bagot (Chairman)
  • William Kay
  • W.M. Letchford
1866Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to inquire into the management of the Northern Territory expedition
  • W.L. O'Halloran (Chairman)
  • C.H. Goode
  • H.E. Bright
1866Commission of Inquiry into management of Police Force
1867Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to inquire into the state of runs suffering from drought
  • John T. Bagot (Chairman)
  • John Hodgkis
  • William Townsend
  • Neville Blyth
  • Henry E. Bright
1867Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to inquire charges against Waterworks Engineer
  • T. Reynolds (Chairman)
  • William Milne
  • John Colton
  • David Bower
  • John Carr
  • Henry E. Bright
  • Philip Santo
1867–1868Royal Commission appointed by the Governor-in-Chief to inquire and report upon the diseases in cereals
  • John H. Barrow (Chairman)
  • THOS. Hogarth
  • WM. Everard
  • W Cavenagh
1869Royal Commission to inquire into and report upon the public accounts
1872–1873Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Intestacy, Real Property, and Testamentary Causes Acts
  • Rupert Ingleby (Chairman)
  • W. C. Belt
  • Leonard W. Thrupp
  • WM. JNO. Brind
  • F. E. Krichauff
1873Commission of Inquiry appointed to inquire into matters in dispute in connection with the Hope Valley aqueduct contract
  • Philip Santo (Chairman)
  • WM. Rogers
  • James Pearce
  • John Crozier
  • Robert Cottrell
1873–1874Royal Commission appointed to consider the whole matter of remuneration and classification of the Civil Service
  • E. W. Hitchin (Chairman)
  • J. Boothby
  • Fred J. Sanderson
  • James N. Blackmore
  • Sam Deering
  • W.T. Sheppard
1873–1874Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the whole question of the new Institute and Museum
  • Richard Hanson (Chairman)
  • WM. Everard
  • William Milne
  • William Gosse
  • Rowland Rees
1874Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the alcoholic strength of South Australian wines
  • William Milne
  • John William Lewis
  • Richard Schomburgk
  • Samuel Davenport
  • Robert Dalrymple Ross
1874Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon the plans submitted in competition for the new Parliament houses and the new Institute and Museum, and the sites best suited for their erection
  • H.E. Bright (Chairman)
  • William Milne
  • G.S. Kingston
  • J. Fisher
  • JAS. Pearce
  • George C. Hawker
  • G.T. Light
  • W.D. Allott
1874Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the organisation and working of the Post Office Department
  • William R. Boothby (Chairman)
  • Fred J. Sanderson
  • WM. G. Cuthbertson
  • WM, Longbottom
  • Caleb Peacock
  • H.E. Bright
1874–1875Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the subject of railway construction
  • G. W. Goyder (Chairman)
  • W. Barber
  • SAM. Davenport
  • Alfred Hallett
  • WM. R. Boothby
  • H. C. Mais
  • W. L. Beare
1875Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the best means of providing agricultural and technical education
  • Henry Ayers (Chairman)
  • Ebenezer Ward
  • JNO. Ingleby
  • SAML. Davenport
  • R. Schomburgk
1875–1876Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the whole question of sanitation for the Province
  • R. Rees MP (Chairman)
  • J. Crozier MLC
  • P. Santo MLC
  • T. Johnson MP
  • W.Kay MP
  • J. Richards MP
  • R.R. Ross MP
  • B. Taylor MP
  • W. Gosse
  • A. Campbell
  • J. Sinclair
1876Royal Commission appointed to consider and report upon the whole question of the defences of the Province
1877–1878Royal Commission appointed to report on the principles and working of tribunals of commerce, etc., etc.
1878Royal Commission appointed to report on the Parliament buildings site
  • Henry Scott (Chairman)
  • William Milne
  • Alexander Hay
  • Philip Santo
  • G.S. Kingston
  • John Darling
  • WM. Townsend
1879Royal Commission appointed to report on the liquor laws
  • Samuel Tomkinson (Chairman)
  • Joseph Fisher
  • Henry Scott
  • John Carr
  • Hugh Fraser
  • W. J. Magarey
  • David Nock
1879–1882Royal Commission appointed to report on public finance
Ebenezer Cooke (Chairman)
  • J. C. Bray
  • WM. B. Rounsevell
  • David Murray
  • S. Tomkinson
  • W. J. Magarey
  • R. D. Ross
  • H. E. Bright
1879Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Parliament buildings site
