Primary testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma | |
Other names | PT-DLBCL; testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the testes |
Specialty | Hematology; oncology |
Symptoms | enlarging testicular mass |
Complications | metastases, particularly to the central nervous system and uninvolved testicle |
Prognosis | guarded |
Primary testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (PT-DLBCL), also termed testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the testes, is a variant of the diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL). DLBCL are a large and diverse group of B-cell malignancies with the great majority (-85%) being typed as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (DLBCL, NOS). PT-DLBCL is a variant of DLBCL, NOS that involves one or, in uncommon cases, both testicles. Other variants and subtypes of DLBCL may involve the testes by spreading to them from their primary sites of origin in other tissues. PT-DLBCL differs from these other DLBCL in that it begins in the testes and then may spread to other sites. [1]
The B-cells in PT-DLBCL are malignant lymphocytes that normally function in the humoral immunity component of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies that, for example, bind to and neutralize invasive pathogens. [1] In ~75% of PT-DLBCL cases these malignant B-cells are termed "activated B-cells" to distinguish them from "germinal center B-cells". While DLBCL may involve either type of B-cell, the various forms and subtypes of the DLBCL that involve activated B-cells are more aggressive and may require different therapies than those involving germinal center B-cells. [2]
Lymphomas that begin in the testes, i.e. primary testicular lymphomas (PTL), are rare forms of lymphoma that represent 1-2% of all non-Hodgkins lymphomas and 5% of all testicular malignancies. PT-DLBCL is by far the most common form of PTL, [3] accounting for >85% all PTL cases. [4] Other forms of PTL include testicular mantle cell lymphoma, extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma, extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type, peripheral T-cell lymphoma, activin receptor-like kinase-1–negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma, and pediatric-type follicular lymphoma. [4] Some European investigators have combined PT-DLBCL and most of the latter lymphomas into a lymphoma group termed "non-Hodgkin's primitive lymphoma of the testes". [5] [6]
All forms of PTL except the pediatric-type follicular lymphoma are highly aggressive malignancies [4] PT-DLBCL is no exception to this rule: it begins in a testis, often spreads to the contralateral (i.e. uninvolved) testis as well as to the central nervous system and other sites, and commonly recurs following its treatment. [7] In consequence, the disease has had a 5-year cause-specific survival of only ~60%. [1] Addition of the immunotherapeutic drug, rituximab, to standard chemotherapy protocols has somewhat improved the treatment of most cases of this disease. [7] In addition, clinical trials are testing new drugs for preventing relapses in, as well as treating, PT-DLBCL. [2]
PT-DLBCL is by far the most common form of testicular cancer in men >60 years of age. [2] It usually develops in this age group (median age ~65 years old, range 10–96 years) and presents as a painless testicular mass or swelling in one testis or, in ~6% of cases, both testes: [1] PT-DLBCL is the most common testicular cancer to present with disease in both testicles. [8] About 30-40% of afflicted individuals present concurrently with hydrocele testis, i.e. an enlarged testis due to the accumulation of clear fluid. [9] The tumors commonly increase in size at a rapid pace, may advance locally to involve the epididymis, spermatic cord, scrotal skin, and/or regional lymph nodes, and may cause sharp scrotal pain. About 10% [1] to 33% [9] of individuals have B symptoms such as fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Initial laboratory studies show increases in serum lactate dehydrogenase levels in a third of cases. [1] Some 80% of individuals present with either localized Ann Arbor stage I or locally advanced Ann Arbor stage II disease. The remaining ~20% of cases have disseminated Ann Arbor stage III or IV disease that has spread to the abdominal lymph nodes, Waldeyr's ring of lymphoid tissue that surrounds the nasopharynx and oropharynx, contralateral testis, skin, lung, [9] and, most seriously, the parenchyma of and/or the leptomembranes surrounding either the brain or spinal cord. [7]
