List of awards and honours received by Fidel Castro

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Sukarno and Fidel Castro. The Cuban leader has his two indonesian decorations. Sukarno and Fidel, 1960.jpg
Sukarno and Fidel Castro. The Cuban leader has his two indonesian decorations.

This is a comprehensive list of awards and honours bestowed upon the Cuban revolutionary and statesman Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (except things named after him).


Private awards

"Grand Slam" Silver Trophy - Ernest Hemingway International Billfishing Tournament May 1960for catching a sailfish and four marlins [1] [2] [3]

State decorations

Prizes of Cuba, other states, state institutions and subnational entities.

Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna rib.svg Star of the Republic of Indonesia Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 22 January 1960Country's highest decoration.
Bintang gerilya rib.png Guerrilla Star 22 January 1960 [4]
Leninpeace.jpg International Lenin Prize Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 30 April 1961"For his dedication to the struggle of the peoples for freedom and independence." [5]
Hero of the Soviet Union medal.png Hero of the Soviet Union 23 May 1963Country's highest decoration. "For their successful struggle for freedom and independence of the heroic Cuban people, who has made his worthy contribution to the great cause of peace and socialism and for his great role in strengthening and development of the fraternal Soviet-Cuban friendship." [6] [7]
Order of Lenin Ribbon Bar.svg Order of Lenin 23 May 1963Awarded with Hero of the Soviet Union. [6] [7]
SU Medal In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ribbon.svg Jubilee Medal "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" 5 April 1971 [8]
National Order of Fidelity to People Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea 8 May 1972Country's highest decoration. [9]
Bg3ogd.png Order of Georgi Dimitrov Flag of Bulgaria (1971-1990).svg  Bulgaria 17 May 1972 [10]
ROM Ordinul Steaua Republicii Populare Romane clasa I BAR.svg Order of the Star of the Romanian Socialist Republic, First Class Flag of Romania (1965-1989).svg  Romania 26 May 1972"For special merits in the revolutionary struggle for national liberation and social development of Cuba, for the defense of national independence and sovereignty of the motherland socialism against imperialism, for the special contribution made to the expansion of multilateral relations of cooperation, international friendship and solidarity between the Communist Party of Cuba and the Romanian Communist Party, between the Republic of Cuba and the Socialist Republic of Romania, between Cuba and the Romanian people." [11]
Hu3ofl0.png Order of the Flag of the Hungarian People's Republic, First Class Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 31 May 1972 [12]
Honorary Miner of the Polish People's RepublicFlag of Poland.svg  Poland 7 June 1972 [13]
GDR Star of Friendship of Nations - Grand Star (formal ribbon) BAR.png Grand Star of People's Friendship Flag of East Germany.svg  GDR 13 June 1972 [14]
TCH Rad Bileho Lva 1 tridy (pre1990) BAR.svg Collar of the Order of the White Lion Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia 22 June 1972 [15]
Order of Lenin Ribbon Bar.svg Order of Lenin Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 27 June 1972Awarded by second time. [16]
CHL Order of Merit GC and Collar.svg Collar of the Order of Merit Flag of Chile.svg  Chile 13 December 1972Country's highest decoration. [17]
POL Polonia Restituta Wielki BAR.svg Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 24 April 1973Country's highest decoration. For the ideals of Marxism–Leninism, this brotherly friendly and cooperation. [18]
Insignia of Fighter of Dien Bien PhuFlag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 13 September 1973 [19]
30 years of victory rib.png Jubilee Medal "Thirty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 9 May 1975 [20]
Order october revolution rib.png Order of the October Revolution Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 13 August 1976 [21]
Medalla XX Aniversario de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (cinta).svg Commemorative Medal 20th Anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Forces Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25 November 1976First person awarded. [22]
Order of Courage (Libya) - ribbon bar.gif Order of Courage Flag of Libya (1977-2011).svg  Libya 10 March 1977Country's highest decoration. First foreigner awarded with this order. "In appreciation of its historic role in confronting imperialism." [23] [24]
