List of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina

Last updated

Map showing main cities in Vojvodina. Vojvodina map02.png
Map showing main cities in Vojvodina.
Map showing all cities and towns in Vojvodina. Vojvodina gradovi.png
Map showing all cities and towns in Vojvodina.

This is a list of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina, a province of Serbia.


List of largest cities and towns in Vojvodina

City / townCyrillic
District Population
Novi Sad Нови Сад South Bačka 191,405
(216,583) (*)
(277,522) (*)
Novi Sad Donau bei Novi Sad.jpg
Novi Sad
Subotica Суботица North Bačka 99,98197,910
Subotica Subotica08.jpg
Zrenjanin Зрењанин Central Banat 79,77376,511
Zrenjanin ZrenjaninBegej.JPG
Pančevo Панчево South Banat 77,08776,203
Pancevo Pancevo-postoffice.jpg
Sombor Сомбор West Bačka 51,47147,623
Sombor Sombor orthodox church2.jpg
Kikinda Кикинда North Banat 41,93538,065
Kikinda Kikinda2.JPG
Sremska Mitrovica Сремска Митровица Syrmia 39,08437,751
Sremska Mitrovica The view to New Orthodox Church and neighborhood.jpg
Sremska Mitrovica
Vršac Вршац South Banat 36,62336,040
Vrsac Vrsac-Panorama view.jpg
Ruma Рума Syrmia 32,22930,076
Ruma Downtown Ruma.JPG
Bačka Palanka Бачка Паланка South Bačka 29,44928,239
Backa Palanka Backa Palanka centar.JPG
Bačka Palanka
Inđija Инђија Syrmia 26,24726,025
Indija Indija, town centre and a Catholic Church.jpg
Vrbas Врбас South Bačka 25,90724,112
Vrbas Vrbas-bolnica.JPG
Bečej Бечеј South Bačka 25,77423,895
Becej Becej 001.JPG
Temerin Темерин South Bačka 19,21619,661
Temerin Centar Temerina 2.JPG
Senta Сента North Banat 20,30218,704
Senta City hall of senta.jpg
Futog Футог South Bačka 18,58218,641
Futog Centar Futoga.JPG
Stara Pazova Стара Пазова Syrmia 18,64518,602
Stara Pazova Stara Pazova - Trg Zorana Dindida.jpg
Stara Pazova
Kula Кула West Bačka 19,30117,866
Kula Kula, Serbia, town center.jpg
Apatin Апатин West Bačka 19,32017,411
Apatin Hotel de ville d'Apatin.jpg
(*) Note: second population figure for Novi Sad includes populations of Petrovaradin and Sremska Kamenica.

List of urban settlements in Vojvodina

List of all urban settlements (cities and towns) in Vojvodina with population figures from recent censuses: [1]

South Bačka District:

Urban settlement Cyrillic
City / municipality District Population
Bač Бач Bač South Bačka 6,0466,0875,399
Bačka Palanka Бачка Паланка Bačka Palanka South Bačka 26,78029,44928,239
Bački Jarak Бачки Јарак Temerin South Bačka 5,4266,0495,687
Bački Petrovac Бачки Петровац Bački Petrovac South Bačka 7,2366,7276,155
Bečej Бечеј Bečej South Bačka 26,63425,77423,895
Beočin Беочин Beočin South Bačka 7,8738,0587,839
Futog Футог Novi Sad South Bačka 16,04818,58218,641
Novi Sad Нови Сад Novi Sad South Bačka 179,626191,405250,439
Petrovaradin Петроварадин Petrovaradin, Novi Sad South Bačka 11,28513,97314,810
Srbobran Србобран Srbobran South Bačka 12,79813,09112,009
Sremska Kamenica Сремска Каменица Petrovaradin, Novi Sad South Bačka 7,95511,20512,273
Sremski Karlovci Сремски Карловци Sremski Karlovci South Bačka 7,5348,8398,750
Temerin Темерин Temerin South Bačka 16,97119,21619,661
Titel Тител Titel South Bačka 6,0075,8945,294
Veternik Ветерник Novi Sad South Bačka 10,27118,62617,454
Vrbas Врбас Vrbas South Bačka 25,85825,90724,112
Žabalj Жабаљ Žabalj South Bačka 8,7669,5989,161

West Bačka District:

Urban settlement Cyrillic
City / municipality District Population
Apatin Апатин Apatin West Bačka 18,38919,32017,411
Crvenka Црвенка Kula West Bačka 10,40910,1639,001
Kula Кула Kula West Bačka 19,31119,30117,866
Odžaci Оџаци Odžaci West Bačka 10,5679,9408,811
Sombor Сомбор Sombor West Bačka 48,99351,47147,623

North Bačka District:

Urban settlement Cyrillic
City / municipality District Population
Bačka Topola Бачка Топола Bačka Topola North Bačka 16,70416,17114,573
Palić Палић Subotica North Bačka 7,3757,7457,771
Subotica Суботица Subotica North Bačka 100,38699,98197,910

