Euthanasia or mercy killing – the killing of any being with compassionate reasoning; e.g., significant injury or disease.
Familiaricide in commutatione eius possessio – the act of killing a family for their property and/or possessions (from Latin: familiaris "of a household"; in commutatione eius "in exchange for"; and possessio "a possession or property").
Femicide, gynecide, gynaecide, or gynocide – the systematic killing of women.
Epistemicide – the systematic extermination of an entire knowledge system or intellectual heritage of a group, society or people.
Mundicide – the genocide of an entire planet or similar celestial object. Various degrees of mundicide occur throughout the universe, caused by such things as supernovas, or in the realm of science-fiction; Dark forest hypothesis. An idea popularized by Chinese author, Cixin Liu
Urbicide – the destruction of a city or the stifling of urbanisation (urbs is Latin for "city").
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