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Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), an extension of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), is used to provide information about the density of electrons in a sample as a function of their energy.
In scanning tunneling microscopy, a metal tip is moved over a conducting sample without making physical contact. A bias voltage applied between the sample and tip allows a current to flow between the two. This is as a result of quantum tunneling across a barrier; in this instance, the physical distance between the tip and the sample
The scanning tunneling microscope is used to obtain "topographs" - topographic maps - of surfaces. The tip is rastered across a surface and (in constant current mode), a constant current is maintained between the tip and the sample by adjusting the height of the tip. A plot of the tip height at all measurement positions provides the topograph. These topographic images can obtain atomically resolved information on metallic and semi-conducting surfaces
However, the scanning tunneling microscope does not measure the physical height of surface features. One such example of this limitation is an atom adsorbed onto a surface. The image will result in some perturbation of the height at this point. A detailed analysis of the way in which an image is formed shows that the transmission of the electric current between the tip and the sample depends on two factors: (1) the geometry of the sample and (2) the arrangement of the electrons in the sample. The arrangement of the electrons in the sample is described quantum mechanically by an "electron density". The electron density is a function of both position and energy, and is formally described as the local density of electron states, abbreviated as local density of states (LDOS), which is a function of energy.
Spectroscopy, in its most general sense, refers to a measurement of the number of something as a function of energy. For scanning tunneling spectroscopy the scanning tunneling microscope is used to measure the number of electrons (the LDOS) as a function of the electron energy. The electron energy is set by the electrical potential difference (voltage) between the sample and the tip. The location is set by the position of the tip.
At its simplest, a "scanning tunneling spectrum" is obtained by placing a scanning tunneling microscope tip above a particular place on the sample. With the height of the tip fixed, the electron tunneling current is then measured as a function of electron energy by varying the voltage between the tip and the sample (the tip to sample voltage sets the electron energy). The change of the current with the energy of the electrons is the simplest spectrum that can be obtained, it is often referred to as an I-V curve. As is shown below, it is the slope of the I-V curve at each voltage (often called the dI/dV-curve) which is more fundamental because dI/dV corresponds to the electron density of states at the local position of the tip, the LDOS.
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy is an experimental technique which uses a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to probe the local density of electronic states (LDOS) and the band gap of surfaces and materials on surfaces at the atomic scale. [1] Generally, STS involves observation of changes in constant-current topographs with tip-sample bias, local measurement of the tunneling current versus tip-sample bias (I-V) curve, measurement of the tunneling conductance, , or more than one of these. Since the tunneling current in a scanning tunneling microscope only flows in a region with diameter ~5 Å, STS is unusual in comparison with other surface spectroscopy techniques, which average over a larger surface region. The origins of STS are found in some of the earliest STM work of Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, in which they observed changes in the appearance of some atoms in the (7 x 7) unit cell of the Si(111) – (7 x 7) surface with tip-sample bias. [2] STS provides the possibility for probing the local electronic structure of metals, semiconductors, and thin insulators on a scale unobtainable with other spectroscopic methods. Additionally, topographic and spectroscopic data can be recorded simultaneously.
Since STS relies on tunneling phenomena and measurement of the tunneling current or its derivative, understanding the expressions for the tunneling current is very important. Using the modified Bardeen transfer Hamiltonian method, which treats tunneling as a perturbation, the tunneling current () is found to be
(1) |
where is the Fermi distribution function, and are the density of states (DOS) in the sample and tip, respectively, and is the tunneling matrix element between the modified wavefunctions of the tip and the sample surface. The tunneling matrix element,
(2) |
describes the energy lowering due to the interaction between the two states. Here and are the sample wavefunction modified by the tip potential, and the tip wavefunction modified by sample potential, respectively. [3]
For low temperatures and a constant tunneling matrix element, the tunneling current reduces to
(3) |
which is a convolution of the DOS of the tip and the sample. [3] Generally, STS experiments attempt to probe the sample DOS, but equation (3) shows that the tip DOS must be known for the measurement to have meaning. Equation (3) implies that
(4) |
under the gross assumption that the tip DOS is constant. For these ideal assumptions, the tunneling conductance is directly proportional to the sample DOS. [3]
For higher bias voltages, the predictions of simple planar tunneling models using the Wentzel-Kramers Brillouin (WKB) approximation are useful. In the WKB theory, the tunneling current is predicted to be
(5) |
where and are the density of states (DOS) in the sample and tip, respectively. [2] The energy- and bias-dependent electron tunneling transition probability, T, is given by
(6) |
where and are the respective work functions of the sample and tip and is the distance from the sample to the tip. [2]
The tip is often regarded to be a single molecule, essentially neglecting further shapes induced effects. This approximation is the Tersoff-Hamann approximation, which suggests the tip to be a single ball-shaped molecule of certain radius. The tunneling current therefore becomes proportional to the local density of states (LDOS).
