![]() CFS logo | |
Established | 1976 |
Location | |
Region served | 6 |
Services | Control Agency for Fire, Rescue and Hazmat |
Members |
Current CO | Brett Loughlin |
Staff | 190 paid staff |
Volunteers | ~13,500 |
Website | Official CFS Website |
The South Australian Country Fire Service (SACFS, commonly abbreviated as CFS) is a volunteer based fire service in the Australian state of South Australia. The CFS has responsibility as the Control Agency for firefighting, rescues and hazardous materials and inland waterways in the country regions of South Australia. Its official mission is "To protect life, property and the environment from fire and other emergencies whilst protecting and supporting our personnel and continuously improving."
Many parts of Australia are sparsely populated and under significant risk of bushfire. It would be prohibitively expensive for each Australian town or village to have a paid fire service (department). The compromise adopted is to have government funded equipment and training but volunteer fire-fighters to perform the duties of regular fire-fighters. In South Australia, the name for the volunteer service is the CFS. Each Australian State and Territory has its own service, such as the Country Fire Authority in the state of Victoria and the Rural Fire Service in the state of New South Wales.
In the state capital Adelaide and larger towns in South Australia, a conventional paid service exists, the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS). Most towns (over 430 communities) rely on the CFS. Several Adelaide suburbs that retain extensive scrubland have CFS stations whose area of operation overlaps that of the SAMFS with joint training exercises sometimes organised for major community facilities such as the Flinders Medical Centre. For urban incidents, both services will often attend with the Metropolitan Fire Service taking command.
The Country Fire Service fire appliances are painted white, rather than red as in many other fire services worldwide. This provides greater visibility on road, and in thick smoke. The day/night striping down the sides of appliances is either the old silver and red standard, or a newer red and gold chequering. Appliances made after 2012 have the newest red and bright yellow chequering. The red and bright yellow chequering provides much better visibility, particularly for crews working on roads. Some appliances are also trialling battenburg striping with bright chevrons on the rear of the appliances.[ when? ]
Fire fighters wear yellow protective clothing, with a two-piece set being the standard (Bunker pants, and turn out coat). With the introduction of PBI Gold (improved structural fire-fighting clothing), all CFS volunteers who have completed BA training are now seen wearing yellow/brown coloured clothing. All turn out coats have "CFS" or "FIRE" on the back in reflective writing. More modern jackets also have day/night striping around the sleeves and bottom of the jacket. Safety Vests are provided for work on the roads. these have "Fire", "Rescue", or "CFS" on both front and back in reflective writing. [1]
Fire fighters' helmets are white, (senior fire fighters have a red stripe), with the fire fighters surname on the back of the helmet in red writing on a glow-in-the-dark background. Lieutenants and Captains have yellow helmets (the captain has a red stripe), and Deputy Group Officers and above have red helmets. Regional staff have a blue stripe on their helmet.
In colonial times, the government attempted to control the outbreak of wildfires by legislating against the careless use of fire. This began with the 1847 ordinance against reckless burn-offs of stubble and grass. The challenge of fire suppression was left to local residents who would band together to fight fires without any formal organisation or authority. In 1913, district councils were given the right to appoint fire control officers given the power to do anything 'necessary or expedient and practicable' to prevent fires or to protect life and property.
As firefighting technology advanced during World War II, a government-equipped volunteer Emergency Fire Service (EFS) brigade was established in Adelaide followed by additional brigades in some country areas. After the war, equipment from these brigades was lent to district councils for rural firefighting work. To supervise the program, an Emergency Fire Services division was formed as a division of the police department.
