Modern Arabic mathematical notation

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Modern Arabic mathematical notation is a mathematical notation based on the Arabic script, used especially at pre-university levels of education. Its form is mostly derived from Western notation, but has some notable features that set it apart from its Western counterpart. The most remarkable of those features is the fact that it is written from right to left following the normal direction of the Arabic script. Other differences include the replacement of the Greek and Latin alphabet letters for symbols with Arabic letters and the use of Arabic names for functions and relations.




Notation differs slightly from one region to another. In tertiary education, most regions use the Western notation. The notation mainly differs in numeral system used, and in mathematical symbols used.

Numeral systems

There are three numeral systems used in right to left mathematical notation.

(descended from Western Arabic)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Arabic-Indic (Eastern Arabic)٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩
Perso-Arabic variant ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹
Urdu variant Urdu numeral zero.svgUrdu numeral one.svgUrdu numeral two.svgUrdu numeral three.svgUrdu numeral four.svgUrdu numeral five.svgUrdu numeral six.svgUrdu numeral seven.svgUrdu numeral eight.svgUrdu numeral nine.svg

Written numerals are arranged with their lowest-value digit to the right, with higher value positions added to the left. That is identical to the arrangement used by Western texts using Hindu-Arabic numerals even though Arabic script is read from right to left. The symbols "٫" and "٬" may be used as the decimal mark and the thousands separator respectively when writing with Eastern Arabic numerals, e.g. ٣٫١٤١٥٩٢٦٥٣٥٨3.14159265358, ١٬٠٠٠٬٠٠٠٬٠٠٠1,000,000,000. Negative signs are written to the left of magnitudes, e.g. ٣−−3. In-line fractions are written with the numerator and denominator on the left and right of the fraction slash respectively, e.g. ٢/٧2/7.[ citation needed ]


Sometimes, symbols used in Arabic mathematical notation differ according to the region:

Difference between arabic and persian maths limit.PNG
lim x→∞ x4س٤نهــــــــــــا س←∞ [a] س۴ حــــــــــــد س←∞ [b]
  • ^a نهــــاnūn-hāʾ-ʾalif is derived from the first three letters of Arabic نهايةnihāya "limit".
  • ^b حدḥadd is Persian for "limit".

Sometimes, mirrored Latin and Greek symbols are used in Arabic mathematical notation (especially in western Arabic regions):

Difference between arabic mathematical sum forms.PNG
LatinArabicMirrored Latin and Greek
nx=0 3x٣س ں مجــــــــــــ س=٠ [c] 3سںس=0
  • ^c مجــــ is derived from Arabic مجموعmaǧmūʿ "sum".

However, in Iran, usually Latin and Greek symbols are used.


Mathematical letters

Arabic mathematical alif.PNG اFrom the Arabic letter اʾalif; a and اʾalif are the first letters of the Latin alphabet and the Arabic alphabet's ʾabjadī sequence respectively, and the letters also share a common ancestor and the same sound
Arabic mathematical beh.PNG ٮA dotless بbāʾ; b and بbāʾ are the second letters of the Latin alphabet and the ʾabjadī sequence respectively
Arabic mathematical geem.PNG حــــFrom the initial form of حḥāʾ, or that of a dotless جjīm; c and جjīm are the third letters of the Latin alphabet and the ʾabjadī sequence respectively, and the letters also share a common ancestor and the same sound
Arabic mathematical dal.PNG دFrom the Arabic letter دdāl; d and دdāl are the fourth letters of the Latin alphabet and the ʾabjadī sequence respectively, and the letters also share a common ancestor and the same sound
Arabic mathematical seen.PNG سFrom the Arabic letter سsīn. It is contested that the usage of Latin x in maths is derived from the first letter شšīn (without its dots) of the Arabic word شيءšayʾ(un) [ʃajʔ(un)] , meaning thing. [1] (X was used in old Spanish for the sound /ʃ/). However, according to others there is no historical evidence for this. [2] [3]
Arabic mathematical sad.PNG صFrom the Arabic letter صṣād
Arabic mathematical ain.PNG عFrom the Arabic letter عʿayn

