The Books of the Bible is the first presentation of an unabridged committee translation of the Bible to remove chapter and verse numbers entirely and instead present the biblical books according to their natural literary structures. This edition of the Bible is also noteworthy for the way it recombines books that have traditionally been divided, and for the way it puts the biblical books in a different order.
The edition was first published by the International Bible Society (now Biblica) in 2007 in Today's New International Version (TNIV). It was re-released in September 2012 in the latest update to the New International Version (NIV).
The traditional chapter divisions in the Bible were introduced around the year 1200 by Stephen Langton, later Archbishop of Canterbury, when he was at the University of Paris. The verse divisions were added by Robert Estienne, a French printer and scholar, in the mid-16th century. [1]
Biblical and literary scholars have noted that chapter and verse numbering disguises the actual form of the biblical writings and interferes with the act of reading. Ernest Sutherland Bates wrote, "Certainly, no literary format was ever less conducive to pleasure or understanding than is the curious and complicated panoply in which the Scriptures have come down to us. None but a work of transcendent literary genius could have survived such a handicap at all." [2] Richard Moulton noted, "We are all agreed to speak of the Bible as a supremely great literature. Yet, when we open our ordinary editions, we look in vain for the lyrics, epics, dramas, essays, sonnets, treatises, which make the other great literatures of the world; instead of these the eye catches nothing but a monotonous uniformity of numbered sentences." [3] New Testament scholar Hermann von Soden urged publishers, "It is high time, in any editions that wish to facilitate rather than impede readers' understanding of the New Testament writings, for not only the verse divisions… but also the conventional chapter divisions to disappear completely from the text. Without giving any consideration to these divisions, the text must be printed in a way that will illustrate visually what units the authors themselves created within their works." [4]
In response to these concerns, in several 20th-century versions of the Bible, including two major committee translations, the chapter and verse numbers were moved to the margins, but they remained the organizing feature of the text. [5] [6] In one individual translation [ which? ] and one abridgment [ which? ] the numbers were eliminated entirely, but in the former case the text was still divided into the traditional chapters and in the latter topical divisions were introduced. [7] [8]
The Books of the Bible, according to its Preface, uses characteristics such as "changes in topic, movement in place or time, or shifts from one kind of writing to another" to identify the natural literary divisions within biblical books. It also relies on the tendency of authors to repeat "particular phrases… each time they [make] the transition from one section to another." The placement of these phrases "reinforces a structure that can already be recognized implicitly from other characteristics." [9] The Books of the Bible uses line spacing of different widths to mark off natural literary sections on various levels. [lower-alpha 1] It still provides a chapter and verse range, in faded type, at the bottom of each page.
The biblical book of Samuel-Kings was divided into two parts in the original Hebrew so it would fit conveniently onto ancient scrolls. When it was translated into Greek it expanded by a third (because Greek writing uses more letters per word in average than Hebrew writing), and so each part was divided in half, producing the books known today as 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel and 1 Kings and 2 Kings. (In the Septuagint the entire work, even though divided into four parts, is considered the "Book of Reigns". [10] ) In The Books of the Bible the work is treated as "one long book" that "tells the story of the Israelite monarchy from beginning to end." It is organized by "a consistent structuring pattern," a series of notices about kings' reigns, that "runs through the whole book". [11]
Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah is another long biblical work that was divided into four parts in antiquity because of limitations on scroll length. The first two parts, 1 and 2 Chronicles, still make up a single book in the Hebrew Bible, as do the other two parts, Ezra and Nehemiah. G.F. Hasel writes, "It is rather widely accepted in current scholarship that Ezra-Nehemiah forms a continuation of Chronicles." [12] The four books were presented together as "The Chronicles" in The Modern Reader's Bible, 1907. [13] The Books of the Bible presents this work as "one long book, telling one continuous story." [14]