PT-DLBCL develops in an immune privileged site, the testis, which lies within the blood-testes barrier. Immune privileged sites are sanctuaries where abnormal antigens that occur in them, such as those that are expressed on cancer cells, do not evoke the development-suppressing and growth-suppressing actions of the immune surveillance system. [7] Since PT-DLBCL often spreads from its origin in one testicle to other immune privileged sites such as the central nervous system and the contralateral testicle, the disease's development and/or progressive seems to depend on evading immune attack. Additionally, the neoplastic B-cells in this disease acquire abnormalities in their expression of certain genes that further allow them to escape immune responses. They have loss of function mutations in the beta-2 macroglobulin gene, B2M (~17% of cases); inactivating mutations in the NLR family CARD domain containing 5 gene, NLRC5 (10% of cases); and gains in the number of copies of DNA stretches in the long arms of chromosome 18 at position 13.1 and chromosome 12 at position 13,42 which lead to the overexpression of leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily A member 3 gene, LILRA3 . These and possibly other unidentified gene abnormalities cause the complete lose of the expression of MHC class I and MHC class II proteins in >65% of all PT-DLBCL cases. MHC class I and II proteins are required for immune cells to identify and attack them. The neoplastic B cells in PT-DLBCL also show gains and amplifications of CD274 and PDCD1LG2 , which are the genes for the pro-death ligands, PDL1 and PDL2, respectfully. Overexpression of these ligand proteins inhibits the immune responses of various cell types. [8]
The neoplastic cells in PT-DLBCL have deletions in one or both copies of the CDKN2A gene which can lead to genome instability, i.e. a high rate of acquisition of other genetic abnormalities. These cells also have acquired mutations in: 1) the MYD88 gene (~83% of cases), PIM1 and/or PIM2 genes (~73% of cases), CARD11 gene (~16% of cases), TNFAIP3 gene (3-15% of cases), [8] and NFKBIZ gene (~40% of cases), [2] any one of which can lead to overaction of the NF-κB signaling pathway and thereby prolong cell survival; 2) the CD79B gene (~50% of cases) which can lead to overactivation of B-cell receptor signaling pathways and thereby stimulation of cellular proliferation and survival. [8] 3) the genes for AKT1, AKT2, and PIK3CB, any one of which can lead to overactivation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway and thereby excessive cellular proliferation and survival; 4) the MYC gene (~15% of cases) which can lead to increased cellular proliferation; and 5) the BCL2 gene (~10% of cases) which leads to prolonged cell survival. [2]
These data suggest that in PT-DLBCL B-cells sequestered in an immune privileged testicular environment acquire a series of genetic abnormalities that promote their genetic instability (i.e. development of more genetic abnormalities), further escape the immune system, and dysregulate key signaling pathways that stimulate their proliferation, survival, and other pro-malignant behaviors. Some of these genetic abnormalities and dysregulated signaling pathways are potential targets for treating the disease. [2] [8]
The diagnosis of PT-DLBCL depends on examining the histology, i.e. microscopic anatomy, of biopsy samples taken from the tumors. Most of these tumors are large, e.g. ~6 centimeters, and show medium- to large-sized lymphoid tumor B-cells [10] that resemble centroblasts [1] diffusely infiltrating and effacing the architecture of the involved tissue. [8] Non-malignant T-cell lymphocytes are interspersed with the malignant B-cells and when present in high numbers (i.e. >15% of nucleated cells) may be indicative of a more favorable prognosis. [10] These neoplastic tumor cells express various B-cell marker proteins including CD19, CD20, CD22, and CD79a. They may also express CD10 (30-60% of cases), IRF4 (35-65% of cases), and nuclear BCL6 (60-90% of cases); [2] ~80% of cases are "double expressers" of the protein products of the MYC and BCL2 genes, cMYC and Bcl-2, respectively. [8] They are rapidly proliferating cells as determined by testing for Ki-67 staining. [9] In at least seventy-five percent of cases, these malignant cells can be classified as being nongerminal center activated B-cell, i.e. ABC, rather than germinal center B-cell, i.e. GBC, variants of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (see variants of DLBCL, NOS). [2] Fluorescence in situ hybridization, DNA sequencing, and other gene analyses of these cells can be used to identify the gene-related abnormalities detailed in the above Pathophysiology section. [2] [8] Given the propensity of this tumor to spread beyond the testes and to relapse at extra-testicular sites (see following section), all patients should be examined for the stage of their disease. [2] Generally, this staging should include positron emission tomography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging; lumbar puncture (i.e. spinal tap) with examination of the cerebral spinal fluid obtained from spinal taps for the presence of malignant B-cells; [2] and in cases where these tests are negative, bone marrow examination for the presence of malignant B-cells. [11]