Throughout the mid-1950s, the EFS grew stronger and more organised, and volunteers began to campaign for the establishment of the EFS as a statutory authority. This was achieved in 1976 with the passing of the Country Fires Act through the South Australian Government which retitled the EFS as the Country Fire Service (CFS). The Country Fires Act, 1989 pulled the control of the CFS away from district councils to the State Government, allowing for the development of a standardised service able to respond quickly to emergencies across South Australia. In the late 1990s, as part of a drive to ensure that the CFS was properly equipped, another major change in funding was brought in, and the administration of the Service was combined with the administration of several other emergency services. [2] Today, the Emergency Services Levy Funding provides for the training, equipment and administration resources required to maintain the operation of the Service, but the CFS still stands fundamentally on the commitment and energy of its volunteers. [2]
In 2005 the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services (SAFECOM) Act was passed in South Australian Parliament. This act brings the Country Fire Service (SACFS) Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS) and South Australian State Emergency Service (SASES) together under one administration board, and funding source. Vince Monterola, CEO of the Country Fire Service at the time, was appointed as the inaugural chairman. It is this Act that defines the Country Fire Service (CFS) as the South Australian Country Fire Service (SACFS). The SAFECOM Act of 2005 replaces the Country Fires Act of 1989, the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service Act of 1936 and the State Emergency Service Act of 1987. [3]
The CFS is made up of brigades which are organised into groups, which are again grouped into Regions. There are six regions in SA, and 55 groups. The CFS consists of around 434 brigades and 16,400 volunteers (11,800 fire fighters, 3,400 Auxiliary and 1000 cadets).
A "strike team" is a deployment of appliances out of their usual area of operation. A strike team is made up as an operational unit to simplify incident command and control. A strike team typically consists of 5 fire appliances and a leading command car. The most common configuration is 4 Fire fighting appliances and 1 Bulk water carrier. A Strike teams firefighting force will be standardised to an appliance type, such as Rural or Urban Strike team; where Rural Strike teams contain only 24 and 34 type tankers, and an Urban Strike team contains only light/medium/heavy pumper type appliances, with the exception of a Bulk water carrier type appliance. Typically Strike teams are sourced from a group, and are named after their group. (e.g., A strike team from Swanport Group would be called "Swanport strike team"). Strike teams however can be composite made up from appliances from a number of groups. Strike teams are often deployed to regional areas for several days deployment. Often a strike team will be in charge of a particular sector of a fire.
There are also "cascading strike teams", which follow the 1 leader, 5 appliance ratio, however, these types of strike team do not organise prior to the deployment. They are paged in a way that is similar to a normal call out, and then meet up on the fire ground. This is a much quicker way to get trucks to an incident, but, the crews that are deployed in this way are often only used for a single day, as they are less organised and have less preparation time.
Along a similar line task forces are groups of appliances that are mobilised to combat a particular incident out of their usual area of operation. However, task forces are more flexible in their makeup and appliances are usually specifically selected for a particular incident. Where practical the 1 leader with 5 subordinates ratio is maintained for command ability. Unlike Strike teams, Task forces do not require appliance standardisation, hence a "Light Task force" may consist of type 14, Quick Response, and Bulk Water carrier appliances. Task forces attend a wide range of incidents including flooding.
There are also regional strike teams. These strike teams are put together when there are high fire danger days coming up and the CFS does not want to stretch a group's resources. These regional strike teams usually have one or two trucks from a few groups in that region. They sometimes have two or more commanding cars, plus a State Emergency Service vehicle for logistics.
The CFS chain of command is set out in the following way, with the top being the most senior in rank:
All positions from Group Officer down (inclusive) are voluntary and are elected democratically by fire-fighters (with the exception of cadets).
Regional Officers and above are appointed by the state government.
Other positions that may be held within a brigade/group are:
Former Chiefs of the Country Fire Service have included:
The eight-pointed star logo is used as the official badge of the SA Country Fire Service. It is claimed to have originated from the Maltese Cross, the emblem of the Knights of Malta, which was used by the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades. The points or tenets were said to represent the knightly virtues of tact, loyalty, dexterity, observation, sympathy, explicitness, gallantry and perseverance. Since these virtues represent the qualities required by a firefighter, the star was chosen for the insignia of the CFS. [2]
Each point of the Star represents a virtue, valued in a fire fighter. These are (from top point, going clock-wise): tact, loyalty, dexterity, observation, sympathy, gallantry, explicitness, and perseverance.
Although the corporate 'taxi' logo is now used in most applications, the star is still the official insignia of the CFS.
The new corporate logo was introduced in 1999, in an effort to present the modern image of the CFS as a professional organisation. The logo should be used on fire appliances, fleet vehicles, helmets and official CFS publications. The logo was chosen as a result of a competition and is based on a design by a CFS volunteer, Gary MacRae. [5] The red checker pattern representing the fire service, the yellow representing the colour of the CFS turn-out gear, and the map of south Australia representing the area served.
