1 2 3 De Chirico, Millie; Murry, Quatoyiah (2022). TCM Underground: 50 Must-See Films from the World of Classic Cult and Late-Night Cinema. Turner Classic Movies. Running Press. ISBN978-0-7624-8000-5.
1 2 3 Everman, Welch D. (1995). Cult Horror Films: From Attack of the 50 Foot Woman to Zombies of Mora Tau. Citadel Film Series. Citadel Press. ISBN978-0-8065-1425-3.
↑ Rotten Tomatoes (2019). "Cult Leaders: Hard to love for many, loved very hard by some". Rotten Movies We Love: Cult Classics, Underrated Gems, and Films So Bad They're Good. Running Press. pp.81–114. ISBN978-0-7624-9605-1.
1 2 3 4 Everman, Welch D. (1995). Cult Science Fiction Films: From The Amazing Colossal Man to Yog: The Monster from Space. Citadel Film Series. Citadel Press. ISBN978-0-8065-1602-8.
↑ Peary, Danny (1983). Cult Movies 2: 50 More of the Classics, the Sleepers, the Weird, and the Wonderful. Dell Publishing. ISBN978-0-440-51632-3.
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