North Banat District:

Urban settlement Cyrillic
City / municipality District Population
Ada Ада Ada North Banat 12,07810,5479,564
Čoka Чока Čoka North Banat 5,2444,7074,028
Kanjiža Кањижа Kanjiža North Banat 11,54110,2009,871
Kikinda Кикинда Kikinda North Banat 43,05141,93538,065
Mol Мол Ada North Banat 7,5226,7866,009
Novi Kneževac Нови Кнежевац Novi Kneževac North Banat 8,0627,5816,960
Senta Сента Senta North Banat 22,82720,30218,704

Central Banat District:

Urban settlement Cyrillic
City / municipality District Population
Jaša Tomić Јаша Томић Sečanj Central Banat 3,5442,9822,373
Novi Bečej Нови Бечеј Novi Bečej Central Banat 15,40414,45213,133
Zrenjanin Зрењанин Zrenjanin Central Banat 81,31679,77376,511
Žitište Житиште Žitište Central Banat 3,0743,2422,903

South Banat District:

Urban settlement Cyrillic
City / municipality District Population
Alibunar Алибунар Alibunar South Banat 3,7383,4313,007
Banatski Karlovac Банатски Карловац Alibunar South Banat 6,2865,8205,082
Bela Crkva Бела Црква Bela Crkva South Banat 11,63410,6759,080
Kačarevo Качарево Pančevo South Banat 8,1037,6247,100
Kovačica Ковачица Kovačica South Banat 7,4266,7646,259
Kovin Ковин Kovin South Banat 13,66914,25013,515
Opovo Опово Opovo South Banat 4,7774,6934,527
Pančevo Панчево Pančevo South Banat 72,79377,08776,203
Starčevo Старчево Pančevo South Banat 7,5797,6157,473
Vršac Вршац Vršac South Banat 36,88536,62336,040

Syrmia District:

Urban settlement Cyrillic
City / municipality District Population
Inđija Инђија Inđija Syrmia 23,06126,24726,025
Irig Ириг Irig Syrmia 4,4144,8484,415
Mačvanska Mitrovica Мачванска Митровица Sremska Mitrovica Syrmia 3,7883,8963,873
Ruma Рума Ruma Syrmia 28,58232,22930,076
Sremska Mitrovica Сремска Митровица Sremska Mitrovica Syrmia 38,83439,08437,751
Stara Pazova Стара Пазова Stara Pazova Syrmia 17,11018,64518,602
Šid Шид Šid Syrmia 14,27516,31114,893

The inhabited places of South Bačka District

City of Novi SadNovi Sad Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Novi Sad Нови Садcity250,439 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Futog Футогtown18,641 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Begeč Бегечvillage3,325 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Budisava Будисаваvillage3,656 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čenej Ченејvillage2,125 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kać Каћvillage11,740 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kisač Кисач
(Slovak: Kysáč)
village5,091 Slovaks Protestantism
Kovilj Ковиљvillage5,414 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Rumenka Руменкаvillage6,495 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stepanovićevo Степановићевоvillage2,021 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Veternik Ветерникvillage17,454 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak.

Hamlets and suburbs:

City of Novi SadPetrovaradin Municipality

Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Petrovaradin Петроварадинtown14,810 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sremska Kamenica Сремска Каменицаtown12,273 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bukovac Буковацvillage3,936 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ledinci Лединциvillage1,912 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stari Ledinci Стари Лединциvillage934 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Bač Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Bač Бачtown5,399 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bačko Novo Selo Бачко Ново Селоvillage1,072 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bođani Бођаниvillage952 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Plavna Плавнаvillage1,152 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Selenča Селенча
(Slovak: Selenča)
village2,996 Slovaks Catholic Christianity
Vajska Вајскаvillage2,834 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak.

Hamlets and suburbs:

Bačka Palanka Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Bačka Palanka Бачка Паланкаtown28,239 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čelarevo Челаревоvillage4,831 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Despotovo Деспотовоvillage1,853 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Gajdobra Гајдобраvillage2,578 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Karađorđevo Карађорђевоvillage738 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mladenovo Младеновоvillage2,679 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Neštin Нештинvillage794 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Nova Gajdobra Нова Гајдобраvillage1,220 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Obrovac Обровацvillage2,944 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Parage Парагеvillage921 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Pivnice Пивнице
(Slovak: Pivnice)
village3,337 Slovaks Protestantism
Silbaš Силбашvillage2,467 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Tovariševo Товаришевоvillage2,657 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vizić Визићvillage270 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak.

Bački Petrovac Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Bački Petrovac Бачки Петровац
(Slovak: Petrovec)
town6,155 Slovaks Protestantism
Gložan Гложан
(Slovak: Hložany)
village2,002 Slovaks Protestantism
Kulpin Кулпин
(Slovak: Kulpín)
village2,775 Slovaks Protestantism
Maglić Маглићvillage2,486 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Slovak ethnic majority, the names are also given in Slovak.