Luke–Acts was also originally a single book. In The New Testament in Its Literary Environment, David Aune describes it as an example of the "general history" genre that "focused on the history of a particular people… from mythical beginnings to a point in the recent past." [15] The book was divided into two parts not because of its length, but so that its first half, Luke, could be grouped with the other stories of Jesus' life (the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John). The second half, Acts, is traditionally placed after the gospels, so that the book of John creates a barrier between the halves. The Books of the Bible reunites Luke and Acts and treats them as "two volumes of a single work." [16] Luke-Acts was also presented as a single book in The Original New Testament (1985). [17] In 2006 the International Bible Society published Luke-Acts as a separate volume in the format of The Books of the Bible under the title Kingdom Come, Kingdom Go. [18]
The accustomed order of the books of the Bible only became fixed in the mid–15th century with the advent of printing. Before that, the books were presented or listed in a variety of orders. In the case of the First Testament or Old Testament, Roger Beckwith explains that "this stability of order is a relatively modern phenomenon, and owes a good deal to the invention of printing. It was preceded by an era of fluidity, both among the Jews (the chief guardians of the Hebrew Bible) and among Christians (the chief guardians of the Greek [Bible])." [19] In the case of the New Testament, Bruce M. Metzger notes similarly that beyond today's familiar order, "Prior to the invention of printing… there were many other sequences, not only of the five main groups of books [gospels, Acts, Pauline epistles, general epistles, Revelation], but also of the several books within each group. …Such matters were of no great significance for the ancient and medieval Church; they became an issue only with later editors and publishers." [20] The order of the biblical books still differs between some ecclesiastical traditions today.
Some earlier editions of the Bible also presented the books in non-traditional orders: The Modern Readers' Bible; The Bible Designed to Be Read as Living Literature; The Twentieth Century New Testament; and The Original New Testament.
The Books of the Bible, again according to its Preface, seeks to "order the books in such a way that their literary types, the historical circumstances in which they were composed and the theological traditions out of which they speak will be evident." This new order is introduced because "the order in which today's readers are used to encountering the books of the Bible is yet another factor that hinders their understanding." [21]
The book order in The Books of the Bible, and the rationale for it, is as follows:
The Covenant History [lower-alpha 2]
"The first quarter of the Bible unfolds as one continuous narrative." [22]
The Prophets [lower-alpha 3]
The prophets are presented in "what… is plausibly their historical order." [23]
The Writings
"The Writings… represent a much looser grouping… They have been drawn together from a wider range of traditions, genres… and time periods." They are "grouped by genre, so that each can be read meaningfully alongside other examples of the same kind of literature." [24]
Song of Songs
"The order of the New Testament books in this edition seeks to express the ancient concept of the fourfold gospel in a fresh way. The traditional priority of the stories of Jesus is retained, but now each gospel is placed at the beginning of a group of related books." [25]
Luke-Acts and the Pauline epistles
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
Matthew and works addressed to Jewish believers in Jesus
Mark and works addressed to a Roman audience
John and the letters of John
(Revelation stands somewhat by itself because of its unique perspective and literary form, but its placement here also acknowledges its customary association with Johannine literature.)
The Books of the Bible also removes the NIV section headings and places the translators' notes at the end of each book. It presents the text in a single column. These changes, along with the removal of chapter and verse numbers and the recombination of divided works, are designed to "encourage meaningful units to be read in their entirety and so with greater appreciation and understanding." [26]
The format for The Books of the Bible was developed from 2003 to 2007 under the direction of Glenn Paauw, Director of Product Development at the International Bible Society (now Biblica). Editors who worked on the volume included Lisa Anderson, Paul Berry, John Dunham, Jim Rottenborn and Micah Wierenga. The graphic designer was Kate Hoyman. Consultants to the project included John R. Kohlenberger III, a master Bible typesetter and author and editor of Bible reference works; Dr. Eugene Rubingh, retired vice president for translation at the International Bible Society; and the Rev. Dr. Christopher R. Smith, a pastor, author, and scholar of biblical literature.
