Ponthieva is a genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae), commonly known as the shadow witch. They are named after Henry de Ponthieu, an English merchant of Huguenot ancestry who sent West Indian plant collections to Sir Joseph Banks in 1778.
Aulosepalum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists of 8 species native to Mexico and Central America.
- Aulosepalum hemichrea(Lindl.) Garay - Oaxaca, Chiapas, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
- Aulosepalum nelsonii(Greenm.) Garay - Michoacán, Oaxaca
- Aulosepalum oestlundii(Burns-Bal.) Catling - Guerrero
- Aulosepalum pulchrum(Schltr.) Catling - Guatemala and southern Mexico
- Aulosepalum pyramidale(Lindl.) M.A.Dix & M.W.Dix - from central Mexico to Costa Rica
- Aulosepalum ramentaceum(Lindl.) Garay - Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí
- Aulosepalum riodelayense(Burns-Bal.) Salazar - Oaxaca
- Aulosepalum tenuiflorum(Greenm.) Garay - Morelos, Guerrero

Brachystele is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It consists of 20 species native primarily to South America but with a few species in Mexico, Central America, and Trinidad & Tobago.
- Brachystele arechavaletae(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele bicrinitaSzlach.
- Brachystele bracteosa(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele burkartiiM.N.Correa
- Brachystele camporum(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele chlorops(Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Brachystele cyclochila(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele delicatula(Kraenzl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele dilatata(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele guayanensis(Lindl.) Schltr.
- Brachystele luzmarianaSzlach. & R.González
- Brachystele maasiiSzlach.
- Brachystele oxyanthosSzlach
- Brachystele pappulosaSzlach
- Brachystele scabrilinguaSzlach
- Brachystele subfiliformis(Cogn.) Schltr
- Brachystele tamayoanaSzlach.
- Brachystele unilateralis(Poir.) Schltr
- Brachystele waldemariiSzlach.
- Brachystele widgrenii(Rchb.f.) Schltr.

Capanemia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 9 recognized species, all from South America:
- Capanemia adelaidaePorto & Brade - Brazil
- Capanemia brachycion(Griseb.) Schltr. - Rio Grande do Sul, northern and eastern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Capanemia carinataBarb.Rodr. - Minas Gerais, São Paulo
- Capanemia gehrtiiHoehne - Brazil
- Capanemia micromeraBarb.Rodr. - Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
- Capanemia paranaensisSchltr. - Paraná
- Capanemia pygmaea(Kraenzl.) Schltr. - Brazil, probably extinct
- Capanemia superflua(Rchb.f.) Garay - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
- Capanemia theresaeBarb.Rodr. - Brazil

Centroglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 5 accepted species, all endemic to Brazil:
- Centroglossa castellensisBrade - Espírito Santo
- Centroglossa greeniana(Rchb.f.) Cogn. in C.F.P.von Martius - Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo
- Centroglossa macrocerasBarb.Rodr.
- Centroglossa nunes-limaePorto & Brade - Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo
- Centroglossa tripollinica(Barb.Rodr.) Barb.Rodr.
Coccineorchis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 7 accepted species, native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
- Coccineorchis bracteosa(Ames & C.Schweinf.) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador
- Coccineorchis cernua(Lindl.) Garay - Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
- Coccineorchis cristataSzlach., Rutk. & Mytnik - Panama
- Coccineorchis dressleriSzlach., Rutk. & Mytnik - Panama
- Coccineorchis navarrensis(Ames) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia
- Coccineorchis standleyi(Ames) Garay - Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras
- Coccineorchis warszewiczianaSzlach. - Costa Rica
Crossoglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 26 currently recognized species native to Central America and South America, from Nicaragua to Bolivia.
- Crossoglossa acuminatissimaNog.-Sav. & Carnevali - Colombia
- Crossoglossa aurantilineataPupulin - Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa barfodiiDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa bifidaDressler - Panama
- Crossoglossa blephariglottis(Schltr.) Dressler ex Dodson - Panama, Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa boyleiDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa caulescens(Lindl.) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa dalessandroi(Dodson) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa dalstroemii(Dodson) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa dodsoniiR.Vásquez - Bolivia
- Crossoglossa ellipticaDressler - Panama
- Crossoglossa eustachys(Schltr.) Dressler ex Dodson - Panama, Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa exigua(Garay) Nog.-Sav. & G.A.Romero - Colombia
- Crossoglossa fratrum(Schltr.) Dressler ex Dodson - Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua
- Crossoglossa hirtziiDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa kalbreyeriana(Kraenzl.) P.Ortiz - Colombia
- Crossoglossa liparidoides(Finet) Dodson - Ecuador, Peru
- Crossoglossa longissima(Kraenzl.) P.Ortiz - Colombia
- Crossoglossa nanegalensisDodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa neirynckianaSzlach. & Marg. - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa pichinchae(Schltr.) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa polyblephara(Schltr.) Dodson - Colombia
- Crossoglossa sotoanaPupulin & Karremans - Costa Rica
- Crossoglossa steinii(Dodson) Dodson - Ecuador
- Crossoglossa tipuloides(Lindl.) Dodson - Colombia
- Crossoglossa topoensis(Mansf.) Dodson - Ecuador

Dimerandra, abbreviated Dmd. in the horticultural trade, is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. The group is found across tropical America: southern Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and northern South America.