Bečej Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Bečej Бечеј
(Hungarian: Óbecse)
town23,895 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bačko Gradište Бачко Градиште
(Hungarian: Bácsföldvár)
village5,110 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bačko Petrovo Selo Бачко Петрово Село
(Hungarian: Péterréve)
village6,350 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Mileševo Милешево
(Hungarian: Drea)
village909 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Radičević Радичевићvillage1,087 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with absolute or relative Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.


Beočin Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Beočin Беочинtown7,839 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banoštor Баношторvillage743 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čerević Черевићvillage2,800 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Grabovo Грабовоvillage100 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Lug Луг
(Slovak: Lúg)
village709 Slovaks Protestantism
Rakovac Раковацvillage2,248 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Susek Сусекvillage996 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sviloš Свилошvillage291 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak.


Srbobran Municipality

Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Srbobran Србобранtown12,009 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Nadalj Надаљvillage2,008 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Turija Туријаvillage2,300 Serbs Orthodox Christianity


Sremski Karlovci Municipality

Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Sremski Karlovci Сремски Карловциtown8,750 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Temerin Municipality

Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Temerin Темеринtown19,661 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bački Jarak Бачки Јаракtown5,687 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sirig Сиригvillage2,939 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Titel Municipality

Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Titel Тителtown5,294 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Gardinovci Гардиновциvillage1,297 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Lok Локvillage1,114 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mošorin Мошоринvillage2,569 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Šajkaš Шајкашvillage4,374 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vilovo Виловоvillage1,090 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Vrbas Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Vrbas Врбасtown24,112 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bačko Dobro Polje Бачко Добро Пољеvillage3,541 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kosančić Косанчићvillage101 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kucura Куцура
(Rusyn: Коцур)
village4,348 Rusyns Greek Catholic Christianity
Ravno Selo Равно Селоvillage3,107 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Savino Selo Савино Село
(Montenegrin: Savino Selo
/ Савино Село)
village2,957 Montenegrins Orthodox Christianity
Zmajevo Змајевоvillage3,926 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Montenegrin and Rusyn plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

Žabalj Municipality

Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Žabalj Жабаљtown9,161 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čurug Чуругvillage8,166 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Đurđevo Ђурђевоvillage5,092 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Gospođinci Госпођинциvillage3,715 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

The inhabited places of West Bačka District

City of Sombor

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Sombor Сомборcity47,623 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Aleksa Šantić Алекса Шантићvillage1,770 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bački Breg Бачки Брег
(Croatian: Bereg)
village1,140 Croats Catholic Christianity
Bački Monoštor Бачки Моноштор
(Croatian: Monoštor)
village3,485 Croats Catholic Christianity
Bezdan Бездан
(Hungarian: Bezdán)
village4,623 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Čonoplja Чонопљаvillage3,426 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Doroslovo Дорослово
(Hungarian: Doroszló)
village1,497 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Gakovo Гаковоvillage1,810 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kljajićevo Кљајићевоvillage5,045 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kolut Колутvillage1,327 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Rastina Растинаvillage411 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Riđica Риђицаvillage2,011 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stanišić Станишићvillage3,987 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stapar Стапарvillage3,282 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Svetozar Miletić Светозар Милетић
(Hungarian: Nemesmilitics)
village2,746 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Telečka Телечка
(Hungarian: Bácsgyulafalva)
village1,720 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Croatian and Hungarian majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

Hamlets and suburbs:

Apatin Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Apatin Апатинtown17,411 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kupusina Купусина
(Hungarian: Bácskertes)
village1,952 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Prigrevica Пригревицаvillage4,016 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sonta Сонта
(Croatian: Sonta)
village4,331 Croats Catholic Christianity
Svilojevo Свилојево
(Hungarian: Szilágyi)
village1,219 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Croatian and Hungarian majority, the names are also given in these languages.


Kula Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Kula Кулаtown17,866 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Crvenka Црвенкаtown9,001 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kruščić Крушчић
(Montenegrin: Kruščić
/ Крушчић)
village1,852 Montenegrins Orthodox Christianity
Lipar Липарvillage1,482 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Nova Crvenka Нова Црвенкаvillage420 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ruski Krstur Руски Крстур
(Rusyn: Руски Керестур)
village4,585 Rusyns Greek Catholic Christianity
Sivac Сивацvillage7,895 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Rusyn and Montenegrin majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

Odžaci Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Odžaci Оџациtown8,810 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bački Brestovac Бачки Брестовацvillage2,819 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bački Gračac Бачки Грачацvillage2,286 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bogojevo Богојево
(Hungarian: Gombos)
village1,744 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Deronje Дероњеvillage2,487 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Karavukovo Каравуковоvillage4,215 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Lalić Лалић
(Slovak: Laliť)
village1,343 Slovaks Protestantism
Ratkovo Ратковоvillage3,411 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Srpski Miletić Српски Милетићvillage3,038 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian and Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