Bibles and Scripture portions published by the International Bible Society and Biblica in this format include:
Today's New International Version
The Search (Ecclesiastes) 2005
The Journey (Gospel of John) 2005
The Book of Psalms 2006
Kingdom Come, Kingdom Go (Luke-Acts) 2006
Amos: Hear This Word 2007
The Books of The Bible 2007
The Books of The Bible New Testament 2009, 2010
New International Version
The Books of the Bible New Testament 2011
The Books of the Bible Covenant History (Genesis-Kings) 2012
The Books of the Bible 2012
The Books of the Bible has become the centerpiece of Biblica's program of Community Bible Experiences, in which churches or similar groups read through a quarter of the Bible together in six to eight weeks.
InterVarsity Press is developing a series of study guides, entitled Understanding the Books of the Bible, that do not use chapters and verses and are instead keyed to the natural literary format of The Books of the Bible.
Biblica is developing a Spanish-language version of The Books of the Bible using the Nueva Versión Internacional entitled Los Libros de la Biblia.
Zondervan is planning to release a trade edition of The Books of the Bible in the fall of 2012.
In its 2007 "Bible and Bible Reference Survey," called The Books of The Bible "one of the most interesting [Bibles published] this year," and predicted that the format changes would "aid reading and seeing the more natural divisions in the text which are often obscured by the chapter and verse divisions." [27] A review in the journal Themelios stated, "The way [this edition] presents the Bible as a library of literature is unique, simple, and elegant"; the reviewer anticipated that "some other translations" might "follow suit." [28] Bible Design and Binding described the edition as "a new approach both to the design and organization of the biblical text" that would "serve as an example to others." [29] One of the contributors to the Better Bibles Blog expected that "the new format will bring increased understanding" and noted that "the format can be used with any version of the Bible." [30]
The Bible is a collection of religious texts or scriptures, some, all, or a variant of which are held to be sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, Islam, the Baha'i Faith, and other Abrahamic religions. The Bible is an anthology originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. The texts include instructions, stories, poetry, prophecies, and other genres. The collection of materials that are accepted as part of the Bible by a particular religious tradition or community is called a biblical canon. Believers in the Bible generally consider it to be a product of divine inspiration, but the way they understand what that means and interpret the text varies.
The deuterocanonical books, meaning "Of, pertaining to, or constituting a second canon," collectively known as the Deuterocanon (DC), are certain books and passages considered to be canonical books of the Old Testament by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church but which modern Rabbinic Judaism and Protestants regard as Apocrypha.
The New Testament (NT) is the second division of the Christian biblical canon. It discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events relating to first-century Christianity. The New Testament's background, the first division of the Christian Bible, is called the Old Testament, which is based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible; together they are regarded as Sacred Scripture by Christians.
The Old Testament (OT) is the first division of the Christian biblical canon, which is based primarily upon the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, a collection of ancient religious Hebrew and occasionally Aramaic writings by the Israelites. The second division of Christian Bibles is the New Testament, written in Koine Greek.
Today's New International Version (TNIV) is an English translation of the Bible which was developed by the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT). The CBT also developed the New International Version (NIV) in the 1970s. The TNIV is based on the NIV. It is explicitly Protestant like its predecessor; the deuterocanonical books are not part of this translation. The TNIV New Testament was published in March 2002. The complete Bible was published in February 2005. The rights to the text are owned by Biblica. Zondervan published the TNIV in North America. Hodder & Stoughton published the TNIV in the UK and European Union.
The Ketuvim is the third and final section of the Hebrew Bible, after the Torah ("instruction") and the Nevi'im "Prophets". In English translations of the Hebrew Bible, this section is usually titled "Writings" or "Hagiographa".