  • G. S. Kingston (Chairman)
  • Allan Campbell
  • Henry Scott
  • William Sandover
  • W. Townsend
  • E. T. Smith
  • W. C. Buik
  • L. Scammell
1879–1882Royal Commission appointed to report on the public works
R. D. Ross (Chairman)
  • George C. Hawker
  • Lavingdon Glyde
  • David Bower
  • Hugh Fraser
  • Luke L. Furner
  • Caleb Peacock
1879Royal Commission on sewage farm site
  • T. Hinginbotham (Chairman)
  • R. Schomburgk
  • R. Tate
  • G. Chamier
  • L. Scammell
1880–1881Royal Commission appointed to report on wharves and jetties
W. H. Bean (Chairman)
  • J. G. Ramsay
  • Henry Scott
  • Ebenezer Ward
  • R. H. Ferguson
  • H. C. E. Muecke
  • William Kay
1881Royal Commission appointed to report on the alleged injuries by sparrows
Samuel Davenport (Chairman)
  • John F. Pascoe
  • John Robertson
  • George F. Ind
  • George L. Barnard
  • William Rhodes
  • Thomas Atkinson
1881–1882Royal Commission on the working of the Education Acts
J. Langdon Parsons (Chairman)
  • JNO. W. Downer
  • John Colton
  • Samuel Tomkinson
  • Robert Dixon
  • F. Basedow
  • Ebenezer Cooke
  • Jenkin Coles
1882Royal Commission appointed to report on electoral districts
J. W. Downer (Chairman)
  • J. Colton
  • W. Gilbert
  • W. R. Mortlock
  • J. H. Howe
  • H. E. Downer
  • W. B. Roundsevell
  • L. L. Furner
1883–1885Royal Commission appointed to report on the Destitute Act, 1881
Samuel James Way (Chairman)
  • M. Salom
  • W. Haines
  • C. H. Goode
  • Dr O'Connell
  • H. W. Thompson
1883–1884Royal Commission appointed to report upon the Adelaide and Parkside Lunatic Asylums
John Colton (Chairman)
  • Allan Campbell
  • J. H. Bagster
  • Thomas Johnson
  • Jenkin Coles
  • Arthur JNO. Baker
  • SAM. D. Glyde
1883–1884Royal Commission on railways
W. E. Matttinson (Chairman)
  • T. Playford
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • J. J. Duncan
  • J. H. Howe
  • H. E. Bright
1886–1887Royal Commission on Government Stores
SAM. D, Glyde (Chairman)
  • Luke L. Furner
  • David Bower
  • JNO. Darling Jr
  • James Duncan
  • WM. Gilbert
  • Arthur Lucas Harrold
  • James Martin
  • ALF. W. Meeks
1887Royal Commission on Transcontinental railway
S. Newland (Chairman)
  • R. C. Baker
  • Allan Campbell
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • F. Basedow
  • David Murray
  • John A. Cockburn
1887Royal Commission on the utilisation of River Murray waters
1888Royal Commission on the land laws of South Australia
  • Clement Giles (Chairman)
  • F. E. H. W. Krichauff
  • F. W. Holder
  • John Moule
  • Jenkin Coles
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • William Copley
1888–1891Civil Service Commission
  • SAM. D. Glyde (Chairman)
  • H. E. Bright
  • D. Bews
  • WM. Longbottom
  • David Bower
  • Lawrence Grayson
  • J. Langdon Parsons
  • John Moule
1888–1889Royal Commission appointed to consider the desirability of establishing a State Bank and Royal Mint
Robert Caldwell (Chairman)
  • S. Solomon
  • William Copley
  • F. Krichauff
  • J. W. Castine
  • P. McM. Glynn
  • T. Playford
  • Samuel Tomkinson
  • Henry Scott
1889 Barossa water commission
Alfred Catt (Chairman)
  • Alexander Hay
  • R. Homburg
  • A. McDonald
  • Lawrence Grayson
  • J. V. O'Loghlin
  • J. H. Bagster
  • John Warren
1889–1890Royal Commission on an Angaston railway
J. H. Howe
  • A. R. Addison
  • J. Martin
  • J. Downer
  • R. Caldwell
  • W. Gilbert
  • C. H. Hussey
1889–1890Mining Commission
J. H. Gordon (Chairman)
  • Allan Campbell
  • A. D. Handyside
  • J. C. F. Johnson
  • John Moule
  • HY. Allerdale Grainger
1890Royal Commission on the utilisation of River Murray waters
J. H. Howe
  • P. McM. Glynn
  • F. Krichauff
  • A. H. Landseer
  • Alfred Catt
  • T. Playford
  • James Rankine
  • C. J. F. Johnson
  • James W. Jones
  • A. D. Handyside
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • C. H. Hussey
  • Allan Campbell
  • James Martin
  • J. C. Bray
  • G. W. Goyder
1890 Queensland border railway commission
D. Bews (Chairman)
  • Charles Kimber
  • J. V. O'Loughlin
  • J. G. Jenkins
  • Luke L. Furner
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • Allan Campbell
1890Royal Commission on the Water Conservation Department
W.A. Horn
  • T. Playford
  • Alfred Catt
  • Lawrence Grayson
  • J. H. Howe
  • P. McM. Glynn
  • J. Lancelot Stirling
1890Royal Commission on intercolonial free trade
F.W. Holder (Chairman)