The inhabited places of North Bačka District

City of Subotica

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Subotica Суботица
(Hungarian: Szabadka)
city97,910 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Palić Палић
(Hungarian: Palics)
town7,771 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bački Vinogradi Бачки Виногради
(Hungarian: Királyhalma)
village1,922 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bačko Dušanovo Бачко Душаново
(Hungarian: Zentaörs)
village627 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bajmok Бајмокvillage7,414 Serbs Catholic Christianity
Bikovo Биково
(Croatian: Bikovo)
village1,487 Croats Catholic Christianity
Čantavir Чантавир
(Hungarian: Csantavér)
village6,591 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Donji Tavankut Доњи Таванкут
(Croatian: Donji Tavankut)
village2,327 Croats Catholic Christianity
Đurđin Ђурђин
(Croatian: Đurđin)
village1,441 Croats Catholic Christianity
Gornji Tavankut Горњи Таванкут
(Croatian: Gornji Tavankut)
village1,097 Croats Catholic Christianity
Hajdukovo Хајдуково
(Hungarian: Hajdújárás)
village2,313 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Kelebija Келебија
(Hungarian: Kelebia)
village2,142 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Ljutovo Љутово
(Bunjevac: Ljutovo)
village1,067 Bunjevci Catholic Christianity
Mala Bosna Мала Босна
(Croatian: Mala Bosna)
village1,082 Croats Catholic Christianity
Mišićevo Мишићевоvillage377 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novi Žednik Нови Жедникvillage2,381 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stari Žednik Стари Жедник
(Croatian: Stari Žednik)
village1,947 Croats Catholic Christianity
Šupljak Шупљак
(Hungarian: Ludas)
village1,115 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Višnjevac Вишњевацvillage543 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian, Croatian and Bunjevac majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.


Bačka Topola Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Bačka Topola Бачка Топола
(Hungarian: Topolya)
town14,573 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bački Sokolac Бачки Соколацvillage480 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bagremovo Багремово
(Hungarian: Brazília)
village151 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bajša Бајша
(Hungarian: Bajsa)
village2,297 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bogaraš Богараш
(Hungarian: Bogaras)
village83 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Gornja Rogatica Горња Рогатицаvillage409 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Gunaroš Гунарош
(Hungarian: Gunaras)
village1,264 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Karađorđevo Карађорђевоvillage468 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kavilo Кавило
(Hungarian: Rákóczitelkep)
village177 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Krivaja Кривајаvillage653 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mali Beograd Мали Београдvillage456 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mićunovo Мићуновоvillage469 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novo Orahovo Ново Орахово
(Hungarian: Zentagunaras)
village1,768 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Njegoševo Његошевоvillage534 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Obornjača Оборњачаvillageuninhabiteduninhabited in 2011uninhabited in 2011
Pačir Пачир
(Hungarian: Pacsér)
village2,580 Hungarians Protestantism
Panonija Панонијаvillage607 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Pobeda Победа
(Hungarian: Győztes)
village271 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Srednji Salaš Средњи Салашvillage104 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stara Moravica Стара Моравица
(Hungarian: Bácskossuthfalva)
village5,051 Hungarians Protestantism
Svetićevo Светићевоvillage147 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Tomislavci Томиславциvillage541 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Zobnatica Зобнатица
(Hungarian: Zobnaticza)
village238 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with absolute or relative Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Mali Iđoš Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Mali Iđoš Мали Иђош
(Hungarian: Kishegyes)
village4,890 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Feketić Фекетић
(Hungarian: Bácsfeketehegy)
village3,980 Hungarians Protestantism
Lovćenac Ловћенац
(Montenegrin: Lovćenac
/ Ловћенац)
village3,161 Montenegrins Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian and Montenegrin majority, the names are also given in these languages.

The inhabited places of North Banat District

Kikinda municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Kikinda Кикиндаtown38,065 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatska Topola Банатска Тополаvillage866 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatsko Veliko Selo Банатско Велико Селоvillage2,512 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bašaid Башаидvillage3,123 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Iđoš Иђошvillage1,822 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mokrin Мокринvillage5,270 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Nakovo Наковоvillage1,918 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novi Kozarci Нови Козарциvillage1,894 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Rusko Selo Руско Селоvillage2,813 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sajan Сајан
(Hungarian: Szaján)
village1,170 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the place with Hungarian ethnic majority, the name is also given in Hungarian.


