List of exoplanets and planetary debris around white dwarfs

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This is a list of exoplanets and planetary debris disks around white dwarfs.


List of white dwarf exoplanets

List of confirmed exoplanets

System nameHost starMass of planet (MJ)Semi-major
axis (au)
Discovery methodDiscovery
WD 0806-661 single1.5-82500 direct imaging 2011WD 0806-661 B can be interpreted as either a sub-brown dwarf or an exoplanet. [1] [2]
WD J0914+1914 metal-polluted single0.070 to 0.074detection of accreted planet material via spectroscopy 2019likely ice giant [3]
WD 1856+534 single>0.84 [4] 0.019 transiting 2020the white dwarf co-moves with G 229-20 A/B [5] [6] [7]
MOA-2010-BLG-477L single1.4±0.32.8±0.5 microlensing 2012/2021a Jupiter-analogue [8]
KMT-2020-BLG-0414 single0.0060±0.00062.1±0.2microlensing2021/20241.9 earth-mass planet, also has a brown dwarf at 22 au [9] [10]
QZ Serpentis white dwarf+K5 star0.630.019detection via "very long photometric period" (VLPP)2022has an orbital period of 1 day. [11] [12]

List of candidate exoplanets

System nameHost starStatusMass of planet (MJ)Semi-major axis (au)Discovery methodDiscovery yearNoteReference
GD 356 singlerejected candidate<12variability and missing IR-excess2010115 minute variability, iron-rich terrestrial planet was suspected to electromagnetically interacting with the white dwarf, [13] no orbiting body was detected, rejecting the idea of an unipolar inductor model [14] [13]
GD 140 singlesuspected3.74+1.43
anomaly in the Hipparcos-Gaia proper motion2019mass is estimated for separation of 5 AU, to be observed with JWST [15] [16] [17]
LAWD 37 singlesuspected0.60+0.23
anomaly in the Hipparcos-Gaia proper motion2019mass is estimated for separation of 5 AU, to be observed with JWST [15] [16] [17]
GD 394 metal-polluted singlecandidateEUV variability2019either a metal accretion spot that disappeared or an evaporating planet at a 1.15 day orbit, with a hydrogen-cloud around the planet transiting in front of the white dwarf [18] [18]
WD 0141-675 metal-polluted singlecandidate9.26+2.64
Gaia DR3 stellar multiples/radial velocity 2023rejected due to software error [19] 33.65 ± 0.05 day period. ESPRESSO radial velocity observations however possibly detects a planet with a 16 day period [20] [21]
WD 1202−232 (LP 852-7)metal-polluted singlecandidate1–711.47direct imaging2024similar to solar system giant planets in age and separation [22]
WD 2105−82 (LAWD 83)metal-polluted singlecandidate1–234.62direct imaging2024similar to solar system giant planets in age and separation [22]
GALEX J071816.4+373139 massive singlecandidate3.6infrared excess2024planet candidate has a temperature of about 400 K [23]
WD 0310-688 (CPD-69 177)metal-polluted singlecandidate3.0+5.5
0.1-2infrared excess2024planet candidate has a temperature of 248+84
HS 0209+0832 metal-polluted singlecandidatedetection of accreted planet material via spectroscopy2024metals in agreement with giant planet (similar to WD J0914+1914), period of 4.4 days from TESS, first and currently only white dwarf with detection of zinc [25]
Sirius Bwhite dwarf+A0V starcandidate1.50.9astrometry2024has a mass range of 0.8-2.4 Jupiter masses. [26] [27]
Central star of the Helix Nebula singlecandidate0.034transiting2024orbits the central white dwarf of the Helix Nebula, has a radius of 1 RJ or 2.3 R🜨 [28]
candidate10.004accreted material from the planet2025X-ray signal might have a period of 2.9 hours. Estimated to have been Jupiter-like. Mid-IR excess was interpreted as a disk or cloud formed by disrupted comets in the past. [29]

List of exoplanets detected via timing

Circumbinary exoplanets found with eclipse timing variations are sometimes listed as confirmed planets. The models describing these planets do however often fail to predict eclipse timing and the timing variation could be caused by other effects, such as magnetic effects. [30] Due to the high number of objects detected via timing, this list was separated from the above lists.