  • David Murray
  • John Darling
  • WM. Gilbert
  • J. Hancock
  • B. Gould
  • J. G. Jenkins
  • John Moule
  • HY. Allerdale Grainger
  • Theo. Hack
  • A. McDonald
1890–1891Royal Commission on landing and embarking European mails
T. Playford
  • A. R. Addison
  • Allan Campbell
  • J. W. Castine
  • Lawrence Grayson
  • F. W. Holder
  • J. W. White
1890–1891Royal Commission on the Port Augusta and Cockburn railway
J Hancock (Chairman)
  • Alfred Catt
  • B. Gould
  • Laurence O'Loughlin
  • John Miller
  • Ebenezer Ward
  • John J. Osman
1891Queensland border railway commission
J. Hancock (Chairman)
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • Peter P. Gillen
  • Allan Campbell
  • A. McDonald
  • J. Langdon Parsons
  • J. W. White
  • J. G. Jenkins
1891Royal Commission on the question of the best route for the Blyth railway extension
John Miller (Chairman)
  • A. R. Addison
  • J. V. O'Loghlin
  • Ebenezer Ward
  • WM B. Rounsevell
  • Thomas H Brooker
  • A. McDonald
  • WM. Gilbert
1891Pastoral lands commission
Robert Caldwell (Chairman)
  • John Warren
  • F. W. Holder
  • J. R. Kelly
  • William Copley
  • Robert Kelly
1891–1892Royal Commission on the valuations of pastoral improvements
JAS. Cock
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • James Hague
  • John Miller
  • Robert Caldwell
  • J. Lancelot Stirling
  • William Copley
1892Royal Commission on the south-east drainage system
A.D. Handyside (Chairman)
  • W. Copley
  • R. Caldwell
  • John J. Osman
  • A.A. Kirkpatrick
  • H. Bartlett
  • William Haslam
  • Peter P. Gillen
  • Laurence O'Loughlin
1892 Orroroo and Port Germein railway commission
L. Grayson (Chairman)
  • J. Warren
  • H. Lamshed
  • R. Kelly
  • F. W. Holder
1892Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the question of the expediency of constructing a graving dock in South Australia at the public expense
G. Feltham Hopkins (Chairman)
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • A. R. Addison
  • John Darling
  • J. W. Castine
  • A. McDonald
  • J. G. Jenkins
1892Shops and factories commission
C. C. Kingston (Chairman)
  • J. A. Cockburn
  • G. Ash
  • Thomas H. Brooker
  • R. S. Guthrie
  • J. Hague
  • J. A. McPherson
1892Royal Commission on main roads
A.D. Handyside (Chairman)
  • G. W. Cotton
  • J.V. O'Loghlin
  • B. Gould
  • T. Hack
  • R. Kelly
  • J. R. Kelly
  • G. H. Lake
  • H. Lamshed
1893Royal Commission on stores
T. Playford (Chairman)
  • Thomas H. Brooker
  • J. W. Castine
  • D. Morley Charleston
  • WM. Gilbert
  • Theo. Hack
  • William Haslam
  • F. W. Holder
1893Vermin-proof fencing commission
F. W. Holder (Chairman)
  • J. H. Howe
  • A. A. Kirkpatrick
  • Ebenezer Ward
  • T. Playford
  • John Moule
  • John J. Osman
  • J. W. White
1894Royal Commission on the utilisation of River Murray waters
Alfred Catt (Chairman)
  • E. W. Hawker
  • James Rankine
  • G. W. Goyder
  • P. McM. Glynn
  • A. D. Handyside
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • A. H. Landseer
  • T. Playford
  • J. C. F. Johnson
  • F. Krichauff
  • Allan Campbell
  • J. H. Howe
  • James W. Jones
1895Royal Commission on the Northern Territory
1895Royal Commission on the Adelaide Hospital
F.W. Holder
  • A.R. Addison
  • Thomas H. Brooker
  • R. S. Guthrie
  • R. Homburg
  • Alex S. Paterson
  • Catherine Helen Spence
1896Royal Commission on the Beetaloo waterworks
H. Allerdale Grainger
  • J. G. Jenkins
  • A.R. Addison
  • John G. Brice
  • G. McGregor
  • John Warren
  • Thomas H. Brooker
  • Charles R Goode
  • J. A. McPherson
1896–1897Royal Commission on the Government wharves
Ebenezer Ward (Chairman)
  • J.V. O'Loughlin
  • R.S. Guthrie
  • J. Lancelot Stirling
  • William Russell
  • A. McDonald
  • J.W. Shannon
1897Royal Commission on the Bundaleer waterworks
R.W. Foster (Chairman)
  • John Miller
  • A. McDonald
  • I. MacGillivray
  • J.G. Jenkins
  • E.A. Roberts [4]
  • William Russell
  • W.A. Robinson
  • CH. Willcox
1897–1898Pastoral lands commission
Laurence O'Loughlin (Chairman)
  • John G. Brice
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • J. Lancelot Stirling
  • E. L. Batchelor
  • J. H. Howe
  • W. Copley
  • Alex Poynton
  • Andrew Tennant
  • A. G. Downer
1897–1898Royal Commission on the aged poor
WM. H. Carpenter (Chairman)
  • Richard Butler
  • H. Adams
  • P. McM. Glynn
  • J. H. Howe
  • WM. Gilbert