Mathematical constants and units

Euler's number Arabic mathematical heh.PNG ھInitial form of the Arabic letter هhāʾ. Both Latin letter e and Arabic letter هhāʾ are descendants of Phoenician letter Phoenician he.svg .
imaginary unit Arabic mathematical teh.PNG تFrom تtāʾ, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the second word of وحدة تخيليةwaḥdaẗun taḫīliyya "imaginary unit"
pi Arabic mathematical tah.PNG طFrom طṭāʾ; also in some regions
radius Arabic mathematical radius.PNG نٯFrom نnūn followed by a dotless قqāf, which is in turn derived from نصف القطرnuṣfu l-quṭr "radius"
kilogram kg Arabic kilogram.PNG كجمFrom كجمkāf-jīm-mīm. In some regions alternative symbols like Arabic alternative kilogram 2.PNG (كغkāf-ġayn) or Arabic alternative kilogram 1.PNG (كلغkāf-lām-ġayn) are used. All three abbreviations are derived from كيلوغرامkīlūġrām "kilogram" and its variant spellings.
gram g Arabic gram.PNG جمFrom جمjīm-mīm, which is in turn derived from جرامjrām, a variant spelling of غرامġrām "gram"
metre m Arabic mathematical meem.PNG مFrom مmīm, which is in turn derived from مترmitr "metre"
centimetre cm Arabic cm.PNG سمFrom سمsīn-mīm, which is in turn derived from سنتيمتر "centimetre"
millimetre mm Arabic mm.PNG ممFrom ممmīm-mīm, which is in turn derived from مليمترmillīmitr "millimetre"
kilometre km Arabic Km.PNG كمFrom كمkāf-mīm; also Arabic alternative km.PNG (كلمkāf-lām-mīm) in some regions; both are derived from كيلومترkīlūmitr "kilometre".
seconds Arabic mathematical theh.PNG ثFrom ثṯāʾ, which is in turn derived from ثانيةṯāniya "second"
minutemin Arabic mathematical Dal large.PNG دFrom دdālʾ, which is in turn derived from دقيقةdaqīqa "minute"; also Arabic mathematical qaf.PNG (ٯ, i.e. dotless قqāf) in some regions
hourh Arabic mathematical seen.PNG سFrom سsīnʾ, which is in turn derived from ساعةsāʿa "hour"
kilometre per hourkm/h Arabic kmph.PNG كم/سFrom the symbols for kilometre and hour
degree Celsius °C Arabic celsius degree.PNG °سFrom سsīn, which is in turn derived from the second word of درجة سيلسيوسdarajat sīlsīūs "degree Celsius"; also Arabic centegrade degree.PNG (°م) from مmīmʾ, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the third word of درجة حرارة مئوية "degree centigrade"
degree Fahrenheit °F Arabic fahrenheit degree.PNG °فFrom فfāʾ, which is in turn derived from the second word of درجة فهرنهايتdarajat fahranhāyt "degree Fahrenheit"
millimetres of mercury mmHg Arabic mmHg.PNG ممزFrom ممزmīm-mīmzayn, which is in turn derived from the initial letters of the words مليمتر زئبق "millimetres of mercury"
Ångström Å Arabic angestrom.PNG أْFrom أْʾalif with hamzah and ring above, which is in turn derived from the first letter of "Ångström", variously spelled أنغستروم or أنجستروم

Sets and number systems

Natural numbers Arabic mathematical tah large.PNG طFrom طṭāʾ, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the second word of عدد طبيعيʿadadun ṭabīʿiyyun "natural number"
Integers Arabic mathematical Sad large.PNG صFrom صṣād, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the second word of عدد صحيحʿadadun ṣaḥīḥun "integer"
Rational numbers Arabic mathematical noon large.PNG نFrom نnūn, which is in turn derived from the first letter of نسبةnisba "ratio"
Real numbers Arabic mathematical hah large.PNG حFrom حḥāʾ, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the second word of عدد حقيقيʿadadun ḥaqīqiyyun "real number"
Imaginary numbers Arabic mathematical teh large.PNG تFrom تtāʾ, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the second word of عدد تخيليʿadadun taḫīliyyun "imaginary number"
Complex numbers Arabic mathematical meem large.PNG مFrom مmīm, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the second word of عدد مركبʿadadun murakkabun "complex number"
Empty set
Is an element ofA mirrored ∈
Subset A mirrored ⊂
Superset A mirrored ⊃
Universal set Arabic mathematical sheen large.PNG شFrom شšīn, which is in turn derived from the first letter of the second word of مجموعة شاملةmajmūʿatun šāmila "universal set"

