Ponderosa pine forest is a plant association and plant community dominated by ponderosa pine and found in western North America. It is found from the British Columbia to Durango, Mexico. [1] In the south and east, ponderosa pine forest is the climax forest, while in the more northern part of its range, it can transition to Douglas-fir or grand fir, or white fir forests. Understory species depends on location. Fire suppression has led to insect outbreaks in ponderosa pine forests.
Since ponderosa pine has a rather wide range of adaptability and can dominate some of the less mesic true forest sites, it occupies low mountains and foothills in many places; yet in mixtures with other species, it is found at moderate elevations. [2]
Ponderosa pine forest is the largest western forest type in the United States. [2] Ponderosa pine is the principal species on over 110,000 km2 (27,000,000 acres) and is present on an additional 55,000 km2 (14,000,000 acres). Within the western United States, California alone contains the greatest concentrations of ponderosa pine (20,700 km2 or 5,100,000 acres) closely followed by Oregon with 19,000 km2 (4,700,000 acres) and, when combined, Arizona and New Mexico contain an additional 25,000 km2 (6,200,000 acres) of ponderosa pine. [3] [4] : 2
Local topography can be gentle, as on plateau tops and low mountains, or it can be steep, as on canyon walls and faces. Semiarid, low mountain sites are common, but it is difficult to characterize the physiography of the ecosystem because it varies greatly. [2]
Ponderosa pine forest occurs when the average mean temperature is between 42 and 50 °F (6 and 10 °C) and the July/August mean temperature is 62 to 70 °F (17 to 21 °C). [1]
The length of the frost-free season at any location in the ecosystem depends largely upon the latitude and elevation. In general, in much of the northern area the frost-free period is 120 days, whereas in many foothill areas and in parts of the Sierra Nevada and the Gila Wilderness in Arizona, it can be 240 days. Annual precipitation is about 15 to 20 inches (380 to 510 mm) in the more pure pine areas, but where there are combinations of pine and other conifers at moderate elevations, the precipitation can total 30 inches (760 mm). In the far western sector, only 25 percent of this moisture falls in the warmest months. In the Northern Rocky Mountains, 40-50 percent of the precipitation occurs in the warmest months. In the middle to southern Rockies, 66 to 75 percent occurs in the warmest months. In the southern areas and those at low elevations, precipitation during the frost-free season is only 20 percent of the evaporation potential. In northern areas precipitation during the growing season may be as high as 40 percent of the evaporation potential. [2]
Ponderosa pine forest can occur in different types of ecological site. Each of these sites can be characterized by its potential vegetation type (PVT) after succession reaches equilibrium or climax community.
In the southern and extreme eastern portion of the range, ponderosa pine grows primarily on ponderosa pine PVTs. On these settings, quaking aspen is the most frequent early-seral tree species. [5] [6] [4] : 6 Ground-level vegetation includes oaks ( Quercus spp.), grasses ( Festuca and Agropyron spp.), and low shrubs (e.g., snowberry ( Symphoricarpos spp.) and spirea ( Spirea spp.). Russet buffaloberry ( Shepherdia canadensis ), a frequent shrub in these forests, stands out for its nitrogen fixing properties which is the process of making elemental nitrogen in the atmosphere available to plants. [7] [4] : 6
With increasing moisture, ponderosa pine occurs as a mid-seral species and Douglas-fir becomes the late-seral species (Douglas-fir PVT). Quaking aspen and lodgepole pine are early-seral associates of ponderosa pine on these sites. [8] [4] : 6 These ponderosa pine forests occur in the Rocky Mountains along the Front Range of Colorado, in Utah, and in southern Idaho. They also occur along the western slopes of the Sierra Nevadas in California and the eastern slopes of the Cascades in Oregon. [9] [10] [11] [4] : 6 Ground-level vegetation includes ninebark ( Physocarpus spp.), elk sedge ( Carex geyeri ), and pine grass ( Calamagrostis rubescens ). These species, in particular, exemplify aggressive survivors after disturbance (e.g., fire, mechanical site preparation) and are strong competitors for light and nutrients which compete with ponderosa pine seedlings. [12] [4] : 6
