List of churches in Agder og Telemark

Last updated

Map of the deaneries within the Diocese of Agder og Telemark Prostier i Agder og Telemark.svg
Map of the deaneries within the Diocese of Agder og Telemark

Several Church of Norway churches are in the Diocese of Agder og Telemark in Norway. This list includes all of the parishes in Agder and Telemark counties. The diocese is based at the Kristiansand Cathedral in the city of Kristiansand in Kristiansand Municipality.


The list is divided into several sections, one for each deanery (prosti; headed by a provost) in the diocese. Administratively within each deanery, the churches within each municipality elects their own church council (fellesråd). Each municipality may have one or more parishes (sokn) within the municipality. Each parish elects their own councils (soknerådet). Each parish has one or more local church. The number and size of the deaneries and parishes has changed over time. [1]

Kristiansand domprosti

This arch-deanery (Norwegian : domprosti) covers all the churches within the municipality of Kristiansand in southern Agder county. The arch-deanery is headquartered at the Kristiansand Cathedral in the city of Kristiansand in Kristiansand municipality.

The Kristiansand domprosti has existed for a long time. On 4 May 1819, most of the rural areas in the arch-deanery were separated to form the new Mandal prosti, leaving a much smaller arch-deanery centred around the city of Kristiansand. On 1 January 2020, the parishes in the old municipalities of Songdalen and Søgne were merged into the Kristiansand domprosti when the municipality of Kristiansand was enlarged. [2] [3]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Kristiansand Kristiansand
Kristiansand Cathedral Kristiansand 1884 Kristiansand domkirke i den bla timen.jpg
Finsland Finsland Church Finsland 1803 Finsland kirke, Vest-Agder - Riksantikvaren-T207 01 0004.jpg
Flekkerøy Flekkerøy Church Flekkerøy 1960 Flekkeroy church.png
Greipstad Greipstad Church Nodeland 1829 Greipstad kirke.JPG
Grim Grim Church Grim 1969 Grim kirke II.jpg
Hellemyr Hellemyr Church Hellemyr 1988 Hellemyr kirke.JPG
Hånes Hånes Church Hånes 1986 Hanes kirke.JPG
Lund Lund Church Lund 1987 Lund kyrkje i Kristiansand.jpg
Oddernes Justvik Church Justvik 1985 Justvik kirke.JPG
Oddernes Church Oddernes c. 1040 Krsand Oddernes kirke rk 85198 IMG 3675.JPG
Randesund Randesund Church Randesund 1864 Krsand Randesund Kirke gravsted rk 106820 IMG 3726.JPG
Søm Church Søm 2004 Som-kirke.JPG
Søgne Søgne Church Lunde 1861 Sogne hovedkirke.jpg
Old Søgne Church Søgne 1604 Sogne 01 sogne gml kirke 85037.jpg
Torridal Torridal Church Aukland 1978 Torridal kirke.JPG
Tveit Tveit Church Tveit c. 1100 Tveit Kirke IMG 2612.jpg
Voie Voie Church Voie 1990 Voie kirke.JPG
Vågsbygd Vågsbygd Church Vågsbygd 1967 Vaagsbygd kirke.jpg

Arendal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers a small, coastal, urban area covering the municipalities of Arendal and Froland in Agder county. The deanery is headquartered at Trinity Church in the town of Arendal in Arendal municipality.

The deanery was established on 1 January 1872 when it was split off from the Vest-Nedenes prosti. It initially included all the parishes of Trefoldighet, Barbu, Austre Moland, Tromøy, Hisøy, Øyestad, Froland, and Herefoss. [4] The parishes of Austre Moland, Flosta, and Stokken were merged to form the parish of Moland effective 1 January 2018. [5]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Arendal Barbu Barbu Church Barbu 1880 Arendal Barbu kirke c.JPG
Hisøy Hisøy Church His 1849 Arendal Hisoy kirke.JPG
Moland Austre Moland Church Brekka 1673 Austre Moland kirke5.JPG
Flosta Church Flosta 1632 Arendal Flosta krk a.JPG
Stokken Church Saltrød 1878 Krk-saltroed.jpg
Trefoldighet Trinity Church Arendal 1888 Trefoldighetskirken i Arendal.jpg
Tromøy Færvik Church Færvik 1884 Arendal Faervik kirke.JPG
Tromøy Church Brekka c. 1150 Arendal Tromoy krk a.JPG
Øyestad Bjorbekk Church Bjorbekk 1884 Bjorbekk-krk.jpg
Engene Church Nedenes 1849 Arendal Engene kirke b.JPG
Øyestad Church Rykene c. 1200 Arendal Oyestad kirke.JPG
Froland Froland Froland Church Froland 1718 Froland-Froland kirke-a.JPG
Mykland Church Mykland 1832 Mykland kirke IMG 6273.jpg

