List of equations in nuclear and particle physics

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This article summarizes equations in the theory of nuclear physics and particle physics.




(common name/s)

(Common) symbol/sDefining equationSI unitsDimension
Number of atomsN = Number of atoms remaining at time t

N0 = Initial number of atoms at time t = 0
ND = Number of atoms decayed at time t

Decay rate, activity of a radioisotope ABq = Hz = s1[T]1
Decay constant λBq = Hz = s1[T]1
Half-life of a radioisotope t1/2, T1/2Time taken for half the number of atoms present to decay

Number of half-livesn (no standard symbol)dimensionlessdimensionless
Radioisotope time constant, mean lifetime of an atom before decayτ (no standard symbol)s[T]
Absorbed dose, total ionizing dose (total energy of radiation transferred to unit mass)D can only be found experimentallyN/AGy = 1 J/kg (Gray)[L]2[T]−2
Equivalent dose H

Q = radiation quality factor (dimensionless)

Sv = J kg−1 (Sievert)[L]2[T]−2
Effective dose E

Wj = weighting factors corresponding to radiosensitivities of matter (dimensionless)

Sv = J kg−1 (Sievert)[L]2[T]−2


Nuclear structure

Physical situationNomenclatureEquations
Mass number
  • A = (Relative) atomic mass = Mass number = Sum of protons and neutrons
  • N = Number of neutrons
  • Z = Atomic number = Number of protons = Number of electrons
Mass in nuclei
  • M'nuc = Mass of nucleus, bound nucleons
  • MΣ = Sum of masses for isolated nucleons
  • mp = proton rest mass
  • mn = neutron rest mass
Nuclear radius r0 ≈ 1.2 fm

hence (approximately)

  • nuclear volume ∝ A
  • nuclear surface ∝ A2/3
Nuclear binding energy, empirical curveDimensionless parameters to fit experiment:
  • EB = binding energy,
  • av = nuclear volume coefficient,
  • as = nuclear surface coefficient,
  • ac = electrostatic interaction coefficient,
  • aa = symmetry/asymmetry extent coefficient for the numbers of neutrons/protons,
where (due to pairing of nuclei)
  • δ(N, Z) = +1 even N, even Z,
  • δ(N, Z) = −1 odd N, odd Z,
  • δ(N, Z) = 0 odd A

Nuclear decay

Physical situationNomenclatureEquations
Radioactive decay
  • N0 = Initial number of atoms
  • N = Number of atoms at time t
  • λ = Decay constant
  • t = Time
Statistical decay of a radionuclide:

Bateman's equations
Radiation flux
  • I0 = Initial intensity/Flux of radiation
  • I = Number of atoms at time t
  • μ = Linear absorption coefficient
  • x = Thickness of substance

Nuclear scattering theory

The following apply for the nuclear reaction:

a + bRc

in the centre of mass frame, where a and b are the initial species about to collide, c is the final species, and R is the resonant state.

Physical situationNomenclatureEquations
Breit-Wigner formula
  • E0 = Resonant energy
  • Γ, Γab, Γc are widths of R, a + b, c respectively
  • k = incoming wavenumber
  • s = spin angular momenta of a and b
  • J = total angular momentum of R

Spin factor:

Total width:

Resonance lifetime:

Born scattering
  • r = radial distance
  • μ = Scattering angle
  • A = 2 (spin-0), −1 (spin-half particles)
  • Δk = change in wavevector due to scattering
  • V = total interaction potential
  • V = total interaction potential
Differential cross-section:

Mott scattering
  • χ = reduced mass of a and b
  • v = incoming velocity
Differential cross-section (for identical particles in a coulomb potential, in centre of mass frame):

Scattering potential energy (α = constant):

Rutherford scattering Differential cross-section (non-identical particles in a coulomb potential):

Fundamental forces

These equations need to be refined such that the notation is defined as has been done for the previous sets of equations.

Strong force
Electroweak interaction
Quantum electrodynamics

See also



    Further reading

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