List of churches in Hamar

Last updated

Map of the deaneries within the Diocese of Hamar Prostier i Hamar.svg
Map of the deaneries within the Diocese of Hamar

The list of churches in Hamar is a list of the Church of Norway churches in the Diocese of Hamar in Norway. It includes all of the parishes in Innlandet county plus the parishes in Lunner Municipality in Viken county. The diocese is based at the Hamar Cathedral in the city of Hamar in Hamar Municipality.


The list is divided into several sections, one for each deanery (prosti; headed by a provost) in the diocese. Administratively within each deanery, the churches within each municipality elects their own church council (fellesråd). Each municipality may have one or more parishes (sokn) within the municipality. Each parish elects their own councils (soknerådet). Each parish has one or more local church. The number and size of the deaneries and parishes has changed over time. [1]

The Diocese of Hamar was first established in 1153 when Norway was part of the Catholic Church. During the Reformation in Norway, in 1537, the diocese was incorporated into the Diocese of Christiania. In 1864, the Diocese of Hamar was re-established and at that time, it included all of Hedmark and Oppland counties. Originally, the diocese was divided into Hedemarken prosti (later Hamar domprosti), Gudbrandsdalen prosti, Valdres prosti, and Hadeland, Ringerike og Hallingdal prosti. Over the years, the various deaneries have been subdivided and changed. Currently, there are 10 deaneries. On 1 January 2020, the two counties were merged into Innlandet county except for the municipalities of Lunner and Jevnaker which were merged into Viken county, so the diocese includes all of Innlandet plus the two municipalities in Viken. As of 2018, the 52,589-square-kilometre (20,305 sq mi) diocese had 308,697 members (about 82% of the population). [2]

Hamar domprosti

This arch-deanery (Norwegian : domprosti) covers several municipalities in the central part of the diocese. It includes the municipalities of Hamar, Løten, and Stange. The arch-deanery is headquartered at the Hamar Cathedral in the city of Hamar in Hamar Municipality. [3]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Hamar Hamar Hamar Cathedral Hamar 1866 Hamar Cathedral (2020).jpg
Storhamar Church Hamar 1975 Storhamar-church.jpg
Vang Vang Church Ridabu 1810 Vang tarn vest.JPG
Øvre Vang Church Slemsrud 1907 Ovre Vang kirke II.jpg
Løten Løten Løten Church Løten c. 1200 Loten kirke 1.JPG
Oppegård Chapel Oppegård1886 Oppegard kapell.JPG
Oset Chapel Oset1885 Oset kapell.jpg
Stange Ottestad Ottestad Church Ottestad 1731 Ottestad kirke.jpg
Romedal Romedal Church Romedal 1887 Romedal kirke.jpg
Stange Stange Church Stangebyen 1250 Stange kirke (2014).jpg
Tangen Strandlykkja Church Strandlykkja1915 Kapell Strandlykkja.jpg
Tangen Church Tangen 1861 Tangen church.jpg
Vallset Vallset Church Vallset1850 Vallset kirke.jpg

Hadeland og Land prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers several municipalities in the southern part of the diocese. It is the only deanery in the diocese to span parts of two counties. It includes the municipalities of Gran, Nordre Land, and Søndre Land in Innlandet county and Jevnaker and Lunner in Viken county. The deanery is headquartered at Ål Church in the village of Jaren in Gran Municipality. [4]

