Mercer's theorem

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In mathematics, specifically functional analysis, Mercer's theorem is a representation of a symmetric positive-definite function on a square as a sum of a convergent sequence of product functions. This theorem, presented in ( Mercer 1909 ), is one of the most notable results of the work of James Mercer (1883–1932). It is an important theoretical tool in the theory of integral equations; it is used in the Hilbert space theory of stochastic processes, for example the Karhunen–Loève theorem; and it is also used in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space theory where it characterizes a symmetric positive-definite kernel as a reproducing kernel. [1]



To explain Mercer's theorem, we first consider an important special case; see below for a more general formulation. A kernel, in this context, is a symmetric continuous function

where for all .

K is said to be a positive-definite kernel if and only if

for all finite sequences of points x1, ..., xn of [a, b] and all choices of real numbers c1, ..., cn. Note that the term "positive-definite" is well-established in literature despite the weak inequality in the definition. [2] [3]

The fundamental characterization of stationary positive-definite kernels (where ) is given by Bochner's theorem . It states that a continuous function is positive-definite if and only if it can be expressed as the Fourier transform of a finite non-negative measure :

This spectral representation reveals the connection between positive definiteness and harmonic analysis, providing a stronger and more direct characterization of positive definiteness than the abstract definition in terms of inequalities when the kernel is stationary, e.g, when it can be expressed as a 1-variable function of the distance between points rather than the 2-variable function of the positions of pairs of points.

Associated to K is a linear operator (more specifically a Hilbert–Schmidt integral operator when the interval is compact) on functions defined by the integral

We assume can range through the space of real-valued square-integrable functions L2[a, b]; however, in many cases the associated RKHS can be strictly larger than L2[a, b]. Since TK is a linear operator, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of TK exist.

Theorem. Suppose K is a continuous symmetric positive-definite kernel. Then there is an orthonormal basis {ei}i of L2[a, b] consisting of eigenfunctions of TK such that the corresponding sequence of eigenvalues {λi}i is nonnegative. The eigenfunctions corresponding to non-zero eigenvalues are continuous on [a, b] and K has the representation

where the convergence is absolute and uniform.


We now explain in greater detail the structure of the proof of Mercer's theorem, particularly how it relates to spectral theory of compact operators.

To show compactness, show that the image of the unit ball of L2[a,b] under TK is equicontinuous and apply Ascoli's theorem, to show that the image of the unit ball is relatively compact in C([a,b]) with the uniform norm and a fortiori in L2[a,b].

Now apply the spectral theorem for compact operators on Hilbert spaces to TK to show the existence of the orthonormal basis {ei}i of L2[a,b]

If λi 0, the eigenvector (eigenfunction) ei is seen to be continuous on [a,b]. Now

which shows that the sequence

converges absolutely and uniformly to a kernel K0 which is easily seen to define the same operator as the kernel K. Hence K=K0 from which Mercer's theorem follows.

Finally, to show non-negativity of the eigenvalues one can write and expressing the right hand side as an integral well-approximated by its Riemann sums, which are non-negative by positive-definiteness of K, implying , implying .


The following is immediate:

Theorem. Suppose K is a continuous symmetric positive-definite kernel; TK has a sequence of nonnegative eigenvalues {λi}i. Then

This shows that the operator TK is a trace class operator and


Mercer's theorem itself is a generalization of the result that any symmetric positive-semidefinite matrix is the Gramian matrix of a set of vectors.

The first generalization replaces the interval [a, b] with any compact Hausdorff space and Lebesgue measure on [a, b] is replaced by a finite countably additive measure μ on the Borel algebra of X whose support is X. This means that μ(U) > 0 for any nonempty open subset U of X.

A recent generalization replaces these conditions by the following: the set X is a first-countable topological space endowed with a Borel (complete) measure μ. X is the support of μ and, for all x in X, there is an open set U containing x and having finite measure. Then essentially the same result holds:

Theorem. Suppose K is a continuous symmetric positive-definite kernel on X. If the function κ is L1μ(X), where κ(x)=K(x,x), for all x in X, then there is an orthonormal set {ei}i of L2μ(X) consisting of eigenfunctions of TK such that corresponding sequence of eigenvalues {λi}i is nonnegative. The eigenfunctions corresponding to non-zero eigenvalues are continuous on X and K has the representation

where the convergence is absolute and uniform on compact subsets of X.

The next generalization deals with representations of measurable kernels.

Let (X, M, μ) be a σ-finite measure space. An L2 (or square-integrable) kernel on X is a function

L2 kernels define a bounded operator TK by the formula

TK is a compact operator (actually it is even a Hilbert–Schmidt operator). If the kernel K is symmetric, by the spectral theorem, TK has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. Those eigenvectors that correspond to non-zero eigenvalues can be arranged in a sequence {ei}i (regardless of separability).

Theorem. If K is a symmetric positive-definite kernel on (X, M, μ), then

where the convergence in the L2 norm. Note that when continuity of the kernel is not assumed, the expansion no longer converges uniformly.

Mercer's condition

In mathematics, a real-valued function K(x,y) is said to fulfill Mercer's condition if for all square-integrable functions g(x) one has

Discrete analog

This is analogous to the definition of a positive-semidefinite matrix. This is a matrix of dimension , which satisfies, for all vectors , the property



A positive constant function

satisfies Mercer's condition, as then the integral becomes by Fubini's theorem

which is indeed non-negative.

See also


  1. Bartlett, Peter (2008). "Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces" (PDF). Lecture notes of CS281B/Stat241B Statistical Learning Theory. University of California at Berkeley.
  2. Mohri, Mehryar (2018). Foundations of machine learning. Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet Talwalkar (Second ed.). Cambridge, Massachusetts. ISBN   978-0-262-03940-6. OCLC   1041560990.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  3. Berlinet, A. (2004). Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces in probability and statistics. Christine Thomas-Agnan. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. ISBN   1-4419-9096-8. OCLC   844346520.

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