Mount Marilyn

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Mount Marilyn is in the upper left of this photograph from Apollo 10. North is to the left. AS10-29-4165 Mount Marilyn and A10 CSM.jpg
Mount Marilyn is in the upper left of this photograph from Apollo 10. North is to the left.
Oblique view from Apollo 15, facing south. Mount Marilyn AS15-P-0153.jpg
Oblique view from Apollo 15, facing south.

Mount Marilyn is a lunar mountain within the Montes Secchi, which separate Mare Fecunditatis to the east from Mare Tranquillitatis to the west. It was named at about the time of the Apollo 8 mission to the Moon in 1968 by astronaut Jim Lovell for his wife, Marilyn. The name was informal until July 26, 2017, when it was officially recognized by the IAU. [1] Its approximate position is 40 degrees E, 1.1 degrees N. [2]

The small crater that has impacted the north tip of Mount Marilyn is known as Secchi O crater. The small crater unofficially known as Weatherford (probably because Apollo 10 Commander Tom Stafford is from Weatherford, Oklahoma) is located just west of the north tip.

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  1. Mount Marilyn, Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN)
  2. Loc. Cit.