List of radio station callsigns in Western Australia

Last updated

The following is a list of Australian radio station callsigns beginning [1] with the number 6, indicating radio stations in the state of Western Australia.


CallsignArea servedFrequencyBandOn-air IDPurposeSite
6AAY Albany 095.3FMHit AlbanyCommercial
6ABCCT Western Australia variousFMABC CountryNational
6ABCFM Western Australia variousFM ABC Classic National
6ABCGS Western Australia variousFM ABC Sport National
6ABCRN Western Australia variousFM Radio National National
6ABCRR Western Australia variousFMABC Local RadioNational
6ACR Remote Aboriginal communities [2] various [2] FMNational Indigenous Radio ServiceCommunity
6AL Albany 0630AMABC Great SouthernNational
6AM Northam 0864AMRadio WestCommercial
6AUG Augusta 097.1FM2oceansFMCommunity
6BAY Geraldton 098.1FMTriple MCommercial
6BE Broome 0675AMABC KimberleyNational
6BET Bridgetown 100.5FMHit SouthwestCommercial
6BR Bridgetown 1044AMABC South WestNational
6BS Busselton / Bunbury 0684AMABC South WestNational
6BUN Bunbury 095.7FMHit SouthwestCommercial
6BY Bridgetown 0900AMRadio WestCommercial
6CA Carnarvon 0846AMABC PilbaraNational
6CAR Carnarvon 099.7FMHit 99.7 CarnarvonCommercial Archived 10 August 2017 at the Wayback Machine
6CCR Fremantle 107.9FMRadio FremantleCommunity
6CKI Cocos Islands 096FM6CKICommunity
6CRA Albany 100.9FM4ufmCommunity
6CST Mandurah 097.3FMCoast FMCommercial
6DB Derby 0873AMABC KimberleyNational
6DBY Derby 097.9FM6DBYCommunity
6DL Dalwallinu 0531AMABC Mid West & WheatbeltNational
6EBA Perth 095.3FM6EBACommunity
6ED Esperance 0837AMABC EsperanceNational
6EL Bunbury 0621AMSEN SpiritCommercial
6ESP Esperance 103.9FMHope FMCommunity
6FMS Remote Commercial Radio Service Western ZonevariousFMHit WA


6FX Fitzroy Crossing 0936AMWangki Yupurnanupurru RadioCommunity
6GF Kalgoorlie 0648AMABC GoldfieldsNational
6GGG Geraldton 096.5FMHit 96.5Commercial
6GME Broome 099.7FMRadio GoolarriCommunity
6GN Geraldton 0828AMABC Mid West & WheatbeltNational
6HCR Port Hedland 101.3FM101.3 FMCommunity
6HED Port Hedland 091.7FMHit 91.7 Port HeadlandCommercial
6HFM Armadale 107.3FMHFMCommunity
6HRV Harvey 096.5FM96.5 FMCommunity
6IX Perth 1080AM6iXCommercial
6JJJ Western Australia variousFMTriple JNational
6KA Karratha 102.5FMTriple MCommercial
6KAN Katanning 094.9FMHit Great SouthernCommercial
6KAR Kalgoorlie 097.9FMHit GoldfieldsCommercial
6KCR Kalamunda 102.5FMKCRCommunity
6KG Kalgoorlie 0981AMRadio WestCommercial
6KP Karratha 0702AMABC PilbaraNational
6KW Kununurra 0819AMABC KimberleyNational
6LN Carnarvon 0666AMClassic Hits 666Commercial Archived 10 August 2017 at the Wayback Machine
6MD Merredin 1098AMRadio WestCommercial
6MER Merredin 105.1FMHit WheatbeltCommercial
6MIX Perth 094.5FMMix 94.5Commercial
6MJ Manjimup 0738AMABC South WestNational
6MKA Meekatharra 098.3FMMeeka FMCommunity
6MM Mandurah 91.7FM91.7 The WaveCommercial
6MMM Perth 092.9FMTriple MCommercial
6MN Newman 0567AMABC PilbaraNational
6NA Narrogin 0918AMRadio WestCommercial
6NAM Northam 096.5FMHit WheatbeltCommercial
6NAN Narrogin 100.5FMHit Great SouthernCommercial
6NEW Newman 092.9FM6NEWCommunity
6NM Northam 1215AMABC Mid West & WheatbeltNational
6NME Perth 100.9FMNoongar RadioCommunity
6NOW Perth 096.1FM96FMCommercial
6NR Perth 100.1FMCurtin RadioCommunity
6NW Port Hedland 94.1FMTriple MCommercial
6PAC Kalgoorlie 096.3FMTjuma 96.3Community
6PB Western Australia variousAMABC NewsRadioNational
6PER Perth 093.7FMNova 93.7Commercial
6PH Port Hedland 0603AMABC PilbaraNational
6PN Pannawonica 0567AMABC PilbaraNational
6PNN Western Australia variousFMABC NewsRadioNational
6PR Perth 0882AM6PRCommercial
6PRK Halls Creek 098.1FM6PRKCommunity
6PU Paraburdoo 0567AMABC PilbaraNational
6RCI Christmas Island 105.3 & 102.1FM6RCICommunity
6RED Karratha 106.5FMhit KarrathaCommercial
6RN Western Australia variousAMRadio NationalNational
6RTR Perth 092.1FMRTR FMCommunity
6SAT Remote Commercial Radio Service Western ZonevariousFMTriple MCommercial
6SBSCH Western Australia variousFMSBS ChillNational
6SBSFM Western Australia variousFMSBS RadioNational
6SE Esperance 0747AMRadio WestCommercial
6SEA Esperance 102.3FMHit 102.3 EsperanceCommercial
6SEN Perth 101.7FMCapital Community RadioCommunity
6SON Perth 098.5FMSonshine FMCommunity
6TCR Wanneroo 089.7FM89.7 FMCommunity
6TP Tom Price 0567AMABC PilbaraNational
6TZ Bunbury 0963AMRadio WestCommercial
6VA Albany 0783AMRadio WestCommercial
6WA Wagin 0558AMABC Great SouthernNational
6WB Katanning 1071AMRadio WestCommercial
6WF Perth 0720AMABC PerthNational
6WH Wyndham 1017AMABC KimberleyNational
6WR Kununurra 0693AM6WRCommunity
6WSM Fremantle 091.3FMSport FMCommunity
6XM Exmouth 1188AMABC PilbaraNational
6YCR York 101.3FMVoice of the AvonCommunity

