List of optics equations

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This article summarizes equations used in optics, including geometric optics, physical optics, radiometry, diffraction, and interferometry.



Geometric optics (luminal rays)

General fundamental quantities

Quantity (common name/s)(Common) symbol/sSI unitsDimension
Object distancex, s, d, u,x1, s1, d1, u1m[L]
Image distancex', s', d', v,x2, s2, d2, v2m[L]
Object heighty, h,y1, h1m[L]
Image heighty', h', H,y2, h2, H2m[L]
Angle subtended by objectθ, θo,θ1raddimensionless
Angle subtended by imageθ', θi,θ2raddimensionless
Curvature radius of lens/mirrorr, Rm[L]
Focal lengthfm[L]
Quantity (common name/s)(Common) symbol/sDefining equationSI unitsDimension
Lens powerPm−1 = D (dioptre)[L]−1
Lateral magnificationmdimensionlessdimensionless
Angular magnificationmdimensionlessdimensionless

Physical optics (EM luminal waves)

There are different forms of the Poynting vector, the most common are in terms of the E and B or E and H fields.

Quantity (common name/s)(Common) symbol/sDefining equationSI unitsDimension
Poynting vector S, NW m2[M][T]3
Poynting flux, EM field power flowΦS, ΦNW[M][L]2[T]3
RMS Electric field of LightErmsN C1 = V m1[M][L][T]3[I]1
Radiation momentump, pEM, prJ s m1[M][L][T]1
Radiation pressure Pr, pr, PEMW m2[M][T]3


Visulization of flux through differential area and solid angle. As always
{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {n}} \,\!}
is the unit normal to the incident surface A,
{\displaystyle \mathrm {d} \mathbf {A} =\mathbf {\hat {n}} \mathrm {d} A\,\!}
, and
{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{\angle }\,\!}
is a unit vector in the direction of incident flux on the area element, th is the angle between them. The factor
{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {n}} \cdot \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{\angle }\mathrm {d} A=\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{\angle }\cdot \mathrm {d} \mathbf {A} =\cos \theta \mathrm {d} A\,\!}
arises when the flux is not normal to the surface element, so the area normal to the flux is reduced. Flux and solid angle.svg
Visulization of flux through differential area and solid angle. As always is the unit normal to the incident surface A, , and is a unit vector in the direction of incident flux on the area element, θ is the angle between them. The factor arises when the flux is not normal to the surface element, so the area normal to the flux is reduced.

For spectral quantities two definitions are in use to refer to the same quantity, in terms of frequency or wavelength.

Quantity (common name/s)(Common) symbol/sDefining equationSI unitsDimension
Radiant energy Q, E, Qe, EeJ[M][L]2[T]2
Radiant exposure HeJ m2[M][T]3
Radiant energy densityωeJ m3[M][L]3
Radiant flux, radiant powerΦ, ΦeW[M][L]2[T]3
Radiant intensity I, IeW sr1[M][L]2[T]3
Radiance, intensityL, LeW sr1 m2[M][T]3
Irradiance E, I, Ee, IeW m2[M][T]3
Radiant exitance, radiant emittanceM, MeW m2[M][T]3
Radiosity J, Jν, Je, JW m2[M][T]3
Spectral radiant flux, spectral radiant powerΦλ, Φν, Φ, Φ

W m1 (Φλ)
W Hz1 = J (Φν)
[M][L]3[T]3 (Φλ)
[M][L]2[T]2 (Φν)
Spectral radiant intensityIλ, Iν, I, I

W sr1 m1 (Iλ)
W sr1 Hz1 (Iν)
[M][L]3[T]3 (Iλ)
[M][L]2[T]2 (Iν)
Spectral radiance Lλ, Lν, L, L

W sr−1 m−3 (Lλ)
W sr−1 m−2 Hz−1 (Lν)
[M][L]−1[T]−3 (Lλ)
[M][L]−2[T]−2 (Lν)
Spectral irradiance Eλ, Eν, E, E