Ponderosa pine forests in the north can occur in dry forests where the grand fir or white fir are the climax species. [10] [4] : 7 Additional trees that can occur in such forests include juniper ( Juniperus spp.), pinyon pine ( Pinus edulis ), sugar pine ( Pinus lambertiana ), incense-cedar ( Calocedrus decurrens ), western larch, Jeffrey pine ( Pinus jeffreyi ), and lodgepole pine. Pinegrass and ninebark are frequent associates, but tall shrubs such as Rocky Mountain maple ( Acer glabrum ) often occur. [4] : 7
The wettest forests where ponderosa pine occurs are the wet grand fir and/or white fir PVTs and the driest western redcedar PVTs. Such forests occur in the interior northwestern United States and in southern British Columbia. [13] [14] [10] [4] : 7 The western redcedar PVT is by far the most productive type on which ponderosa pine occurs, and lush and complex vegetation mixes may develop. Western white pine is a frequent associate of ponderosa pine with an occasional paper birch ( Betula papyrifera ). A rich understory of shrubs, grasses, and forbs occur in these forests. Early seral-species such as redstem ceanothus ( Ceanothus sanguineus ), snowbrush ceanothus ( Ceanothus velutinus ) and Sitka alder ( Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata) rapidly colonize sites after disturbance and are also active nitrogen fixers. [7] [15] [4] : 7 Mid-seral shrubs include Rocky Mountain maple which readily survives disturbances and is joined by late-seral species such as huckleberry ( Vaccinium spp.) and false huckleberry ( Menziesia ferruginea ). The latter readily survives disturbances but is an aggressive colonizer. Probably one of the greatest competitors and survivors after disturbance of any ground-level species occurring with ponderosa pine is pinegrass. This ground-level vegetation can play critical roles in forests such as providing wildlife habitat, stabilizing soil, and capturing nutrients after disturbance. For example, fireweed ( Chamerion angustifolium ) rapidly regenerates after fire and captures and recycles nitrogen. [12] [13] [14] [15] [4] : 7 Because of the range of species that can occur with ponderosa pine and their wide range of tolerance (e.g., shade, competition, fire) along with how they interact with disturbances a plethora of vegetative compositions and structures can occur within ponderosa pine forests arranged and interspersed in a variety of mosaics. [4] : 7
The impact of logging and ecological dynamics can cause some problems in maintaining good delineation of the ponderosa pine ecosystem. This ecosystem is idealized as open and parklike with an excellent ground cover of grasses, sedges, and forbs or with an understory of shrubs of low to medium height. In perhaps 60 percent of the area, the idealized open character of the ponderosa pine ecosystem has changed to that of a dense and growth-retarded stand, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. [2]
In the ponderosa pine ecosystem, the major mammals are the Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer, mountain lion, and coyote. Animals of less importance include the bushy-tailed woodrat, white-footed mouse, bobcat, rock squirrel, cottontail, porcupine, golden-mantled ground squirrel, Kaibab squirrel, and chipmunks. The Kaibab squirrel is rare and endemic to this ecosystem on Arizona's Kaibab Plateau. [2]
The most abundant and important resident birds in the ponderosa pine ecosystem include the pygmy nuthatch, long-crested jay, sharp-shinned hawk, Rocky Mountain nuthatch, mountain chickadee, Cassin's finch, redshafted flicker, red-backed junco, northern goshawk, and western red-tailed hawk. Birds that are common during the summer include the western bluebird, Audubon's warbler, Williamson's sapsucker, western chipping sparrow, horned owl, and band-tailed pigeon. [2]
The soils occupied by the ponderosa pine ecosystem vary tremendously. Along the western edge of the Columbia Plateau and the east slope of the Cascade Mountains, they are mollisols, inceptisols, entisols, and aridisols. In northern and eastern California, ponderosa pine stands are associated with ultisols. In the Okanogan Highlands at the northern edge of the Columbia Plateau and in much of the Northern Rocky Mountains, pine and the related forest types occur on inceptisols; the soils of the rest of these areas are largely alfisols and entisols. In the Blue and Wallowa Mountains of eastern Oregon, pine stands occupy mollisols. In the Middle and Southern Rocky Mountains, pines and associates are on mollisols, aridisols, entisols, and alfisols. Pine stands in the Gila Mountains are largely on mollisols. The small stands of pine in the Great Basin are on aridisols. [2]
