List of filename extensions (S–Z)

Last updated

This alphabetical list of filename extensions contains extensions of notable file formats used by multiple notable applications or services.






Ext.DescriptionUsed by
Sassembler source code fileUnix
S3M Scream Tracker Module Scream Tracker
S7ISeed7 library / include file Seed7 interpreter and compiler
SAIF [1] Spatial Archive and Interchange Format
SASS [2] Sass stylesheet language, indented-format
SAVSPSS tabular data (binary) PSPP, SPSS
SBScratch 1.x project Scratch
SB2Scratch 2.0 project Scratch
SB3Scratch 3.0 project Scratch
SBVSuperbase RDBMS form definition data Superbase (database)
SBXFor experimental extensions to Scratch Used by scratchX (
SCALAScala source code file Scala (programming language)
SCMScheme source code file
SCRScreen Protector file Windows Screen Protector
SCSS [2] Sass stylesheet language
SDF [3] SQL Server Compact database fileMicrosoft SQL Server Compact
SD7Seed7 source file Seed7 interpreter and compiler
SDNNEncrypted Story Distiller Nursery Notes DatabaseStory Distiller, Series Distiller
SDSSelf Defining Structure provides for N-dimensional very large datasets using HHCode geographic information systems and relational database management systems
SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard
SECSecret key ring file Pretty Good Privacy RSA System
SEDSelf extraction directive file IExpress
SEQVideo Tiertex video sequence
SERIESEncrypted Series Distiller databaseSeries Distiller
SF JAR Digital Signature
SFBConfiguration file emacs
SFHbackup file for Strike Force Heroes (SFH) on Steam [4]
SFXSFX (self-extracting archives) scriptRAR
SH Unix shell script Unix shell interpreter
SHAR Shell self-extracting archive UNSHAR (Unix)
SHTMSSI-enabled HTM file Server Side Includes
SHTMLSSI-enabled HTML file Server Side Includes
SHXShape entities

ESRI shapefile



SICS.I.C.K. Source File
SIG Signature file gpg, PopMail, ThunderByte AntiVirus
SLS-Lang source code file
SLDASM SolidWorks assembly SolidWorks
SLDPRT SolidWorks part SolidWorks
SMSMALLTALK source code file
SMCLVL Secret Maryo Chronicles Level Secret Maryo Chronicles
SMK Smacker video Format (RAD Video)
SNOSNOBOL4 source code file
SOshared object, dynamically linked library Unix, Linux
SPFdata SQR Portable Format
SPIFF [5] Still Picture Interchange File Format
SPIN Spin source file Parallax Propeller Microcontrollers
SPSSPSS program file (text) PSPP, SPSS
SPTSPITBOL source code file
SPVSPIR-V binary fileVulkan, Khronos Group
SPX [6] [7] Ogg Speex bitstream Xiph.Org Foundation
SPZCrestron SIMPL Windows compiled program (ZIP format)Crestron SIMPL Windows
SQL Structured Query Language Any SQL database
SRT SubRip Subtitle file Most media players
SRXSeries Distiller update XML fileSeries Distiller
SSCCelestia Solar System Catalog file Celestia
SSCStellarium Script Stellarium
STSMALLTALK source code fileLittle Smalltalk
ST Structured text file
STCCelestia Star Catalog file Celestia
STC XML spreadsheet template Calc
STD XML drawing template Draw
STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product Data universal format for CAD exchange per ISO 10303
STI XML presentation template Impress
STK [8] Stockholm multiple sequence alignment Bioinformatics tools eg HMMER, Xrate, Jalview
STL surface geometry of a three-dimensional objectsoftware by 3D Systems
STMSSI-enabled HTML file Server Side Includes
STO [8] Stockholm multiple sequence alignment Bioinformatics tools eg HMMER, Xrate, Jalview
STORYEncrypted Story Distiller databaseStory Distiller
STP Standard for the Exchange of Product Data universal format for CAD exchange per ISO 10303
STW XML text document template Writer
STXStory Distiller update XMLStory Distiller
SURSurface topography (in native "SURF" format) MountainsMap
SVCRepresents the ServiceHost instance hosted by Internet Information Services Windows Communication Foundation
SVELTESvelte source code Svelte
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
SWF [9] Shockwave FlashMacromedia, Adobe Flash Player
SWGSWIG source code SWIG
SWIFTSwift source code Swift (programming language)
SWMsplit Windows Imaging Format ImageX, DISM, 7-Zip, wimlib
SXC XML spreadsheet Calc
SXD XML drawing Draw
SXG XML master document
SXI XML presentation Impress
SXM XML formula Calc
SXP3DS Process file3D Studio
SXW XML text document Writer
SYLK Symbolic Link (SYLK) file Windows
SYMBOLICLINKReplace file for a symbolic link Unix-like OSs


