Multiplicative calculus

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In mathematics, a multiplicative calculus is a system with two multiplicative operators, called a "multiplicative derivative" and a "multiplicative integral", which are inversely related in a manner analogous to the inverse relationship between the derivative and integral in the classical calculus of Newton and Leibniz. The multiplicative calculi provide alternatives to the classical calculus, which has an additive derivative and an additive integral.


Infinitely many non-Newtonian calculi are multiplicative, including the geometric calculus [1] and the bigeometric calculus [2] discussed below. [1] [2] [3] These calculi all have a derivative and/or integral that is not a linear operator.

The geometric calculus is useful in image analysis [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] and in the study of growth/decay phenomena (e.g., in economic growth, bacterial growth, and radioactive decay). [9] [10] [11] [12] The bigeometric calculus is useful in some applications of fractals [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] and in the theory of elasticity in economics. [3] [18] [2] [19] [20]

Multiplicative derivatives

Geometric calculus

The classical derivative is

The geometric derivative is

assuming that all values of f are positive numbers.

This simplifies [21] to

for functions where the statement is meaningful. Notice that the exponent in the preceding expression represents the well-known logarithmic derivative.

In the geometric calculus, the exponential functions are the functions having a constant derivative. [3] Furthermore, just as the arithmetic average (of functions) is the "natural" average in the classical calculus, the well-known geometric average is the "natural" average in the geometric calculus. [3]

Bigeometric calculus

A similar definition to the geometric derivative is the bigeometric derivative

assuming that all arguments and all values of f are positive numbers.

This simplifies [17] to

for functions where the statement is meaningful. Notice that the exponent in the preceding expression represents the well-known elasticity concept, which is widely used in economics.

In the bigeometric calculus, the power functions are the functions having a constant derivative. [3] Furthermore, the bigeometric derivative is scale-invariant (or scale-free), i.e., it is invariant under all changes of scale (or unit) in function arguments and values.

Multiplicative integrals

Each multiplicative derivative has an associated multiplicative integral. For example, the geometric derivative and the bigeometric derivative are inversely related to the geometric integral and the bigeometric integral respectively.

Of course, each multiplicative integral is a multiplicative operator, but some product integrals are not multiplicative operators. (See Product integral#Basic definitions.)

Discrete calculus

Just as differential equations have a discrete analog in difference equations with the forward difference operator replacing the derivative, the discrete analog of the geometric derivative is the forward ratio operator f(x + 1)/f(x), and recurrence relations can be formulated using this operator. [22] [23] See also Indefinite product.

Complex analysis

Multiplicative versions of derivatives and integrals from complex analysis behave quite differently from the usual operators. [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]


Multiplicative calculus is part of a more general field referred to as non-Newtonian calculus (NNC). NNC began with joint work between mathematicians Michael Grossman and Robert Katz. [29]

Modern History

20th Century

Grossman and Katz began their joint work on NNC in July of 1967. [29] Initially, they invented the geometric calculus, a multiplicative NNC. By August of 1970, they had constructed all of the infinitely many non-Newtonian calculi, including the bigeometric calculus, another multiplicative NNC. [29] The geometric calculus and the bigeometric calculus have been the most often used non-Newtonian calculi.

In 1972, Lee Press published a book by Grossman and Katz entitled "Non-Newtonian Calculus" with the subtitle "A self-contained elementary exposition of the authors' investigations", which describes the general theory of the infinite family of non-Newtonian calculi. [30] Within this theory, the standard calculus (i.e. that which is often studied at high-school through collegiate level) appears as a special case and is referred to as "classical calculus". The geometric calculus and the bigeometric calculus, among others, are also featured special cases in the book. [30]

NNC was not widely recognized for the majority of the 20th century, and few if any notable publications outside of those by the Grossmans (Jane and Michael) and Katz recognized it until approximately 2007. [31]

21st Century

There is a distinct divide between when this research goes from just the "pet project" of the Grossmans and Katz to a widely-recognized theory with applications. In 2007, Bashirov et al. made available an online publication (which later appeared in the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications in 2008) entitled "Multiplicative Calculus and its Applications". This 13-page paper was intended to spark interest in the research community and to demonstrate the utility of multiplicative calculus. [31] The paper has since been cited by over 100 academic articles as of early 2020, including research published that same year. [31] These articles range in application, to areas including physics, biology, and economics. The Reception section below contains several such applications. It is of note, however, that since some articles on the topic were published before Bashirov et al. printed theirs, [32] this paper was of course not the sole cause of interest in the research community.