Before successful fire exclusion, temperature and precipitation patterns combined with natural and human ignitions allowed fires to burn the dry ponderosa pine forests at relatively frequent (e.g., < 40 years) intervals. [17] [10] [4] : 7 Cultural burning by Native Americans augmented and even dominated burning in several locations. [18] [19] [4] : 7 In the northern Rocky Mountains of Idaho and western Montana, dry settings of ponderosa pine forests historically burned by low severity surface fires that did not kill overstory trees at 15 to 23 year mean return intervals. [4] : 7
Ponderosa pine forests appear to have evolved with fire and many authors have suggested that their composition and structure are dependent on the vegetation's relations with fire. [20] [21] [10] [22] [4] : 21 However, when wildfires burn altered ponderosa pine forests, the extent or area burned is similar to historical times but they tend to burn more severely. [23] [24] [10] [25] [4] : 21 They often kill large continuous expanses of vegetation, consume the forest floor, volatilize nutrients, provide for exotic species introductions, increase soil erosion, and, in general, create forest conditions that may not be favorable to society. The long-term consequences are not well understood for issues such as water quality and wildlife habitat. Nor will the sense of place that forests often provide which, in some cases, will not be replaced for many generations. [26] [27] [4] : 21
In the western United States domestic livestock grazing and harvesting of ponderosa pine forests was occurring by the mid-1800s. [28] [29] [4] : 8 Ponderosa pine was extensively harvested, altering both forest composition and structure. [30] [31] [32] [4] : 8 In mesic forests, grand fir and/or white fir and Douglas-fir rapidly colonized these sites when ponderosa pine was harvested. Especially on the ponderosa pine PVT, grass cover tended to decrease ponderosa pine seedling establishment and survival. [33] [4] : 8 However, when heavy livestock grazing ceased in the early 1900s in the southwestern United States, dense stands of ponderosa pine seedlings became established. Because of fire exclusion, climate changes, and other factors these trees readily developed into dense stands. [34] [31] [35] [4] : 8
The dense stands that developed increased the abundance of insect and disease epidemics, and when combined with fire exclusion, significantly altered the composition and structure of these forests. [36] [4] : 8 Historically, western pine beetle ( Dendroctonus brevicomis ), pine engraver ( Ips spp.), fir engraver ( Scolytus ventralis ), Douglas-fir tussock moth ( Orgyia pseudotsugata ) were insects associated with regularly burned areas. [37] [4] : 8 In most years bark beetles occurred at endemic levels in ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, and grand fir killing large and weakened trees that were struck by lightning, infected by root disease ( Armillaria spp.), or too old to resist attack. [38] [39] [4] : 8 Pine engraver and fir engraver beetles attacked young, densely stocked ponderosa pine or removed trees scorched by low-intensity surface fires and/or trees severely infected with disease. Sometimes disease and insect infestations increased during droughts when trees were stressed. [4] : 8
After a century of fire suppression, these same insects have occurred at epidemic levels in some locations. [40] [41] [42] [4] : 8–9 Ponderosa pine continues to be susceptible to the western pine beetle and mountain pine beetle. These beetles often kill ponderosa pine on Douglas-fir and grand fir/white fir PVTs. The pine engraver beetle is more abundant and destructive with some of the severest outbreaks occurring on low-elevation ponderosa pine PVTs. [43] [4] : 8–9 Pandora moth ( Coloradia pandora ) defoliates ponderosa pine and scattered outbreaks have occurred in Arizona, California, Colorado, and Oregon during the 20th century. The larvae prefer loose soils created by weathered granites or pumice where they burrow and pupate. [44] [4] : 8–9 In addition to ponderosa pine being damaged by insects, dense stands of Douglas-fir and grand fir or white fir that developed on many settings arevery susceptible to both defoliators and root diseases. [4] : 8–9
The western tanager, is a medium-sized American songbird. Formerly placed in the tanager family (Thraupidae), other members of its genus and it are classified in the cardinal family (Cardinalidae). The species's plumage and vocalizations are similar to other members of the cardinal family.