1898–1899South-eastern drainage commission
A.H. Peake
  • J. Lewis
  • John G. Brice
  • G. McGregor
  • J.T. Morris
  • A. McDonald
  • R. W. Foseter
  • R. Hooper
1899–1901Public service commission
  • J. V. O'Loghlin (Chairman)
  • W. A. Robinson
  • Alfred Catt
  • T. Burgoyne
  • William Copley
  • James Hutchinson
  • J. G. Jenkins
1899–1900Royal Commission on Renmark and Murray River settlements
  • F. W. Holder (Chairman)
  • H. Adams
  • S. Tomkinson
  • T. Playford
  • F. W. Coneybeer
  • C. M. R. Dumas
  • J. W. Shannon
  • J. W. Castine
1900Royal Commission on main roads
  • T. Playford (Chairman)
  • L. O'Loughlin
  • W. O. Archibald
  • W. Copley
  • D. McKenzie
  • W. H. Carpenter
1900Royal Commission on the Taxation Acts
  • William Russell (Chairman)
  • CHAS. Tucker
  • C.M.R. Dumas
  • John Warren
  • A. McDonald
  • F.W. Holder
  • F. J. Hourigan
State of South Australia
1901Royal Commission on the Wine and Produce Depot
  • J. W. Castine (Chairman)
  • W. O. Archibald
  • Richard Butler
  • A. McDonald
  • E. L. Batchelor
  • John Miller
  • William Copley
1902Wine and produce commission in London
  • HY. Allerdale Grainger (Chairman)
  • David Murray
  • John H. Cockburn
1902Royal Commission on the question of the construction of a railway to Pinnaroo
  • John Lewis (Chairman)
  • A. D. Handyside
  • John Miller
  • R. Homburg
  • R. W. Foster
  • GEO. Riddoch
  • R. Wood
  • Thomas Pascoe
  • A. A. Kirkpatrick
  • John G. Brice
1902Interstate Royal Commission on the River Murray representing the States of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia
  • Joseph Davis (President)
  • Stuart Murray
  • Frederick N. Burchell
1903Royal Commission on waterworks
  • John Warren (Chairman)
  • R. W. Foster
  • John G. Brice
  • Thomas Pascoe
  • Henry W. Thompson
  • W. P. Cummins
  • A. D. Handyside
1903–1904Royal commission on railways
  • R. W. Foster (Chairman)
  • A. Von Doussa
  • John G. Bice
  • E. H. Coombe
  • F. W. Coneybeer
  • THOS. H. Brooker
  • F. W. Peach
  • Andrew S. Neill
1905–1906Royal Commission on the necessity for improved facilities for the trade of the south-east
  • WM. Senior (Chairman)
  • A.H. Peake
  • John G. Brice
  • A. von Doussa
  • W. O. Archibald
  • T. Burgoyne
  • Alfred Catt
  • A. McDonald
  • F. J. T. Pflaum
1906Royal Commission upon the question of the treatment of inebriates
  • Thomas H. Smeaton (Chairman)
  • J. M. Holder
  • Elizabeth W. Nicholls
  • T. Pascoe
  • Theodore Bruce
  • W. J. P. Giddings
  • Thomas Leahy
1907Royal Commission upon the charges against produce merchants
Laurence O'Loughlin (Chairman)
1907–1908Royal Commission on main roads
Laurence O'Loughlin (Chairman)
  • John G. Brice
  • A. von Doussa
  • W. O. Archibald
  • W. J. Blacker
  • T. Burgoyne
  • W. Miller
  • WM. Senior
1908–1909Royal Commission on the question of the marketing of wheat
E. H. Coombe [6] (Chairman)
  • Richard Butler
  • A. McDonald
  • Laurence O'Loughlin
  • John Newland
  • E. A. Roberts [5]
  • Crawford Vaughan
  • C. Goode
1908–1909Royal Commission on the Land Titles Office and General Registry of Deeds Office
  • R. Homburg (Chairman)
  • J. G. Russel
  • W. Strawbridge
  • J Gordon
1908–1909Royal Commission on the conviction of Myles Flynn
  • JNO. W. Downer (Chairman)
  • Eustace B. Grundy
  • G. J. R. Murray
1909–1912Royal Commission on Eyre's Peninsula railways
1909Royal Commission upon the necessity of a railway to Willunga
  • A. H. Peake (Chairman)
  • J. H. Howe
  • A. R. Addison
  • Harry Jackson
  • David James
  • F. J. T. Pflaum
  • John Verran
1909–1912Royal commission on the Murray lands railway
Laurence O'Loughlin (Chairman)
  • H. Chesson MP
  • A. von Doussa
  • T. Pascoe
  • J. Miller
  • C.H. Goode
  • P. Allen
1909–1911Royal Commission upon the necessity for a railway through Kangaroo Island
  • A. H. Peake (Chairman)
  • J. H. Howe
  • A. R. Addison
  • Harry Jackson
  • David James
  • F. J. T. Pflaum
  • John Verran
1909Royal Commission on the management of the Parkside Lunatic Asylum and treatment of criminal lunatics
  • James Gordon (Chairman)
  • W. Ramsey Smith
  • R. H. Edmunds
1909–1910Royal Commission on the suggested railway deviation at Goolwa
Laurence O'Loughlin (Chairman)
  • P. Allen
  • A. von Doussa
  • H. Chesson
  • T. Pascoe
  • J. Miller
  • C.H. Goode
1910–1912Royal Commission on northern railways E.H. Coombe (Chair)

