Macrotera portalis | |
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Face of a large-headed, flightless male of Macrotera portalis. Specimen is deposited in the Snow Entomological Museum at the University of Kansas (accession #SMO290071). Yellow paint on top of head was used to mark the specimen during nesting studies. | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Arthropoda |
Class: | Insecta |
Order: | Hymenoptera |
Family: | Andrenidae |
Genus: | Macrotera |
Species: | M. portalis |
Binomial name | |
Macrotera portalis (Timberlake, 1954) | |
Synonyms | |
Perdita portalisTimberlake, 1954 |
Macrotera portalis is a species of communal, ground nesting, partially bivoltine bees found in arid grasslands and desert regions of North America. [1] An oligolectic bee, M. portalis gathers pollen only from plants in the genus Sphaeralcea [2] and has patterns of seasonal emergence to survive the harsh conditions of the desert, with emergence delayed until monsoon rains arrive. [3]
Macrotera portalis is in the order Hymenoptera, family Andrenidae, genus Macrotera . This species was formerly in Perdita , a very large genus [4] that now contains around 600 species of bees which are located primarily in northern Mexico and the arid southwestern United States. [1] Around 30 species removed from Perdita were placed in the genus Macrotera. [5]
Macrotera portalis is a small (~7 mm), dark bee species. Like most andrenids, it has small depressions between the eyes and the antennal bases called facial foveae. [6] In M. portalis, males are dimorphic, meaning that they have two distinct size classes. [7]
Macrotera portalis is closely related to Macrotera texana. Both species are communal, females have provision over one cell each day, and intranest mating is common. Macrotera portalis, however, has more females in each nest, and nests are often re-used for multiple years. Males of M. texana are not dimorphic, and nests are usually not reused for several generations. [1] [8]
The species is found in arid grassland and desert regions in northern Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico. [1] [9]
As is typical for the family Andrenidae, M. portalis is a ground nesting bee. [9] Macrotera portalis are also communal, with many females often sharing the same nest while provisioning their own individual nest cells. [1] Macrotera portalis nests are tunnels with small side chambers called "brood cells", that contain provision masses composed of pollen and nectar; each cell contains a single provision mass, onto which a single egg is laid before the cell is sealed, and in which the larvae then develop. The females collect and provision only with pollen from plants in the genus Sphaeralcea . [1]
Generally, there are about 2 to 29 adult females in one nest. The female bees are in charge of cell construction, and in the communal nest each female makes one cell per evening, with no evidence of cooperation during construction. If 2 or more females do share a lateral burrow, each seems to maintain the tunnel at the same level; there is no observed cooperative or agonistic behavior. Main and lateral burrows are kept open by packing soil into the side of the burrow walls by all females. [1] Nests are shallow, at most 15 cm deep, though some complex nests that may contain more than 200 cells in an underground area of 20 cm in diameter. The main tunnels are unfinished and extend straight down, while the brood cells are horizontal and have a waterproof lining. The nests remain open during the nesting period and do not have tumuli outside the entrance unless construction of new cells is taking place. Excavation of new tunnels or cells is performed by females using their mandibles to loosen soil, pushing soil backwards with their legs into the open lateral tunnel. The loose soil is cleared by walking backwards and using their legs and metasoma to push the soil into a nearby lateral or main tunnel.
Females typically perform the cycle of cell construction, provisioning, oviposition, and cell closure every day. Females who foraged came back and formed a pollen ball by shaping loose groups of pollen into a sphere. If a male was present, the female would mate with the male during departure from the nest, and 1 or 2 copulations would occur before an egg was laid. After an egg is laid and the cell is closed, a females then leaves the nest for a feeding trip, not returning with any pollen. [1] Cell construction is performed by shaping the cells through repeated packing using the female's pygidial plate, adding soil when needed. Once the chamber is smoothed and packed well enough, hydrophobic lining is added. The cell lining behavior consisted of brushing motions over the cell using the female's metasoma. [1] Females do not open cells after ovipositing or investigate cases of kleptoparasitism or robbing. Communality has been suggested as conferring an advantage due to nest defense for certain wasps and bees, yet the lack of observation of females at the nest entrance for defense demonstrates that defense is not associated with communality for M. portalis. Rather, communality is most likely due to the high cost of solitary nest development. [1]
Blister beetle larvae have been found in nests of M. portalis, making burrows between cells and devouring bee larvae. Nests may also be attacked by Solenopsis molesta , a type of fire ant, which takes pupae as prey items. [1] Velvet ants (Mutillidae) in the genus Pseudomethoca , such as Pseudomethoca perditrix and Pseudomethoca toumeyi , parasitize nests with post-defecating pupae; other brood cells are left alone. [1] [10]
There is partial bivoltinism seen in Macrotera portalis, with about 2 broods, perhaps 3, per year; some larvae are second or third generation adults because they develop and emerge in the same year as their mothers. The period of larval development to adulthood takes at least 21 days. [1] The adult males and females generally emerge in the spring or summer [11] and usually mate following emergence from their cells. Females lay eggs and continue to provision and construct brood cells while larvae develop, and some males remain in the nests. In winter months, larvae remain in diapause, or resting condition, in their prepupal or pharate adult stage. Diapause continues until the next spring or summer monsoon rains, and some of the brood then emerges as adults. [11] Larvae and some prepupae may remain in diapause for more than a year. [3]