PT-LBCL had been treated principally with the CHOP regimen used in most cases of DLBCL, NOS. This regimen consists of three chemotherapy drugs (cyclophosphamide, hydroxydoxorubicin, and oncovin) plus a glucocorticoid (either prednisone or prednisolone); [12] it achieved complete remission rates of >50%, [6] 5 year median overall and progression-free survival times of 49 and 96 months, respectively, and cause-specific survival rates at 5 years of ~60%. [1] However, rates of disease recurrence on this regimen were high with central nervous system relapses occurring after 5 and 10 years in 20% and 35% of cases, respectively, and contralateral testicular relapses occurring after 10–15 years in 5-35% of cases. [6] More recently, the immunotherapy drug, rituximab has been added to the CHOP chemotherapy regiment to form the R-CHOP chemoimmunotherapy regimen. [2] Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody that binds to the CD20 protein on, e.g. B-cells, and by doing so targets these cells for attack by the hosts adaptive immune system. [13] The addition of rituximab improved the therapeutic efficacy of the CHOP regimen in almost all forms of DLBCL but has been somewhat less successful in PT-DLBCL primarily because it does not cross the blood–brain barrier in appreciable amounts and therefore cannot treat or prevent central nervous system involvement. [2] In consequence, current recommendations for PT-DLBCL include 1) the R-CHOP regimen; [7] 2) systemic therapy with high dosage methotrexate, a drug which penetrates the blood–brain barrier or, in cases unable to tolerate high dose systemic methotrexate, intrathecal (i.e. injected directly into spinal fluid of the central nervous system) methotrexate; [2] and 3) radiotherapy to the contralateral testis. [7] [11] For cases with central nervous system involvement at presentation, R-CHOP plus high dose intravenous and intrathecal methotrexate is recommended; for cases of lymphomatous meningitis R-CHOP plus cytarabine is recommended; and for cases in which patients have altered cardiac function and therefore unable to tolerate the cardiotoxic drug, hydroxydoxorubicin, R-CEOP (substitutes etoposide for hydroxydoxorubicin) is recommended. [14]
Since it is not clear that methotrexate therapy reduces the incidence of central nervous system relapse in PT-DLBCL, [7] a phase II non-comparative clinical study to determine the feasibility and toxicity of the R-CHOP regimen plus intrathecal liposomal cytarabine and systemic intermediate-dose methotrexate followed by loco-regional radiotherapy has just been completed. [15] Results of this study, particularly as it relates to central nervous system involvement, are awaited. [6] Other clinical studies seek to determine if ibrutinib (an inhibiter of B-cell receptor signaling that causes B-cell apoptosis, i.e. death) [2] lenalidomide (mechanism of action is unclear), monoclonal antibodies (e.g. atezolizumab, durvalumab, or pembrolizumab) that inhibit the actions of PDLI), or drugs that inhibit the NF-κB or PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway (i.e. Copanlisib, ONC210, acalabrutinib, and TAK659), [16] when added to the R-CHOP regimen, can prevent or treat central nervous system involvement in various forms of lymphoma and therefore might be useful in PT-DLBCL. [2]
Tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues or tumours of the haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues are tumors that affect the blood, bone marrow, lymph, and lymphatic system. Because these tissues are all intimately connected through both the circulatory system and the immune system, a disease affecting one will often affect the others as well, making aplasia, myeloproliferation and lymphoproliferation closely related and often overlapping problems. While uncommon in solid tumors, chromosomal translocations are a common cause of these diseases. This commonly leads to a different approach in diagnosis and treatment of hematological malignancies. Hematological malignancies are malignant neoplasms ("cancer"), and they are generally treated by specialists in hematology and/or oncology. In some centers "hematology/oncology" is a single subspecialty of internal medicine while in others they are considered separate divisions. Not all hematological disorders are malignant ("cancerous"); these other blood conditions may also be managed by a hematologist.
Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL) refers to a group of non-Hodgkin lymphomas in which aberrant T cells proliferate uncontrollably. Considered as a single entity, ALCL is the most common type of peripheral lymphoma and represents ~10% of all peripheral lymphomas in children. The incidence of ALCL is estimated to be 0.25 cases per 100,000 people in the United States of America. There are four distinct types of anaplastic large-cell lymphomas that on microscopic examination share certain key histopathological features and tumor marker proteins. However, the four types have very different clinical presentations, gene abnormalities, prognoses, and/or treatments.
Follicular lymphoma (FL) is a cancer that involves certain types of white blood cells known as lymphocytes. The cancer originates from the uncontrolled division of specific types of B-cells known as centrocytes and centroblasts. These cells normally occupy the follicles in the germinal centers of lymphoid tissues such as lymph nodes. The cancerous cells in FL typically form follicular or follicle-like structures in the tissues they invade. These structures are usually the dominant histological feature of this cancer.
Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) is classified as a diffuse large B cell lymphoma. It is a rare malignancy of plasmablastic cells that occurs in individuals that are infected with the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. Plasmablasts are immature plasma cells, i.e. lymphocytes of the B-cell type that have differentiated into plasmablasts but because of their malignant nature do not differentiate into mature plasma cells but rather proliferate excessively and thereby cause life-threatening disease. In PEL, the proliferating plasmablastoid cells commonly accumulate within body cavities to produce effusions, primarily in the pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal cavities, without forming a contiguous tumor mass. In rare cases of these cavitary forms of PEL, the effusions develop in joints, the epidural space surrounding the brain and spinal cord, and underneath the capsule which forms around breast implants. Less frequently, individuals present with extracavitary primary effusion lymphomas, i.e., solid tumor masses not accompanied by effusions. The extracavitary tumors may develop in lymph nodes, bone, bone marrow, the gastrointestinal tract, skin, spleen, liver, lungs, central nervous system, testes, paranasal sinuses, muscle, and, rarely, inside the vasculature and sinuses of lymph nodes. As their disease progresses, however, individuals with the classical effusion-form of PEL may develop extracavitary tumors and individuals with extracavitary PEL may develop cavitary effusions.
Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), also termed primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the central nervous system (DLBCL-CNS), is a primary intracranial tumor appearing mostly in patients with severe immunodeficiency. It is a subtype and one of the most aggressive of the diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.
The B-cell lymphomas are types of lymphoma affecting B cells. Lymphomas are "blood cancers" in the lymph nodes. They develop more frequently in older adults and in immunocompromised individuals.
Intravascular lymphomas (IVL) are rare cancers in which malignant lymphocytes proliferate and accumulate within blood vessels. Almost all other types of lymphoma involve the proliferation and accumulation of malignant lymphocytes in lymph nodes, other parts of the lymphatic system, and various non-lymphatic organs but not in blood vessels.
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a cancer of B cells, a type of lymphocyte that is responsible for producing antibodies. It is the most common form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma among adults, with an annual incidence of 7–8 cases per 100,000 people per year in the US and UK. This cancer occurs primarily in older individuals, with a median age of diagnosis at ~70 years, although it can occur in young adults and, in rare cases, children. DLBCL can arise in virtually any part of the body and, depending on various factors, is often a very aggressive malignancy. The first sign of this illness is typically the observation of a rapidly growing mass or tissue infiltration that is sometimes associated with systemic B symptoms, e.g. fever, weight loss, and night sweats.
Richter's transformation (RT), also known as Richter's syndrome, is the conversion of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or its variant, small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL), into a new and more aggressively malignant disease. CLL is the circulation of malignant B lymphocytes with or without the infiltration of these cells into lymphatic or other tissues while SLL is the infiltration of these malignant B lymphocytes into lymphatic and/or other tissues with little or no circulation of these cells in the blood. CLL along with its SLL variant are grouped together in the term CLL/SLL.
Aggressive lymphoma, also known as high-grade lymphoma, is a group of fast growing non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) is a rare hematologic malignancy. It was initially regarded as a form of lymphocyte-derived cutaneous lymphoma and alternatively named CD4+CD56+ hematodermic tumor, blastic NK cell lymphoma, and agranular CD4+ NK cell leukemia. Later, however, the disease was determined to be a malignancy of plasmacytoid dendritic cells rather than lymphocytes and therefore termed blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm. In 2016, the World Health Organization designated BPDCN to be in its own separate category within the myeloid class of neoplasms. It is estimated that BPDCN constitutes 0.44% of all hematological malignancies.
Marginal zone B-cell lymphomas, also known as marginal zone lymphomas (MZLs), are a heterogeneous group of lymphomas that derive from the malignant transformation of marginal zone B-cells. Marginal zone B cells are innate lymphoid cells that normally function by rapidly mounting IgM antibody immune responses to antigens such as those presented by infectious agents and damaged tissues. They are lymphocytes of the B-cell line that originate and mature in secondary lymphoid follicles and then move to the marginal zones of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, the spleen, or lymph nodes. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue is a diffuse system of small concentrations of lymphoid tissue found in various submucosal membrane sites of the body such as the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx, thyroid gland, breast, lung, salivary glands, eye, skin and the human spleen.
Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (ENKTCL-NT) is a rare type of lymphoma that commonly involves midline areas of the nasal cavity, oral cavity, and/or pharynx At these sites, the disease often takes the form of massive, necrotic, and extremely disfiguring lesions. However, ENKTCL-NT can also involve the eye, larynx, lung, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and various other tissues. ENKTCL-NT mainly affects adults; it is relatively common in Asia and to lesser extents Mexico, Central America, and South America but is rare in Europe and North America. In Korea, ENKTCL-NT often involves the skin and is reported to be the most common form of cutaneous lymphoma after mycosis fungoides.
Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is a type of large B-cell lymphoma recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017 as belonging to a subgroup of lymphomas termed lymphoid neoplasms with plasmablastic differentiation. The other lymphoid neoplasms within this subgroup are: plasmablastic plasma cell lymphoma ; primary effusion lymphoma that is Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus positive or Kaposi's sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus negative; anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive large B-cell lymphoma; and human herpesvirus 8-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified. All of these lymphomas are malignancies of plasmablasts, i.e. B-cells that have differentiated into plasmablasts but because of their malignant nature: fail to differentiate further into mature plasma cells; proliferate excessively; and accumulate in and injure various tissues and organs.
Epstein–Barr virus–associated lymphoproliferative diseases are a group of disorders in which one or more types of lymphoid cells, i.e. B cells, T cells, NK cells, and histiocytic-dendritic cells, are infected with the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). This causes the infected cells to divide excessively, and is associated with the development of various non-cancerous, pre-cancerous, and cancerous lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs). These LPDs include the well-known disorder occurring during the initial infection with the EBV, infectious mononucleosis, and the large number of subsequent disorders that may occur thereafter. The virus is usually involved in the development and/or progression of these LPDs although in some cases it may be an "innocent" bystander, i.e. present in, but not contributing to, the disease.
Pediatric-type follicular lymphoma (PTFL) is a disease in which malignant B-cells accumulate in, overcrowd, and cause the expansion of the lymphoid follicles in, and thereby enlargement of the lymph nodes in the head and neck regions and, less commonly, groin and armpit regions. The disease accounts for 1.5% to 2% of all the lymphomas that occur in the pediatric age group.
T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma (THRLBCL) is a malignancy of B cells. B-cells are lymphocytes that normally function in the humoral immunity component of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies that, for example, bind to and neutralize invasive pathogens. Among the various forms of B-cell lymphomas, THRLBCL is a rarely occurring subtype of the diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL). DLBCL are a large group of lymphomas that account for ~25% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas worldwide. THRLBCL is distinguished from the other DLBCL subtypes by the predominance of non-malignant T-cell lymphocytes and histiocytes over malignant B-cells in its tumors and tissue infiltrates.
Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type (PCDLBCL-LT) is a cutaneous lymphoma skin disease that occurs mostly in elderly females. In this disease, B cells become malignant, accumulate in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue below the dermis to form red and violaceous skin nodules and tumors. These lesions typically occur on the lower extremities but in uncommon cases may develop on the skin at virtually any other site. In ~10% of cases, the disease presents with one or more skin lesions none of which are on the lower extremities; the disease in these cases is sometimes regarded as a variant of PCDLBL, LT termed primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, other (PCDLBC-O). PCDLBCL, LT is a subtype of the diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and has been thought of as a cutaneous counterpart to them. Like most variants and subtypes of the DLBCL, PCDLBCL, LT is an aggressive malignancy. It has a 5-year overall survival rate of 40–55%, although the PCDLBCL-O variant has a better prognosis than cases in which the legs are involved.
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma associated with chronic inflammation (DLBCL-CI) is a subtype of the Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and a rare form of the Epstein–Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative diseases, i.e. conditions in which lymphocytes infected with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) proliferate excessively in one or more tissues. EBV infects ~95% of the world's population to cause no symptoms, minor non-specific symptoms, or infectious mononucleosis. The virus then enters a latency phase in which the infected individual becomes a lifetime asymptomatic carrier of the virus. Some weeks, months, years, or decades thereafter, a very small fraction of these carriers, particularly those with an immunodeficiency, develop any one of various EBV-associated benign or malignant diseases.
Fibrin-associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (FA-DLBCL) is an extremely rare form of the diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL). DLBCL are lymphomas in which a particular type of lymphocyte, the B-cell, proliferates excessively, invades multiple tissues, and often causes life-threatening tissue damage. DLBCL have various forms as exemplified by one of its subtypes, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma associated with chronic inflammation (DLBCL-CI). DLBCL-CI is an aggressive malignancy that develops in sites of chronic inflammation that are walled off from the immune system. In this protected environment, the B-cells proliferate excessively, acquire malignant gene changes, form tumor masses, and often spread outside of the protected environment. In 2016, the World Health Organization provisionally classified FA-DLBCL as a DLBCL-CI. Similar to DLBCL-CI, FA-DLBCL involves the proliferation of EBV-infected large B-cells in restricted anatomical spaces that afford protection from an individual's immune system. However, FA-DLBCL differs from DLBCL-CI in many other ways, including, most importantly, its comparatively benign nature. Some researchers have suggested that this disease should be regarded as a non-malignant or pre-malignant lymphoproliferative disorder rather than a malignant DLBCL-CI.