Lochmuir is a brand name for salmon created by UK retailer Marks & Spencer to help market Scottish salmon. The name was chosen by a panel of consumers as it represented and reinforced the concept that the salmon was from Scotland. The fish is sourced from salmon fish farms in various regions of Scotland.[ citation needed ] The name brand was launched in mid-2006. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
The salmon is farmed at sites around Scotland by supplier Scottish Sea Farms. [7] According to the supplier, it is grown on farms in Scotland, Shetland and Orkney. [8] The salmon are given a unique feed to make them rich in omega-3 fatty acid, and are allowed to grow more slowly than the Norwegian salmon that make up most of the UK supply. [9]
Scottish Sea Farms also won two other award categories. Farm Manager of the Year is David Duffy from Dunstaffnage. David joined Scottish Sea Farms as a school leaver 16 years ago and the award recognises his contribution to developing the Lochmuir salmon farming programme for Marks & Spencer.