Messrs Lucas MLC, Anstey MP, Jamieson MP, Blacker MP, Blundell MP, Ritchie MP, Pflaum MP

1910–1911Royal Commission on the proposed railway from Eudunda to Robertstown
Laurence O'Loughlin (Chairman)
  • J.H. Howe
  • John Lewis
  • Peter Allen
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • F.W. Coneybeer
  • George Dankel
  • K. W. Duncan
  • J. Travers
1910–1912Royal Commission on narrow-gauge extension and break of gauge
1910–1914Royal Commission on the Sedan railway
Laurence O'Loughlin (Chairman)
  • P. Allen
  • F.W. Coneybeer
  • G. Dankel
  • T. Burgoyne
  • J. Travers
  • K.W. Duncan
1910–1912Royal Commission on water supply
David James (Chairman)
  • John G. Brice
  • John Warren
  • J. Newland
  • L. O'Loughlin
  • T. H. Smeaton
1910–1912Interstate Royal Commission on border railways
John George Bice (Chairman)
  • A.H. Peake
  • T. Burgoyne
  • W. Miller
  • G. Ritchie
  • J.H. Howe
1911–1913Royal Commission on the Adelaide University and higher educationT Ryan MP (Chair),

Messrs Coneybeer MP, Cowan MLC, Styles MLC, Green MP

1911Royal Commission on wharves and water frontages John George Bice (Chair),

Messrs JG Moseley, J Verran, E Klauer, WJC Cole, I MacGilliway, BA Moulden

1911–1912Royal Commission on the shortage of labour in the clothing and boot tradesH. Coombe MP,

Messrs F Condon, WW Forwood, J Gunn, E Henretty, A Hill, E Vardon, A Wallace and H Winterbottom

1912Royal Commission on electoral registrationWilliam Isbister (Chairman),

Walter Dalton,

Harry Gell

1913–1916 Royal Commission on the Aborigines [8] [9] [10] William Angus (chair), [11]

James Jelley MLC, John Lewis MLC, George Ritcher MP, and John Verran

1914–1915Royal Commission on the metropolitan abattoirsJG Mosely MP (Chair)

J Cowan MLC, FS Wallis MLC, EA Anstey MP, RP Blundell MP, HS Hudd MP, OH Duhst MP

1913–1915Royal Commission on main roads Frederick William Young (Commissioner of Crown Lands and Immigration) (Chair)

W Hannaford MLC, WJC Cole MP, W Miller MP, J Travers MP, J Jelly MLC, G Bodey MP, Frederick Coneybeer

1913–1917Royal Commission on the municipalisation of gas and electric services Herbert Angas Parsons (Chair)

E Lucas MLC, JH Vaughan, C Vaughan, Robert Homburg

1915–1916Royal Commission on electoral matters John Albert Southwood (Chair),

Messrs E Klauer, E Lucas, A McDonald, P Rielly

1916–1918Royal Commission on water supply John Frederick Herbert (Chair),

Messrs D James, I MacGillvary, JG Bice, FS Wallis, P Allen, T Butterfield

1916–1919Royal Commission on North Terrace reserves and railway centres Thomas Hyland Smeaton (Chair),

Messrs J Carr, JH Cooke, T Green, J Gunn, GR Laffer, RA O'Connor

1916Royal Commission on Port Adelaide road contractsThomas Colbatch,

Peter Whitington

1917–1918Royal Commission on government land purchasesNoel Webb (Deputy President of the Industrial Court of South Australia)
1917–1918Royal Commission on Hannaford's quarryW.L. Stuart (Master of the Supreme Court)
1917–1921Royal Commission on the wheat scheme and rural industries William Angus (Chairman)
1918Royal Commission on the acquisition and disposal of wheat and material in connection with the South Australian wheat schemeNoel Webb
1918Railway inquiry commissionPA Anthony
1918–1920Second Royal Commission on the acquisition and disposal of wheat and material in connection with the South Australian wheat schemeNoel Webb
1919Royal Commission on the Yatala Mental Hospital site Walter Hannaford (Chair),