The deanery was established in 1864 when Jevnaker and Lunner from the Hadeland, Ringerike og Hallingdal prosti and Nordre Land and Søndre Land from the Valdres prosti were joined to form the newly created Hadeland og Land prosti. [5]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Gran Bjoneroa Sørum Church Bjoneroa 1861 Sorum church, Gran, Norway.jpg
Brandbu Nes Church Røykenvik1730 Nes church, Gran, Norway.JPG
Gran/Tingelstad Grymyr Church Grymyr2003 Grymyr church (front), Gran, Norway.jpg
St. Mary's Church Granavollenc. 1150 Sisterchurches at Gran, Mariachurch.jpg
St. Nicholas' Church Granavollenc. 1150 Nikolaikirken Gran 01.jpg
Tingelstad Church Tingelstad 1866 Tingelstad new church, Gran.jpg
Old Tingelstad Church Tingelstad c. 1220 Tingelstad old church, Gran.jpg
Moen/Ål Moen Church Jaren 1914 Moen chapel, Gran, Norway.JPG
Ål Church Gran 1929 Al church, Gran, Norway.JPG
Jevnaker JevnakerJevnaker ChurchPrestmoen1834 Jevnaker kirke.jpg
Randsfjord Church Jevnaker 1916 Randsfjord kirke.JPG
Lunner Grua/HarestuaGrua Church Grua 1924 Grua kirke - 2012-09-30 at 11-00-14.jpg
Harestua Chapel Harestua 2001 Harestua kapell.JPG
Lunner Lunner Church Lunner12th century Lunner kirke rk 84342 IMG 9203.JPG
Oppdalen ChapelOppdalen1914 Oppedalen kirke - 2012-09-30 at 11-57-50.jpg
Nordre Land Lunde Lunde Church Lunde1769 Lunde kirke i Vest-Torpa.jpg
Nordsinni Haugner Church Nordsinni1950 Haugner kirke.JPG
Nordsinni Church Nordsinni1758 Nordsinni kirke II.jpg
Torpa Kinn Church Aust-Torpa 1956 Kinn kirke.jpg
Åmot Church Fagerlund1823 AamotkirkeTorpa2.jpg
Østsinni Østsinni Church Dokka 1877 Ostsinni-kirke-Dokka.jpg
Vølstad Church Vølstad1959 Volstad kirke.JPG
Søndre Land Fluberg Fluberg Church Fluberg 1703 FLUBERG KIRKE Sondre Land, Norway (Lutheran church, 1703) Kirkegard gravsteiner (cemetery) etc 2021-06-01 IMG 1289.jpg
Landåsbygda Church Landåsbygda1965 LANDASBYGDA KIRKE Kapell, Landasvegen, Sondre Land, Norway (Lutheran church, Per Nordan 1965) 2021-06-01 IMG 1207.jpg
Skute Skute Church Ringelia1915 Skute kirke.jpg
Søndre Land Enger Church Enger1875 Enger kirke.JPG
Hov Church Hov 1781 Hov Kirke Church (1781), Sondre Land Municipality, Oppland County, Norway. Springtime, cemetery, graveyard, Randsfjorden lake, etc. 2017-03-27 IMG 2085.jpg

Nord-Gudbrandsdal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers several municipalities in the northwestern part of the diocese. It includes churches in the municipalities of Dovre, Lesja, Lom, Nord-Fron, Sel, Skjåk, and Vågå. The deanery is headquartered at Sel Church in the north side of the town of Otta in Sel Municipality. [6]

