List of massively multiplayer online real-time strategy games

Last updated

This is a selected list of massively multiplayer online real-time strategy games . MMORTSs are large multi-user games that take place in perpetual online worlds with hundreds or thousands of other players.


Business models

MMORTSs today use a wide range of business models, from completely free of charge (no strings attached) or advertise funded to various kinds of payment plans. This list uses the following terms.

List of notable MMORTSs

TitleDeveloperStatusGraphicsSettingSubscription ModelInitial Release DateServer Close DatePlatformNotes
IAH: INTERNET WAR ShowrunnerDevelopment3DScifiSubscriptionWindows
8Realms Jagex Defunct2DHistoricalFree to playMay 5, 2011July 1, 2012Browser-based
Age of Empires Online Robot Entertainment, Gas Powered Games Released3DAncientFree to playAugust 16, 2011July 1, 2014 Microsoft Windows Official servers were closed, Project Celeste server emulator started in 2017 and still available for play. [1]
AstrolordsAratogReleased3DSpace StrategyFreemiumJune 2014
Battle for the GalaxyAMT gamesReleased3DIntergalacticFreemiumNovember 2014
Beyond ProtocolDark Sky EntertainmentDefunct3DIntergalacticNovember 2008Microsoft Windows
Blitzkrieg 3 Nival Released3D World War II Buy gameMay 2015Microsoft Windows
Boom Beach Supercell Released3DContemporaryFreemiumJune 26, 2014Android, IOS
Call of WarBytro LabsReleased2D World War II FreemiumOctober 21, 2017Browser-based
Cities WarWillyReleased2DFreemiumAugust 6, 2018Browser-based
DarkSpace PalestarReleased3DIntergalacticDecember 21, 2001Microsoft Windows
Dawn of Fantasy Reverie World StudiosReleased3DMedievalSeptember 6, 2011Microsoft Windows
Dawn of Gods Aeria Games, U9 TimeReleased2DReal-Time StrategyFebruary 18, 2016Android, IOS
Dofus Ankama Released Isometric 3D Fantasy / Anime Freemium September 1, 2005 Cross-platform play
DomiNations Nexon, Big Huge Games Released2DHistoricalFreemiumApril 1, 2015Android, IOS
Dreamlords LockPick EntertainmentReleased3DFantasyFebruary 15, 2007Browser-based
End of Nations Trion Worlds Cancelled3DSci-fiTBA
eRepublik eRepublik LabsReleased2DContemporaryFree to playOctober 14, 2008Browser-based
Evony Evony, LLC Released3DHistoricalMay 6, 2009Browser-based
Fatelords Zygimantas BerziunasDefunctSci-fi2002Browser-based
Happy Farm 5 MinutesReleased2DContemporaryQ4 2008
Heroes of Gaia Snail Released2DFantasyFreemiumOctober 22, 2009Browser-based
HyperiumsHyperiumsReleased2DIntergalacticFreemiumJanuary 2001
Ikariam GameforgeReleased2DHistoricalFebruary 2008Browser-based
Illyriad Illyriad Games LtdReleased2DMedieval fantasyFreemiumMarch 31, 2011Browser-based
Imperia Online Imperia Online JSC Released2DMedievalFreemiumAugust 23, 2005
Imperium Galactic War Kabam , Vavel Games Released2DSci-fiFreemiumFebruary 16, 2013Browser, Windows, macOS
Kingdoms Of MaraziaFire Dragon StudiosReleased3DMedieval fantasyBuy GameAugust 6, 2018
Legends WorldReleasedFreemiumMay 10, 2015
Lord of Ultima EA Phenomic Defunct2DMedievalFreemiumApril 20, 2010May 12, 2014
Mankind Vibes Online GamingDefunct3DSci-fiDecember 1998October 2015Microsoft Windows
MechheroIntelligence Inside SolutionsReleased3DRobots WarFreemiumLink -
Monopoly City StreetsTribal DDBReleasedSeptember 9, 2009
Mudcraft The LlamaPadReleased2DFantasy2004Browser-based
NeuroSlicersDream HarvestIn-Development3DPost CyberpunkPay-to-play Free-to-startTBA
OGame Gameforge Released2DSci-fi2002Browser-based
Pirates: Tides of Fortune Plarium Released2DHistorical2012Browser-based
RivalityFunRockDefunct2DContemporaryFree to playOctober 1, 2008August 2022Browser-based
Saga Wahoo Released3DFantasyMarch 4, 2008Microsoft Windows
Samurai Taisen PST TeamReleased2DSengoku periodFreemiumMay 6, 2013Browser-based
Screeps Screeps, LLCReleased2DProgrammingSubscriptionNovember 16, 2016Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Linux, Browser Live demo (no registration required)
Shattered Galaxy Kru Released2DSci-fiAugust 30, 2001Microsoft Windows
Society Stardock In-DevelopmentFantasyTBAMicrosoft Windows
Soldiers Inc. Plarium Released2DContemporary2013Browser-based
Sparta: War of Empires Plarium Released2DHistoricalFreemium2014Browser-based
Starborne: Sovereign Space Solid Clouds Released3DIntergalacticApril 2020Microsoft Windows
Starfall Online Snowforged EntertainmentReleased3DIntergalacticFebruary 20, 2020Microsoft Windows
StarPeace Oceanus CommunicationsReleased2DSci-fi2000Microsoft Windows City-building game, much like SimCity .
Stormfall: Age of War Plarium Released2DFantasyFreemium2012Browser-based
Stronghold Kingdoms Firefly Studios Released2DHistoricalFreemiumOctober 17, 2012Browser-based
Time of Defiance Nicely Crafted EntertainmentDefunct3DSci-fiBuy GameAugust 21, 2002July 28, 2010Microsoft Windows
Travian Travian Games GmbHReleased2DHistoricalFreemiumSeptember 5, 2004Browser-based
TribalWars InnogamesReleased2DHistorical2006Browser-based
Vega Conflict Kixeye Released2DSci-fi2013Windows, Android, IOS
War of Legends Jagex Defunct2DAncient ChinaJanuary 19, 2010December 22, 2014Browser-basedAvailable in English and German
World War Online Chilltime Released3DModern WarfareFreemiumAugust 2010Link -
X-Wars MediatainmentDefunct3DModern WarfareFreemiumAugust 2002April 2012Browser-based
Ymir OnlineThibaud MichaudEarly Access2DStone AgeBuy GameMarch 2019Link -
ZandagortZanda GamesDefunct2DSci-fiAbsolutely FreeQ3 2008November 29, 2012Available in English and Hungarian

See also


  1. "Age Of Empires Online - Project Celeste". Age of Empires Online - Project Celeste. Retrieved 2020-12-12.