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
TAKAudio codec, Lossless audio file format Winamp (+Plugin), foobar2000 (+Plugin), Media Player Classic – BE
TAR tar archive tar and other file archivers with support
TAZ [10] tar archive compressed with compress tar and other file archivers with support
TB2 [10] tar archive compressed with Bzip2 tar and other file archivers with support
TBZ [10]
TBZ2 [10]
TCTheme Colour fileSaturn CMS
TERTerragen heightmap file Terragen scenery generator
TGA Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter image
TGTTarget configuration fileTarget active security software
TGZ [10] tar archive compressed with gzip tar and other file archivers with support
THMThumbnail File GoPro, Android, some versions of iOS (Accessible via computer or Jailbreak, on User/Media/PhotoData/Metadata/DCIM)
TIFF Tag Image File Format image
TLB [11] Type libraryA binary file with information about a COM or DCOM object so other applications can use it at runtime. Created by Visual C++ or Visual Studio. Used by many Windows applications.
TLZ [10] tar archive compressed with LZMA tar and other file archivers with support
TMP [12] Temporary file
TORRENT [13] Torrent file BitTorrent clients (various)
TQL The quest lessons TheQuest
TS MPEG transport stream Video broadcasting, digital video cameras
TS [14] TypeScript
TSCN Godot Engine Text Scene file Godot Engine
TSV [15] Tab-separated values
TTC TrueType Font collection
TTF TrueType Font file
TWB Tableau Software Workbook file
TXT Text file
TXZ [10] tar archive compressed with xz tar and other file archivers with support
TZ2 [10] Same as TBZ
TZST [10] tar archive compressed with Zstandard


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
UIEspire source code file Geoworks UI Compiler Geos
UIQt Designer's UI File Trolltech Qt Designer
UMPUmple UML Programming Language Format Umple
UNVText file containing finite elements nodal coordinates and more See notes Originally used by SDRC for its I-deas software; a lot of simulation software uses it today
UOS Uniform Office Format spreadsheet
UOT Uniform Office Format text
UPDUpdate file for Storage
UPS ROM patch file
URL Remote file shortcut Microsoft Windows
USDZ Augmented Reality (AR) File Apple, Pixar
USTVocal synthesis track data UTAU
USTXVocal synthesis track data OpenUtau
UT!datafile uTorrent
UXFUML Exchange Format


