MOPP (protective gear)

Last updated
U.S. Marines in MOPP 4 gear during the 2003 invasion of Iraq MOPP 4 high res.JPEG
U.S. Marines in MOPP 4 gear during the 2003 invasion of Iraq
U.S. Army soldiers test MOPP 4 gear at the Yuma Proving Ground's Tropic Regions Test Center in Hawaii US Army MOPP-4 testing at YPGs TRTC in Hawaii.png
U.S. Army soldiers test MOPP 4 gear at the Yuma Proving Ground's Tropic Regions Test Center in Hawaii

MOPP (Mission Oriented Protective Posture; pronounced "mop") is protective gear used by U.S. military personnel in a toxic environment, for example, during a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) strike.


Protective equipment

MOPP protection levels

Turkish Firefighters in MOPP 4 level gear during an exercise held at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey TurkishFirefighterMOPP4.jpeg
Turkish Firefighters in MOPP 4 level gear during an exercise held at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey

Each MOPP level corresponds to an increasing level of protection. The readiness level will usually be dictated by the in-theatre commander. [1] [2]

See also


  1. "FM 3-4 Chptr 2 MOPP Analysis". 1990-05-23. Retrieved 2018-07-11.
  2. "5 Levels of MOPP". Retrieved 2018-07-11.