System nameHost starMass of planet (MJ)Semi-major
axis (au)
Discovery methodDiscovery
PSR B1620-26 white dwarf+pulsar 2.5±123 pulsar timing 1993 [31]
DP Leonis white dwarf+donor star6.288.19eclipse timing variations2009has a size of 1.14 RJ [32]
NN Serpentis PCEB: white dwarf+red dwarf 6.91±0.545.38±0.20 eclipse timing variation 2010PCEB is surrounded by a dusty disk, [33] might be only one planet [34] [35]
UZ Fornacis white dwarf+red dwarf6.35.9eclipse timing variations2011planet b & c [36] [37]
HU Aquarii white dwarf+M4.5V star5.93.6eclipse timing variations2011planet b & c [38] [39]
RR Caeli (AB)white dwarf+dM star4.25.3eclipse timing variations2012planet b [40]
SDSS J1208+3550 single9.50.00213timing2013orbits its star in slightly less than an hour [41]
SDSS J1730+5545 single60.00139timing2014orbits its star in 35 minutes. [42] [43]
DE Canum Venaticorum white dwarf+M3V star12.02935.75eclipse timing variations2018has a size of 1.1 RJ [44] [45]
LX Serpentis (AB)white dwarf+M3V star7.59.1timing2016also known as Stepanian's Star [46] [47] [48]
DW Ursae Majoris white dwarf+M3V star10.065.8timing2016accretion disk in the system [49]
GK Virginis white dwarf+red dwarf0.957.38timing2020 eclipsing binary [50]
KPD 0005+5106 X-ray single1timing2021Jupiter-analogue, has the same exact size and mass of Jupiter. [51]
RR Caeli (AB)white dwarf+dM star2.79.7timing2021planet c [52]
PSR J0337+1715 (AB) bpulsar+2 white dwarfs0.03pulsar timing2022probably similar to Neptune or Uranus. [53]

List of transiting debris or minor planets

System nameMetal
Type of
transiting object
axis (R)
Discovery methodDiscovery
WD 1145+017 yesminor planet1.16 [54] transiting2015 [55]
SDSS J1228+1040 yesno transiting object0.73variable Calcium absorption line2019planetesimal might orbit within the debris disk of the white dwarf [56]
WD 0145+234 yesno transiting object1.29 [57] tidal disruption event 2019one asteroid disrupted in 2018 [58]
ZTF J0139+5245 yesdebris cloud77.4transiting2020highly eccentric orbit (e>0.97) [59] [60] [61]
ZTF J0328-1219 yes2 debris clumpsb: 2.11
c: 2.28
transiting2021 [62] [63]
SDSS J0107+2107yesdebristransiting2021 [62]
ZTF J0347−1802debristransiting2021transit duration of about 70 days [62]
ZTF J0923+4236debristransiting2021period in the order of days, variation in the order of hours, vast long-term variation of transit numbers and depth [62] [64]
SBSS 1232+563yesdebristransiting2021deep, but sporadic dips, had an about 8-month long nearly 50% deep transit for most of 2023, orbital period of debris might be 14.8 hours [62] [65]
WD 1054-226 yesmany debris clouds3.69transiting2022disk detected in transit, variable with a period of 25.02 hours [66]
WD J0923+7326yesdebristransiting2025Long and short-term variability with the strongest variability in the sample. [67]
WD J1013−0427yesfine grained debristransiting2025Also shows calcium emission lines, indicative of a thick eccentric gas disk. Also shows reddening during the dip, indicative of small grain dust grains (radius ≤0.3 μm). One long dip, lasting two years. Recurrence of the transit limited to 20 years. Transit either caused by the collision of two planets at 6 AU or a precessing disk (similar to SDSS J1228+1040). Helium-dominated atmosphere, with H, Ca, Si and Mg. Will be studied in another paper in detail. [67]
WD J1237+5937yesdebris from asteroid-fragment collision?transiting2025One long-timescale dip, lasting 4 months. No variability in the high-speed follow-up. The researchers suggest that the transit was caused by the collision of two asteroid fragments on an eccentric orbit, producing debris on a long-term orbit. Several metal absorption lines: Ca, Mg, Fe, Al. [67]
WD J1302+1650yesdebristransiting2025One long-lasting dip feature and nearly continuous and irregular variability in follow-up (similar to WD 1054−226). Shows also hydrogen in a helium-dominated atmosphere. [67]
WD J1650+1443yesdebristransiting2025Low-amplitude variability. [67]
WD J1944+4557yesdebristransiting2025Sporadic, but prominent dips. Will be studied in an upcoming paper. [67]