Novi Kneževac municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Novi Kneževac Нови Кнежевацtown6,960 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatsko Aranđelovo Банатско Аранђеловоvillage1,398 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Đala Ђалаvillage796 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Filić Филићvillage136 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Majdan Мајдан
(Hungarian : Magyarmajdány)
village210 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Podlokanj Подлокањvillage144 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Rabe Рабе
(Hungarian : Rábé)
village106 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Siget Сигетvillage198 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Srpski Krstur Српски Крстурvillage1,321 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Čoka municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Čoka Чока
(Hungarian: Csóka)
town4,028 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Banatski Monoštor Банатски Моноштор
(Hungarian: Kanizsamonostor)
village102 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Crna Bara Црна Бара
(Hungarian: Feketetó)
village437 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Jazovo Јазово
(Hungarian: Hódegyháza)
village742 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Ostojićevo Остојићевоvillage2,324 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Padej Падеј
(Hungarian: Padé)
village2,376 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Sanad Санадvillage1,151 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vrbica Врбица
(Hungarian: Egyházaskér)
village238 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with absolute or relative Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Ada municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Ada Ада
(Hungarian: Ada)
town9,564 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Mol Мол
(Hungarian: Mohol)
town6,009 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Obornjača Оборњача
(Hungarian: Völgypart)
village326 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Sterijino Стеријино
(Hungarian: Valkaisor)
village186 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Utrine Утрине
(Hungarian: Törökfalu)
village906 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Kanjiža Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Kanjiža Кањижа
(Hungarian: Magyarkanizsa)
town9,871 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Adorjan Адорјан
(Hungarian: Adorján)
village1,037 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Doline Долине
(Hungarian: Völgyes)
village390 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Horgoš Хоргош
(Hungarian: Horgos)
village5,709 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Male Pijace Мале Пијаце
(Hungarian: Kispiac)
village1,811 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Mali Pesak Мали Песак
(Hungarian: Kishomok)
village94 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Martonoš Мартонош
(Hungarian: Martonos)
village1,988 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Novo Selo Ново Село
(Hungarian: Újfalu)
village157 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Orom Ором
(Hungarian: Orom)
village1,423 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Totovo Selo Тотово Село
(Hungarian: Tóthfalu)
village618 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Trešnjevac Трешњевац
(Hungarian: Oromhegyes)
village1,724 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Velebit Велебитvillage277 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vojvoda Zimonić Војвода Зимонић
(Hungarian: Ilonafalu)
village244 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Senta Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Senta Сента
(Hungarian: Zenta)
town18,704 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Bogaraš Богараш
(Hungarian: Bogaras)
village568 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Gornji Breg Горњи Брег
(Hungarian: Felsőhegy)
village1,726 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Kevi Кеви
(Hungarian: Kevi)
village726 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Tornjoš Торњош
(Hungarian: Tornyos)
village1,592 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

The inhabited places of Central Banat District

City of Zrenjanin

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Zrenjanin Зрењанинcity76,511 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Aradac Арадацvillage3,335 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatski Despotovac Банатски Деспотовацvillage1,291 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Belo Blato Бело Блато
(Slovak: Biele Blato)
village1,342 Slovaks Catholic Christianity
Botoš Ботошvillage1,860 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čenta Чентаvillage3,050 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ečka Ечкаvillage3,999 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Elemir Елемирvillage4,338 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Farkaždin Фаркаждинvillage1,179 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Jankov Most Јанков Мост
(Romanian: Iancăid)
village530 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Klek Клекvillage2,706 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Knićanin Книћанинvillage1,753 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Lazarevo Лазаревоvillage2,877 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Lukićevo Лукићевоvillage1,804 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Lukino Selo Лукино Село
(Hungarian: Lukácsfalva)
village498 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Melenci Меленциvillage5,982 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mihajlovo Михајлово
(Hungarian: Magyarszentmihály)
village948 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Orlovat Орловатvillage1,516 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Perlez Перлезvillage3,383 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stajićevo Стајићевоvillage1,941 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Taraš Тарашvillage1,009 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Tomaševac Томашевацvillage1,510 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian, Romanian or Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.


Novi Bečej Municipality

SettlementCyrillic NameTypePopulation
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Novi Bečej Нови Бечејtown13,133 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bočar Бочарvillage1,488 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kumane Куманеvillage3,284 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novo Miloševo Ново Милошевоvillage6,020 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Nova Crnja Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Nova Crnja Нова Црња
(Hungarian: Magyarcsernye)
village1,509 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Aleksandrovo Александровоvillage2,130 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Radojevo Радојевоvillage1,056 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Srpska Crnja Српска Црњаvillage3,685 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Toba Тоба
(Hungarian: Tóba)
village518 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Vojvoda Stepa Војвода Степаvillage1,374 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Žitište Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Žitište Житиштеtown2,898 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatski Dvor Банатски Дворvillage1,095 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatsko Karađorđevo Банатско Карађорђевоvillage2,091 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatsko Višnjićevo Банатско Вишњићевоvillage258 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čestereg Честерегvillage1,113 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Hetin Хетин
(Hungarian: Hetény)
village537 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Međa Међаvillage838 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novi Itebej Нови Итебеј
(Hungarian: Magyarittabé)
village1,147 Hungarians Protestantism
Ravni Topolovac Равни Тополовацvillage1,137 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Srpski Itebej Српски Итебејvillage1,969 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Torak Торак
(Romanian: Torac)
village2,291 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Torda Торда
(Hungarian: Torda)
village1,462 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian or Romanian majority, the names are also given in these languages.