Order of the Somali Star (Somalia) - ribbon bar.gif Order of the Somali Star, First Class Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia 14 March 1977Country's highest decoration. [25]
Order of Jamaica.gif Order of Jamaica Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica 16 October 1977For "heroic and extraordinary service to his country and all the Third World in the fight against colonialism, imperialism and neocolonialism." [26]
Order of Merit.gif Order of Merit For "heroic and extraordinary service to his country and all the Third World in the fight against colonialism, imperialism and neocolonialism." [27]
Ribbon Grand Order of the Star of Honor of Socialist Ethiopia.svg Grand Order of the Star of Honor of Socialist Ethiopia Flag of Ethiopia (1975-1987) (02).svg  Ethiopia 12 September 1978"In recognition for Fidel's exceptional revolutionary life, firm and intransigent ideological stand on the international plane and the diplomatic and armed and armed struggles." [28]
Honorary Citizenship of Addis Ababa14 September 1978Prize of the City Government of Addis Ababa. [29]
Seal and Plaque of the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Organs of State SecurityFlag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 23 March 1979Prize of the Organs of State Security. [30]
Laureat na Dimitrovska nagrada I st..jpg Dimitrov Prize Flag of Bulgaria (1971-1990).svg  Bulgaria 17 June 1980 [31]
Vietnam Gold Star ribbon.png Gold Star Order Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 29 July 1982Country's highest decoration. [21]
Commemorative Medal of the 25th Soviet Antarctic ExpeditionFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 10 November 1982 [32]
Orden Sandino 1.svg Order Augusto César Sandino, grade Battle of San Jacinto Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua 11 January 1985Country's highest decoration. [33]
Medalha Amilcar Cabral.svg Order of Public Health Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia 2 July 1985 [34]
LAO Gold Medal of the Nation BAR.svg National Gold Medal Flag of Laos.svg  Laos 4 February 1986Country's highest decoration. [35]
Gold Star KNDR.png Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 9 March 1986Country's highest decoration. [36]
DPRK ribbon bar - Order of National Flag 1st Class.svg Order of the National Flag, First Class Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 9 March 1986Awarded with Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. [36] [ failed verification ]
Order of Karl Marx Flag of East Germany.svg  GDR 12 August 1986 [37]
Order of the Yugoslavian Great Star Rib.png Order of the Yugoslav Great Star Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 14 September 1986Country's highest decoration. [38] [39]
Order of Lenin Ribbon Bar.svg Order of Lenin Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 9 November 1988Awarded by third time for "his contribution to promoting fraternal relations between the USSR and Cuba". [40]
Escudo del Senado de Espana.svg Gold Medal of the SenateFlag of Spain.svg  Spain 16 January 1988Prize of the Senate of Spain. [41]
Orden Angkor.svg Angkor Order Flag of the People's Republic of Kampuchea.svg  Cambodia 27 July 1988Country's highest decoration. For "his contribution to the struggle of the brother Asian country and the fraternal material and moral assistance given to his revolution". [42]
MEX Order of the Aztec Eagle 1Class BAR.png Collar of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 1 November 1988Country's highest decoration. For having always been a friend of Mexico and Latin America and for represent the passionate defense of freedom of peoples and the right to self-determination. [43]
Cs2okg.png Order of Klement Gottwald for Building of Socialist Homeland Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia 5 January 1989"For outstanding personal merits for the expansion of fraternal and friendly partnership and cooperation between Cuban and Czechoslovak Communist parties, the two countries and their peoples". [44]
Ho Shi Min order rib.png Order of Ho Chi Minh Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam 8 January 1989 [45]
Medal Emiliano ZapataFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 17 October 1990Prize of the State of Morelos. [46]
Pasador Orden 17 de Mayo.svg Order of May 17 Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 17 May 1992 [47]
Ordem Agostinho Neto.svg Order of Agostinho Neto Flag of Angola.svg  Angola 9 July 1992Country's highest decoration. [48]
Mali Ordre national du Mali GC ribbon.svg Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali Flag of Mali.svg  Mali 9 July 1998 [49]