List of planetary debris around white dwarfs

About 6% of white dwarfs show infrared excess due to a disk around a white dwarf. [68] In the past only a relative small sample of white dwarf disks was known. [69] Due to advances in white dwarf detection (e.g. with Gaia or LAMOST) and improvement of WISE infrared catalogs with unWISE/CatWISE, the number has increased to hundreds of candidates. [70] [71] [68] Therefore this list will be limited to disks with metal gas emission and notable systems.

Notable systems with planetary debris

System nameHost
Likely planetary
body accreted
Metal absorption linesDiscovery yearNotes and References
van Maanen 2 6,130noCa, Fe, Mg1917 [72] first metal absorption line (calcium) discovered [73] in a white dwarf
G 29-38 11,600 chondritic objectyesC, O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, silicates1987/2005 [69] [74] [75] [76] first confirmed disk
GD 362 9,740asteroid with earth/Moon-like compositionyesCa, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Sr2005 [69] [77] [78] [79] second confirmed disk
WD 1425+540 14,490exo-Kuiper Belt Object noC, N, O, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe, Ni2017 [80] first nitrogen detected in a white dwarf, likely an exo-KBO
SDSS 1557 21,800object larger than 4 kmyesMg, Ca, Si2011/2017 [81] white dwarf with a brown dwarf in a ultra-short orbit (2.27 hrs) and a circumbinary disk around the binary
WD J2356−209 4,040sodium-rich body?noNa, Mg, Ca, Fe2001/2019 [82] [83] strong and broad sodium feature
WD J1644–0449 3,830meteoritic composition, except for LithiumnoLi, Na, K, Ca2021 [84] one of the first detection of lithium and potassium in a white dwarf, similar discoveries at the same time
WD 2317+1830 4,210 or 4,557primitive planetesimal [85] yesLi, Na, Ca2021 [86] Coldest and oldest (9.5 Gyrs) white dwarf with a detected disk. Also one of the most massive white dwarfs with a disk. A newer work [87] finds higher temperature and lower age (6.4 Gyrs).
LSPM J0207+3331 6,1202 minor planetsyes2021 [88] disk with two components around cold white dwarf
GALEX J2339–0424 13,735 exomoon noBe, O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe2021 [73] [89] one of two white dwarfs with the first detection of beryllium, possibly due to exomoon accretion
GD 424 16,560 CI crondrite + water-rich bodynoO, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni2021 [90] mainly polluted by a rocky body, but also shows a large amount of trace-hydrogen, which could have come from a past accretion of a water-rich body
G238-44 20,000iron-rich Mercury-like object + Kuiper Belt ObjectnoC, N, O, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Ca, Fe2022 [91] unusual composition, showing that it accreted an iron-rich Mercury-like object and an icy KBO
WD 1054–226 7,910noMg, Al, Ca, Fe2022 [66] disk detected in transit
WD J2147–4035 3,048noNa, K, Li, C?2022 [92] coldest white dwarf with metal-pollution, with a cooling age of 10 Gyrs, magnetic white dwarf
WD 0956+5912 8,720 Moon-sized objectnoNa, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni2023 [93] recent accretion of a Moon-sized object
PHL 5038 7,525noCa2009/2024brown dwarf around the white dwarf is likely responsible for scattering a minor planet towards the white dwarf, first such system discovered
WD 0816–310 6,250 Vesta-sized object, likely chrondriticnoNa, Mg, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni2024 [94] First observation of metals being guided by magnetic fields towards the magnetic poles
SBSS 1612+554 (J1613+5521)12,0003x1019 g of material (about the mass of 243 Ida)yessilicates2019/2025 [95] [96] Strongest silicate feature around any star or white dwarf detected (as of January 2025). Ongoing collisions must produce sub-micron sized particles to explain the feature.
GD 85 (J0719+4021)17,000yespossibly Ca?, glassy silica1988/2025 [97] [96] One of three white dwarfs with glassy or amorphous silica detected. Indicating a high-temperature process and rapid cooling. Proposed formation processes include the formation of obsidian, tektites or processes involving the production and re-condensation of SiO gas.
UCAC4 077-007106 (J0707−7438)17,000yesiron?, alloys?2025 [96] Probably dominated by metallic iron and alloys. One of the hottest debris with a temperature of 2040 Kelvin.