Acquiring standard STM topographs at many different tip-sample biases and comparing to experimental topographic information is perhaps the most straightforward spectroscopic method. The tip-sample bias can also be changed on a line-by-line basis during a single scan. This method creates two interleaved images at different biases. Since only the states between the Fermi levels of the sample and the tip contribute to , this method is a quick way to determine whether there are any interesting bias-dependent features on the surface. However, only limited information about the electronic structure can be extracted by this method, since the constant topographs depend on the tip and sample DOS's and the tunneling transmission probability, which depends on the tip-sample spacing, as described in equation (5). [4]
By using modulation techniques, a constant current topograph and the spatially resolved can be acquired simultaneously. A small, high frequency sinusoidal modulation voltage is superimposed on the D.C. tip-sample bias. The A.C. component of the tunneling current is recorded using a lock-in amplifier, and the component in-phase with the tip-sample bias modulation gives directly. The amplitude of the modulation Vm has to be kept smaller than the spacing of the characteristic spectral features. The broadening caused by the modulation amplitude is 2 eVm and it has to be added to the thermal broadening of 3.2 kBT. [5] In practice, the modulation frequency is chosen slightly higher than the bandwidth of the STM feedback system. [4] This choice prevents the feedback control from compensating for the modulation by changing the tip-sample spacing and minimizes the displacement current 90° out-of-phase with the applied bias modulation. Such effects arise from the capacitance between the tip and the sample, which grows as the modulation frequency increases. [2]
In order to obtain I-V curves simultaneously with a topograph, a sample-and-hold circuit is used in the feedback loop for the z piezo signal. The sample-and-hold circuit freezes the voltage applied to the z piezo, which freezes the tip-sample distance, at the desired location allowing I-V measurements without the feedback system responding. [6] [7] The tip-sample bias is swept between the specified values, and the tunneling current is recorded. After the spectra acquisition, the tip-sample bias is returned to the scanning value, and the scan resumes. Using this method, the local electronic structure of semiconductors in the band gap can be probed. [4]
There are two ways to record I-V curves in the manner described above. In constant-spacing scanning tunneling spectroscopy (CS-STS), the tip stops scanning at the desired location to obtain an I-V curve. The tip-sample spacing is adjusted to reach the desired initial current, which may be different from the initial current setpoint, at a specified tip-sample bias. A sample-and-hold amplifier freezes the z piezo feedback signal, which holds the tip-sample spacing constant by preventing the feedback system from changing the bias applied to the z piezo. [7] The tip-sample bias is swept through the specified values, and the tunneling current is recorded. Either numerical differentiation of I(V) or lock-in detection as described above for modulation techniques can be used to find . If lock-in detection is used, then an A.C. modulation voltage is applied to the D.C. tip-sample bias during the bias sweep and the A.C. component of the current in-phase with the modulation voltage is recorded.