The CFS has a few ways of dispatching brigades to emergencies, however in almost all, pagers are used to alert volunteers to the incident. People wanting to report an incident should ring the national emergency number 000 and ask for 'fire'. Their call will be taken by trained operators at the SAMFS communications centre. Brigades can also be responded by notifying a brigade in person, or by ringing the local brigade's phone (if the station is staffed).
As of July 2007, all dispatch and day-to-day state operations were relocated to the SAMFS communications centre. SAMFS are now the lead agency undertaking dispatch for MFS, CFS and SES.
South Australia's dispatch callsign is 'Adelaide Fire', SAMFS, SACFS and SASES all use this call sign to contact dispatch.
In addition to supporting the SES regarding flood damage, and weather damage (e.g. trees over roads), the CFS responds to three main incident types.
The CFS provides fire cover and cleanup at road accidents. When there are entrapments, the CFS will provide fire cover, and when required will respond with rescue appliances with the appropriate tools for stabilising and extricating trapped casualties. They also perform other rescue duties, such as rope (vertical / high angle) rescue, they do not attend specalist rescues as a general rule of thumb however. Confined space, swiftwater rescue, flood rescue, vertical rescue, high angle rescue, USAR, SAR and vehicle impacts are traditionally the responsibility of the State Emergency Service, South Australian Ambulance Service, South Australia Police and the Metropolitan Fire Service.
The Country Fire Service often performs these duties assisting other agencies. Such as the Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS), State Emergency Service (SES), South Australian Police (SAPOL), the South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) and Water Operations (Volunteer Coast Guard, SES, F MAS, life saving or Sea Rescue).
Fire fighting is the main job of the CFS. They respond to any fires including country and urban. Fire fighters combat grass fires, bush fires, crop fires, scrub fires, haystack fires, and brush fence fires, house fires, chimney fires, car fires, rubbish bin fires etc. Many trucks carry breathing apparatus (there are around 800 sets of breathing apparatus spread across the state with most groups having at least 2 brigades (each having 1 vehicle with a minimum of 2 sets) equipped. Vehicles are equipped with foam induction systems to allow the use of foam as a fire fighting agent should the operation require it.
The CFS's specialty is the containment, control and extinguishing of bushfires.
The CFS is the combatant authority for HAZMAT (hazardous materials) incidents. However, not all brigades respond to these. As HAZMAT incidents require a lot of people, only about 1 in 10 brigades are HAZMAT trained, and resources are drawn from all over the state. Urban fringe brigades also do "Enhanced Mutual Aid" with the SA Metropolitan Fire Service. This involves change of quarters to metropolitan stations and responding to incidents in the metropolitan area.
The CFS has 5 types of appliances: urban appliances, rural appliances, specialised appliances, Combinations of all three.
CFS Appliances have a call sign which describes the appliance. The most common rural appliances are the 24 (Pronounced two-four), which means it carries 2000 litres of water and is a 4-wheel drive (4WD) and the 34 (Pronounced three-four), which means it carries 3000 litres of water and is a 4-wheel drive (4WD). Other common appliances are 14 (1000L, 4WD), pumpers and QRV (330-500L 4WD). The newest appliance is the 44 (Pronounced "four-four"), which means it carries 4,000 litres of water and is 4 wheel drive (4wd).
These figures are the nominal water carrying capacity. Fire fighting appliances carry water, foam and other fire fighting related tools and equipment. They are designed for bush/scrub/grass fire fighting however can be utilised for a number of other duties. Bulk Water Carriers (BWC, previously called 'Tankers'), which carry large volumes of water (up to 30,000 litres), also respond to rural related incidents, however may be used as water sources for structural fires, car fires, HAZMAT incidents etc., where water sources are minimal.
These rural appliances are extremely important for keeping South Australia protected from fires. Almost every town in South Australia would have at least two of these rural fire trucks. The reason that there are many different types of rural trucks, is because the terrain changes a lot in South Australia. A 14 appliance, typically only carries 1000 litres nominally, but new single cab variations hold the capacity for up to 1600 litres. 14 appliances are extremely useful for getting into small tracks which larger appliances can not. Large 34s often have trouble in getting into smaller areas. 24s are the most common, because they are not too heavy and big, but carry a reasonable amount of water, which can last a good time before having to fill up. In most parts of South Australia outside major centres there is no water mains, so this is where Bulk Water Carriers come in handy. These BWCs, often at a rural fire, will be stationary at the edge of it, for smaller trucks to fill up from. when empty it is their job to go and find water in places including, rivers, dams, swimming pools and water tanks.