The deanery was established in 1871 when the old Gudbrandsdalen prosti was divided into Søndre Gudbrandsdalen prosti and Nordre Gudbrandsdalen prosti. A royal resolution on 19 May 1922 changed the deanery name from "Nordre Gudbrandsdal prosti" to "Nord-Gudbrandsdal prosti", both meaning "northern Gudbrandsdalen". [7] Also in 1922, Sel municipality was transferred out of this deanery to the new Midtre Gudbrandsdal prosti ("middle Gudbrandsdal"). In 1972, the Midtre Gudbrandsdal prosti was dissolved and the municipalities of Sel and Fron were transferred into this deanery at that time. [8] [9]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Dovre Dombås Dombås Church Dombås 1939 Dombaaskirke-Norway-HH.jpg
Eystein Church Hjerkinn 1969 Eysteinskirka.jpg
Dovre Dovre Church Dovre 1736 Dovre kirke rk 84030 IMG 1335.JPG
Lesja Lesja og
Lesja Church Lesja 1749 Lesja kyrkje nordvest.JPG
Lesjaskog Church Lesjaskog 1697 Lesjaskog kyrkje crop.jpg
Lesjaverk Church Lesjaverk 1964 Lesjaverk church west.JPG
Lom Bøverdalen Bøverdal Church Galdesanden (Bøverdal)1864 Boverdal kirke -16.jpg
Garmo Garmo Church Garmo 1879 Garmo kyrkje.jpg
Lom Lom Stave Church Fossbergom c. 1185 Iglesia vikinga en LOM,Noruega.jpg
Nord-Fron Kvam Kvam Church Kvam 1952 Kvam church, Nord-Fron, Norway (Rear).JPG
Kvikne Kvikne Church Kvikne1764 Kvikne church, Nord-Fron, Norway.jpg
Skåbu Skåbu Church Skåbu 1927 Skabu church, Nord-Fron, Norway.JPG
Sødorp Sødorp Church Vinstra 1752 Sodorp church, Nord-Fron, Norway.jpg
Sødorp Chapel Vinstra 1929 Sodorp kapell fra sorvest 14 juli 2004.jpg
Sel Heidal Heidal Church Bjølstad 1941 A haunting stave church in Norway.jpg
Nord-Sel Nord-Sel Church Nord-Sel 1932 Nord-Sel church, Sel, Norway.jpg
Sel Sel Church Selsverket1742 Sel kyrkje.jpg
Sjoa Chapel Sjoa 1978 Sjoa chapel, Sel, Norway.jpg
Skjåk Nordberg Nordberg Church Nordberg1864 NordbergKirke2020.jpg
Skjåk Skjåk Church Skjåk1752 Skjak kyrkje.jpg
Vågå Vågå Vågå Church Vågåmo c. 1625 Church of Vaga.jpg

Nord-Østerdal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers several municipalities in the northeastern part of the diocese. It includes the municipalities of Alvdal, Folldal, Os, Rendalen, Tolga, and Tynset. The deanery is headquartered at Tynset Church in the village of Tynset in Tynset Municipality. [10]

The deanery was established in 1868 when the old Østerdalen prosti was divided into Søndre Østerdalen prosti and Nordre Østerdalen prosti. A royal resolution on 19 May 1922 changed the deanery name from "Nordre Østerdalen prosti" to "Nord-Østerdal prosti", both meaning "northern Østerdalen". [7] [11]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Alvdal Alvdal Alvdal Church Alvdal 1861 Alvdal kirke.JPG
Folldal Folldal Folldal Church Folldal 1882 Folldal kirke.jpg
Egnund Chapel Einabu1975 EgnundKapell-2010-01-25.jpg
Øvre Folldal Dalen Church Dalholen1934 Dalen Kirke.jpg
Os Dalsbygda Dalsbygda Church Dalsbygda 1960 Foto - Thor Helge Somaen.jpg
Narbuvoll Narbuvoll Church Narbuvoll 1862 Narbuvollen kirke.jpg
Tufsingdalen Church Tufsingdal 1920 Tufsingdalen kirke.jpg
Os Os Church Os i Østerdalen 1862 OsTolgaKirke.jpg
Rendalen Hanestad Hanestad Church Hanestad 1926 Hanestad kirke 2.jpg
Sjøli Sjøli Church Sjølisand 1914 Sjoli kirke.jpg
Ytre Rendal Ytre Rendal Church Otnes 1751 Ytre Rendal Kirke.jpg
Øvre Rendal Øvre Rendal Church Bergset 1759 Ovre Rendal Kirke.jpg
Tolga Hodalen Hodalen Church Hodalen 1934 Hodalen kapell.jpg
Holøydalen Holøydalen Church Øversjødalen 1908 Holoydalen Kirke.jpg
Tolga Tolga Church Tolga 1840 Tolga kirke.jpg
Vingelen Vingelen Church Vingelen 1880 Vingelen kirke - 7. sept.- 2013.jpg
Tynset Brydalen Brydalen Church Brydalen1883 Brydalen kirke.jpg
Kvikne Kvikne Church Kvikne 1654 Kvikne kirke Tynset.jpg
Tylldalen Tylldalen Church Tylldalen 1736 Tylldal kirke.jpg
Tynset Tynset Church Tynset 1795 Tynset church - panoramio.jpg