In variable-spacing scanning tunneling spectroscopy (VS-STS), the same steps occur as in CS-STS through turning off the feedback. As the tip-sample bias is swept through the specified values, the tip-sample spacing is decreased continuously as the magnitude of the bias is reduced. [6] [8] Generally, a minimum tip-sample spacing is specified to prevent the tip from crashing into the sample surface at the 0 V tip-sample bias. Lock-in detection and modulation techniques are used to find the conductivity, because the tunneling current is a function also of the varying tip-sample spacing. Numerical differentiation of I(V) with respect to V would include the contributions from the varying tip-sample spacing. [9] Introduced by Mårtensson and Feenstra to allow conductivity measurements over several orders of magnitude, VS-STS is useful for conductivity measurements on systems with large band gaps. Such measurements are necessary to properly define the band edges and examine the gap for states. [8]
Current-imaging-tunneling spectroscopy (CITS) is an STS technique where an I-V curve is recorded at each pixel in the STM topograph. [6] Either variable-spacing or constant-spacing spectroscopy may be used to record the I-V curves. The conductance, , can be obtained by numerical differentiation of I with respect to V or acquired using lock-in detection as described above. [10] Because the topographic image and the tunneling spectroscopy data are obtained nearly simultaneously, there is nearly perfect registry of topographic and spectroscopic data. As a practical concern, the number of pixels in the scan or the scan area may be reduced to prevent piezo creep or thermal drift from moving the feature of study or the scan area during the duration of the scan. While most CITS data obtained on the times scale of several minutes, some experiments may require stability over longer periods of time. One approach to improving the experimental design is by applying feature-oriented scanning (FOS) methodology. [11]
From the obtained I-V curves, the band gap of the sample at the location of the I-V measurement can be determined. By plotting the magnitude of I on a log scale versus the tip-sample bias, the band gap can clearly be determined. Although determination of the band gap is possible from a linear plot of the I-V curve, the log scale increases the sensitivity. [9] Alternatively, a plot of the conductance, , versus the tip-sample bias, V, allows one to locate the band edges that determine the band gap.
The structure in the , as a function of the tip-sample bias, is associated with the density of states of the surface when the tip-sample bias is less than the work functions of the tip and the sample. Usually, the WKB approximation for the tunneling current is used to interpret these measurements at low tip-sample bias relative to the tip and sample work functions. The derivative of equation (5), I in the WKB approximation, is
(7) |
where is the sample density of states, is the tip density of states, and T is the tunneling transmission probability. [2] Although the tunneling transmission probability T is generally unknown, at a fixed location T increases smoothly and monotonically with the tip-sample bias in the WKB approximation. Hence, structure in the is usually assigned to features in the density of states in the first term of equation (7). [4]
Interpretation of as a function of position is more complicated. Spatial variations in T show up in measurements of as an inverted topographic background. When obtained in constant current mode, images of the spatial variation of contain a convolution of topographic and electronic structure. An additional complication arises since in the low-bias limit. Thus, diverges as V approaches 0, preventing investigation of the local electronic structure near the Fermi level. [4]
Since both the tunneling current, equation (5), and the conductance, equation (7), depend on the tip DOS and the tunneling transition probability, T, quantitative information about the sample DOS is very difficult to obtain. Additionally, the voltage dependence of T, which is usually unknown, can vary with position due to local fluctuations in the electronic structure of the surface. [2] For some cases, normalizing by dividing by can minimize the effect of the voltage dependence of T and the influence of the tip-sample spacing. Using the WKB approximation, equations (5) and (7), we obtain: [12]
(8) |
Feenstra et al. argued that the dependencies of and on tip-sample spacing and tip-sample bias tend to cancel, since they appear as ratios. [13] This cancellation reduces the normalized conductance to the following form:
(9) |
where normalizes T to the DOS and describes the influence of the electric field in the tunneling gap on the decay length. Under the assumption that and vary slowly with tip-sample bias, the features in reflect the sample DOS, . [2]
While STS can provide spectroscopic information with amazing spatial resolution, there are some limitations. The STM and STS lack chemical sensitivity. Since the tip-sample bias range in tunneling experiments is limited to , where is the apparent barrier height, STM and STS only sample valence electron states. Element-specific information is generally impossible to extract from STM and STS experiments, since the chemical bond formation greatly perturbs the valence states. [4]
At finite temperatures, the thermal broadening of the electron energy distribution due to the Fermi-distribution limits spectroscopic resolution. At , , and the sample and tip energy distribution spread are both . Hence, the total energy deviation is . [3] Assuming the dispersion relation for simple metals, it follows from the uncertainty relation that
(10) |
where is the Fermi energy, is the bottom of the valence band, is the Fermi wave vector, and is the lateral resolution. Since spatial resolution depends on the tip-sample spacing, smaller tip-sample spacings and higher topographic resolution blur the features in tunneling spectra. [3]
Despite these limitations, STS and STM provide the possibility for probing the local electronic structure of metals, semiconductors, and thin insulators on a scale unobtainable with other spectroscopic methods. Additionally, topographic and spectroscopic data can be recorded simultaneously.
