Oncidium, abbreviated as Onc. in the horticultural trade, is a genus that, as of December 2023, contains about 340 species of orchids from the subtribe Oncidiinae of the orchid family Orchidaceae. It is distributed across tropical and subtropical America from Mexico, Central America and the West Indies to northern Argentina, with one species (O. ensatum) extending into Florida. Common names for plants in this genus include dancing-lady orchid and golden shower orchid.

Selenipedium is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae). The genus has been given its own tribe, Selenipedieae, and subtribe, Selenipediinae. It is abbreviated Sel in trade journals.

Octomeria is a plant genus belonging to the family Orchidaceae. The genus comprises about 150 species native to the Neotropics, mostly in Brazil.

Rodriguezia, abbreviated Rdza. in the horticultural trade, is a genus of orchids. It consists of 49 known species, native to tropical America from southern Mexico and the Windward Islands south to Argentina, with many of the species endemic to Brazil.

Capanemia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 9 recognized species, all from South America:
- Capanemia adelaidaePorto & Brade - Brazil
- Capanemia brachycion(Griseb.) Schltr. - Rio Grande do Sul, northern and eastern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Capanemia carinataBarb.Rodr. - Minas Gerais, São Paulo
- Capanemia gehrtiiHoehne - Brazil
- Capanemia micromeraBarb.Rodr. - Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Capanemia paranaensisSchltr. - Paraná
- Capanemia pygmaea(Kraenzl.) Schltr. - Brazil, probably extinct
- Capanemia superflua(Rchb.f.) Garay - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
- Capanemia theresaeBarb.Rodr. - Brazil

Centroglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 5 accepted species, all endemic to Brazil:
- Centroglossa castellensisBrade - Espírito Santo
- Centroglossa greeniana(Rchb.f.) Cogn. in C.F.P.von Martius - Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo
- Centroglossa macrocerasBarb.Rodr.
- Centroglossa nunes-limaePorto & Brade - Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo
- Centroglossa tripollinica(Barb.Rodr.) Barb.Rodr.

Constantia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 6 known species, all endemic to Brazil:
- Constantia australis(Cogn.) Porto & Brade - Santa Catarina
- Constantia cipoensisPorto & Brade - Minas Gerais
- Constantia cristinaeF.E.L.Miranda - Minas Gerais
- Constantia gutfreundianaChiron & V.P.Castro - Minas Gerais
- Constantia microscopicaF.E.L.Miranda - Minas Gerais
- Constantia rupestrisBarb.Rodr. - Rio de Janeiro

Lankesterella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is found mostly in South America, with a few species extending north into Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.

Macradenia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to Latin America, the West Indies and Florida.
- Macradenia amazonicaMansf. - Brazil
- Macradenia brassavolaeRchb.f. - southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador
- Macradenia delicatulaBarb.Rodr. - Minas Gerais
- Macradenia loxoglottisFocke ex Rchb.f. in W.G.Walpers - Suriname
- Macradenia lutescensR.Br. - Florida, Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador
- Macradenia multiflora(Kraenzl.) Cogn. in C.F.P.von Martius - Brazil, Paraguay
- Macradenia paraensisBarb.Rodr. - Brazil, Paraguay
- Macradenia paulensisCogn. in C.F.P.von Martius - Brazil
- Macradenia purpureorostrataG.Gerlach - Colombia, Venezuela
- Macradenia regnelliiBarb.Rodr. - Minas Gerais
- Macradenia rubescensBarb.Rodr. - Brazil, Venezuela
- Macradenia tridentataC.Schweinf. - Peru

Mesadenella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists of 7 known species, native to Mexico, Central America and South America:
- Mesadenella angustisegmentaGaray – Venezuela, Ecuador
- Mesadenella atroviridis(Barb.Rodr.) Garay – Brazil
- Mesadenella cuspidata(Lindl.) Garay – from Colombia east to Guyana and south to Argentina
- Mesadenella meeaeR.J.V.Alves – Brazil
- Mesadenella peruvianaGaray – Peru
- Mesadenella tonduzii(Schltr.) Pabst & Garay – from southern Mexico south to Nicaragua; also Pará region of Brazil
- Mesadenella variegataD.E.Benn. & Christenson – Peru

Plectrophora is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to Central and South America.