Ringsaker prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the municipality of Ringsaker in the central part of the diocese. The deanery is headquartered at Ringsaker Church in the village of Moelv in Ringsaker Municipality. [12]

The deanery was established in 2007 when it was separated from the Hamar domprosti.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Ringsaker Brumunddal/Veldre Brumunddal Church Brumunddal 1965 Brumunddal kirke anno 2011.jpg
Veldre Church Byflaten 2000 Veldre kirke.JPG
Brøttum Brøttum Church Brøttum1790 Brottum krk.jpg
Mesnali Church Mesnali 1933 Mesnali kirke.JPG
Furnes Furnes Church Furnes 1707 Furnes kirke II.jpg
Nes Helgøya Church Helgøya 1870 Helgoeya church.JPG
Nes Church Tingnes 1250 Nes church2.JPG
Stavsjø Church Stavsjø 1880 Stavsjoe church2.JPG
Ringsaker Ringsaker Church Moelv 1100s Ringsaker kirke.jpg
Åsmarka Åsmarka Church Åsmarka1859 Asmarka kirke.JPG

Solør, Vinger og Odal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers several municipalities in the Glåmdal river valley in the southeastern part of the diocese. It includes the municipalities of Eidskog, Kongsvinger, Nord-Odal, Sør-Odal, Grue, Våler, and Åsnes. The deanery is headquartered at Vinger Church in the town of Kongsvinger in Kongsvinger Municipality. [13]

The deanery was established in 1855 when the old Øvre Romerike prosti was divided. It was originally called Solør and Odal prosti. In 1868, northern part of Solør (Våler and Åsnes parishes) was transferred to the then newly established Sør-Østerdal prosti. In 1922, the southern part of Solør (Hof, Grue, and Brandval parishes) were separated to join the newly created Solør prosti. The remaining parts of this deanery then changed its name to Vinger og Odal prosti. In 1990, the parish of Brandval was transferred from Solør prosti to Vinger og Odal prosti. In 2013, the deanery regained its original boundaries when the old Solør prosti was merged back. The deanery's name was then changed to Solør, Vinger og Odal prosti. [14] [15]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Eidskog Eidskog Eidskog Church Matrand 1665 Eidskog kirke.jpg
Magnor Church Magnor 1923 Magnor kirke.jpg
Vestmarka Vestmarka Church Vestmarka1883 Vestmarka kirke TRS.jpg
Grue Grue Grue Church Kirkenær 1825 Grue kirke.jpg
Grue Finnskog Grue Finnskog Church Svullrya 1886 Grue Finnskog kirke.jpg
Kongsvinger Austmarka Austmarka Church Austmarka1858 Austmarka kirke.jpg
Brandval Brandval Church Brandval 1651 Brandval kirke.jpg
Lundersæter Church Lundersæter 1868 Lundersaeter kirke.jpg
Roverud Church Roverud 1969 Roverud krk.jpg
Vinger Vinger Church Kongsvinger 1699 Vinger kirke Kongsvinger.JPG
Nord-Odal Mo Mo Church Mo 1864 Mo kirke.jpg
Sand Sand Church Sand 1891 Sand kirke - Fasade mot sydvest 2.jpg
Trøftskogen Chapel Trautskogen1931 Troftskogen.jpg
Sør-Odal Oppstad Oppstad Church Oppstad1725 Oppstad kirke.jpg
Strøm Strøm Church Strøm1857 Stromk2.jpg
Ullern Ullern Church Ullern1868 Ullern kirke (Sor-Odal).JPG
Våler Gravberget Gravberget Church Gravberget1955 Gravberget kirke.jpg
Våler Våler Church Våler 2015 Valer kirke.jpg
Risberget Chapel Risberget1862 Risberget kirkesal.jpg
Åsnes Arneberg Arneberg Church Jammerdalen1878 Arneberg kirke.jpg
Gjesåsen Gjesåsen Church Gjesåsen 1863 Gjesaasen kirke.jpg
Hof Hof Church Hof 1861 Hof kirke.jpg
Hof Finnskog Hof Finnskog Church Dulpetorpet1953 Hof Finnskog kirke.jpg
Åsnes Åsnes Church Flisa 1744 Aasnes kirke.jpg
Åsnes Finnskog Åsnes Finnskog Church Vermundsjøen1861 Asnes Finnskog kirke.JPG