The ecology of the Sierra Nevada, located in the U.S. states of California and Nevada, is diverse and complex. The combination of climate, topography, moisture, and soils influences the distribution of ecological communities across an elevation gradient from 500 to 14,500 feet. Biotic zones range from scrub and chaparral communities at lower elevations, to subalpine forests and alpine meadows at the higher elevations. Particular ecoregions that follow elevation contours are often described as a series of belts that follow the length of the Sierra Nevada. There are many hiking trails, paved and unpaved roads, and vast public lands in the Sierra Nevada for exploring the many different biomes and ecosystems.
Sagebrush steppe is a type of shrub-steppe, a plant community characterized by the presence of shrubs, and usually dominated by sagebrush, any of several species in the genus Artemisia. This ecosystem is found in the Intermountain West in the United States.
The northwestern salamander is a species of mole salamander that inhabits the northwest Pacific coast of North America. These fairly large salamanders grow to 8.7 in (220 mm) in length. It is found from southeastern Alaska on May Island, through Washington and Oregon south to the mouth of the Gualala River, Sonoma County, California. It occurs from sea level to the timberline, but not east of the Cascade Divide. Its range includes Vancouver Island in British Columbia and The San Juan Islands, Cypress, Whidbey, Bainbridge, and Vashon Islands in Washington.
The western toad is a large toad species, between 5.6 and 13 cm long, native to western North America. A. boreas is frequently encountered during the wet season on roads, or near water at other times. It can jump a considerable distance for a toad. Breeding occurs between March and July in mountainous areas, and as early as January in lower-elevation regions. The female lays up to 17,000 eggs stuck together in strings that adhere to vegetation and other objects along water edges.
The Mt. Moriah Wilderness is a 89,790-acre (36,340 ha) wilderness area in the northern part of the Snake Range of White Pine County, in the eastern section of the state of Nevada in the western United States.
California oak woodland is a plant community found throughout the California chaparral and woodlands ecoregion of California in the United States and northwestern Baja California in Mexico. Oak woodland is widespread at lower elevations in coastal California; in interior valleys of the Coast Ranges, Transverse Ranges and Peninsular Ranges; and in a ring around the California Central Valley grasslands. The dominant trees are oaks, interspersed with other broadleaf and coniferous trees, with an understory of grasses, herbs, geophytes, and California native plants.
The brush mouse is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. It is found in mountainous areas of Mexico and the western United States at altitudes over 2,000 m (6,600 ft).
The Great Basin pocket mouse is a species of rodent in the family Heteromyidae. It is found in British Columbia in Canada and the western United States.
The Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine forest is a forest plant community at an elevation of 2,000–2,700 metres (6,600–8,900 ft) in the U.S. state of Colorado, depending on soil moisture. It is an important temperate coniferous forest ecoregion, including some endemic wildlife and grass species that are only found in this ponderosa pine habitat.
Salmo-Priest Wilderness is a 41,335 acre (167.28 km2) wilderness area located in the Selkirk Mountains in the northeast corner of Washington state, within the Colville National Forest and the Kaniksu National Forest.