W m−3 (Eλ)
W m−2 Hz−1 (Eν)
[M][L]−1[T]−3 (Eλ)
[M][L]−2[T]−2 (Eν)


Luminal electromagnetic waves

Physical situationNomenclatureEquations
Energy density in an EM wave = mean energy densityFor a dielectric:
Kinetic and potential momenta (non-standard terms in use)Potential momentum:

Kinetic momentum:

Canonical momentum:

Irradiance, light intensity
  • = time averaged poynting vector
  • I = irradiance
  • I0 = intensity of source
  • P0 = power of point source
  • Ω = solid angle
  • r = radial position from source

At a spherical surface:

Doppler effect for light (relativistic)

Cherenkov radiation, cone angle
Electric and magnetic amplitudes
  • E = electric field
  • H = magnetic field strength
For a dielectric

EM wave componentsElectric


Geometric optics

Physical situationNomenclatureEquations
Critical angle (optics)
  • n1 = refractive index of initial medium
  • n2 = refractive index of final medium
  • θc = critical angle
Thin lens equation
  • f = lens focal length
  • x1 = object length
  • x2 = image length
  • r1 = incident curvature radius
  • r2 = refracted curvature radius

Lens focal length from refraction indices

Image distance in a plane mirror
Spherical mirror r = curvature radius of mirrorSpherical mirror equation

Image distance in a spherical mirror

Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to initial and final optical media respectively.

These ratios are sometimes also used, following simply from other definitions of refractive index, wave phase velocity, and the luminal speed equation:



Physical situationNomenclatureEquations
Angle of total polarisation θB = Reflective polarization angle, Brewster's angle
intensity from polarized light, Malus's law
  • I0 = Initial intensity,
  • I = Transmitted intensity,
  • θ = Polarization angle between polarizer transmission axes and electric field vector

Diffraction and interference

Property or effectNomenclatureEquation
Thin film in air
  • n1 = refractive index of initial medium (before film interference)
  • n2 = refractive index of final medium (after film interference)
  • Min:
  • Max:
The grating equation
  • a = width of aperture, slit width
  • α = incident angle to the normal of the grating plane
Rayleigh's criterion
Bragg's law (solid state diffraction)
  • d = lattice spacing
  • δ = phase difference between two waves
  • For constructive interference:
  • For destructive interference:


Single slit diffraction intensity
  • I0 = source intensity
  • Wave phase through apertures

N-slit diffraction (N ≥ 2)
  • d = centre-to-centre separation of slits
  • N = number of slits
  • Phase between N waves emerging from each slit

N-slit diffraction (all N)
Circular aperture intensity
Amplitude for a general planar aperture Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates are used, xy plane contains aperture
  • A, amplitude at position r
  • r' = source point in the aperture
  • Einc, magnitude of incident electric field at aperture
Near-field (Fresnel)

Far-field (Fraunhofer)

Huygens–Fresnel–Kirchhoff principle
  • r0 = position from source to aperture, incident on it
  • r = position from aperture diffracted from it to a point
  • α0 = incident angle with respect to the normal, from source to aperture
  • α = diffracted angle, from aperture to a point
  • S = imaginary surface bounded by aperture
  • = unit normal vector to the aperture
Kirchhoff's diffraction formula

Astrophysics definitions

In astrophysics, L is used for luminosity (energy per unit time, equivalent to power) and F is used for energy flux (energy per unit time per unit area, equivalent to intensity in terms of area, not solid angle). They are not new quantities, simply different names.

Quantity (common name/s)(Common) symbol/sDefining equationSI unitsDimension
Comoving transverse distanceDMpc (parsecs)[L]
Luminosity distance DLpc (parsecs)[L]
Apparent magnitude in band j (UV, visible and IR parts of EM spectrum) (Bolometric)mdimensionlessdimensionless
Absolute magnitude


Distance modulus μdimensionlessdimensionless
Colour indices (No standard symbols)

Bolometric correction Cbol (No standard symbol)dimensionlessdimensionless

See also


Further reading

Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Relativistic wave equations</span> Wave equations respecting special and general relativity

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