Bet hedging is characterized through individuals that minimize reproductive success of variance between years. Macrotera portalis practices bet hedging because only a certain portion of bees emerge in any given year, with many remaining in diapause. [3] Although this leads to certain years of lower reproductive success, in years of low resources some offspring will survive and thus the advantages of lower variance may outweigh the disadvantages of reduced average fitness in diverse environments. Since M. portalis lives in a desert environment, in which conditions are extremely unpredictable (between year variation is greater than in any other biome), it is likely that this promotes bet hedging in the species. Overwintering of desert bees have limited adult activity and reproduction during a short period of time after the desert rainy season. Larvae are small, exposed to high temperatures, low humidity, buried in the soil, subject to predation, desiccation, and pathogens. [3]
Induced emergence, in other words rainfall-triggered emergence, is observed within M. portalis, which has a synchronous pattern of emergence consistent with the southwestern desert's late summer monsoon rains. [3] There is evidence of slight protandry and small inclination for emergence of large headed males before small headed males. [3] For a comparison of emerging and diapausing pre-pupae, it was found that the pre-pupae that emerged within the year they were produced were much lighter compared to those who remained for an additional year in diapause. The difference was significant between males and females. This further demonstrates that if a pre-pupa contains sufficient mass (i.e., reserves of resources) to overwinter for another year it does so, while the lighter bees emerge the current year. The lighter bees are found deeper in the soil than those in diapause. Thus, emergence is influenced by larval condition as well as triggered by rainfall. [3]
Nests are usually reused for several generations, so bees within nests may be very closely related to each other. [1]
The existence of two different types of males, dimorphism, has been found to be a derived state in this species. [12] The two morphs are defined by characteristics of male shape and head size:
In one study, out of 167 offspring, 45% were female and 55% were male, reflecting no significant difference from a 1:1 sex ratio. Within males, there are two morphs: small headed males and large headed males, with a 1:1 morph ratio (52.5% large headed males and 47.5% small headed males). [1]
Smaller headed males tend to mate outside the nest, whereas the large-headed, flightless males mate within the nest. Head size therefore is linked to mating tactics, specifically fight (large-headed males) or sneak (small-headed males), in order to maximize male fitness regardless of head size. Larval diet and growth influences body size, thus a provisioning female determines which tactic her male offspring will use. It is hypothesized that larger male fighting tactic confers a greater average fitness compared to the smaller male sneaking tactic, but this theory has little supporting evidence. [13]
Resource based engagement sites are usually used by oligolectic bees such as Macrotera portalis. M. portalis has both territorial male behavior in a female emergence site (inside the nests) as well as a resource-based rendezvous site that contains territorial small-headed males, both strategies predicted following the concentration of females in these two specific areas. [2]
Currently, there is no information on the conservation status of this bee species.
Bees are winged insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their roles in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the western honey bee, for producing honey. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea. They are presently considered a clade, called Anthophila. There are over 16,000 known species of bees in seven recognized biological families. Some species – including honey bees, bumblebees, and stingless bees – live socially in colonies while most species (>90%) – including mason bees, carpenter bees, leafcutter bees, and sweat bees – are solitary.
Megachile rotundata, the alfalfa leafcutting bee, is a European bee that has been introduced to various regions around the world. As a solitary bee species, it does not build colonies or store honey, but is a very efficient pollinator of alfalfa, carrots, other vegetables, and some fruits. Because of this, farmers often use M. rotundata as a pollination aid by distributing M. rotundata prepupae around their crops. Each female constructs and provisions her own nest, which is built in old trees or log tunnels. Being a leafcutter bee, these nests are lined with cut leaves. These bees feed on pollen and nectar and display sexual dimorphism. This species has been known to bite and sting, but it poses no overall danger unless it is threatened or harmed, and its sting has been described as half as painful as a honey bee's.
Halictus rubicundus, the orange-legged furrow bee, is a species of sweat bee found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. H. rubicundus was introduced into North America from the Old World during one of two main invasions of Halictus subgenera. These invasions likely occurred via the Bering land bridge at times of low sea level during the Pleistocene epoch.
With over 850 species, the genus Nomada is one of the largest genera in the family Apidae, and the largest genus of kleptoparasitic "cuckoo bees." Kleptoparasitic bees are so named because they enter the nests of a host and lay eggs there, stealing resources that the host has already collected. The name "Nomada" is derived from the Greek word nomas, meaning "roaming" or "wandering."
Lasioglossum malachurum, the sharp-collared furrow bee, is a small European halictid bee. This species is obligately eusocial, with queens and workers, though the differences between the castes are not nearly as extreme as in honey bees. Early taxonomists mistakenly assigned the worker females to a different species from the queens. They are small, shiny, mostly black bees with off-white hair bands at the bases of the abdominal segments. L. malachurum is one of the more extensively studied species in the genus Lasioglossum, also known as sweat bees. Researchers have discovered that the eusocial behavior in colonies of L. malachurum varies significantly dependent upon the region of Europe in which each colony is located.