Prescottia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across much of Latin America and the West Indies, with one species (P. oligantha) extending into Florida.

Psilochilus is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, Mexico and the West Indies.
- Psilochilus carinatusGaray - Colombia
- Psilochilus dusenianusKraenzl. ex Garay & Dunst. - Venezuela, Brazil
- Psilochilus macrophyllus(Lindl.) Ames - widespread from central Mexico and the West indies south to Peru
- Psilochilus maderoi(Schltr.) Schltr. - Colombia
- Psilochilus modestusBarb.Rodr. - Venezuela, Brazil
- Psilochilus mollisGaray - Ecuador
- Psilochilus physurifolius(Rchb.f.) Løjtnant - Venezuela, Guyana
- Psilochilus vallecaucanusKolan. & Szlach. - Colombia

Pteroglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, and Mexico.
- Pteroglossa euphlebia(Rchb.f.) Garay - Rio de Janeiro
- Pteroglossa glazioviana(Cogn.) Garay - Brazil, Paraguay
- Pteroglossa hilariana(Cogn.) Garay - Brazil
- Pteroglossa lurida(M.N.Correa) Garay - Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
- Pteroglossa luteolaGaray - Argentina
- Pteroglossa macrantha(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela
- Pteroglossa magnificaSzlach. - Paraguay
- Pteroglossa regia(Kraenzl.) Schltr. - Argentina
- Pteroglossa rhombipetalaGaray - Paraguay, Argentina
- Pteroglossa roseoalba(Rchb.f.) Salazar & M.W.Chase - widespread from Oaxaca to Argentina

Sacoila is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to the Western Hemisphere. It occurs in Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies and Florida.

Sanderella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to South America. Two species are recognized at present :

Sarcoglottis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across much of Latin America from Mexico to Argentina, with one species extending northward into Trinidad and the Windward Islands.
Sauroglossum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. The genus is endemic to South America. As of June 2014, the following species are recognized:
- Sauroglossum andinum(Hauman) Garay - Ecuador, Argentina
- Sauroglossum aurantiacum(C.Schweinf.) Garay - Peru
- Sauroglossum corymbosum(Lindl.) Garay - Peru, Bolivia
- Sauroglossum distansLindl. ex Garay - Bolivia
- Sauroglossum dromadumSzlach. - Peru
- Sauroglossum elatumLindl - Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil
- Sauroglossum longiflorum(Schltr.) Garay - Ecuador, Colombia
- Sauroglossum odoratumRobatsch - Rio de Janeiro
- Sauroglossum organenseSzlach. - Rio de Janeiro
- Sauroglossum schweinfurthianumGaray - Peru
- Sauroglossum sellilabre(Griseb.) Schltr. - Paraguay, Argentina

Skeptrostachys is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to eastern South America.
Veyretia is a genus of terrestrial orchids native to South America and Trinidad.
- Veyretia aphylla(Ridl.) Szlach. - Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
- Veyretia caudata(R.J.V.Alves) Mytnik - Minas Gerais
- Veyretia cogniauxiana(Barb.Rodr. ex Cogn.) Szlach. - Minas Gerais
- Veyretia hassleri(Cogn.) Szlach. - Brazil, Paraguay
- Veyretia neuroptera(Rchb.f. & Warm.) Szlach. - Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil
- Veyretia rupicola(Garay) F.Barros - Brazil
- Veyretia sagittata(Rchb.f. & Warm.) Szlach. - French Guiana, Argentina, Brazil
- Veyretia simplex(Griseb.) Szlach. - Trinidad, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
- Veyretia sincorensis(Schltr.) Szlach. - Bahia
- Veyretia szlachetkoanaMytnik - Colombia, Venezuela
- Veyretia undulataSzlach. - Brazil