Homalopetalum is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 8 known species native to Central America, northern South America, Mexico and the West Indies.
- Homalopetalum alticola(Garay & Dunst.) Soto Arenas - Venezuela
- Homalopetalum hypoleptum(Lindl.) Soto Arenas - Brazil
- Homalopetalum kienastii(Rchb.f.) Withner - Mexico
- Homalopetalum leochilus(Rchb.f.) Soto Arenas - Cuba, Dominican Republic
- Homalopetalum pachyphyllum(L.O.Williams) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum pumilio(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Mexico, Central America, Ecuador
- Homalopetalum pumilum(Ames) Dressler - Mexico
- Homalopetalum vomeriforme(Sw.) Fawc. & Rendle - Cuba, Jamaica
Lyroglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains two known species, native to the American tropics:

Megastylis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 6 known species, all native to Vanuatu and New Caledonia.
- Megastylis gigas(Rchb.f.) Schltr.
- Megastylis latilabris(Schltr.) Schltr.
- Megastylis latissima(Schltr.) Schltr.
- Megastylis montana(Schltr.) Schltr.
- Megastylis paradoxa(Kraenzl.) N.Hallé
- Megastylis rara(Schltr.) Schltr.
Mesadenus is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains 6 currently recognized species, native to Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, Brazil and Florida.
- Mesadenus chiangii(M.C.Johnst.) Garay - Coahuila
- Mesadenus glaziovii(Cogn.) Schltr. - Rio de Janeiro
- Mesadenus lucayanus(Britton) Schltr. - widespread across Mexico, Florida, Guatemala, West Indies
- Mesadenus polyanthus(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Mexico, Belize
- Mesadenus rhombiglossus(Pabst) Garay - Minas Gerais
- Mesadenus tenuissimus(L.O.Williams) Garay - Morelos

Myrmechis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to eastern and southeastern Asia from the Kuril Islands south to New Guinea, west to the Himalayas.
- Myrmechis aurea(J.J.Sm.) Schuit. - Maluku
- Myrmechis bakhimensisD.Maity, N.Pradhan & Maiti - Sikkim
- Myrmechis bilobulifera(J.J.Sm.) Schuit. - Sulawesi
- Myrmechis chalmersii(Schltr.) Schuit. - New Guinea
- Myrmechis chinensisRolfe - Sichuan, Hubei, Fujian
- Myrmechis drymoglossifoliaHayata - Taiwan
- Myrmechis glabraBlume - Java
- Myrmechis gracilis(Blume) Blume - Java, Sumatra, Philippines
- Myrmechis japonica(Rchb.f.) Rolfe - Japan, Korea, Kuril Islands, Fujian, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan
- Myrmechis kinabaluensisCarr - Sabah
- Myrmechis perpusillaAmes - Luzon
- Myrmechis philippinensiisAmes - Philippines
- Myrmechis pumila(Hook.f.) Tang & F.T.Wang - Yunnan, Bhutan, Assam, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam
- Myrmechis quadrilobata(Schltr.) Schuit. - Sulawesi
- Myrmechis seranicaJ.J.Sm. - Seram
- Myrmechis tsukusianaMasam. - Yakushima
- Myrmechis urceolataTang & K.Y.Lang - Yunnan, Guangdong, Hainan

Myrosmodes is a genus of flowering plants from the family Orchidaceae, native to South America.
Platylepis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across sub-Saharan Africa and also on various islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
- Platylepis bigibbosaH.Perrier - Madagascar
- Platylepis bombusJ.J.Sm. - Seram
- Platylepis commelynae(Lindl.) Rchb.f. - Society Islands
- Platylepis constricta(J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm. - New Guinea
- Platylepis densifloraRolfe - Réunion
- Platylepis geluana(Schltr.) Schuit. & de Vogel - New Guinea
- Platylepis glandulosa(Lindl.) Rchb.f. - widespread across tropical and southern Africa
- Platylepis grandiflora(Schltr.) Ormerod - New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Futuna
- Platylepis heteromorphaRchb.f. - Samoa
- Platylepis intricataSchuit. & de Vogel - Papua New Guinea
- Platylepis lamellataSchltr. - New Guinea
- Platylepis margaritiferaSchltr. - Madagascar
- Platylepis occulta(Thouars) Rchb.f. - Madagascar, Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles
- Platylepis polyadeniaRchb.f. - Madagascar, Comoros
- Platylepis rufa(Frapp.) Schltr. - Réunion
- Platylepis tidorensisJ.J.Sm. - Maluku
- Platylepis viscosa(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Réunion
- Platylepis xerosteleOrmerod - Cameroon
- Platylepis zeuxinoidesSchltr. - New Guinea

Prescottia is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across much of Latin America and the West Indies, with one species (P. oligantha) extending into Florida.

Pteroglossa is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to South America, Central America, and Mexico.
- Pteroglossa euphlebia(Rchb.f.) Garay - Rio de Janeiro
- Pteroglossa glazioviana(Cogn.) Garay - Brazil, Paraguay
- Pteroglossa hilariana(Cogn.) Garay - Brazil
- Pteroglossa lurida(M.N.Correa) Garay - Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
- Pteroglossa luteolaGaray - Argentina
- Pteroglossa macrantha(Rchb.f.) Schltr. - Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela
- Pteroglossa magnificaSzlach. - Paraguay
- Pteroglossa regia(Kraenzl.) Schltr. - Argentina
- Pteroglossa rhombipetalaGaray - Paraguay, Argentina
- Pteroglossa roseoalba(Rchb.f.) Salazar & M.W.Chase - widespread from Oaxaca to Argentina

Sacoila is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae, native to the Western Hemisphere. It occurs in Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies and Florida.

Sarcoglottis is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is widespread across much of Latin America from Mexico to Argentina, with one species extending northward into Trinidad and the Windward Islands.

Schiedeella is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It is native to the Western Hemisphere: Mexico, the West Indies and Central America, with one species (S. arizonica) in the southwestern United States.