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
V Coq source file
V Verilog source file
V3Victoria 3 save game file Victoria 3
V4P vvvv patch vvvv
V64 [16] ROM image from an N64 cartridge DoctorV64, Doctor V64 junior, Project 64 and other N64 emulators
VBVisual Basic .Net source file Visual Basic .NET
VBOX [17] virtual machine settings file (in XML format) VirtualBox
VBOX-EXTPACK [18] VirtualBox extension package VirtualBox
VBPROJVisual Basic .Net project fileVisual Basic .Net Express and Visual Studio 2003-2010 Project
VBRVisual Basic Custom Control file Visual Basic
VBSVBScript script file VBScript
VBXVisual Basic eXtension Visual Basic
VCVeraCrypt Disk Encrypted file Open Source VeraCrypt
VC6Graphite – 2D and 3D drafting Ashlar-Vellum
VCLSVocaListener voice scanner fileVocaListener Plug-in (Vocaloid3)
VDA Targa bitmap graphicsmany raster graphics editors
VDIVirtual Disk Image VirtualBox
VDWVisio web drawing Microsoft Visio
VDXVisio XML drawingMicrosoft Visio
VFD Virtual Floppy Disk Windows Virtual PC (among others)
VIVirtual Instrument LabVIEW
VMCZHyper-V Exported Virtual Machine Microsoft
VMDK [19] Virtual Disk file VMware
VMGNokia message file formatText Message Editor (Nokia PC Suite)
VOB [20] [21] Video Object DVD-R, DVD-RW
VMXvirtual machine configuration file VMware
VPK Valve package Source engine games
VPM Garmin Voice Processing Module
VPPVisual Paradigm Project Visual Paradigm for UML
VPRVocal synthesizer track data Vocaloid 5
VQM Hardware description language Altera
VRBLateX Beamer file containing verbatim commands LaTeX Beamer
VRBVeeam reversed incremental backup archive Veeam software
VSVellum Solids Ashlar-Vellum
VSDVisio drawingMicrosoft Visio
VSDX [22] Visio drawingMicrosoft Visio
VSMVisual Simulation Model VisSim
VSQVocal synthesizer track data Vocaloid 2
VSQxVocal synthesizer track data Vocaloid 3, Vocaloid 4
VST Truevision Vista graphicsmany raster graphics editors
VSTOMicrosoft Office add-in file Microsoft Visual Studio
VSVNBAKVisualSVN Server repository backup VisualSVN Server
VTFValve Texture Format file [23] Valve Corporation
VUEVisual Understanding Environment map Visual Understanding Environment


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
WAD Default package format for Doom that contains sprites, levels, and game data Doom and Doom II
WAD Package containing Wii Channel data, such as Virtual Console games. It is commonly used in homebrew to install custom channels, and can be installed with a WAD Manager Nintendo Wii
WAV Sound format (Microsoft Windows RIFF WAVE)Media Player
WEBM Royalty-free video/audio container HTML5
WINGame code for GameMaker games GameMaker
WITNESS_CAMPAIGNGame save file for The Witness The Witness
WK1Spreadsheet Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x – Lotus Symphony 1.1+
WK3SpreadsheetLotus 1-2-3 version 3.x
WKSSpreadsheetLotus 1-2-3 version 1A – Lotus Symphony 1.0, Microsoft Works
WLWolfram Language package [24] [25]
WLMPWindows Live Moviemaker Project, contains paths from where the images/audios/videos of the project are located Windows Live Movie Maker [26]
WLSWolfram Script [27] Wolfram Language
WMAWindows Media Audio file Advanced Systems Format
WMDBWindows Media Player database Windows Media Player
WMF Windows MetaFile vector graphics
WMVWindows Media Video file Advanced Systems Format
WOSWoS bibliographic reference fileISI/Clarivate Analytics
WPSWii U plugin for aromaAroma Environnement (Wii U)
WSWhitespace programming language, WonderSwan ROM [28] Whitespace programming language, WonderSwan ROM
WSCWonderSwan Color ROM
WTXText document
WUHBWii U Homebrew BundleAroma environnement (Wii U)