Sør-Gudbrandsdal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers several municipalities in central part of the diocese. It includes the municipalities of Gausdal, Lillehammer, Ringebu, Sør-Fron, and Øyer. The deanery is headquartered at Lillehammer Church in the town of Lillehammer in Lillehammer Municipality. [16]

The deanery was established in 1871 when the old Gudbrandsdalen prosti was divided into Nordre Gudbrandsdalen prosti and Søndre Gudbrandsdalen prosti. A royal resolution on 19 May 1922 changed the deanery name from "Søndre Gudbrandsdal prosti" to "Sør-Gudbrandsdal prosti", both meaning "southern Gudbrandsdalen". [7] Also in 1922, Ringebu municipality was transferred out of this deanery to the new Midtre Gudbrandsdal prosti ("middle Gudbrandsdal"). In 1972, the Midtre Gudbrandsdal prosti was dissolved and the municipality of Ringebu was transferred into this deanery. [8] [17]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Gausdal Aulstad Aulstad Church Aulstad1864 Aulstad kirke.JPG
Follebu Follebu Church Follebu 1260 Follebu kirke.JPG
Svatsum Svatsum Church Svatsum1860 Svatsum kirke.JPG
Vestre Gausdal Vestre Gausdal Church Forset 1784 Vestre Gausdal kirke.JPG
Østre Gausdal Østre Gausdal Church Østre Gausdal 1250 Ostre Gausdal kirke.jpg
Lillehammer Fåberg Fåberg Church Fåberg 1727 Faberg church Lillehammer.jpg
Lillehammer Lillehammer Church Lillehammer 1882 Lillehammer Church in June 2024.jpg
Nordre Ål Nordre Ål Church Lillehammer 1994 Nordre Al kirke.jpg
Nordseter Church Nordseter 1964 Nordseter fjellkirke.jpg
Saksumdal Saksumdal Church Saksumdalen1875 Saksumdal kirke.JPG
Søre Ål Søre Ål Church Lillehammer 1964 Sore Al kirke Lillehammer.jpg
Vingrom Vingrom Church Vingrom 1908 Lillehammer Vingrom kirke IMG 2979 rk 85851.JPG
Ringebu Fåvang Fåvang Stave Church Fåvang 1630 Favang kirke.jpg
Fåvangfjellet Chapel Gulhaugsætra1974 Favangfjellet sportskapell.JPG
Ringebu Ringebu Stave Church Ringebu c. 1220 Ringebu Stave Church.jpg
Venabygd Venabygd Church Venabygd1780 FV27P Venabygd kirke.jpg
Venabygd Chapel Venabu1979 Venabu IMG 8247 Lunde kirke Lundesatra rk 85296.JPG
Sør-Fron Sør-Frøn Sør-Fron Church Hundorp 1792 Sor-Fron kirke 1.JPG
Espedalen Chapel Espedalen 1974 Espedalen Mountain Church.jpg
Øyer Tretten Tretten Church Tretten 1728 Tretten kirke 2017.jpg
Øyer Øyer Church Tingberg 1725 Oyer kirke.jpg

Sør-Østerdal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers several municipalities in the east-central part of the diocese. It includes the municipalities of Elverum, Engerdal, Stor-Elvdal, Trysil, Åmot. The deanery is headquartered at Elverum Church in the town of Elverum in Elverum Municipality. [18]