Aust-Nedenes prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the eastern part of Agder county including the municipalities of Gjerstad, Tvedestrand, Risør, Åmli, and Vegårshei. The deanery is headquartered at Tvedestrand Church in the town of Tvedestrand in Tvedestrand municipality.

The deanery was established on 1 March 1826 when the old Nedenes prosti was divided into Vestre Nedenæs prosti in the west and Østre Nedenæs prosti in the east. A royal resolution on 19 May 1922 changed the deanery name from "Østre Nedenæs prosti" to "Aust-Nedenes prosti". [6] [7]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Gjerstad Gjerstad Gjerstad Church Gjerstad 1848 Gjerstad kirke 20120826-15.JPG
Risør Risør Frydendal Church Risør 1879 Frydendal kirke (tidligere Ytre Sondeled kirke).JPG
Risør Church Risør 1647 Kirka risor.jpg
Søndeled Søndeled Church Søndeled c. 1150 Sondeled kirke.JPG
Tvedestrand Dypvåg Dypvåg Church Dypvåg c. 1200 Dypvag Kirke.JPG
Holt Holt Church Fiane c. 1100 Tvedestrand Holt kirke a.JPG
Laget Church Laget 1908 Tvedestrand Laget krk.JPG
Tvedestrand Tvedestrand Church Tvedestrand 1861 Tvedestrand kirke.JPG
Vegårshei Vegårshei Vegårshei Church Myra 1810 Vegarshei kirke.jpg
Åmli Åmli Gjøvdal Church Askland 1803 Gjovdal kirke.jpg
Tovdal Church Hillestad 1820 Tovdal kirke.jpg
Åmli Church Åmli 1909 Amli krk.JPG

Bamble prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the southeastern part of Telemark county including the municipalities of Bamble, Drangedal, and Kragerø. The deanery is headquartered at Kragerø Church in the town of Kragerø in Kragerø municipality.

The deanery was created in 1843 when the old Nedre Telemark og Bamble prosti was divided into Nedre Telemark prosti and Bamble prosti. Bamble prosti originally included the parishes of Bamble, Gjerpen, Siljan, Langesund, Drangedal, Eidanger, Brevik, Kragerø, and Porsgrunn. In 1868, the parishes of Siljan, Gjerpen, Porsgrunn, Eidanger, and Brevik were transferred to the newly created Skien prosti. [8]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Bamble Bamble Bamble Church Bamble 1845 Bamble, Bamble kirke vest.JPG
Herre Church Herre 1905 Herre Kirke.JPG
Langesund Langesund Church Langesund 1992 Langesund church, Bamble, Norway.jpg
Stathelle Stathelle Church Stathelle 1964 Stathelle kirke.JPG
Drangedal Drangedal Drangedal Church Prestestranda 1775 Drangedal kirke.JPG
Kroken Kroken Church Kroken1909 Kroken kirke TRS 070922 049.jpg
Tørdal Tørdal Church 1809 Tordal kirke 1.JPG
Kragerø Helle Helle Church Helle 1981 Helle kirke.jpg
Kragerø Kragerø Church Kragerø 1870 Kragero kirke 130720086502 rk 84834.jpg
Levangsheia Støle Church Støle1892 Stole kirke.jpg
Sannidal Sannidal Church Kil 1772 Sannidal kirke TRS 070922 055.jpg
Skåtøy Skåtøy Church Skåtøy 1862 Skatoy kirke.JPG

Lister og Mandal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the western part of Agder county, including the municipalities of Farsund, Flekkefjord, Hægebostad, Kvinesdal, Lindesnes, Lyngdal, and Sirdal. The deanery is headquartered at Lyngdal Church in the town of Lyngdal in Lyngdal Municipality.