Sečanj Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Sečanj Сечањvillage2,107 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Jaša Tomić Јаша Томићtown2,373 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatska Dubica Банатска Дубицаvillage324 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Boka Бокаvillage1,412 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Busenje Бусење
(Hungarian: Káptalanfalva)
village63 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Jarkovac Јарковацvillage1.505 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Konak Конакvillage777 Serbs Catholic Christianity
Krajišnik Крајишникvillage1,719 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Neuzina Неузинаvillage1,256 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sutjeska Сутјескаvillage1,478 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Šurjan Шурјанvillage253 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the place with Hungarian ethnic majority, the name is also given in Hungarian.

The inhabited places of South Banat District

City of Pančevo

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Pančevo Панчевоcity76,203 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kačarevo Качаревоtown7,100 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Starčevo Старчевоtown7,473 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatski Brestovac Банатски Брестовацvillage3,251 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatsko Novo Selo Банатско Ново Селоvillage6,686 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Dolovo Доловоvillage6,146 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Glogonj Глогоњvillage3,012 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ivanovo Иваново
(Hungarian: Sándoregyháza)
village1,053 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Jabuka Јабукаvillage6,181 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Omoljica Омољицаvillage6,309 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the place with Hungarian ethnic plurality, the name is also given in Hungarian.

Kovin Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Kovin Ковинtown13,499 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bavanište Баваништеvillage5,820 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Deliblato Делиблатоvillage2,939 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Dubovac Дубовацvillage1,188 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Gaj Гајvillage2,929 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Malo Bavanište Мало Баваништеvillage332 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mramorak Мраморакvillage2,690 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Pločica Плочицаvillage1,794 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Skorenovac Скореновац
(Hungarian: Székelykeve)
village2,354 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Šumarak Шумарак
(Hungarian: Emánueltelep)
village161 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Note: For the places with Hungarian ethnic majority or plurality, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Opovo Municipality

SettlementCyrillic NameTypePopulation
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Opovo Оповоtown4,527 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Baranda Барандаvillage1,544 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sakule Сакулеvillage1,847 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sefkerin Сефкеринvillage2,522 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Kovačica Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Kovačica Ковачица
(Slovak: Kovačica)
town6,259 Slovaks Protestantism
Crepaja Црепајаvillage4,364 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Debeljača Дебељача
(Hungarian: Torontálvásárhely)
village4,913 Hungarians Protestantism
Idvor Идворvillage974 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Padina Падина
(Slovak: Padina)
village5,531 Slovaks Protestantism
Putnikovo Путниковоvillage200 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Samoš Самошvillage1,004 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Uzdin Уздин
(Romanian: Uzdâni)
village2,029 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Slovak, Hungarian or Romanian majority, the names are also given in these languages.

Alibunar Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Alibunar Алибунарtown2,883 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatski Karlovac Банатски Карловацtown5,082 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Dobrica Добрицаvillage1,076 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ilandža Иланџаvillage1,422 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Janošik Јаношик
(Slovak: Jánošík)
village966 Slovaks Protestantism
Lokve Локве
(Romanian: Locve)
village1,772 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Nikolinci Николинци
(Romanian: Nicolinţ)
village1,131 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Novi Kozjak Нови Козјакvillage636 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Seleuš Селеуш
(Romanian: Seleuş)
village1,191 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Vladimirovac Владимировацvillage3,868 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian or Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.


Plandište Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Plandište Пландиштеvillage3,825 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatski Sokolac Банатски Соколацvillage272 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Barice Барице
(Romanian: Sân-Ianăş)
village516 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Dužine Дужинеvillage147 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Hajdučica Хајдучица
(Slovak: Hajdušica)
village1,150 Slovaks Protestantism
Jermenovci Јерменовци
(Hungarian: Ürményháza)
village905 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Kupinik Купиникvillage238 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Laudonovac Лаудоновацvillage21 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Margita Маргитаvillage924 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Markovićevo Марковићевоvillage160 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Miletićevo Милетићевоvillage497 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stari Lec Стари Лецvillage963 Serbs undeclared
Velika Greda Велика Гредаvillage1,158 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Veliki Gaj Велики Гајvillage560 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian, Hungarian or Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