Alfred Blackwell,

John Albert Southwood

1919–1920Royal Commission on Loxton
Thomas Hewitson
1919–1920Royal Commission on the Port Adelaide coal wharfHenry Crosby (Chair),

Messrs JG Bice, T Pascoe, HR Buxton, VG Petherick, RS Richards, JA Southwood

1921–1922Royal Commission on the Public Service of South Australia
Peter Whitington
  • Thomas Gill
1923–1927Royal Commission on law reformFW Birrell MP (Chairman),

J Carr MLC,

H Tassie MLC,

T Butterfield MP,

P Reidy MP,

AW Robinson MP,

HD Young MP

1923–1925Royal Commission on south-eastern drainageGeorge Kermode,

Walter Colebatch,

Daniel Findlater

1923–1925Irrigation Royal Commission under section 22 of Irrigation Act, 1922Edgar Field,

Richard Horsfield,

Howard Jolley

1923–1925Royal Commission on Eyre Peninsula transport charges and facilitiesJ Carr MLC,

H Tassie MLC,

Herbert Hudd MP,

Stanley Whitford MP,

Henry Crosby MP

1925Royal Commission on plumbism
Keith R. Moore
  • J. L. Pearson
  • Herbert W. Gepp
  • W. Robinette
1925–1926Royal Commission on rural settlementWalter Colebatch (Chairman),

Walter Spafford,

John Fraser

1925Royal Commission on Port Pirie PoliceJohn Halcombe
1925Royal Commission on the thousand homes contract Samuel James Mitchell (Commissioner of Insolvency)
1925Second Royal Commission on Port Pirie PoliceReginald Nesbit (Chair),

Duncan Fraser,

James Geddes

1926–1927Royal Commission on manufacturing and secondary industriesFJ Condon MP (Chairman),

T Gluyas MLC,

W Morrow MLC,

EC Vardon MP,

E Anthoney MP,

W Harvey MP,

SR Whitford MP

1926–1928Royal Commission on traffic controlAJ Blackwell (Chairman),

T Gluyas,

H Tassie,

PF Heggaton,

LA Hopkins,

JAS McLauchlan,

J Stanley Verran

1926Royal Commission on release of prisoners
Sir Herbert Kingsley Paine (Judge in Insolvency)
1926–1927Royal Commission on the pastoral industry Theodore Ernest Day, Esquire, Surveyor-General

Francis Walter Lundie, Esquire, J.P.

John O'Connor, Esquire, M.P.

John Edward Pick, Esquire, J.P.

Arthur Graham Rymill, Esquire

1926–1927Second Royal Commission on allegations of bribery against police officers
1927Royal Commission on electoral districts
1928Royal Commission on electoral districts
Theo E Day (Chair),

O.H. Stephens,

C.L. Matthews

1930–1933Local government commission appointed under the Local Government Areas Re-arrangement Act, 1929Sir Edgar Bean (Parliamentary Draftsman),

Walter Rogers (Auditor General),

Richard Gibbins,

Samuel Reeves,

Frederick Wilson

1932–1933Royal Commission on bettingWalter Ray,

Walter Hannaford,

George Laffer,

Jack Critchley,

Arthur McArthur

1933Royal Commission on dairy industry pricesWJ Dawkins (Chair),

Arthur J Perkins,

JW Wainwright

1934–1935Royal Commission on the fishing industry Reginald Rudall,

Herbet Hale,

Ernest Sheridan

1935Royal Commission on matters concerning the promotion and operations of certain companies in South AustraliaAlexander Briskham (Registrar of Companies)
1936Royal Commission on afforestationFT Perry MP,

VG Petherick MP,

RC Mowbray MLC,

EA Oates MLC,

H Tasie MLC,

J McInnes MP

1936Royal Commission on lotteriesHarold Piper (Chairman),

Horace Hogben MP,

Collier Cudmore MLC,

Frank Condon MLC,

Frederick Beerworth MP

1936–1937Inquiry commission by the South Australian Government into the system of management of libraries maintained or assisted by the State Grenfell Price (Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Adelaide)
1937–1938Royal Commission on transport Geoffrey Reed (Lecturer in law at the University of Adelaide),

John Wainwright,

William Fowler

1937–1938Royal Commission on betting laws and practiceHarold Piper,

Kenneth Sanderson,

Sidney Powell

1945Royal Commission on the Adelaide Electric Supply Company Geoffrey Reed (Supreme Court Justice),

Professor Arthur Lang Campbell,

John William Wainwright

1947–1951Royal Commission on state transport servicesHerbert Paine (Local court judge and special magistrate),