The deanery was created on 1 January 2020 when the old Lister prosti and Mandal prosti were merged. [2] The old Lister prosti was headquartered at Flekkefjord Church in the town of Flekkefjord in Flekkefjord municipality and the deanery included the municipalities of Farsund, Flekkefjord, Hægebostad, Kvinesdal, Lyngdal, and Sirdal. The old Mandal prosti included the municipalities of Audnedal, Lindesnes, Mandal, Marnardal, Songdalen, Søgne, and Åseral (until 2019). The deanery was headquartered at Mandal Church in the town of Mandal in Mandal municipality.

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Farsund Farsund Frelseren Church Farsund 1905 Frelserens kirke i Farsund.jpg
Herad Church Sande 1957 Herad kirke.gif
Spind Church Rødland1776 Spind kirke.jpg
Lista Vanse Church Vanse 1037 Vanse Norwegen Kirche01.JPG
Vestbygda Chapel Vestbygd 1909 Borhaug Norwegen Kirche.JPG
Flekkefjord Bakke Bakke Church Sira 1865 Bakke kirke2.JPG
Flekkefjord Flekkefjord Church Flekkefjord 1966 Flekkefjord kirke.JPG
Gyland Gyland Church Gyland 1982 Gyland Kirke 2010.PNG
Hidra Hidra Church Kirkehavn 1924 Hidra kirke, Vest-Agder - Riksantikvaren-T217 01 0133.jpg
Hægebostad Eiken Eiken Church Eiken 1817 NMS Eiken 240405 012.jpg
Hægebostad Hægebostad Church Snartemo 1844 Haegebostad krirke.jpg
Kvinesdal Feda Feda Church Feda 1802 Feda kirke, Vest-Agder - Riksantikvaren-T216 01 0019.jpg
Fjotland Fjotland Church Fjotland 1836 Fjotland-kirke.jpg
Netlandsnes Chapel Netland1886 Netlandsnes kapell.jpg
Kvinesdal Kvinesdal Church Liknes 1837 Kvinesdal church 2013, Norway.JPG
Lindesnes Holum Holum Church Krossen 1825 Holum kirke.JPG
Mandal Harkmark Church Harkmark 1613 Harkmark kirke.JPG
Mandal Church Mandal 1821 Mandal kirke.jpg
Marnardal Bjelland Church Bjelland 1793 Bjelland kirke, Vest-Agder - Riksantikvaren-T207 01 0009.jpg
Laudal Church Laudal 1826 Laudal kirke, Vest-Agder - Riksantikvaren-T206 01 0008.jpg
Øyslebø Church Øyslebø 1797 Oyslebo kirke, Vest-Agder - Riksantikvaren-T206 01 0012.jpg
Lindesnes Spangereid Church Høllen 1140 Spangereid church.JPG
Valle Church Vigeland 1793 Valle Kirke, Vigeland.png
Vigmostad Church Vigmostad 1848 Vigmostad kirke, Vest-Agder - Riksantikvaren-T209 01 0004.jpg
Lyngdal Grindheim Grindheim Church Byremo 1783 Grindheim kirke.jpg
Konsmo Konsmo Church Konsmo 1802 Konsmo kirke fra LH.jpg
Lyngdal Austad Church Austad 1803 Austad Kirke Lyngdal.jpg
Korshamn Chapel Korshamn 1906 Korshamn kapell 2.jpg
Kvås Church Kvås 1836 Kvas kirke.jpg
Lyngdal Church Lyngdal 1848 LyngdalKirke.jpg
Sirdal Sirdal Haughom Chapel Haughom1930 Haughom kapell.JPG
Kvævemoen Chapel Kvæven1962 Kvaevemoen kapell.jpg
Lunde Church Øvre Sirdal 1873 Lunde kyrkje02.jpg
Tonstad Church Tonstad 1852 Tonstad kirke.JPG

Otredal prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the Otra river valley through Agder county, this includes the Setesdal and upper Torridal valleys. It includes the municipalities of Bygland, Evje og Hornnes, Bykle, Iveland, Valle, Vennesla, and Åseral. The deanery is headquartered at Vennesla Church in the village of Vennesla in Vennesla municipality in Agder county.