Gaseous disks

System nameHost
temperature (K)
Disk inner
radius (radius white dwarf = Rwd)
Disk outer
radius (Rwd)
Infrared excessMetal absorption linesMetal emission linesDisk
Notes and References
WD 1226+110 22,0202693yesMg, Ca, Si, O, CCa, Fe2006/2009 [98] [99] [100] [69] has minor planet
WD 1041+09117,9121838yesC, O, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Ca, Fe, NiCa2007 [101] [69] [102] possibly differentiated carbonate-rich body
WD 0738+183513,6001221yesO, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, FeCa2010 [103] [104] [69] Ceres-sized body with bulk-earth composition
WD 0842+23118,60013187yesH, C, O, Si, Fe, Mg, Al, Ca, Cr, Mn, NiCa2010 [105] [106] [69] object enhanced in iron, nickel, and maybe carbon, at least 100 km in diameter, eccentric disk, possibly maintained by a planet
WD 0959-020013,2801025yesMg, CaCa2012 [107] [69]
WD 1349-23017,0001335yesCaCa2012 [108] [109] [104] [69]
WD 1617+162013,432920yesCa2012 [110] [104] [69]
WD 1344+032426,07190105yesCa2017 [111] coldest debris disk discovered at the time
WD 0145+234 13,00013?24?yesCa, carbonates?2019 [112] [58] [113] TDE of a minor planet, might had water in the past
WD 0006+285826,0002064yesC, O, S, P, Mg, Al, Si, CaCa, O, Fe, Mg, Fe, Si2020 [112] [114] [115]
WD 0347+162420,620yesCa, Mg, AlCa, O, Fe2020 [116] [114]
WD 0510+231521,700yesO, S, Mg, Al, Si, CaO, Mg, Ca, Fe2020 [112] [114]
WD 0611-693116,55010165yesCa, C, O, S, P, Mg, Al, Si, Fe, NiCa, O, Fe, Si, Na, Mg2020 [116] [112] [114]
WD 0644-035220,850yesCa, H, O, Mg, Al, Si, Ti, Cr, FeCa2020 [116] [114] [112] possibly some water in the parent body
WD 1622+584019,560yesCa, H, C, O, S, P, Mg, Al, Si, Fe, NiCa, O, Fe2020 [116] [112] [114]
WD 2100+212225,3203357yesCa, Mg, Al, Si, FeCa, Fe, O, Mg, Si2020 [116] [114] [115]
WD 0846+570317,803yesSi, MgCa, Mg, Fe2021 [117] exceptionally strong infrared excess
WD 0234-040612,454yesMg, O, Ca, Al, Ti, FeCa, Mg/Fe2021 [117] possibly water containing object accreted
WD 0529-340123,197yesMg, Si, CaH, Ca, Mg, O, Fe2021 [117] strong suggestion of water-containing body due to emission of H, O
WD 1930-502813,306yesMg, CaCa, Mg, Fe2021 [117]
WD 2133+242829,282yesCa, O2021 [117] hottest white dwarf with a gaseous disk
WD 2212-135213,454yesMg, Si, C, Ca, Al, FeCa, Mg, Fe2021 [117]
WD J1013−042721,90018.247.9noH, Ca, Si, MgCa2025 [67] Also shows transiting debris.

See also


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