The deanery was established in 1868 when the old Østerdalen prosti was divided into Søndre Østerdalen prosti and Nordre Østerdalen prosti. A royal resolution on 19 May 1922 changed the deanery name from "Søndre Østerdalen prosti" to "Sør-Østerdal prosti", both meaning "southern Østerdalen". [7] [19]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Elverum Elverum Elverum Church Elverum 1736 Elverum kirke.jpg
Heradsbygd Heradsbygd Church Heradsbygd 1895 Heradsbygd kirke.jpg
Hernes Hernes Church Hernes1935 Hernes kirke.jpg
Nordskogbygda Nordskogbygda Church Nordskogbygda1873 Nordskogbygda kirke.jpg
Sørskogbygda Sørskogbygda Church Sørskogbygda1873 Sorskogbygda kirke 2.jpg
Engerdal Drevsjø Drevsjø Church Drevsjø 1848 Drevsjo-Church-Engerdal-Norway.jpg
Elgå Elgå Church Elgå1946 Elga03.jpg
Engerdal Engerdal Church Engerdal 1873 Engerdal church.jpg
Sømådal Sømådal Church Sømådal1937 Somadal kirkested.jpg
Søre Elvdal Søre Elvdal Church Nymoen1885 Sore Elvdal kirke.JPG
Stor-Elvdal Atneosen Atneosen Church Atna 1882 Atneosen kapell 01.jpg
Sollia Sollia Church Sollia 1738 Sollia kirke01.jpg
Stor-Elvdal Evenstad Church Evenstad 1904 Evenstad kirke.JPG
Koppang Church Koppang 1952 Koppang kirke.jpg
Stor-Elvdal Church Negardshaugen1821 Stor-Elvdal kirke.jpg
Strand Strand Church Strand1863 Strand kirke, Stor-Elvdal kommune, Hedemark.jpg
Trysil Ljørdalen Ljørdalen Church Ljørdalen1872 Ljordalen kirke.jpg
Nordre Trysil Nordre Trysil Church Jordet2000 Nordre-Trysil-Church-Trysil-Norway.jpg
Søre Trysil Plassen Church Plassen1907 Plassen kirke.jpg
Søre Osen Søre Osen Church Søre Osen1882 Sore Osen kirke.jpg
Trysil Trysil Church Innbygda 1861 Trysil kirke.JPG
Tørberget Tørberget Church Tørberget 1922 H Torberget kirke.jpg
Østby Østby Church Østby 1940 Ostby kirke.JPG
Åmot Deset Deset Church Deset1867 Deset kirke.JPG
Nordre Osen Nordre Osen Church Osneset1923 Nordre Osen nye kirke.JPG
Old Nordre Osen Church Osneset1777 Nordre-Osen-Old-Church-Amot-Norway.jpg
Åmot Åmot Church Rena 1901 Aamot kirke rena.jpg

Toten prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers three municipalities in the southern part of the diocese. It includes the municipalities of Gjøvik, Vestre Toten, and Østre Toten. The deanery is headquartered at Gjøvik Church in the town of Gjøvik in Gjøvik Municipality. The deanery was established in 1853 when the old Toten og Valdres prosti was divided into Valdres prosti and Toten prosti. [20]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Gjøvik Biri Biri Church Biri 1777 Biri kirke.jpg
Bråstad Bråstad Church Bråstad1963 Brastad kirke.JPG
Engehaugen Engehaugen Church Gjøvik 1994 Engehaugen kirke.JPG
Gjøvik Gjøvik Church Gjøvik 1994 Gjovik kirke sett fra parken vest for Svolders gate.jpg
Hunn Hunn Church Hunndalen 1968 Hunn kirke.JPG
Snertingdal Nykirke Ålset in Snertingdal 1872 Nykirke i Snertingdal 2.JPG
Seegård Church Seegård1997 Seegard kirke.jpg
Vardal Vardal Church Øverbygda1803 Vardal kirke 27-10-19.jpg
Vestre Toten Eina Eina Church Eina 1890 Eina kirke - 2012-09-30 at 13-57-49.jpg
Raufoss Raufoss Church Raufoss 1939 Vestre Toten Raufoss kirke rk 85275 IMG 9317.JPG
Ås Ås Church Bøverbru 1921 As church V Toten.jpg
Østre Toten Balke Balke Church Skreia 1170 Balke kirke inngangsparti 2.JPG
Totenviken Church Totenvika1896 Totenviken kirke (back).jpg
Hoff Hoff Church Kraby c. 1175 Hoff kirke pa Ostre Toten A.JPG
Kapp Kapp Church Kapp 1939 Kapp kapell ved Kapp pa Ostre Toten i Oppland.JPG
Kolbu Kolbu Church Kolbu 1730 Kolbu kirke.jpg
Nordlien Nordlien Church Nordlia 1901 Nordlia Church Original 28-10-19.jpg