Otredal prosti, originally called Torridal prosti, was created 10 May 1862 when it was carved out of the three neighboring deaneries of Råbyggelaget prosti, Mandal prosti, and Vestre Nedenes prosti. Initially, it included the municipalities of Oddernes, Øvrebø, Søgne, and Tveit. Over time, the borders of Torridal prosti were changed. In 1883, the Søgne parish was moved (back) to the Mandal prosti and the Tveit parish was moved (back) to the Vestre Nedenes prosti. Also in 1883, the parishes of Valle, Evje, and Bygland joined Torridal prosti when the old Råbyggelaget prosti was dissolved. In 1905, the Tveit parish was moved back (again) to Torridal prosti. On 12 June 1931 the name of the deanery was changed from Torridal prosti to Otredal prosti. [9] On 1 January 2019, the parish of Åseral was moved from Mandal prosti to Otredal prosti. [2]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Bygland Bygland
og Årdal
Austad Church Tveit 1880 Austad kirke (Bygland).jpg
Bygland Church Bygland 1838 Bygland kyrkje rk 83977 IMG 7484.JPG
Sandnes Church Åraksbø 1844 Bygland Sandnes kyrkje crop.JPG
Årdal Church Grendi 1828 Ardal kirke.jpg
Bykle Bykle Bykle Church Bykle 2004 Bykle IMG 7274 bykle nye kirke.JPG
Old Bykle Church Bykle 1619 Bykle gamle kirke.JPG
Fjellgardane Church Hovden 1955 Bykle, Fjellgardane kyrkje fra vest.JPG
Evje og Hornnes Evje og
Evje Church Evje 1891 Evje kirke (2011).jpg
Hornnes Church Hornnes 1828 2009 Hornes kirke.JPG
Iveland Iveland Iveland Church Birketveit 1837 Iveland kirke.jpg
Valle Valle og
Hylestad Church Rysstad 1838 Hylestad kyrkje300.jpg
Valle Church Valle 1844 Valle kyrkje IMG 7332 rk 85750.JPG
Vennesla Hægeland Hægeland Church Hægeland 1830 Haegeland kirke2 crop.jpg
Vennesla Vennesla Church Vennesla 1830 Vennesla kirke.jpg
Øvrebø Øvrebø Church Øvrebø 1800 Vennesla, Ovrebo kirke fra vest 03.JPG
Åseral Åseral Ljosland Chapel Ljosland 1959 Ljosland kapell.jpg
Åknes Chapel Åknes 1873 Aseral, Aknes kapell fra SV.JPG
Åseral Church Kyrkjebygda 1822 Aseral kirke.jpg

Skien prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the urban, southeastern part of Telemark county including the municipalities of Siljan, Skien, and Porsgrunn. The deanery is headquartered at Skien Church in the town of Skien in Skien municipality.

The deanery was established in 1868 when the parishes of Gjerpen, Siljan, Porsgrunn, Eidanger, and Brevik from Bamble prosti and the parish of Skien from Nedre Telemark prosti were merged. [8] [10]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Siljan Siljan Siljan Church Siljan c. 1200 SiljanKirke.jpg
Skien Borgestad Borgestad Church Borgestad1907 Borgestad kirke, inngangspartiet.jpg
og Nenset
Gimsøy Church Gimsøy1922 Gimsoy kirke (Skien) 20071014 01.jpg
Nenset Church Tollnes1961 Nenset kirke.jpg
Gjerpen Gjerpen Church Skien 1153 Gjerpen kirke 20071014 02.jpg
Luksefjell Church Luksefjell1858 Luksefjell kapell.jpg
Valebø Church Valebø 1903 Valebo kirke.JPG
Gulset og
Gulset Church Gulset 1986 Gulset kirke.jpg
Skotfoss Church Skotfoss 1900 Skotfoss kirke fra elven.jpg
og Solum
Kilebygda Church Rognsbru1859 Kilebygda.kirke.15.07.08.JPG
Solum Church Solum 1766 Solum Kirke.JPG
Melum Melum Church Mælum1728 Maelum Kirke (Skien).JPG
Skien Skien Church Skien 1894 Skien kirke church Grenlandskatedralen Neo-Gothic nygotisk 1894 68 m twin towers Norway 2019-09-01DSC05718.jpg
Porsgrunn Eidanger Brevik Church Brevik 1963 Brevik kirke.jpg
Eidanger Church Eidanger c. 1150 Eidanger kirke, Porsgrunn kommune, Telemark.jpg
Herøya Church Porsgrunn 1957 Heroya kirke.jpg
Langangen Church Langangen 1891 Langangen kirke.jpg
Stridsklev Church Porsgrunn 2000 Stridsklev kirke.jpg
Porsgrunn Vestre Porsgrunn Church Porsgrunn 1758 Vestsiden kirke Porsgrunn.jpg
Østre Porsgrunn Church Porsgrunn 2019 Ostre Porsgrunn kirke 01.jpg

Vest-Nedenes prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the southeastern part of Agder county including the municipalities of Birkenes, Grimstad, and Lillesand along the southeastern coast of Agder county. The deanery is headquartered at Lillesand Church in the town of Lillesand in Lillesand Municipality.