Andrena is a genus of bees in the family Andrenidae. With over 1,500 species, it is one of the largest genera of animals. It is a strongly monophyletic group that is difficult to split into more manageable divisions; currently, Andrena is organized into 104 subgenera. It is nearly worldwide in distribution, with the notable exceptions of Oceania and South America. Bees in this genus are commonly known as mining bees due to their ground-nesting lifestyle.
The genus Agapostemon is a common group of Western Hemisphere sweat bees.
Osmia bicornis is a species of mason bee, and is known as the red mason bee due to its covering of dense gingery hair. It is a solitary bee that nests in holes or stems and is polylectic, meaning it forages pollen from various different flowering plants. These bees can be seen aggregating together and nests in preexisting hollows, choosing not to excavate their own. These bees are not aggressive; they will only sting if handled very roughly and are safe to be closely observed by children. Females only mate once, usually with closely related males. Further, females can determine the sex ratio of their offspring based on their body size, where larger females will invest more in diploid females eggs than small bees. These bees also have trichromatic colour vision and are important pollinators in agriculture.
Trachusa perdita, the California leafcutting bee, is a species of bee in the family Megachilidae.
Amegilla dawsoni, sometimes called the Dawson's burrowing bee, is a species of bee that nests by the thousands in arid claypans in Western Australia. It is a long tongued bee, of the tribe Anthophorini and genus Amegilla, the second largest genus in Anthophorini.
The alkali bee, Nomia melanderi, is a ground-nesting bee native to deserts and semi-arid desert basins of the western United States. It was described by Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell in 1906. While solitary, these bees nest near each other and can form extremely dense aggregations in areas with favorable conditions.
Andrena agilissima is a species of mining bee. They are present in most of Europe, the Near East and North Africa and can be found from April through July. Andrena agilissima is an oligolectic species, feeding only on the pollen of a few genera of Cruciferous vegetables.
Halictus ligatus is a species of sweat bee from the family Halictidae, among the species that mine or burrow into the ground to create their nests. H. ligatus, like Lasioglossum zephyrus, is a primitively eusocial bee species, in which aggression is one of the most influential behaviors for establishing hierarchy within the colony, and H. ligatus exhibits both reproductive division of labor and overlapping generations.
Ptilothrix is a genus within the tribe Emphorini of the family Apidae. Bees of this genus can range from 7 to 15 mm. Ptilothrix species are solitary, ground-nesting bees. These bees have especially prominent hairs in the scopae of their hind legs, to help gather pollen to provision their nests. Ptilothrix species specialize on certain families of plants for their pollen, including the families Malvaceae, Convolvulaceae, Onagraceae, Cactaceae, Pontederiaceae, and Asteraceae. The genus is found in the New World, with species ranging across the Americas.
Lasioglossum cressonii is a species in the sweat bee genus Lasioglossum, family Halictidae. Halictidae exhibit eusocial hierarchy behavior which is interesting given that eusociality in this group is hard to evolve and easy to lose. L. cressonii is found throughout North America. L. cressonii have been shown to be important pollinators for apple trees and many other North American native plants.
Macropis nuda is a ground nesting, univoltine bee native to northern parts of North America. Thus, this species cocoons as pupae and hibernates over the winter. The species is unusual as it is an oligolectic bee, foraging exclusively for floral oils and pollen from Primulaceae of the species Lysimachia ciliata.
Halictus sexcinctus, commonly referred to as the six-banded furrow bee, is a species of sweat bee found throughout Europe and as far east as Asian Turkey and Iraq.The H. sexcinctus can be easily confused with the closely related species, Halictus scabiosae, due to very similar morphological features. H. sexcinctus show a social polymorphism in which different colonies can exhibit solitary, communal, or eusocial structure. Due to this large variance in social organization, it was suspected that it was not one species at all, but rather multiple, cryptic species. However, genetic analysis was able to confirm these varying populations as one species. H. sexcinctus will forage from multiple flower species, but prefers plant species with wide-open flowers. Their nests can be found dug into the ground in loamy or sandy soil.
Andrena scotica, the chocolate mining bee or hawthorn bee, is a species of mining bee from the family Andrenidae. It occurs in western Europe and is one of the most frequently encountered mining bees found in Great Britain, where it had been previously misidentified as Andrena carantonica.
Colletes validus, colloquially known as the blueberry cellophane bee, is a solitary, specialist bee in the family Colletidae. It is found primarily in eastern North America where it nests in sandy soils near ericaceous plants.
Hesperapis oraria, known generally as the gulf coast evening bee or gulf coast solitary bee, is a rare species of bee in the family Melittidae. It was first described in 1997. The bee's current known range is on the barrier islands and coastal mainland secondary dunes on the Gulf Coast of the United States in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. The Gulf Coast solitary bee is the only known member of its subfamily in the eastern United States, and it is a monolege of the coastal plain honeycomb head.