UP National College of Public Administration and Governance

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National College of Public Administration and Governance
Pambansang Dalubhasaan ng Pangangasiwang Pangmadla at Pamamahala
UP NCPAG Logo.png
Type Public University; Research University; National college, degree-granting unit of the University of the Philippines Diliman
EstablishedJune 15, 1952 (1952-06-15)
Parent institution
University of the Philippines - Diliman
Dean Dr. Kristoffer B. Berse
14°39′23″N 121°03′38″E
Website ncpag.upd.edu.ph
UP logotype.svg

The University of the Philippines - National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP - NCPAG), a degree-granting unit of the University of the Philippines Diliman, is the first school of public administration and public policy in Asia and the top educational institution in the said academic field and practice in the Philippines. It was established in 1952.


The college also serves as headquarters-secretariat of the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) and the Association of Schools of Public Administration in the Philippines (ASPAP).


UP-NCPAG traces its roots to the Institute of Public Administration (IPA), which was established on June 15, 1952, after the University of the Philippines entered into an agreement with the University of Michigan in the United States to aid the former in providing technical assistance in the field of public administration as part of the Bell Mission's recommendations. For its first four (initially two) years, the IPA was under American leadership. [1]

The NCPAG Dome and Assembly Hall The UP National College of Public Administration and Governance 17.jpg
The NCPAG Dome and Assembly Hall

The IPA was the first of its kind not only in the Philippines, but also in Asia. [2] In its first two years of operations, the IPA had conducted three kinds of courses with the participation of 2,500 government officials and employees. Later, undergraduate and master's degrees in Public Administration were offered. [3] From 68 students in First Semester 1953–1954, enrollment in these academic programs increased to about 200 every semester by 1955. [2]

In 1968, the Doctor of Public Administration program was instituted. The undergraduate program was also phased out that year, only to be restored in 1987. The following year, a diploma program was opened, enabling administrators to pursue specialized courses in public administration without going through the master's degree. [3]

The college changed its name four times. From the IPA, it became the Graduate School of Public Administration, the School of Public Administration, and the College of Public Administration. The current name, the National College of Public Administration and Governance, was approved by the University of the Philippines Board of Regents in its 1126th meeting on November 26, 1998. [2] [3]

In 2004, the Commission on Higher Education of the Philippines officially recognized UP-NCPAG as the most outstanding school of public administration in the country. [3]

Two academic units of the university, the School of Urban and Regional Planning and the Center for Integrative and Development Studies, trace their roots to UP-NCPAG. [3]

Degree programs

Centers and offices

Center for Public Administration and Governance Education

The Center for Public Administration and Governance Education (CPAGE) is in-charge of the academic programs offered by the college: the Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA), the Master of Public Administration (MPA) and the Doctor of Public Administration (DPA) programs. Its director also serves as the College Secretary and Director of Studies.

Center for Local and Regional Governance

Established by the University of the Philippines (UP) and Congress as the Local Government Center in 1965, the Center for Local and Regional Governance (CLRG) is the college’s research, training and consulting center for local governments. [4]

Center for Policy and Executive Development

The Center for Policy and Executive Development (CPED) is a specialized center of the University of the Philippines-National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) that was established in 1968 as an Administrative Development Program (ADP) to pursue middle-management training and related extension programs. The ADP was transformed into a Center (ADC) in January 1977 and as a Center for Policy and Administrative Development (CPAD) on 31 July 1986. The CPAD was organized by the College to focus on and expand its research, education and training, and technical assistance activities in public policy and management in the light of the fundamental changes taking place in the government and country. On 26 November 1998, CPAD became the CPED when the College of Public Administration was transformed as University of the Philippines-National College of Public Administration and Governance. The Center is a policy think tank, research, and consulting office of UP NCPAG. [5]

Center for Leadership, Citizenship, and Democracy

The Center for Leadership, Citizenship, and Democracy (CLCD) undertakes research, training and extension, and consultancy on leadership, citizenship, civil society, and democracy and its institutions. It provides fellowship grants to experts and leaders in the academe, government, business and industry, and civil society. The Center disseminates its studies and other outputs through publications. [6]

NCPAG Library

The NCPAG Library provides bibliographic and information support to the curricular, research and extension programs of the college. It serves primarily the needs of its students, faculty and research staff. Its book collection consists of over 38,000 volumes in the field of public administration and related subject fields. The Library also serves as a supplementary source of materials in the social sciences to students, faculty and researchers of other UP units. It also accommodates government and private researchers, as well as graduate students from other schools, under certain conditions.

Publications Office

Manages the publication of the Philippine Journal of Public Administration (PJPA), one of the longest running academic journals in the country. The Office also publishes books, occasional papers, monographs, and other teaching and training materials.