Valdres prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers several municipalities in Valdres in the southwestern part of the diocese. It includes the municipalities of Etnedal, Nord-Aurdal, Sør-Aurdal, Vang, Vestre Slidre, and Øystre Slidre. The deanery is headquartered at Aurdal Church in the village of Aurdal in Nord-Aurdal Municipality. [21]

Valdres prosti was established in 1853 when the old Toten og Valdres prosti was divided into Valdres prosti and Toten prosti. In 1864, the municipalities of Nordre Land and Søndre Land were transferred from this deanery to the Hadeland og Land prosti. [5] [22]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Etnedal Bruflat Bruflat Church Bruflat 1750 Bruflat kirke, Etnedal.jpg
Nord-Etnedal Nord-Etnedal Church Brøtahaugen1866 Nord-Etnedal kirke, Etnedal.jpg
Nord-Aurdal Aurdal Aurdal Church Aurdal 1737 Aurdal kirke.jpg
Skrautvål Skrautvål Church Skrautvål 1785 Skrautval kirke.jpg
Svenes Strand Church Synnstrond1735 Strand kirke Valdres.jpg
Tingnes Tingnes Church Fagernes 1972 Tingnes kirke.JPG
Tisleidalen Tisleidalen Church Hovda1957 Tisleidalen kapell.jpg
Ulnes Ulnes Church Ulnes1250 Ulnes Kirke - no-nb digifoto 20150226 00169 NB MIT FNR 00257 (cropped).jpg
Sør-Aurdal Bagn Bagn Church Bagn 1736 Bagn kirke.jpg
Begnadalen Begnadalen Church Begnadalen 1964 Begnadalen kirke.JPG
Hedalen Hedalen Stave Church Hedalen c. 1165 Hedalen stavkyrkje.jpg
Leirskogen Leirskogen Church Leirskogen1924 Leirskogen kirke 0003.JPG
Reinli Reinli Stave Church Reinli1326 Reinli Stave Church Valdres.jpg
Reinli Chapel Reinli1964 FV221 Reinlivegen.jpg
Vang Heensåsen Heensåsen Church Hænsgardane 1902 Heensasen kirke.jpg
Høre Høre Stave Church Kvien1180 Hoere-Stave-Church-2020.jpg
Vang Vang Church Vang i Valdres 1840 Vang Oppland IMG 1666 vang kirke 85760.jpg
Øye Øye Church Øye 1747 Oye kirke i Vang i Oppland (Innlandet fylke).jpg
Øye Stave Church Øye 1965 Oye stave church.jpg
St. Thomas Church Filefjell 1971 Sankt Thomaskirken pa Filefjell, Viken fylke (2).jpg
Vestre Slidre Lomen Lomen Church Lomen 1914 Lomen kirke.png
Lomen Stave Church Lomen 1179 Lomen stavkirke ID 84323 IMG 1838.jpg
Røn Røn Church Røn 1747 Ron kirke.jpg
Øyjar Chapel Øyjar1963 Oyjar kapell.JPG
Slidre Vestre Slidre Church Slidre c. 1200 Slidredomen, Vestre Slidre.JPG
Øystre Slidre Hegge Hegge Stave Church Hegge 1216 Hegge.jpg
Lidar Lidar Church Skammestein 1932 Lidar kirke.jpg
Rogne Rogne Church Rogne 1857 Rogne Church.JPG
Volbu Volbu Church Volbu 1820 Volbu kirke.JPG