Urban appliances are usually Pumpers', 24Pumpers' (24P) or 34Pumpers' (34P). They have bigger pumps and more specialised equipment (e.g. extra SCBA sets), and are more suitable for responding to urban incidents like house fires, car accidents etc. Since 2019, the CFS has introduced an Urban-Rural Pumper (URP), typically a 24 or 34 with a larger pump, which adds the benefit of being a rural appliance whilst also being able to serve a township as a pumper appliance. (Similar to a 24Pumper/34Pumper).
These are trucks which are designed for one purpose, like Rescue, or HAZMAT. Usually these are combined with another truck. (e.g. A pumper will be a combined Pumper/HAZMAT truck, or Pumper/Rescue) There are six statewide HAZMAT trucks, one for each Region, which are based at Burnside CFS, Lincoln, Murray Bridge, Naracoorte, Nuriootpa and Stirling North that responds to any HAZMAT incidents in the state. They carry extra air cylinders for the Breathing Apparatus as well as gas tight suits, liquid tight suits, splash suits, atmospheric monitoring equipment, and other specialised equipment.
According to the Basic Firefighting 1 (BF1) manual, the CFS vehicles are such: [2]
The CFS pays for all its volunteers to be trained to the required level. It has a world class training centre at Brukunga, in the Adelaide Hills, where the specialised courses are held. However, some courses are trained by other services or companies, like first aid, given by St John Ambulance SA. There is another training centre, called the south coast training centre, but it is not as well equipped, nor funded. Here is a list of some of the courses available.
Most urban stations have a weekly training, the time of this training differs between brigades. (Some brigades opt to have 2 training days a week, so that all members can attend). In this training time CFS members will revise skills which they have learnt in skill training. This training time is also used for organisation and maintenance. Below is a list of common things that happen on Training nights.
As of 2022, 16 deaths have occurred in the line of duty. [6]
Date | Brigade | Rank | Name | Age | Incident/Cause of death |
15 February 1979 | Athelstone Brigade | Senior Fire Fighter | Barry James McLoughlin | 33 | Vehicle accident en route to fire, Gorge Rd, Athelstone. |
16 February 1983 | Callendale Brigade | Brian Nosworthy | 52 | Ash Wednesday Fire | |
16 February 1983 | Summertown Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Peter Ralph Matthies | 27 | Caught in fire. Ash Wednesday Fire |
16 February 1983 | Lucindale Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Andrew Eric Lemke | 23 | Ash Wednesday Fire |
18 March 1985 | Yeelanna Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Dean Russell Dennis | 49 | Property fire, Possible heart failure at incident |
22 January 1986 | Lobethal Brigade | Captain | Brian Arthur Fox | Heart attack at incident | |
23 March 1990 | Burnside Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Peter Donald Stacy | 25 | Vehicle accident at incident |
1 May 1990 | Waterloo Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Howard Herbert Kruse | 51 | Heart failure |
1 February 1991 | Yahl Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Robert Leslie Jones | 42 | Heart attack at structure fire, Johnston's Road, O.B. Flat |
21 August 1993 | Moorook Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Peter Geoffrey Aird | 46 | Heart attack at incident |
10 March 1994 | Strathalbyn Group, Strathalbyn Brigade | Deputy Group Officer | Leslie John Peek | 48 | Heart attack at incident |
11 January 2005 | Cummins Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Trent Alan Murnane | 30 | Wangary Fires |
11 January 2005 | Ungarra Brigade | Brigade Fire Fighter | Neil George Richardson | 54 | Wangary Fires |
31 October 2014 | Mount Templeton Brigade | Brigade Lieutenant | Andrew Raymond Harrison | 38 | Nantawarra Fire |
9 December 2014 | Wattle Range Group, Millicent Brigade | Deputy Group Officer | Brian Johnston | 65 | Rendlesham Fire |
21 January 2022 | Happy Valley Brigade | Senior Fire Fighter | Louise Hincks | 44 | Falling tree, Coles Fire |
A volunteer fire department (VFD) is a fire department of volunteers who perform fire suppression and other related emergency services for a local jurisdiction. Volunteer and retained (on-call) firefighters are expected to be on call to respond to emergency calls for long periods of time, and are summoned to the fire station when their services are needed. They are also expected to attend other non-emergency duties as well.