The deanery was established on 1 March 1826 when the old Nedenes prosti was divided into Vestre Nedenæs prosti in the west and Østre Nedenæs prosti in the east. A royal resolution on 19 May 1922 changed the deanery name from "Vestre Nedenæs prosti" to "Vest-Nedenes prosti". [6] [11]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Birkenes Birkenes Birkenes Church Mollestad 1858 Birkenes kirke AA IMG 2312 KMID 83889.jpg
Herefoss Herefoss Church Herefoss 1865 Herefoss kirke.jpg
Vegusdal Vegusdal Church Engesland 1867 Vegusdal kirke.JPG
Grimstad Eide Eide Church Eide 1795 Eide-krk.jpg
Fjære Fevik Church Fevik 1976 Fevik kirke.jpg
Fjære Church Fjære c. 1150 Grimstad fjaere IMG 3908 rk 5976 84152.JPG
Grimstad Grimstad Church Grimstad 1881 Grimstad-krk.jpg
Landvik Landvik Church Roresand 1825 Landvik-krk.jpg
Østerhus Church Østerhus 1980
Lillesand Høvåg Høvåg Church Høvåg c. 1100 Hovag kirke.JPG
Lillesand Lillesand Church Lillesand 1889 Lillesand kirke.jpg
Justøy Chapel Brekkestø 1884 Justoy kpl (2).JPG
Vestre Moland Church Møglestuc. 1150 Vestre Moland kirke.JPG

Øvre Telemark prosti

This deanery (Norwegian : prosti) covers the western part of Telemark county including the municipalities of Fyresdal, Hjartdal, Kviteseid, Midt-Telemark, Nissedal, Nome, Notodden, Seljord, Tinn, Tokke, and Vinje. The deanery is headquartered at Seljord Church in the village of Seljord in Seljord municipality.

The deanery existed for a long time until 1838 when it was divided into Øvre Telemark Østfjeldske prosti and Øvre Telemark Vestfjeldske prosti. A royal resolution on 19 May 1922 changed the deanery names from "Øvre Telemark Østfjeldske prosti" to "Aust-Telemark prosti" and "Øvre Telemark Vestfjeldske prosti" to "Vest-Telemark prosti". [6] In 2006, Nedre Telemark prosti (established 1843) was dissolved and its parishes were divided between Aust-Telemark prosti and Vest-Telemark prosti. On 1 January 2015, Aust-Telemark prosti and Vest-Telemark prosti were merged to re-form the old Øvre Telemark prosti. [12] [13] [14]