A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is a type of scanning probe microscope used for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, then at IBM Zürich, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. STM senses the surface by using an extremely sharp conducting tip that can distinguish features smaller than 0.1 nm with a 0.01 nm (10 pm) depth resolution. This means that individual atoms can routinely be imaged and manipulated. Most scanning tunneling microscopes are built for use in ultra-high vacuum at temperatures approaching absolute zero, but variants exist for studies in air, water and other environments, and for temperatures over 1000 °C.
In solid-state physics, the work function is the minimum thermodynamic work needed to remove an electron from a solid to a point in the vacuum immediately outside the solid surface. Here "immediately" means that the final electron position is far from the surface on the atomic scale, but still too close to the solid to be influenced by ambient electric fields in the vacuum. The work function is not a characteristic of a bulk material, but rather a property of the surface of the material.
A Langmuir probe is a device used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma. It works by inserting one or more electrodes into a plasma, with a constant or time-varying electric potential between the various electrodes or between them and the surrounding vessel. The measured currents and potentials in this system allow the determination of the physical properties of the plasma.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface-sensitive quantitative spectroscopic technique that measures the very topmost 200 atoms, 0.01 um, 10 nm of any surface. It belongs to the family of photoemission spectroscopies in which electron population spectra are obtained by irradiating a material with a beam of X-rays. XPS is based on the photoelectric effect that can identify the elements that exist within a material or are covering its surface, as well as their chemical state, and the overall electronic structure and density of the electronic states in the material. XPS is a powerful measurement technique because it not only shows what elements are present, but also what other elements they are bonded to. The technique can be used in line profiling of the elemental composition across the surface, or in depth profiling when paired with ion-beam etching. It is often applied to study chemical processes in the materials in their as-received state or after cleavage, scraping, exposure to heat, reactive gasses or solutions, ultraviolet light, or during ion implantation.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) or scanning force microscopy (SFM) is a very-high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy (SPM), with demonstrated resolution on the order of fractions of a nanometer, more than 1000 times better than the optical diffraction limit.
Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is a branch of microscopy that forms images of surfaces using a physical probe that scans the specimen. SPM was founded in 1981, with the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope, an instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. The first successful scanning tunneling microscope experiment was done by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer. The key to their success was using a feedback loop to regulate gap distance between the sample and the probe.
Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) is a variety of atomic force microscopy, in which a sharp magnetized tip scans a magnetic sample; the tip-sample magnetic interactions are detected and used to reconstruct the magnetic structure of the sample surface. Many kinds of magnetic interactions are measured by MFM, including magnetic dipole–dipole interaction. MFM scanning often uses non-contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) and is considered to be non-destructive with respect to the test sample. In MFM, the test sample(s) do not need to be electrically conductive to be imaged.
Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), also known as surface potential microscopy, is a noncontact variant of atomic force microscopy (AFM). By raster scanning in the x,y plane the work function of the sample can be locally mapped for correlation with sample features. When there is little or no magnification, this approach can be described as using a scanning Kelvin probe (SKP). These techniques are predominantly used to measure corrosion and coatings.
Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM) is a type of scanning tunneling microscope (STM) that can provide detailed information of magnetic phenomena on the single-atom scale additional to the atomic topography gained with STM. SP-STM opened a novel approach to static and dynamic magnetic processes as precise investigations of domain walls in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic systems, as well as thermal and current-induced switching of nanomagnetic particles.
Nanometrology is a subfield of metrology, concerned with the science of measurement at the nanoscale level. Nanometrology has a crucial role in order to produce nanomaterials and devices with a high degree of accuracy and reliability in nanomanufacturing.
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS) is an experimental tool for studying the vibrations of molecular adsorbates on metal oxides. It yields vibrational spectra of the adsorbates with high resolution (< 0.5 meV) and high sensitivity (< 1013 molecules are required to provide a spectrum). An additional advantage is the fact that optically forbidden transitions may be observed as well. Within IETS, an oxide layer with molecules adsorbed on it is put between two metal plates. A bias voltage is applied between the two contacts. An energy diagram of the metal-oxide-metal device under bias is shown in the top figure. The metal contacts are characterized by a constant density of states, filled up to the Fermi energy. The metals are assumed to be equal. The adsorbates are situated on the oxide material. They are represented by a single bridge electronic level, which is the upper dashed line. If the insulator is thin enough, there is a finite probability that the incident electron tunnels through the barrier. Since the energy of the electron is not changed by this process, it is an elastic process. This is shown in the left figure.