At the 2015 International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM), organized by Pearson Higher Education, non-Newtonian calculi were introduced as methods for instruction in mathematics curricula. While Pearson is one of the largest educational material publishers worldwide, [33] no current Pearson curriculum endorses NNC as of 2020. [34] -

Early History

Before NNC was recognized by researchers, Michael Grossman and Robert Katz wrote in their 1972 book “Non-Newtonian Calculus”: "we are inclined to the view that the non-Newtonian calculi have not been known and recognized heretofore. But only the mathematical community can decide that." [30] This claim is not disputed. An interesting topic related to NNC did, however, appear before the 20th century.

Before the 20th century

In 1891, in the first proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, an organization which continues to operate today, [35] German-American mathematician Robert E. Moritz (2 June 1868 - 28 Dec 1940) published an article entitled "Quotientation, An Extension of the Differentiation Process" which details the concept of a so-called "quotiential coefficient". [36]

The "quotiential coefficient" is related to the bigeometric derivative by the formula , where denotes the "quotiential coefficient" of the function with respect to the variable , and denotes the bigeometric derivative of with respect to . It turns out that Moritz’s quotiential coefficient is in fact the well-known concept of elasticity.

General theory of non-Newtonian calculus

Based on six sources, [3] [4] [21] [37] [38] [9] this section is about the non-Newtonian calculi, which are alternatives to the classical calculus of Newton and Leibniz.

Construction: an outline

The construction of an arbitrary non-Newtonian calculus involves the real number system and an ordered pair * of arbitrary complete ordered fields.

Let R denote the set of all real numbers, and let A and B denote the respective realms of the two arbitrary complete ordered fields.

Assume that both A and B are subsets of R. (However, we are not assuming that the two arbitrary complete ordered fields are subfields of the real number system.) Consider an arbitrary function f with arguments in A and values in B.

By using the natural operations, natural orderings, and natural topologies for A and B, one can define the following (and other) concepts of the *-calculus: the *-limit of f at an argument a, f is *-continuous at a, f is *-continuous on a closed interval, the *-derivative of f at a, the *-average of a *-continuous function f on a closed interval, and the *-integral of a *-continuous function f on a closed interval.

Many, if not most, *-calculi are markedly different from the classical calculus, but the structure of each *-calculus is similar to that of the classical calculus. For example, each *-calculus has two Fundamental Theorems showing that the *-derivative and the *-integral are inversely related; and for each *-calculus, there is a special class of functions having a constant *-derivative. Furthermore, the classical calculus is one of the infinitely many *-calculi.

A non-Newtonian calculus is defined to be any *-calculus other than the classical calculus.

Relationships to classical calculus

The *-derivative, *-average, and *-integral can be expressed in terms of their classical counterparts (and vice versa). (However, as indicated in the Reception-section below, there are situations in which a specific non-Newtonian calculus may be more suitable than the classical calculus. [4] [39] [21] [38] [9] [11] )

Again, consider an arbitrary function f with arguments in A and values in B. Let α and β be the ordered-field isomorphisms from R onto A and B, respectively. Let α−1 and β−1 be their respective inverses.

Let D denote the classical derivative, and let D* denote the *-derivative. Finally, for each number t such that α(t) is in the domain of f, let F(t) = β−1(f(α(t))).

Theorem 1. For each number a in A, [D*f](a) exists if and only if [DF](α−1(a)) exists, and if they do exist, then [D*f](a) = β([DF](α−1(a))).