Student Organizations

UP NCPAG Student Council

University of the Philippines - National College of Public Administration and Governance Student Council
AbbreviationUP NCPAGSC
Type Student Union
PurposeStudent representation, Good governance, Volunteerism
HeadquartersNCPAG SC Office, R.P. De Guzman St., UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Aldous Noel B. Demafeliz
Vice Chairperson
Siegfred M. Mejico
NCPAG Rep. to the USC
Paulo Mike G. Basubas
Website https://sites.google.com/up.edu.ph/ncpagsc

The UP National College of Public Administration and Governance Student Council (UP NCPAG SC) is the student governing body in NCPAG - University of the Philippines Diliman.

The official formalization of the current timeline for the UP National College of Public Administration and Governance Student Council (UP NCPAG SC) traces back to academic year 1992-1993, as the then-College of Public Administration (CPA) moved from Rizal Hall, UP Manila to its own college building in UP Diliman. With the reinstatement of the Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration (BAPA) degree back in 1988, the UP CPA SC signified the growth of increased student representation within the college.

The undergraduate students brought vitality to the College's events and its involvement in campus life under the direction of the UP CPA SC; in the 1993 UP Lantern Parade, they took first place for the college's most symbolic lantern. However, in just two years, the CPA community mourned the loss of Dennis Venturina, UP CPA SC Chairperson and graduating BAPA student, who was slain in a fraternity brawl in December 1994. However, this did not deter CPA from continuing forward with its pursuit of good governance in public administration education and research, especially with its transformation into the National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) in November 26, 1998. Fostering a close community, the college also earned third place in the 1999 UP Lantern Parade and top place in the Belen Competition.

In CPA organizations, the PA students put their youthful enthusiasm to use. Aside from the Student Council, other student organizations that have risen include: STPA (Samahan Tungo sa Progresibong Administrasyon), CIRCA (Circle of Administrators), LEGAL (League for Empowered Governance and Leadership), and UP Pagdumala (Tapales, 2002). Notably, STPA was the recipient of Outstanding Student Organization in awards given during UP Diliman Week, consistently winning the title of Outstanding Student Organization. NCPAG Umalohokan also sprang up as the college's official student publication. Not wanting to be left out, graduate students also founded the Association of Graduate Students and Alumni (AGSA).

Socio-political parties also sprang up that molded student-leaders within the college and would continue to do so in the succeeding years, such as the Practice of Administrative Leadership and Service (PALS-NCPAG), Alternatibong Pangasiwaang Pangmadla (APP), and PULSE (Pursuit of Unity, Leadership, Service, and Excellence), with PALS-NCPAG continuing its pursuit for student leadership and participation as agents of governance to this day.

Under the deanship of Maria Concepcion P. Alfiler (2001–2004), the UP NCPAG Student Government Office was built in 2000 with support from the Pagdumala Representative and the proceeds raised from the NCPAG Run. Meanwhile, the deanship of Dr. Alex B. Brillantes Jr. (2004-2010) oversaw the construction of the Student Tambayan Complex, capable of housing four (4) student organizations.

In 2012, the League of NCPAG Organizations was formally established as an independent body of unified college organizations, with its goals to foster unity and participation, advance the welfare of the NCPAG Community, and enhance public administration as a field of study. A spiritual successor to the earlier composition of the Student Council with appointed organizational representatives sitting within the study body, the LNO is composed of representatives (organizations’ head and externals) from each of the college's student organizations, with the NCPAG SC Vice Chairperson serving as its Convenor.

Also, around that same year, a new socio-political organization was formed. Initiative for Genuine Involvement, Transparency and Empowerment-NCPAG, otherwise known as IGNITE-NCPAG, stands on its democratic decision-making, policies, and programs that promote equality in the university and the nation, forwarding its nationalist, reformist, and progressive orientation at the forefront of molding leaders across the diverse field of public administration. In its first elections in 2013, IGNITE managed to clinch 7 positions, serving as the council's ruling party.

During the academic year 2013–2014, the 22nd UP NCPAG SC under Chairperson Raymond Rodis oversaw a significant restructuring that included a review and amending of its constitution. Among the many internal policy changes were the termination of the separate election process for Undergraduate and College Councilors towards a new set of Councilors elected at-large by the student body, the addition of a Ways and Means Administrator, and the strengthening of Batch Representatives as voting members. The following 23rd UP NCPAG SC under Chairperson Janella Santiago served as a transitionary council for the constitution, before the 24th UP NCPAG SC was elected under the new NCPAG SC Constitution under Chairperson Kirtham Dumpa.

In 2020, the college's highest student body faced its most daunting challenge, as the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown led to the postponement of the UP Diliman student council elections and the enactment of holdover terms. Despite a limited manpower, the 28th NCPAG Student Council continued its term for an unprecedented 2 years, from 2019 to June 2021.

It was also during the pandemic that a local chapter of the university-wide political party, Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND UP), was established. Aiming to break the status quo in terms of governance by forwarding genuine public service that caters to a mass-oriented purpose, militant undergraduates in the college formed STAND UP NCPAG.