Vršac Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Vršac Вршацtown36,040 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Gudurica Гудурицаvillage1,094 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Izbište Избиштеvillage1,472 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Jablanka Јабланка
(Romanian: Iablanca)
village251 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Kuštilj Куштиљ
(Romanian: Coştei)
village748 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Mali Žam Мали Жам
(Romanian: Jamu Mic)
village283 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Malo Središte Мало Средиште
(Romanian: Srediştea Mică)
village89 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Markovac Марковац
(Romanian: Marcovăţ)
village255 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Mesić Месић
(Romanian: Mesici)
village198 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Orešac Орешац
(Romanian: Oreşaţ)
village382 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Parta Партаvillage376 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Pavliš Павлишvillage2,195 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Potporanj Потпорањvillage272 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ritiševo Ритишево
(Romanian: Râtişor)
village549 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Sočica Сочица
(Romanian: Sălciţa)
village133 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Straža Стража
(Romanian: Straja)
village531 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Šušara Шушара
(Hungarian: Fejértelep)
village333 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Uljma Уљмаvillage3,269 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vatin Ватинvillage238 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Veliko Središte Велико Средиштеvillage1,270 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vlajkovac Влајковацvillage1,148 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vojvodinci Војводинци
(Romanian: Voivodinţ)
village363 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Vršački Ritovi Вршачки Ритовиvillage37 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Zagajica Загајицаvillage500 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian or Hungarian majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

Bela Crkva Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Bela Crkva Бела Цркваtown9,080 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatska Palanka Банатска Паланкаvillage682 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Banatska Subotica Банатска Суботицаvillage169 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Crvena Crkva Црвена Цркваvillage666 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Češko Selo Чешко Село
(Czech: Češko Selo)
village40 Czechs Catholic Christianity
Dobričevo Добричево
(Hungarian: Udvardszállás)
village199 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Dupljaja Дупљајаvillage738 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Grebenac Гребенац
(Romanian: Grebenaţ)
village818 Romanians Orthodox Christianity
Jasenovo Јасеновоvillage1,243 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kajtasovo Кајтасовоvillage262 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kaluđerovo Калуђеровоvillage94 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kruščica Крушчицаvillage864 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kusić Кусићvillage1,164 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vračev Gaj Врачев Гајvillage1,348 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian, Hungarian or Czech majority, the names are also given in these languages.


The inhabited places of Syrmia District

City of Sremska Mitrovica

SettlementCyrillic NameTypePopulation
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Sremska Mitrovica Сремска Митровицаcity37,751 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mačvanska Mitrovica Мачванска Митровицаtown3,873 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bešenovački Prnjavor Бешеновачки Прњаворvillage83 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bešenovo Бешеновоvillage841 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bosut Босутvillage971 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čalma Чалмаvillage1,431 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Divoš Дивошvillage1,361 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Grgurevci Гргуревциvillage1,129 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Jarak Јаракvillage2,039 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kuzmin Кузминvillage2,982 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Laćarak Лаћаракvillage10,638 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ležimir Лежимирvillage699 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Manđelos Манђелосvillage1,319 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Martinci Мартинциvillage3,070 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Noćaj Ноћајvillage1,866 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Radenković Раденковићvillage946 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ravnje Равњеvillage1,184 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Salaš Noćajski Салаш Ноћајскиvillage1,751 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sremska Rača Сремска Рачаvillage624 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stara Bingula Стара Бингулаvillage162 Serbs Catholic Christianity
Šašinci Шашинциvillage1,623 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Šišatovac Шишатовацvillage211 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Šuljam Шуљамvillage630 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Veliki Radinci Велики Радинциvillage1,426 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Zasavica I Засавица Ivillage722 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Zasavica II Засавица IIvillage608 Serbs Orthodox Christianity


Šid Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Šid Шидtown14,893 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Adaševci Адашевциvillage1,919 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bačinci Бачинциvillage1,180 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Batrovci Батровциvillage259 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Berkasovo Беркасовоvillage1,115 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Bikić Do Бикић До
(Rusyn: Бикич Дол)
village269 Rusyns Greek Catholic Christianity
Bingula Бингулаvillage732 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Erdevik Ердевикvillage2,736 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Gibarac Гибарацvillage989 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ilinci Илинциvillage804 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Jamena Јаменаvillage950 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kukujevci Кукујевциvillage1,955 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ljuba Љуба
(Slovak: Ľuba)
village446 Slovaks Protestantism
Molovin Моловинvillage195 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Morović Моровићvillage1,774 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Privina Glava Привина Главаvillage186 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sot Сотvillage679 Serbs Catholic Christianity
Vašica Вашицаvillage1,424 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Višnjićevo Вишњићевоvillage1,683 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Slovak or Rusyn majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

Irig Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Irig Иригtown4,415 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Dobrodol Добродол
(Hungarian: Dobradópuszta)
village107 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Grgetek Гргетекvillage76 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Jazak Јазакvillage960 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Krušedol Prnjavor Крушедол Прњаворvillage234 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Krušedol Selo Крушедол Селоvillage340 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mala Remeta Мала Реметаvillage130 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Neradin Нерадинvillage475 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Rivica Ривицаvillage620 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Šatrinci Шатринци
(Hungarian: Satrinca)
village373 Hungarians Catholic Christianity
Velika Remeta Велика Реметаvillage44 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vrdnik Врдникvillage3,092 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian.