Arithmetic and algebra

Percent  % Arabic percent.PNG ٪e.g. 100% "٪١٠٠"
Permille Arabic permille.PNG ؉؊ is an Arabic equivalent of the per ten thousand sign ‱.
Is proportional to Arabic prop.PNG A mirrored ∝
n th root Arabic mathematical nth root.PNG ںں is a dotless نnūn while is a mirrored radical sign √
Logarithm Arabic mathematical log.PNG لوFrom لوlām-wāw, which is in turn derived from لوغاريتم lūġārītm "logarithm"
Logarithm to base b Arabic mathematical log b.PNG لوٮ
Natural logarithm Arabic mathematical ln.PNG لوھFrom the symbols of logarithm and Euler's number
Summation Arabic mathematical sum.PNG مجــــمجـــmīm-medial form of jīm is derived from the first two letters of مجموعmajmūʿ "sum"; also Arabic mathematical mirrored sum.PNG (, a mirrored summation sign ∑) in some regions
Product Arabic mathematical product.PNG جــــذFrom جذjīm-ḏāl. The Arabic word for "product" is جداء jadāʾun. Also in some regions.
Factorial Arabic mathematical factorial.PNG ںAlso Arabic mathematical fact.PNG (ں!) in some regions
Permutations Arabic mathematical nPr.PNG ںلرAlso Arabic mathematical P(n,r).PNG (ل(ں، ر)) is used in some regions as
Combinations Arabic mathematical nCk.PNG ںٯكAlso Arabic mathematical C(n,k).PNG (ٯ(ں، ك)) is used in some regions as and Arabic mathematical b(n,k).PNG (  ں
) as the binomial coefficient

Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions

Trigonometric functions

Sine Arabic mathematical sin.PNG حاfrom حاءḥāʾ (i.e. dotless جjīm)-ʾalif; also Arabic mathematical sins.PNG (جبjīm-bāʾ) is used in some regions (e.g. Syria); Arabic for "sine" is جيبjayb
Cosine Arabic mathematical cos.PNG حتاfrom حتاḥāʾ (i.e. dotless جjīm)-tāʾ-ʾalif; also Arabic mathematical coss.PNG (تجبtāʾ-jīm-bāʾ) is used in some regions (e.g. Syria); Arabic for "cosine" is جيب تمام
Tangent Arabic mathematical tan.PNG طاfrom طاṭāʾ (i.e. dotless ظẓāʾ)-ʾalif; also Arabic mathematical tans.PNG (ظلẓāʾ-lām) is used in some regions (e.g. Syria); Arabic for "tangent" is ظلẓill
Cotangent Arabic mathematical cot.PNG طتاfrom طتاṭāʾ (i.e. dotless ظẓāʾ)-tāʾ-ʾalif; also Arabic mathematical cots.PNG (تظلtāʾ-ẓāʾ-lām) is used in some regions (e.g. Syria); Arabic for "cotangent" is ظل تمام
Secant Arabic mathematical sec.PNG ٯاfrom ٯا dotless قqāf-ʾalif; Arabic for "secant" is قاطع
Cosecant Arabic mathematical csc.PNG ٯتاfrom ٯتا dotless قqāf-tāʾ-ʾalif; Arabic for "cosecant" is قاطع تمام

Hyperbolic functions

The letter Arabic mathematical zain.PNG (زzayn, from the first letter of the second word of دالة زائدية "hyperbolic function") is added to the end of trigonometric functions to express hyperbolic functions. This is similar to the way is added to the end of trigonometric functions in Latin-based notation.