William Bishop,

Edmund Daly,

Albert Thompson,

Kenneth Wills (replaced by) Samuel Fisk

1956–1957Royal Commission on local government; Report on creation of an additional district council district in the Upper South-East and adjustment of existing district council districts together with mapsLawrence Johnston (Stipendiary Magistrate)
1959 Royal Commission in regard to Rupert Max Stuart Sir J. Mellis Napier (Chairman), [12] Geoffrey Reed (Supreme Court Justice),

Bruce Ross

1965–1966Royal Commission into the grape growing industryG. H. P. Jeffery (Chairman and Auditor General)
1966–1967Royal Commission into the law relating to the sale, supply and consumption of intoxicating liquors and other mattersKeith Sangster (Her Majesty's Counsel)
1967Royal Commission into State Transport ServicesJoseph Nelligan QC,

Thomas Shanahan,

George Jeffery (Auditor General)

1967Royal Commission into John Douglas Murrie, Headmaster of Larrakeyah Primary SchoolGeorge Walters (Supreme Court Justice)
1971–1972Royal Commission into September Moratorium Demonstrations Charles Bright (Supreme Court Justice)
1973–1975Royal Commission into Local Government AreasGerald Ward [13] (Chairman),

Donald Pitt,

Keith Hockrdige

1974–1975Royal Commission into Monarto land transactionsGerald Ward
1974–1975Royal Commission into suspension of a high school studentGordan Combe (Ombudsman)
1975Royal Commission into allegations made by prisoners at Yatala Labour PrisonLaurence Johnston (Judge)
1977Royal Commission into Juvenile Courts Act and other associated mattersR. F. Mohr (Supreme Court Justice)
1977Royal Commission into law relating to shop trading hours and ancillary mattersWilliam Lean (Industrial Commissioner) [14]
1978Royal Commission into law relating to the sale by retail of petroleum productsWilliam Lean (Industrial Commissioner) [15]
1978Royal Commission into dismissal of Harold Hubert Salisbury Roma Mitchell
1979Royal Commission into the non-medical use of drugs Ronald Sackville (Chairman, Dean of UNSW Law Faculty),

Earle Hackett,

Richard Nies [16]

1979Royal Commission into the floodlighting of Football Park at West Lakes Peter Allan [17] (Judge of the Industrial Court)
1981–1982Royal Commission on allegations in relation to prisons under the charge, care and direction of the Director of the Department of Correctional Services and certain related mattersGresley Clarkson [18] (Queen's Counsel)
1983–1984Splatt Royal CommissionJudge Carl Shannon [19] (former Supreme Court Judge in NSW)
1991–1993Royal Commission into the State Bank of South Australia Samuel Jacobs QC [20] (replaced by) John Mansfield
1995 Hindmarsh Island Royal Commission Former District Court Judge, Iris Stevens, [21] former Supreme Court Justice
2004–2008Commission of Inquiry into Children in State Care Ted Mullighan [22] (Supreme Court Justice)
2004–2008Commission of Inquiry into Children on the APY Lands Ted Mullighan [23] (Supreme Court Justice)
2005 Kapunda Road Royal Commission Greg James QC
2012–2013Royal Commission – Report of Independent EducationBruce Debelle (Supreme Court Justice)
2014–2016Child Protection Systems Royal Commission [24] Margaret Nyland [25] (former Supreme Court Justice)
2015–2016 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission [26] Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce [27]
2018–2019Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission [28] Bret Walker SC
2022–2023Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education & Care [29] [30] The Honourable Julia Gillard AC [29]
2024–2025 [31] Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Natasha Stott Despoja AO