Theorem 2. Assume f is *-continuous on a closed interval (contained in A) from r to s, where r and s are in A. Then F is classically continuous on the closed interval (contained in R) from α−1(r) to α−1(s), and M* = β(M), where M* is the *-average of f from r to s, and M is the classical (i.e., arithmetic) average of F from α−1(r) to α−1(s).

Theorem 3. Assume f is *-continuous on a closed interval (contained in A) from r to s, where r and s are in A. Then S* = β(S), where S* is the *-integral of f from r to s, and S is the classical integral of F from α−1(r) to α−1(s).


Let be the identity function on . Let be the function on such that for each nonzero number , and . And let be the function on R such that for each nonnegative number , and for each negative number .

Example 1. If α = I = β, then the *-calculus is the classical calculus.

Example 2. If α = I and β = exp, then the *-calculus is the geometric calculus.

Example 3. If α = exp = β, then the *-calculus is the bigeometric calculus.

Example 4. If α = exp and β = I, then the *-calculus is the so-called anageometric calculus.

Example 5. If α = I and β = j, then the *-calculus is the so-called harmonic calculus.

Example 6. If α = j = β, then the *-calculus is the so-called biharmonic calculus.

Example 7. If α = j and β = I, then the *-calculus is the so-called anaharmonic calculus.

Example 8. If α = I and β = k, then the *-calculus is the so-called quadratic calculus.

Example 9. If α = k = β, then the *-calculus is the so-called biquadratic calculus.

Example 10. If α = k and β = I, then the *-calculus is the so-called anaquadratic calculus.


See also

Related Research Articles

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In mathematics, the derivative is a fundamental construction of differential calculus and admits many possible generalizations within the fields of mathematical analysis, combinatorics, algebra, and geometry.

A product integral is any product-based counterpart of the usual sum-based integral of classical calculus. The first product integral was developed by the mathematician Vito Volterra in 1887 to solve systems of linear differential equations. Other examples of product integrals are the geometric integral, the bigeometric integral, and some other integrals of non-Newtonian calculus.

In mathematics, the indefinite product operator is the inverse operator of . It is a discrete version of the geometric integral of geometric calculus, one of the non-Newtonian calculi. Some authors use term discrete multiplicative integration.

This is a glossary of terms that are or have been considered areas of study in mathematics.

In applied mathematics and mathematical analysis, the fractal derivative is a non-Newtonian type of derivative in which the variable such as t has been scaled according to tα. The derivative is defined in fractal geometry.

In the fields of dynamical systems and control theory, a fractional-order system is a dynamical system that can be modeled by a fractional differential equation containing derivatives of non-integer order. Such systems are said to have fractional dynamics. Derivatives and integrals of fractional orders are used to describe objects that can be characterized by power-law nonlocality, power-law long-range dependence or fractal properties. Fractional-order systems are useful in studying the anomalous behavior of dynamical systems in physics, electrochemistry, biology, viscoelasticity and chaotic systems.

In mathematics, Katugampola fractional operators are integral operators that generalize the Riemann–Liouville and the Hadamard fractional operators into a unique form. The Katugampola fractional integral generalizes both the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral and the Hadamard fractional integral into a single form and It is also closely related to the Erdelyi–Kober operator that generalizes the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral. Katugampola fractional derivative has been defined using the Katugampola fractional integral and as with any other fractional differential operator, it also extends the possibility of taking real number powers or complex number powers of the integral and differential operators.

Most of the terms listed in Wikipedia glossaries are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, glossaries like this one are useful for looking up, comparing and reviewing large numbers of terms together. You can help enhance this page by adding new terms or writing definitions for existing ones.


  1. 1 2 Michael Grossman. The First Nonlinear System of Differential And Integral Calculus, ISBN   0977117006, 1979.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Michael Grossman. Bigeometric Calculus: A System with a Scale-Free Derivative, ISBN   0977117030, 1983.
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Further reading