Arabic mathematical hf.PNG
DescriptionHyperbolic sineHyperbolic cosineHyperbolic tangentHyperbolic cotangentHyperbolic secantHyperbolic cosecant

Inverse trigonometric functions

For inverse trigonometric functions, the superscript −١ in Arabic notation is similar in usage to the superscript in Latin-based notation.

Arabic mathematical inverse tf.PNG
DescriptionInverse sineInverse cosineInverse tangentInverse cotangentInverse secantInverse cosecant

Inverse hyperbolic functions

Arabic mathematical inverse hf.PNG
DescriptionInverse hyperbolic sineInverse hyperbolic cosineInverse hyperbolic tangentInverse hyperbolic cotangentInverse hyperbolic secantInverse hyperbolic cosecant


Limit Arabic mathematical limit.PNG نهــــانهــــاnūn-hāʾ-ʾalif is derived from the first three letters of Arabic نهايةnihāya "limit"
Function Arabic mathematical f(x).PNG د(س)دdāl is derived from the first letter of دالة "function". Also called تابع, تا for short, in some regions.
Derivatives Arabic mathematical derivatives.PNG ص/س ،د٢ص/ دس٢ ،دص/ دس ،(س)‵د‵ is a mirrored prime ′ while ، is an Arabic comma. The signs should be mirrored: .
Integrals Arabic mathematical integrals.PNG ، ، ،Mirrored ∫, ∬, ∭ and ∮

Complex analysis

Arabic mathematical complex analysis.PNG
ع = س + ت ص = ل(حتا ى + ت حا ى) = ل ھتى = لى

See also

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The history of mathematical notation includes the commencement, progress, and cultural diffusion of mathematical symbols and the conflict of the methods of notation confronted in a notation's move to popularity or inconspicuousness. Mathematical notation comprises the symbols used to write mathematical equations and formulas. Notation generally implies a set of well-defined representations of quantities and symbols operators. The history includes Hindu–Arabic numerals, letters from the Roman, Greek, Hebrew, and German alphabets, and a host of symbols invented by mathematicians over the past several centuries.

In Unicode and the UCS, a compatibility character is a character that is encoded solely to maintain round-trip convertibility with other, often older, standards. As the Unicode Glossary says:

A character that would not have been encoded except for compatibility and round-trip convertibility with other standards

A numeral is a character that denotes a number. The decimal number digits 0–9 are used widely in various writing systems throughout the world, however the graphemes representing the decimal digits differ widely. Therefore Unicode includes 22 different sets of graphemes for the decimal digits, and also various decimal points, thousands separators, negative signs, etc. Unicode also includes several non-decimal numerals such as Aegean numerals, Roman numerals, counting rod numerals, Mayan numerals, Cuneiform numerals and ancient Greek numerals. There is also a large number of typographical variations of the Western Arabic numerals provided for specialized mathematical use and for compatibility with earlier character sets, such as ² or ②, and composite characters such as ½.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Subscript and superscript</span> A character set slightly below and above the normal line of type, respectively

A subscript or superscript is a character that is set slightly below or above the normal line of type, respectively. It is usually smaller than the rest of the text. Subscripts appear at or below the baseline, while superscripts are above. Subscripts and superscripts are perhaps most often used in formulas, mathematical expressions, and specifications of chemical compounds and isotopes, but have many other uses as well.

The Unicode Standard assigns various properties to each Unicode character and code point.


  1. Moore, Terry. "Why is X the Unknown". Ted Talk. Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2012-10-11.
  2. Cajori, Florian (1993). A History of Mathematical Notation . Courier Dover Publications. pp.  382–383. ISBN   9780486677668 . Retrieved 11 October 2012. Nor is there historical evidence to support the statement found in Noah Webster's Dictionary, under the letter x, to the effect that 'x was used as an abbreviation of Ar. shei (a thing), something, which, in the Middle Ages, was used to designate the unknown, and was then prevailingly transcribed as xei.'
  3. Oxford Dictionary, 2nd Edition. There is no evidence in support of the hypothesis that x is derived ultimately from the mediaeval transliteration xei of shei "thing", used by the Arabs to denote the unknown quantity, or from the compendium for L. res "thing" or radix "root" (resembling a loosely-written x), used by mediaeval mathematicians.