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
XLEX source code file
XXBasic Source code file Xbasic
X3Dx3d and xdart Formats
XAR Xara graphics fileFiles created by Xara Photo & Graphic Designer (formerly Xara Xtreme and Xara Studio); early versions used the extension ART
XAR eXtensible ARchive xar, 7-Zip
XBRLeXtensible Business Reporting Language instance file eXtensible Business Reporting Language
XCF Gimp image file GNU Image Manipulation Program
XDMDirectory Manipulator for 32-bit Protected ModeXenotech Research Labs
XEXenon – for Associative 3D Modeling Ashlar-Vellum
XEX Xbox 360 Executable File
XLRMicrosoft Works spreadsheet or chart file, very similar to Microsoft Excel's XLS Microsoft Works
XLS [29] Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel
XLSBMicrosoft Excel 2007 Binary Workbook (BIFF12)(Spreadsheets)Microsoft Excel 2007 (see Microsoft Office 2007 file extensions)
XLSMMicrosoft Excel 2007 Macro-Enabled Workbook (Spreadsheets)Microsoft Excel 2007 (see Microsoft Office 2007 file extensions)
XLSX [30] Office Open XML Workbook (Spreadsheets)Microsoft Excel 2007 (see Microsoft Office 2007 file extensions)
XM FastTracker 2 extended moduleAWAVE, Mod4Win, FastTracker, ImpulseTracker
XML eXtensible Markup Language file
XMF eXtensible Music Format
XPeXtended Pattern FastTracker 2
XPL X-Plane system fileLaminar Research
XPS Open XML Paper Specification / OpenXPSOpen standard document format initially created by Microsoft and similar in concept to Adobe PDF files
XSD [31] [32] XML schema description
XSFdataMicrosoft InfoPath file
XSL [33] XSL Stylesheet
XSLT [33] XSLT file
XSNMicrosoft InfoPath templateMicrosoft InfoPath
XSPF XML Sharable Playlist Format
XXXX-encoded file (ASCII) XXDECODE
XXXSinger Embroidery FormatEmbroidermodder
XYZMolecular coordinatesXMol, RasMol
XZa lossless data compression file format incorporating the LZMA/LZMA2 compression algorithms. xz


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
YYACC grammar file Yacc/Bison
YML [34] YML markup filedomain specific language output to XML
YAML [35] YAML source file YAML (data serialization language)


Ext.DescriptionUsed by
ZIP [36] ZIP (file format) PKZip – WinZip – Mac OS X
ZRX REXX scripting language for ZOC_(software) ZOC terminal emulator
ZSScript for Minecraft mod MineTweaker [37] and CraftTweaker [38] Minecraft Mods
ZST ZStandard, a lossless data compression file format.zstd

See also


  1. "CGIS-SAIF Canadian geomatics interchange standard: spatial archive and interchange format: formal definition (release 3.2)". British Columbia Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy. December 1992. Retrieved 2020-09-25.
  2. 1 2 "Syntax". Retrieved 2020-09-25.
  3. "SQL Server Compact and LINQ to SQL". Microsoft Docs. Retrieved 12 January 2021.
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  5. "Overview of JPEG". Retrieved 2020-09-27.
  6. "MIME Types and File Extensions". XiphWiki. 2009-10-04. Retrieved 2009-10-24.
  7. I. Goncalves; S. Pfeiffer; C. Montgomery (2008). Ogg Media Types. sec. 10. doi: 10.17487/RFC5334 . RFC 5334.
  8. 1 2 "Alignment Fileformats". 22 May 2019. Retrieved 22 May 2019.
  9. "SWF File Format Specification Version 10" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-01-31. Retrieved 2012-02-26.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "GNU tar 1.32: 8.1 Using Less Space through Compression". GNU. 2019-02-23. Retrieved 2019-08-11.
  11. "COM, DCOM, and Type Libraries". Microsoft. 2020-05-31. Retrieved 2020-10-02.
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  13. "BEP-0003: The BitTorrent Protocol Specification". Retrieved 2009-10-22.
  14. "TypeScript Documentation: The Basics".
  15. "Definition of tab-separated-values (tsv)". Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
  16. "V64 File - What is a .v64 file and how do I open it?". Retrieved 2023-11-26.
  17. "Oracle VM VirtualBox User Manual, Chapter 10. Technical background". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 28 December 2016.
  18. "Oracle VM VirtualBox User Manual, Chapter 1.5. Installing VirtualBox and extension packs". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 28 December 2016.
  19. "Virtual Disk Format 5.0" (PDF). VMware. December 20, 2011.
  20. DVD FLLC (2009-02) DVD Book Construction – list of all available DVD Books, Retrieved on 2009-07-24
  21. DVD FLLC DVD Format Book – History of Supplements for DVD Books, Retrieved on 2009-07-24
  22. "Introduction to the Visio file format (.vsdx)". Microsoft. 2015-03-09. Retrieved 2020-11-04.
  23. "Valve Texture Format". developer.valvesoftware. Retrieved 2022-09-07.
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