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Etnedal</span> Municipality in Innlandet, Norway

Etnedal is a municipality in Innlandet county, Norway. It is located in the traditional district of Valdres. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Bruflat.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nord-Aurdal</span> Municipality in Innlandet, Norway

Nord-Aurdal is a municipality in Innlandet county, Norway. It is located in the traditional district of Valdres. The administrative centre of the municipality is the town Fagernes. Other urban centres in Nord-Aurdal include the villages of Aurdal, Leira, and Skrautvål. The municipality is served by Fagernes Airport, Leirin. In Nord-Aurdal, there is an alpine skiing center called Valdres Alpinsenter.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Counties of Norway</span> First-level administrative divisions of Norway

There are 15 counties in Norway. The 15 counties are administrative regions that are the first-level administrative divisions of Norway. The counties are further subdivided into 357 municipalities. The island territories of Svalbard and Jan Mayen are outside the county divisions and they are ruled directly from the national level. The capital city of Oslo is both a county and a municipality.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Valdres District Court</span>

Valdres District Court was a district court in Innlandet county, Norway. The court was based in Fagernes. The court existed from 1786 until 2021. It served the municipalities of Etnedal, Nord-Aurdal, Sør-Aurdal, Vang, Vestre Slidre and Øystre Slidre. Cases from this court could be appealed to Eidsivating Court of Appeal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Gjøvik District Court</span>

Gjøvik District Court was a district court in Innlandet county, Norway. The court was based in Gjøvik. The court existed from 2009 until 2021. It served the municipalities of Gjøvik, Lunner, Gran, Søndre Land, Nordre Land, Østre Toten, and Vestre Toten. Cases from this court could be appealed to Eidsivating Court of Appeal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nord-Gudbrandsdal Deanery</span>

Nord-Gudbrandsdal Deanery is a deanery within the Diocese of Hamar in the Church of Norway. This deanery covers several municipalities in the northwestern part of the diocese. It includes churches in the municipalities of Dovre, Lesja, Lom, Nord-Fron, Sel, Skjåk, and Vågå. The deanery is headquartered at Sel Church in the north side of the town of Otta in Sel Municipality.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Toten Deanery</span>

Toten Deanery is a deanery within the Diocese of Hamar in the Church of Norway. This deanery covers several municipalities in the southern part of the diocese. It includes churches in the municipalities of Gjøvik, Vestre Toten, and Østre Toten. The deanery is headquartered at Gjøvik Church in the town of Gjøvik in Gjøvik Municipality.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nordre Trysil Church</span> Church in Innlandet, Norway

Nordre Trysil Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Trysil Municipality in Innlandet county, Norway. It is located in the village of Jordet. It is the church for the Nordre Trysil parish which is part of the Sør-Østerdal prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Hamar. The gray, wooden church was built in a fan-shaped design in 2000 using plans drawn up by the architect Anders Gunnestad. The church seats about 210 people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vestre Innlandet District Court</span> First-instance law court in Norway

Vestre Innlandet District Court is a district court located in Innlandet county, Norway. This court is based at four different courthouses which are located in Gjøvik, Fagernes, Lillehammer, and Vågåmo. The court serves the western part of the county which includes cases from 24 municipalities. The court in Gjøvik accepts cases from the municipalities of Gjøvik, Gran, Nordre Land, Søndre Land, Vestre Toten, and Østre Toten. The court in Lillehammer accepts cases from the municipalities of Gausdal, Lillehammer, Ringebu, Sør-Fron, and Øyer. The court in Fagernes accepts cases from the municipalities of Etnedal, Nord-Aurdal, Sør-Aurdal, Vestre Slidre, Vang, and Øystre Slidre. The court in Vågåmo accepts cases from the municipalities of Dovre, Lesja, Lom, Nord-Fron, Sel, Skjåk, and Vågå. The court is subordinate to the Eidsivating Court of Appeal.


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