MunicipalityParish (sokn)ChurchLocationYear builtPhoto
Fyresdal Fyresdal Moland Church Fyresdal 1843 Moland kyrkje.JPG
Veum Church Øyane 1863 Veum kyrkje.JPG
Hjartdal Hjartdal Hjartdal Church Hjartdal 1809 Hjartdal kirke IMG 2778.JPG
Sauland Church Sauland 1863 Sauland kirke TRS.jpg
Tuddal Church Tuddal 1796 Tuddal kirke.jpg
Kviteseid Kviteseid Brunkeberg Church Brunkeberg 1790 Brunkeberg church (82316108).jpg
Fjågesund Church Fjågesund1916 Fjaagesundkirke.JPG
Kilen Chapel Kilen1958 Kilen kapell.jpg
Kviteseid Church Kviteseid 1918 KviteseidKirke.jpg
Old Kviteseid Church just north of Eidstod c. 1260 Kvitseid old church (1200 A.D.) - panoramio.jpg
Vrådal Church Vrådal 1886 Vraadal.kirke.JPG
Midt-Telemark Bø Church 1875 Bo nye kirke, Bo kommune, Telemark.jpg
Old Bø Church c. 1100 Bo gamle kirke, Bo kommune, Telemark.jpg
og Nes
Nes Church Nesodden
(just outside Gvarv)
1180 Nes Kirke (Sauherad Telemarken).JPG
Sauherad Church Sauherad 1150 Sauherad kirke.jpg
Nissedal Nissedal Felle Chapel Felle1970 Felle kapell.jpg
Nissedal Church Kyrkjebygda1764 Nissedal church.JPG
Treungen Church Treungen 1863 Treungen kirke.JPG
Nome Holla og
Helgen Church Helgja1735 Helgen kirke, Nome kommune, Telemark.jpg
Holla Church Ulefoss 1867 Holla Kirke.JPG
Romnes Church Romnes1100s Romnes kirke.jpg
Lunde og
Flåbygd Church Flåbygd 1822 Flabygd kirke.jpg
Landsmarka Chapel Landsmarka1895 Landsmarka kapell.jpg
Lunde Church Bjervamoen 1822 Lunde Kirke.jpg
Notodden Gransherad Gransherad Church Gransherad 1849 Gransherad kyrkje.jpg
Heddal Heddal Stave Church Heddal 1200s Notodden, Norway - panoramio (1).jpg
Lisleherad Lisleherad Church Landsverk 1873 Lisleherad kirke TRS 070603 015.jpg
Notodden Notodden Church Notodden 1938 Notodden kirke - no-nb digifoto 20150122 00211 NB MIT FNR 19918.jpg
Seljord Seljord Flatdal Church Flatdal 1654 Seljord flatdal krk IMG 2727.JPG
Mandal Chapel Mandal1954 Manndal chapel (3862071465).jpg
Seljord Church Seljord 1180 Seljord kyrkje.jpg
Åmotsdal Church Åmotsdal 1792 Seljord, Amotsdal kyrkje S 02.JPG
Tinn Rjukan Dal Church Rjukan 1775 P1000796Rjukan.JPG
Rjukan Church Rjukan 1915 Rjukan Church.jpg
Tinn Atrå Church Atrå1836 Atra kirke TRS 070603 048.jpg
Austbygde Church Austbygdi 1888 Austbygde kirke.jpg
Hovin Church Hovin 1850 Hovin kirke Tinn TRS 070603 036.jpg
Mæl Church Miland 1839 Mael kirke TRS 070603 049.jpg
Tokke Eidsborg,
Mo, og
Eidsborg Stave Church Eidsborg 1200s Eidsborg stavkirke i Tokke.jpg
Mo Church Mo 1839 Mo Kyrkje.JPG
Skafså Church Skafså 1839 Tokke, Skafsa kyrkje.JPG
og Lårdal
Høydalsmo Church Høydalsmo 1747 Hoydalsmo kirke, Tokke kommune, Teleamr.jpg
Lårdal Church Lårdal 1831 Lardal kirke.jpg
Vinje Vinje og
Vinje Church Vinje 1796 Vinje kyrkje.JPG
Nesland Church Nesland 1847 Vinje, Nesland kyrkje 05.JPG
Grungedal Grunge Church Grunge 1850 Vinje, Grunge kyrkje fra sor.JPG
Rauland Møsstrond Church Møsstrond 1923 Mosstrond kirke.jpg
Rauland Church Rauland 1803 Rauland kyrkje.jpg
Øyfjell Øyfjell Church Øyfjell 1833 Vinje, Oyfjell kyrkje S 01.JPG

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Kvås Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Lyngdal Municipality in Agder county, Norway. It is located in the village of Kvås. It is one of the churches for the Lyngdal parish which is part of the Lister og Mandal prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Agder og Telemark. The white, wooden church was built in a long church design in 1836 using plans drawn up by an unknown architect. The church seats about 300 people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Austad Church (Lyngdal)</span> Church in Agder, Norway

Austad Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Lyngdal Municipality in Agder county, Norway. It is located in the village of Austad. It is one of the churches for the Lyngdal parish which is part of the Lister og Mandal prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Agder og Telemark. The white, wooden church was built in a cruciform design in 1803 using plans drawn up by the architect Kornelius Nakkestad. The church seats about 400 people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Korshamn Chapel</span> Church in Agder, Norway