Chapter and verse divisions did not appear in the original texts of Jewish or Christian bibles; such divisions form part of the paratext of the Bible. Since the early 13th century, most copies and editions of the Bible have presented all but the shortest of the scriptural books with divisions into chapters, generally a page or so in length. Since the mid-16th century, editors have further subdivided each chapter into verses – each consisting of a few short lines or of one or more sentences. In the King James Version (KJV) Esther 8:9 is the longest verse and John 11:35 is the shortest. Sometimes a sentence spans more than one verse, as in the case of Ephesians 2:8–9, and sometimes there is more than one sentence in a single verse, as in the case of Genesis 1:2.
Disputes regarding the internal consistency and textual integrity of the Bible have a long history.
Luke 20 is the twentieth chapter of the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It records the teaching of Jesus Christ in the temple in Jerusalem, especially his responses to questions raised by the Pharisees and Sadducees. The book containing this chapter is anonymous, but early Christian tradition uniformly affirmed that Luke the Evangelist composed this Gospel as well as the Acts of the Apostles.
There have been many Coptic versions of the Bible, including some of the earliest translations into any language. Several different versions were made in the ancient world, with different editions of the Old and New Testament in five of the dialects of Coptic: Bohairic (northern), Fayyumic, Sahidic (southern), Akhmimic and Mesokemic (middle). Biblical books were translated from the Alexandrian Greek version.
There is much disagreement within biblical scholarship today over the authorship of the Bible. The majority of scholars believe that most of the books of the Bible are the work of multiple authors and that all have been edited to produce the works known today. The following article outlines the conclusions of the majority of contemporary scholars, along with the traditional views, both Jewish and Christian.
The term Catholic Bible can be understood in two ways. More generally, it can refer to a Christian Bible that includes the whole 73-book canon recognized by the Catholic Church, including some of the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament which are in the Greek Septuagint collection, but which are not present in the Hebrew Masoretic Text collection. More specifically, the term can refer to a version or translation of the Bible which is published with the Catholic Church's approval, in accordance with Catholic canon law.
A biblical canon is a set of texts which a particular Jewish or Christian religious community regards as part of the Bible.
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the Bible:
Jeremiah 31 is the thirty-first chapter of the Book of Jeremiah in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. It is numbered as Jeremiah 38 in the Septuagint. The book contains prophecies attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, and is one of the Books of the Prophets (Nevi'im). This chapter is notable for the passage about the "New Covenant" of God with His restored people and the quoting of 31:15 in the “Massacre of the Innocents" narrative. The Jerusalem Bible refers to chapters 30 and 31 as "the Book of Consolation", and Lutheran theologian Ernst Hengstenberg calls these two chapters "the triumphal hymn of Israel’s salvation".
Nehemiah 8 is the eighth chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, or the 18th chapter of the book of Ezra–Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE is the final author of these books. This chapter and the next focus mainly on Ezra, with this chapter recording Ezra's reading and instructing God's law to the people, then together they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles with great joy. Nehemiah the governor is mentioned briefly in verse 9 but Smith-Christopher argues that "the presence of Ezra and the virtual absence of Nehemiah support the argument that chapter 8 is among the displaced chapters from the Ezra material", and suggests that "the original place for [this chapter] would logically have been between Ezra 8 and 9".
Nehemiah 10 is the tenth chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, or the 20th chapter of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Books of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE known as The Chronicler is the final author of these books. The chapter contains the list of signatories to the people's pledge and the later part deals with intermarriage with the non-Jews among the "people of the land" punctuated with the pledge to separate from "foreigners".
Esther 10 is the tenth chapter of the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, The author of the book is unknown and modern scholars have established that the final stage of the Hebrew text would have been formed by the second century BCE. Chapters 9 and 10 contain the resolution of the stories in the book. This brief chapter is an encomium to Mordecai, showing his power alongside that of the king, being a Jew as second in command to a Gentile king, serving the interests of both groups, Persians and Jews. It is a picture of an 'ideal diaspora situation' and 'serves as a model for all diaspora communities'.