Order of Merit of Duarte, Sanchez and Mella.PNG Grand Cross, Gold Plaque of the Order of Merit of Duarte, Sánchez and Mella Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic 22 August 1998Country's highest decoration. [50]
Ord.GoodHope-ribbon.gif Order of Good Hope, I Grade Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 4 September 1998 [51]
Ribbon bar of the Order of the Star of Ghana.gif Companion of the Order of the Star of Ghana, Honorary Division Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana 29 September 1998Country's highest decoration. For being "a champion against oppression and an inspiration for developing nations". [52]
Orden Nacional de Honor y Merito, Gran Cruz.svg Grand Cross, Gold Plaque of the National Order of Honour and Merit Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti 9 November 1998Country's highest decoration. [53]
Order of Belize - ribbon bar.png Order of Belize Flag of Belize.svg  Belize 8 February 1999 [54]
Ukraine-republic007.png Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, First Class Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 19 June 2000For medical assistance to victims of the Chernobyl disaster. [55] [56]
Pasador Emblema de la Republica.svg Order of Unity, grade Emblem of the Republic Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen 12 September 2000Country's highest decoration. [57]
QAT Order of Independence of the State of Qatar ribbon.svg Collar of the Independence Flag of Qatar.svg  Qatar 15 September 2000Country's highest decoration. [58]
VEN Order of the Liberator - Grand Cordon BAR.png Grand Collar of the Order of the Liberator Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 30 October 2000Country's highest decoration. [59]
Medaille de l'armee de liberation nationale.svg Medal of the National Liberation Army Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria 6 May 2001 [60] [61]
MY Darjah Utama Seri Mahkota Negara (Crown of the Realm) - DMN.svg Most Exalted Order of the Crown of the Realm Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 11 May 2001 [62] [63]
Ribbon Orden Congreso de Angostura.svg Grand Collar of the Order of the Congress of Angostura Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 11 August 2001Prize of the Bolívar State. "In recognition of the contributions of the Cuban government to Venezuela on social issues". [64] [65]
Medal of the City of Buenos AiresFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 26 May 2003Prize of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. For "being an emblem of the ideals of liberty". [66] [67]
Medalla Conmemorativa del 50o Aniversario del 26 de Julio (cinta).svg Commemorative Medal 50th Anniversary of the July 26th Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 26 July 2003First person awarded. [68]
DPRK Hero of Labour ribbon.gif Labor Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea 11 December 2006For his contribution to "the cause of the Revolution, socialism and justice". [36] [69]
DPRK ribbon bar - Order of National Flag 1st Class.svg Order of the National Flag, First Class 11 December 2006Awarded with Labor Hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. [69]
Medalha Amilcar Cabral.svg Medal Amílcar Cabral Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau 29 January 2007Country's highest decoration. For "having contributed to the establishment and strengthening of Guinea Bissau". [70]
Medal to Sports MeritFlag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 29 March 2007Prize of the Ministry of Sports. First person awarded for do much for the sport. [71]
Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis (Namibia) - ribbon bar.gif Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis, I Grade Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia 21 March 2008Country's highest decoration. For his support of African liberation struggles. [72]
Ubuntu AwardFlag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 17 September 2008Prize of the National Heritage Council of South Africa. For the role it has played in the Cuban Revolution and its contribution to the fight in the world for an alternative society, fairer. [73]
Order of Glory and Honour Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Symbol of Orthodoxy.svg Russian Orthodox Church 17 September 2008For the contribution to the realization of inter-religious dialogues and by reason of the consecration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God church in Havana [74]
DMA Dominica Award of Honour.png Dominica Award of Honour Flag of Dominica.svg  Dominica 3 November 2008Country's highest decoration. For the support provided by Cuba and its leader since independence in Dominica. [75]