2021 saw the first remote elections for the UP Diliman student council elections, including that for the 29th NCPAG Student Council, with the college's three socio-political organizations (PALS-NCPAG, IGNITE-NCPAG, and STAND UP NCPAG) vying for various positions in the council. For its first election, STAND UP NCPAG managed to secure 5 positions, while PALS-NCPAG secured a majority with 7 positions, with Allondra Serdinia elected to a full-term as Chairperson after serving as Acting Chairperson under the 28th SC.

Since then, all the Chairpersons of the Student Council were from PALS-NCPAG, with Marie Yna Beatrice Marbibi serving as the 30th Chairperson, Franco Angelo Nicomedes as the 31st Chairperson, and Aldous Noel Demafeliz as the 32nd Chairperson. [7]

NCPAG Umalohokan

NCPAG-Umalohokan is the official student-journal publication of the college. Formerly a student publication, Uma (as it is colloquially known) sees the strength of Public Administration students that lies in research and academic essays. Its name is derived from the town criers of the pre-colonial societies, in charge of distributing information about new rules and regulations passed by datus.

The need for an information platform where research papers, academic articles, and other outputs of our students are published and disseminated became the motivation to reorganize Uma to what it is today. The organization is committed to making the journey of our Lingkod-Bayans holistic by contributing to their career opportunities through honing their skills in wide various ways.

UP Circle of Administrators (UP CIRCA)

UP Circle of Administrators (CIRCA), established in 1992 by six NCPAG students, is a duly-recognized socio-academic student organization that envisions the emergence of a responsible and accountable public servant committed to the thrusts of academic excellence, social commitment, solidarity, and human resource development.

UP Samahan Tungo sa Progresibong Administrasyon (UP STPA)

UP Samahan Tungo sa Progresibong Admnistrasyon (UP STPA) is the oldest socio-academic student organization based in UP National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP NCPAG), aiming to uphold the principles and practices of Public Administration.

Since its foundation in 1988, UP STPA has forwarded critical awareness, academic excellence, and public service as its core values and produced distinguished members holding important positions in both public and private sectors. As a home for the Lingkod Bayan, UP STPA continues to foster its virtues by advancing knowledge on important political and social issues inside and outside the university.

Practice of Administrative Leadership and Service (PALS-NCPAG)

Founded in 1993, the Practice of Administrative Leadership and Service (PALS-NCPAG) is the first, oldest, and biggest political formation within UP-NCPAG. It continuously strives for the advancement of student interests in the development of a more critically aware society and wise student leaders that are built to passionately serve towards an excellent community.

It champions good governance built upon the pillars of accessibility, dynamism, accountability, and excellence in all its endeavors, driven by cohesive, socially active, and committed members in service of the college, the university, and the country.

Initiative for Genuine Involvement, Transparency and Empowerment-NCPAG (IGNITE-NCPAG)

Established in 2012, the Initiative for Genuine Involvement, Transparency and Empowerment-NCPAG (IGNITE-NCPAG) stands in its democratic decision-making, policies, and programs that promote equality in the university and the nation, forwarding its nationalist, reformist, and progressive orientation at the forefront of molding leaders across the diverse field of public administration.

It envisions a colleges which epitomizes social justice, social awareness, transparency, accountability, integrity and innovation; thereby, creating an environment which fosters an open and rigorous discussion of social issues, the active search for their solutions, and the effective execution of these solutions through the tools provided by an extensive knowledge of Public Administration.

Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP - NCPAG (STAND UP NCPAG)

The Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP - NCPAG, commonly known as STAND UP NCPAG, was formed in 2020 out of the rise of militant undergraduates in NCPAG. The organization aims to break the status quo in terms of governance by forwarding genuine public service that caters to a mass-oriented purpose. It is mostly known for its principle that education is a right and that there is a need to be integrated with other sectors of society for the alliance recognizes that education and other national issues are greatly interlinked with one another.

Notable alumni

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  1. Reyes, Danilo R. (2003), "Public Administration in the Philippines: History, Heritage and Hubris", in Bautista, Victoria A.; Alfiler, Ma. Concepcion P.; Reyes, Danilo R.; et al. (eds.), Introduction to Public Administration in the Philippines: A Reader. (2nd ed.), Quezon City: National College of Public Administration and Governance, pp. 38–65, ISBN   9789718567371
  2. 1 2 3 "About NCPAG :: History". Archived from the original on October 11, 2007.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 "NCPAG at 53" (PDF), Annual Report 2005, Quezon City: National College of Public Administration and Governance, 2006, p. 6, retrieved October 15, 2012
  4. "Center for Local and Regional Governance". ncpag.upd.edu.ph.
  5. "About Us". University of the Philippines.
  6. "The Center for Leadership, Citizenship, and Democracy (CLCD)". ncpag.upd.edu.ph.
  7. "About NCPAG - History". ncpag.upd.edu.ph.
  8. 1 2 3 Unknown [ permanent dead link ]