The Eastern Cascades Slopes and Foothills ecoregion is a Level III ecoregion designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S. states of Oregon, Washington, and California. In the rain shadow of the Cascade Range, the eastern side of the mountains experiences greater temperature extremes and receives less precipitation than the west side. Open forests of ponderosa pine and some lodgepole pine distinguish this region from the Cascades ecoregion, where hemlock and fir forests are more common, and from the lower, drier ecoregions to the east, where shrubs and grasslands are predominant. The vegetation is adapted to the prevailing dry, continental climate and frequent wildfire. Volcanic cones and buttes are common in much of the region.
The Blue Mountains ecoregion is a Level III ecoregion designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Pacific Northwest, mainly in the state of Oregon, with small areas over the state border in Idaho and southeastern Washington. It is also contiguous with the World Wildlife Fund's Blue Mountain forests ecoregion.
Pre-Columbian woodlands of North America, consisting of a mixed woodland-grassland ecosystem, were maintained by both natural lightning fires and by Native Americans before the significant arrival of Europeans. Although decimated by widespread epidemic disease, Native Americans in the 16th century continued using fire to clear woodlands until European colonists began colonizing the eastern seaboard. Many colonists continued the practice of burning to clear underbrush, reinforced by their similar experience in Europe, but some land reverted to forest.
The black-tailed jackrabbit, also known as the American desert hare, is a common hare of the western United States and Mexico, where it is found at elevations from sea level up to 10,000 ft (3,000 m). Reaching a length around 2 ft (61 cm), and a weight from 3 to 6 lb, the black-tailed jackrabbit is one of the largest North American hares. Black-tailed jackrabbits occupy mixed shrub-grassland terrains. Their breeding depends on the location; it typically peaks in spring, but may continue all year round in warm climates. Young are born fully furred with eyes open; they are well camouflaged and are mobile within minutes of birth, thus females do not protect or even stay with the young except during nursing. The average litter size is around four, but may be as low as two and as high as seven in warm regions.
The biogeoclimatic zones of British Columbia are units of a classification system used by the British Columbia Ministry of Forests for the Canadian province's fourteen different broad, climatic ecosystems. The classification system, termed Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification, exists independently of other ecoregion systems, one created by the World Wildlife Fund and the other in use by Environment Canada, which is based on one created by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) and also in use by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The system of biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification was partly created for the purpose of managing forestry resources, but is also in use by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy and other provincial agencies. A biogeoclimatic zone is defined as "a geographic area having similar patterns of energy flow, vegetation and soils as a result of a broadly homogenous macroclimate."
The ecology of the Rocky Mountains is diverse due to the effects of a variety of environmental factors. The Rocky Mountains are the major mountain range in western North America, running from the far north of British Columbia in Canada to New Mexico in the southwestern United States, climbing from the Great Plains at or below 1,800 feet (550 m) to peaks of over 14,000 feet (4,300 m). Temperature and rainfall varies greatly also and thus the Rockies are home to a mixture of habitats including the alpine, subalpine and boreal habitats of the Northern Rocky Mountains in British Columbia and Alberta, the coniferous forests of Montana and Idaho, the wetlands and prairie where the Rockies meet the plains, a different mix of conifers on the Yellowstone Plateau in Wyoming and in the high Rockies of Colorado and New Mexico, and finally the alpine tundra of the highest elevations.
The pinyon jay is a species of jay, and is the only member of the genus Gymnorhinus. Native to Western North America, the species ranges from central Oregon to northern Baja California, and eastward as far as western Oklahoma, though wanderers are often sighted beyond this range. It is typically found within foothills, especially where pinyon pines occur.
Mixed coniferous forest is a vegetation type dominated by a mixture of broadleaf trees and conifers. It is generally located in mountains, below the upper montane vegetation type.
Biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification (BEC) is an ecological classification framework used in British Columbia to define, describe, and map ecosystem-based units at various scales, from broad, ecologically-based climatic regions down to local ecosystems or sites. BEC is termed an ecosystem classification as the approach integrates site, soil, and vegetation characteristics to develop and characterize all units. BEC has a strong application focus and guides to classification and management of forests, grasslands and wetlands are available for much of the province to aid in identification of the ecosystem units.