Defunct callsigns

CallsignArea servedFrequencyBandFateFreq currentlyPurpose
6AR Perth 1170AMMoved to FM in 2003, retained callsilentCommunity
6AR Perth 100.9FMShut down in 2007 6NME Community
6BY Bunbury 980AMShut down in 1935Commercial
6CI Collie 1134AMBecame repeater of 6TZ, Nov 1996 6TZ Collie Commercial
6GE Geraldton 1008AMMoved to FM in 1991 as 6GGG Commercial
6GL Perth 1080AMCallsign of 6IX between 1988 and 1991 6IX Commercial
6JKY Perth 094.5FMChanged call to 66MIX in 1998 6MIX Commercial
6KY Perth 1206AMMoved to FM in 1991 as 6JKY 6TAB (HPON)Commercial
6ML Perth 1130AMClosed May 1943 6TZ Collie Commercial
6NR Perth 0927AMMoved to FM in 2002, retained callsilentCommunity
6PCR Fremantle 091.3FMShut down in 2008 6WSM Community
6PM Perth 0990AMMoved to FM in 1991 as 6PPM TCBL (Vision Australia Radio)Commercial
6PPM Perth 092.9FMChanged call to 6MMM in 2020 6MMM Commercial
6RPH Perth 0990AMShut down in 2015 TCBL (Vision Australia Radio)Community
6TTT Geraldton 097.3FMShut down in 2011silentCommunity
6UVS Perth 092.1FMChanged call to 6RTR in 1991 6RTR Community
6UWA Perth 092.1FMChanged call to 6UVS in 1979see 6UVSCommunity
6WN Perth 0810AMChanged call to 6RN in 19916RNNational
6YMS Perth 101.7FMShut down in 20086SENCommunity

Defunct Short Wave callsigns

CallsignArea servedFrequency (MHz)BandFateFreq currentlyPurpose
6ME [3] International031 metresSWEarly 1930s to 1939silentNational
VLW6 Remote Western Australia 06.14SWShut down in the 1980ssilentNational
VLW9 [4] Remote Western Australia 09.61SWShut down in the 1980ssilentNational
VLW15Remote Western Australia 15.425SWShut down in the 1980ssilentNational
VLX [5] Remote Western Australia 60 metresSW1949+, Shut down in the 1980s?silentNational

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Call signs in Australia are allocated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority and are unique for each broadcast station. The use of callsigns on-air in both radio and television in Australia is optional, so many stations used other on-air identifications. Australian broadcast stations officially have the prefix VL- and originally all callsigns used that format, but since Australia has no nearby neighbours, this prefix is no longer used except in an international context.

The history of broadcasting in Australia has been shaped for over a century by the problem of communication across long distances, coupled with a strong base in a wealthy society with a deep taste for aural communications in a silent landscape. Australia developed its own system, through its own engineers, manufacturers, retailers, newspapers, entertainment services, and news agencies. The government set up the first radio system, and business interests marginalized the hobbyists and amateurs. The Labor Party was especially interested in radio because it allowed them to bypass the newspapers, which were mostly controlled by the opposition. Both parties agreed on the need for a national system, and in 1932 set up the Australian Broadcasting Commission, as a government agency that was largely separate from political interference.


  1. Or in the case of Short Wave Radio - known to have had the signals generated in Western Australia
  2. 1 2 Consists of 11 separately licensed stations using the same callsign: Balgo 106.1, Beagle Bay 106.1, Jigalong 106.1, Kalumburu 106.1, Kiwirrkurra 106.1, Lagrange 106.1, Looma 106.1, Tjukurla 106.1, Warmun 106.1, Wingellina 106.1, and Yungngora 106.1. At least three defunct stations used the 6ACR callsign: Djarindjin 106.1, Oombulgurri 106.1, and Yandeearra 106.1.
  3. "New Station Opens on Monday". The Daily News (Perth, Western Australia) . Vol. LV, no. 19, 342. Western Australia. 19 March 1937. p. 2. Retrieved 16 January 2024.
  4. Australian Broadcasting Commission (24 June 1958), "SW Transmitters, Home Service (24 June 1958)", ABC Weekly, 20 (26), ABC: 46, retrieved 17 January 2024
  5. "A New Radio Station". The West Australian . Vol. 65, no. 19, 578. Western Australia. 16 April 1949. p. 5. Retrieved 16 January 2024 via National Library of Australia.