Ruma Municipality

SettlementCyrillic NameTypePopulation
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Ruma Румаtown30,076 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Buđanovci Буђановциvillage1,497 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Dobrinci Добринциvillage1,549 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Donji Petrovci Доњи Петровциvillage924 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Grabovci Грабовциvillage1,189 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Hrtkovci Хртковциvillage3,036 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Klenak Кленакvillage2,946 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kraljevci Краљевциvillage1056 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Mali Radinci Мали Радинциvillage532 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Nikinci Никинциvillage1,808 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Pavlovci Павловциvillage393 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Platičevo Платичевоvillage2,444 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Putinci Путинциvillage2,745 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stejanovci Стејановциvillage918 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vitojevci Витојевциvillage808 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Voganj Вогањvillage1,506 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Žarkovac Жарковацvillage904 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Pećinci Municipality

SettlementCyrillic NameTypePopulation
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Pećinci Пећинциvillage2,581 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ašanja Ашањаvillage1,365 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Brestač Брестачvillage934 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Deč Дечvillage1,491 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Donji Tovarnik Доњи Товарникvillage973 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Karlovčić Карловчићvillage1,078 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Kupinovo Купиновоvillage1,866 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Obrež Обрежvillage1,308 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ogar Огарvillage1,040 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Popinci Попинциvillage1,166 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Prhovo Прховоvillage784 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sibač Сибачvillage468 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Sremski Mihaljevci Сремски Михаљевциvillage769 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Subotište Суботиштеvillage844 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Šimanovci Шимановциvillage3,053 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Stara Pazova Municipality

SettlementCyrillic NameTypePopulation
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Stara Pazova Стара Пазоваtown18,602 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Belegiš Белегишvillage2,973 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Golubinci Голубинциvillage4,721 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Krnješevci Крњешевциvillage845 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Nova Pazova Нова Пазоваvillage17,105 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novi Banovci Нови Бановциvillage9,443 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Stari Banovci Стари Бановциvillage5,954 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Surduk Сурдукvillage1,397 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Vojka Војкаvillage4,752 Serbs Orthodox Christianity

Inđija Municipality

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Largest ethnic
group (2002)
Dominant religion
Inđija Инђијаtown26,025 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Beška Бешкаvillage5,783 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Čortanovci Чортановциvillage2,337 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Jarkovci Јарковциvillage593 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Krčedin Крчединvillage2,429 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Ljukovo Љуковоvillage1,525 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Maradik Марадикvillage2,095 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novi Karlovci Нови Карловциvillage2,856 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Novi Slankamen Нови Сланкаменvillage2,994 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Slankamenački Vinogradi Сланкаменачки Виногради
(Slovak: Slankamenské Vinohrady)
village253 Slovaks Protestantism
Stari Slankamen Стари Сланкаменvillage543 Serbs Orthodox Christianity
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak majority, the name is also given in Slovak.

Former settlements

Former settlements in Vojvodina that were abandoned or resettled:

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Type / LocationSettlement destinyLargest ethnic
group (year)
Almaš АлмашFormer village in Bačka
(located between Temerin,
Nadalj and Gospođinci)
It was resettled in 1718 Serbs (1715)
Kočićevo КочићевоFormer village in Bačka
(located in Bačka Topola municipality)
It was abandoned in the second
half of the 20th century
Serbs (1971)
Molin МолинFormer village in Banat
(located in Nova Crnja municipality)
It was abandoned in 1961 Serbs (1953)
Selište Селиште
(Hungarian: Újfalu)
Former village in Bačka
(located in Mali Iđoš municipality)
It was abandoned in the second
half of the 20th century
Hungarians (1971)
Note: For the former settlement with Hungarian ethnic majority, the name is also given in Hungarian.

Former settlements in Vojvodina that were merged with other places:

SettlementCyrillic Name
Other Names
Type / LocationSettlement destinyLargest ethnic
group (year)
Aleksandrovo АлександровоFormer village in Bačka Today neighborhood of Subotica Serbs (1910)
Bikač БикачFormer village in Banat Today part of Bašaid Serbs (1971)
Kruševlje КрушевљеFormer village in Bačka Degraded to formal settlement status,
today part of Gakovo
Serbs (1971)
Mužlja Мужља
(Hungarian: Muzslya)
Former village in Banat Today neighborhood of Zrenjanin Hungarians (1971)
Novi Vladimirovac Нови ВладимировацFormer village in Banat Today part of Vladimirovac Serbs (1971)
Tankosićevo Танкосићево
(Slovak: Tankosiťevo)
Former village in Bačka Today part of Kisač Slovaks (1971)
Veliki Salaš Велики Салаш
(Croatian: Veliki Salaš)
Former village in Bačka Degraded to formal settlement status,
today part of Sonta
Croats (1971)
Vojlovica Војловица
(Hungarian: Hertelendyfalva)
Former village in Banat Today neighborhood of Pančevo Hungarians (1971)
Note: For the former settlements with Hungarian, Slovak or Croat majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages.

See also

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Below is a list of Slovak language exonyms for towns and villages in the Vojvodina region of Serbia.


  1. "Cities of Serbia".

Further reading