Ribbon Order Omar Torrijos Herrera.svg Grand Extraordinary Cross of Order Omar Torrijos Herrera Flag of Panama.svg  Panama 5 January 2009"For the constant solidarity". [76]
Order of the Quetzal - Grand Cross (Guatemala) - ribbon bar.png Grand Collar of the Order of the Quetzal Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala 16 February 2009Country's highest decoration. "In appreciation for the more than 17 million consultations and more than 40,000 operations of the Operation Miracle Eye, made by Cuban doctors for the benefit of the Guatemalan people". [77]
Order of the Companions of O.R. Tambo (ribbon bar).gif Supreme Companion of O. R. Tambo Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 27 March 2009"For his contribution to the eradication of racism, colonialism, apartheid and inequality in human society". [78] [79]
ZAM Order of the Eagle of Zambia ribbon.svg Grand Commander of the Order of the Eagle of Zambia Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia 22 September 2009Country's highest decoration. "For his meritorious political, social and economic services to the people of Cuba and other countries". [80] [81]
Commemorative Medal of the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsFlag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 23 December 2009Prize of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Because Castro led with clear and universal thinking, ethics and solid principles, knowledge of the adversary, his undeniable flair for defining the tactical and strategic. [82]
Ukraine-zaslug1.png Order of Merit, I Grade Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 27 March 2010"For his important contribution to restoring the health of the children of Chernobyl, after an accident in 1986 in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic". [83]
Condecoracion General Eloy Alfaro Delgado.svg General Eloy Alfaro Decoration Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 26 May 2010Prize of the National Assembly. For "exceptional merit and dignity". [84]
Order of Brave Citizen Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 14 June 2010Prize of Barinas Municipality. "For his tangible contribution to defining new paths for the historical, spiritual and material transcendence of humanity through the promotion and unconditional exercise of supreme values of friendship, solidarity, cooperation and internationalism among the peoples of the world". [85]
Cinta Orden Manuela Espejo.svg Order Manuela EspejoFlag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador 21 October 2010Prize of the Vice Presidency of Ecuador. "In appreciation for the support received in Manuela Espejo Solidarity Mission". [86] [87]
Order of Timor-Leste.png Grand Collar of the Order of Timor-Leste Flag of East Timor.svg  Timor-Leste 3 December 2010Country's highest decoration. "For Cuban support in health and education". [88]
Honorary Citizenship of DiademaFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 2 July 2012Prize of the Municipality of Diadema. [89]
Bangladesh Liberation War Honour Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh 24 March 2013"For his contribution to the country's liberation war in 1971". [90]
Coat of Arms of the ProvinceFlag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 15 July 2013Prize of the Santiago de Cuba Province. [91]
Judicial Merit RecognitionFlag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 23 December 2013Prize of the People's Supreme Court of Cuba. For "his transcendentals contributions to the conception of a humanistic justice". [92] [93]
Plaque of the 55th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Organs of State SecurityFlag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 25 March 2014Prize of the Organs of State Security. [94]
Honorary Citizenship of LanúsFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 20 August 2014Prize of the Municipality of Lanús. [95]
Order of the Republic of Serbia - 2nd Class - ribbon bar.png Sash of the Order of the Republic of Serbia Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 12 May 2015"For his outstanding contribution to developing and strengthening friendly relations and cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Cuba." [96]
Grand Extraordinary Cross, Gold Plaque of the Honor DecorationFlag of Honduras.svg  Honduras 2 September 2015Prize of the National Congress. "Recognized the health and education programs Cuba has supplied to the Honduran people and the historical legacy of Fidel Castro". [97]
Order of Pakistan.png Nishan-e-Pakistan Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan 23 March 2018For his services to Pakistan. [98]


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