Korshamn Chapel is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Lyngdal Municipality in Agder county, Norway. It is located in the village of Korshamn. It is one of the churches for the Lyngdal parish which is part of the Lister og Mandal prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Agder og Telemark. The white, wooden church was built in a long church design in 1906 using plans drawn up by the architect Arne Abrahamsen. The church seats about 100 people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frydendal Church</span> Church in Agder, Norway

Frydendal Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Risør Municipality in Agder county, Norway. It is located in the town of Risør. It is one of the two churches for the Risør parish which is part of the Aust-Nedenes prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Agder og Telemark. The white, wooden church was built in a long church design in 1879 using plans drawn up by the architect Henrik Nissen. The church seats about 300 people.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Toten Deanery</span>

Toten Deanery is a deanery within the Diocese of Hamar in the Church of Norway. This deanery covers several municipalities in the southern part of the diocese. It includes churches in the municipalities of Gjøvik, Vestre Toten, and Østre Toten. The deanery is headquartered at Gjøvik Church in the town of Gjøvik in Gjøvik Municipality.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Grenland Line</span>

The Grenland Line is a proposed high-speed railway line that would connect Grenland and Gjerstad in Norway. Specifically, the line would connect the Sørlandet Line at Skorstøl to the Vestfold Line at either Porsgrunn or Skien, allowing passenger trains from Stavanger and Kristiansand to be routed on the Vestfold Line through Grenland and Vestfold. The Grenland Line is proposed built with double track and with a speed of 250 km/h (160 mph). Three routes have been proposed, varying in length between 64 and 70 kilometers. A prerequisite is that the Vestfold Line be upgraded to double track and high-speed, a process that started in the mid-1990s and which is scheduled for completion in 2032. A completion of the upgraded Vestfold Line and the Grenland Line would reduce travel time for passenger trains between Gjerstad and Oslo by about 70 minutes.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Telemark District Court</span>

Telemark District Court is a district court located in Telemark county, Norway. This court is based at three different courthouses which are located in Skien, Notodden, and Kviteseid. The court serves the 17 municipalities in Telemark. The court in Skien accepts cases from the municipalities of Bamble, Drangedal, Kragerø, Nome, Porsgrunn, Siljan, and Skien. The court in Kviteseid accepts cases from the municipalities of Fyresdal, Kviteseid, Nissedal, Tokke, Seljord, and Vinje. The court in Notodden accepts cases from the municipalities of Hjartdal, Notodden, Tinn, and Midt-Telemark. The court is subordinate to the Agder Court of Appeal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vestre Porsgrunn Church</span> Church in Telemark, Norway

Vestre Porsgrunn Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Porsgrunn Municipality in Telemark county, Norway. It is located in the town of Porsgrunn. It is one of the churches for the Porsgrunn parish which is part of the Skien prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Agder og Telemark. The white, wooden church was built in a long church design in 1758 using plans drawn up by the architects Lauritz de Thurah and Andreas Pfützner. The church seats about 170 people.


  1. "Agder og Telemark bispedøme" (in Norwegian). Den Norske Kirke. Retrieved 1 August 2016.
  2. 1 2 3 "Forandring i prostistruktur som følge av kommunesammenslåinger" (PDF). Agder og Telemark bispedømme (in Norwegian). 22 October 2018. Retrieved 24 November 2020.
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  4. "Arendal prosti". ArkivPortalen (in Norwegian). Statsarkivet i Kristiansand. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
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  7. "Aust-Nedenes prosti" (in Norwegian). Arkivverket. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  8. 1 2 "AS-0050 - Bamble prosti". ArkivPortalen (in Norwegian). Statsarkivet i Kongsberg. Retrieved 25 November 2020.
  9. "Otredal prosti". ArkivPortalen (in Norwegian). Statsarkivet i Kristiansand. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  10. "AS-0935 - Skien prosti". ArkivPortalen (in Norwegian). Statsarkivet i Kongsberg. Retrieved 25 November 2020.
  11. "Vest-Nedenes prosti". ArkivPortalen (in Norwegian). Statsarkivet i Kristiansand. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  12. "AS-1375 - Aust-Telemark prosti". ArkivPortalen (in Norwegian). Statsarkivet i Kongsberg. Retrieved 25 November 2020.
  13. "AS-1376 - Vest-Telemark prosti". ArkivPortalen (in Norwegian). Statsarkivet i Kongsberg. Retrieved 25 November 2020.
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