In microscopy, conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) or current sensing atomic force microscopy (CS-AFM) is a mode in atomic force microscopy (AFM) that simultaneously measures the topography of a material and the electric current flow at the contact point of the tip with the surface of the sample. The topography is measured by detecting the deflection of the cantilever using an optical system, while the current is detected using a current-to-voltage preamplifier. The fact that the CAFM uses two different detection systems is a strong advantage compared to scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Basically, in STM the topography picture is constructed based on the current flowing between the tip and the sample. Therefore, when a portion of a sample is scanned with an STM, it is not possible to discern if the current fluctuations are related to a change in the topography or to a change in the sample conductivity.
In microscopy, scanning joule expansion microscopy (SJEM) is a form of scanning probe microscopy heavily based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) that maps the temperature distribution along a surface. Resolutions down to 10 nm have been achieved and 1 nm resolution is theoretically possible. Thermal measurements at the nanometer scale are of both academic and industrial interest, particularly in regards to nanomaterials and modern integrated circuits.
Photoconductive atomic force microscopy (PC-AFM) is a variant of atomic force microscopy that measures photoconductivity in addition to surface forces.
Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is a technique within the broader class of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) that is used to measure the local electrochemical behavior of liquid/solid, liquid/gas and liquid/liquid interfaces. Initial characterization of the technique was credited to University of Texas electrochemist, Allen J. Bard, in 1989. Since then, the theoretical underpinnings have matured to allow widespread use of the technique in chemistry, biology and materials science. Spatially resolved electrochemical signals can be acquired by measuring the current at an ultramicroelectrode (UME) tip as a function of precise tip position over a substrate region of interest. Interpretation of the SECM signal is based on the concept of diffusion-limited current. Two-dimensional raster scan information can be compiled to generate images of surface reactivity and chemical kinetics.
Non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM), also known as dynamic force microscopy (DFM), is a mode of atomic force microscopy, which itself is a type of scanning probe microscopy. In nc-AFM a sharp probe is moved close to the surface under study, the probe is then raster scanned across the surface, the image is then constructed from the force interactions during the scan. The probe is connected to a resonator, usually a silicon cantilever or a quartz crystal resonator. During measurements the sensor is driven so that it oscillates. The force interactions are measured either by measuring the change in amplitude of the oscillation at a constant frequency just off resonance or by measuring the change in resonant frequency directly using a feedback circuit to always drive the sensor on resonance.
The operation of a photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM) is analogous to the operation of an electron scanning tunneling microscope, with the primary distinction being that PSTM involves tunneling of photons instead of electrons from the sample surface to the probe tip. A beam of light is focused on a prism at an angle greater than the critical angle of the refractive medium in order to induce total internal reflection within the prism. Although the beam of light is not propagated through the surface of the refractive prism under total internal reflection, an evanescent field of light is still present at the surface.
A probe tip is an instrument used in scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) to scan the surface of a sample and make nano-scale images of surfaces and structures. The probe tip is mounted on the end of a cantilever and can be as sharp as a single atom. In microscopy, probe tip geometry and the composition of both the tip and the surface being probed directly affect resolution and imaging quality. Tip size and shape are extremely important in monitoring and detecting interactions between surfaces. SPMs can precisely measure electrostatic forces, magnetic forces, chemical bonding, Van der Waals forces, and capillary forces. SPMs can also reveal the morphology and topography of a surface.
Multi-tip scanning tunneling microscopy extends scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) from imaging to dedicated electrical measurements at the nanoscale like a ″multimeter at the nanoscale″. In materials science, nanoscience, and nanotechnology, it is desirable to measure electrical properties at a particular position of the sample. For this purpose, multi-tip STMs in which several tips are operated independently have been developed. Apart from imaging the sample, the tips of a multi-tip STM are used to form contacts to the sample at desired locations and to perform local electrical measurements.