Firefighting jargon includes a diverse lexicon of both common and idiosyncratic terms. One problem that exists in trying to create a list such as this is that much of the terminology used by a particular department is specifically defined in their particular standing operating procedures, such that two departments may have completely different terms for the same thing. For example, depending on whom one asks, a safety team may be referred to as a standby, a RIT or RIG or RIC, or a FAST. Furthermore, a department may change a definition within its SOP, such that one year it may be RIT, and the next RIG or RIC.
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) is a volunteer fire service responsible for fire suppression, rescues, and response to other accidents and hazards across most of the state Victoria, Australia. CFA comprises over 1,200 brigades organised in 21 districts, and shares responsibility for fire services with Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV), which employs full-time paid firefighters in major urban areas; and Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMV), which manages fire prevention and suppression on Victoria's public lands. CFA operations and equipment are partly funded by the Victorian Government through its Fire Services Levy, and supplemented by individual brigades' fundraising for vehicles and equipment.
The New South Wales Rural Fire Service is a volunteer-based firefighting agency and statutory body of the Government of New South Wales.
The Hong Kong Fire Services Department is an emergency service responsible for firefighting and rescue on land and sea. It also provides an emergency ambulance service for the sick and the injured and gives fire protection advice to the public. It is under the Secretary for Security who heads the Security Bureau.
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) is a uniformed organisation in Singapore under the Ministry of Home Affairs that provides emergency services such as firefighting, technical rescue, and emergency medical services, and coordinates national civil defence programme.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) is a government department that is responsible for fire and emergency services in Western Australia. The department came into being in 2012 as a result of the Perth Hills Bush Fire review. DFES is responsible for the management, training and funding of career and volunteer Services including:
Happy Valley is a metropolitan suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. It is located 20 km south of the Central Business District of Adelaide.
The New Zealand Fire Service was New Zealand's main firefighting body from 1 April 1976 until 1 July 2017 – at which point it was dissolved and incorporated into the new Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Station officer is a supervisory rank in a number of Commonwealth and other fire services, including those in Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the New Zealand Fire Service.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) previously known as NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB), is a agency of the New South Wales Government, Australia. FRNSW is responsible for firefighting, rescue and HAZMAT services in the major cities, metropolitan areas and towns all across the state of New South Wales. Fire and Rescue NSW is the fourth largest urban fire service in the world, with over 6,800 firefighters serving at 335 fire stations throughout the state, supported by 465 administrative and trades staff and 5,700 community fire unit volunteers. FRNSW are the busiest fire service in Australia, attending over 124,000 incidents a year.
The South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service (SAMFS) is the fire service for metropolitan and urban South Australia, as well as large townships. The Metropolitan Fire Service is constituted under the Fire and Emergency Services Act.
Senior station officer (SSO) is a rank in some fire services in Australia and New Zealand. It is typically the next rank above a station officer.
As firefighting has a rich history throughout the world, traditions in this profession vary widely from country to country.
The ACT Fire and Rescue previously known as ACT Fire Brigade. Is the urban Fire and Rescue service for the Australian Capital Territory. It along with the ACT Ambulance Service, ACT State Emergency Service and ACT Rural Fire Service are part of the Australian Capital Territory Emergency Services Agency.
Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service, or NTFRS, is the primary provider of fire and rescue services throughout the 1.35 million square km Northern Territory of Australia. It is made up of 27 fire stations, 16 being staffed by volunteer brigade units, 5 being staffed 24 hours a day by career fire fighters, and the remainder by a mix of career and auxiliary fire fighters.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is the national fire and rescue service of Scotland. It was formed by the merger of eight regional fire services in the country on 1 April 2013. It thus became the largest fire brigade in the United Kingdom, surpassing the London Fire Brigade.
The ACT Rural Fire Service is the volunteer firefighting branch of the Australian Capital Territory Emergency Services Agency (ESA). It is responsible for the prevention, detection and extinguishment of all bushfires within the ACT, as well as assisting the other branches of ESA.
A firefighting apparatus or firefighting appliance describes any vehicle that has been customized for use during firefighting operations. These vehicles are highly customized depending on their needs and the duty they will be performing. These duties can include firefighting, technical rescue, and emergency medical services.
Fire and Emergency New Zealand is New Zealand's main firefighting and emergency services body.