Other inquiries

Year(s)InquiryHeaded by
1865Board of Inquiry on the late railway accident
1866Board of Inquiry appointed to investigate a charge of tampering with emigration certificates
1869Stockade inquiry board
1870Board appointed to inquire into the cause of deficiencies in certain bonded stores, and conduct of customs officers in connection therewith
1872Committee appointed to consider the Assembly chamber arrangement
1872Board of inquiry into the management of the Metropolitan Police Force
1873Assembly chamber committee
1875Committee of Inquiry appointed to inquire into the general management of the Adelaide Hospital by the paid officers of the institution
1878Committee on the Parliament buildings site
1878Committee of the Legislative Council on Parliament buildings site
1879Board of advice on outer harbor accommodation
1879Board appointed to inquire into the case of Police v. Plumridge
1880Board of Inquiry to investigate certain charges made against Mr. J. Boothby, Under Secretary
1880Board of Inquiry appointed to investigate charges laid against Mr. Josiah Boothby, C.M.G. Under Secretary and Government Statist under Civil Service Act, no 3 of 1874
1881Privilege committee on the re-election of David Murray, Esq.
1883Inquiry into accident on Nairne railway at Blackwood
1884–1885Thow inquiry board, appointed to inquire into certain charges against Mr. Wm. Thow, the Locomotive Engineer of the S.A. Railways;
1885Patterson inquiry board appointed to inquire into certain charges against Mr. R.C. Patterson, Deputy Engineer-in-Chief of the S.A. Railways
1886Board of Inquiry into Islington railway accident
1886Board of Inquiry into cause of accident on Southern railway line on Easter Monday, 26 April 1886
1886–1888Board appointed by the Government to inquire into and report upon the best means of developing a general system of technical, including agricultural, education in the Province
1888(Public Service commission on) A.L. Thurpp's (sic) claim re wattle seed
1888Board appointed by the Chief Secretary to inquire into certain allegations in regard to the treatment in the Adelaide and Parkside Asylums of a pauper lunatic named George Willoughby
1890(Public Service commission on) A.L. Thurpp's (sic) claim re wattle seed
1890Board appointed by the Government to enquire into and report upon the best means of lighting by electricity the Houses of Parliament and other public buildings adjoining, and the estimated cost compared with the cost of the present system of lighting with gas
1890South Australian railway brakes board
1892Board appointed to inquire whether or not any public loss has been occasioned or permitted in connection with the pastoral valuations by the misconduct, negligence, incapacity, or error of Mr. S.G. Huebbe
1892Board appointed to inquire into the question of the establishment of a truant school
1894Committee appointed to confer with any committee of the L.C. on the necessity for better accommodation for the Council
1898Committee appointed by the LC on the title of "honourable" in reference to members of the LC
1899–1900Board appointed to inquire into charges against detective police
1902–1903Adelaide water supply inquiry board
1903Board of Inquiry re Dr. Ramsay Smith
1911Committee of Inquiry into alleged irregularities in connection with the Willunga railway polls
1916Nomenclature committee on enemy place names
1918Board of Inquiry into charge against the Surveyor-General Mr. N.W. Pethick
1922Committee appointed to inquire into dairy questions on River Murray reclaimed swamp areas
1927Special Committee on state finance
1927(Committee on) financial effect of Federation on South Australia
1930–1931Committee of Enquiry into education
1931Special committee upon soldier settlement and irrigation
1931Agricultural settlement committee
1931–1932Committee of Enquiry into the Adelaide Electric Supply Co. Ltd.
1932–1933Committee to investigate the question of debt adjustment in respect of the agricultural and pastoral industries
1934Investigation committee on the Advances for Homes Acts
1934Committee of Inquiry on the effect of the legislation of the Commonwealth and the eastern states controlling butter and cheese, and a Commonwealth price stabilisation scheme for South Australia, or a state controlled scheme
1935–1936Honorary committee appointed by the Government to report upon the Road Traffic Act, 1934 and to make recommendations relating to traffic laws
1935Honorary committee on subordinate legislation
1937Committee on the operation of the South Australian Trading Stamp Act
1937The Committee on the proposed jetty at Port Victoria
1937Honorary committee on the manufacture and improvements in quality of South Australian butter
1937–1938State traffic committee
1937–1938Soil conservation committee
1937Building Act inquiry committee
1938Special committee appointed to inquire into the present ration scale and to advise the Government as to any desirable alterations or additions to the scale
1938–1939Committee appointed by the Government to inquire into delinquent and other children in the care of the State
1939–1940State traffic committee on main road lighting
1940Building Act inquiry committee
1942–1949Education inquiry committee appointed by the Government of South Australia
1943Committee of inquiry into electricity supply for South Australia
1943–1944Country freezing works committeeA. W. Pope (chairman and general manager of the Government Produce Department),

A. S. Kidman,

W. Robinson [32]

1944–1945Special committee of milk-in-schools inquiryDr A. Southwood (chairman),

Dr Helen Mayo,

Professor M. L. Mitchell [33]

1945–1946South Australian regional planning committee [34]
1946–1947Pastoral and marginal agricultural areas inquiry committeeCharles Melville (Chairman) [35]
1946Committee of Inquiry for consolidating the health services of the StateMr. Shannon,

Mr. Duncan MP,

Dr. A. R. Southwood (chairman of the Central Board of Health),

Dr. H. M. Jay (representing the British Medical Association),

Dr. E. Sandford Morgan (lay practitioner) [36]

2004–2008 Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry Ted Mullighan QC

See also

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  1. Zalums, Elmar (1975). A Bibliography of South Australian Royal Commissions, Select Committees of Parliament, and Boards of Inquiry, 1857–1970. Bedford Park, South Australia: The Flinders University of South Australia. ISBN   0-9598530-0-6.
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  3. Index to Papers Laid Before Parliament and Petitions Presented to Both Houses, From 1 July to 30 June 1982. 1983.
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  21. "Report of the Hindmarsh Island Bridge Royal Commission / presented by Iris E. Stevens. – Version details – Trove". 1995. ISBN   9780730807254 . Retrieved 25 July 2015.
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