Uniform matroid

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In mathematics, a uniform matroid is a matroid in which the independent sets are exactly the sets containing at most r elements, for some fixed integer r. An alternative definition is that every permutation of the elements is a symmetry.



The uniform matroid is defined over a set of elements. A subset of the elements is independent if and only if it contains at most elements. A subset is a basis if it has exactly elements, and it is a circuit if it has exactly elements. The rank of a subset is and the rank of the matroid is . [1] [2]

A matroid of rank is uniform if and only if all of its circuits have exactly elements. [3]

The matroid is called the -point line.

Duality and minors

The dual matroid of the uniform matroid is another uniform matroid . A uniform matroid is self-dual if and only if . [4]

Every minor of a uniform matroid is uniform. Restricting a uniform matroid by one element (as long as ) produces the matroid and contracting it by one element (as long as ) produces the matroid . [5]


The uniform matroid may be represented as the matroid of affinely independent subsets of points in general position in -dimensional Euclidean space, or as the matroid of linearly independent subsets of vectors in general position in an -dimensional real vector space.

Every uniform matroid may also be realized in projective spaces and vector spaces over all sufficiently large finite fields. [6] However, the field must be large enough to include enough independent vectors. For instance, the -point line can be realized only over finite fields of or more elements (because otherwise the projective line over that field would have fewer than points): is not a binary matroid, is not a ternary matroid, etc. For this reason, uniform matroids play an important role in Rota's conjecture concerning the forbidden minor characterization of the matroids that can be realized over finite fields. [7]


The problem of finding the minimum-weight basis of a weighted uniform matroid is well-studied in computer science as the selection problem. It may be solved in linear time. [8]

Any algorithm that tests whether a given matroid is uniform, given access to the matroid via an independence oracle, must perform an exponential number of oracle queries, and therefore cannot take polynomial time. [9]

Unless , a uniform matroid is connected: it is not the direct sum of two smaller matroids. [10] The direct sum of a family of uniform matroids (not necessarily all with the same parameters) is called a partition matroid.

Every uniform matroid is a paving matroid, [11] a transversal matroid [12] and a strict gammoid. [6]

Not every uniform matroid is graphic, and the uniform matroids provide the smallest example of a non-graphic matroid, . The uniform matroid is the graphic matroid of an -edge dipole graph, and the dual uniform matroid is the graphic matroid of its dual graph, the -edge cycle graph. is the graphic matroid of a graph with self-loops, and is the graphic matroid of an -edge forest. Other than these examples, every uniform matroid with contains as a minor and therefore is not graphic. [13]

The -point line provides an example of a Sylvester matroid, a matroid in which every line contains three or more points. [14]

See also

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In the mathematical theory of matroids, a graphic matroid is a matroid whose independent sets are the forests in a given finite undirected graph. The dual matroids of graphic matroids are called co-graphic matroids or bond matroids. A matroid that is both graphic and co-graphic is called a planar matroid; these are exactly the graphic matroids formed from planar graphs.

Dual graph graph theory construction exchanging vertices and faces

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In mathematics, a regular matroid is a matroid that can be represented over all fields.

Branch-decomposition term in graph theory

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In matroid theory, the dual of a matroid is another matroid that has the same elements as , and in which a set is independent if and only if has a basis set disjoint from it.

Oriented matroid

An oriented matroid is a mathematical structure that abstracts the properties of directed graphs, vector arrangements over ordered fields, and hyperplane arrangements over ordered fields. In comparison, an ordinary matroid abstracts the dependence properties that are common both to graphs, which are not necessarily directed, and to arrangements of vectors over fields, which are not necessarily ordered.

In matroid theory, a field within mathematics, a gammoid is a certain kind of matroid, describing sets of vertices that can be reached by vertex-disjoint paths in a directed graph.

In the mathematical theory of matroids, a minor of a matroid M is another matroid N that is obtained from M by a sequence of restriction and contraction operations. Matroid minors are closely related to graph minors, and the restriction and contraction operations by which they are formed correspond to edge deletion and edge contraction operations in graphs. The theory of matroid minors leads to structural decompositions of matroids, and characterizations of matroid families by forbidden minors, analogous to the corresponding theory in graphs.

In mathematics, a partition matroid or partitional matroid is a matroid formed from a direct sum of uniform matroids. It is defined over a base set in which the elements are partitioned into different categories. For each category, there is a capacity constraint - a maximum number of allowed elements from this category. The independent sets of a partition matroid are exactly the sets in which, for each category, the number of elements from this category is at most the category capacity.

In matroid theory, a binary matroid is a matroid that can be represented over the finite field GF(2). That is, up to isomorphism, they are the matroids whose elements are the columns of a (0,1)-matrix and whose sets of elements are independent if and only if the corresponding columns are linearly independent in GF(2).

In matroid theory, an Eulerian matroid is a matroid whose elements can be partitioned into a collection of disjoint circuits.

In mathematics and computer science, a matroid oracle is a subroutine through which an algorithm may access a matroid, an abstract combinatorial structure that can be used to describe the linear dependencies between vectors in a vector space or the spanning trees of a graph, among other applications.

Vámos matroid

In mathematics, the Vámos matroid or Vámos cube is a matroid over a set of eight elements that cannot be represented as a matrix over any field. It is named after English mathematician Peter Vámos, who first described it in an unpublished manuscript in 1968.

The matroid partitioning problem is a problem arising in the mathematical study of matroids and in the design and analysis of algorithms, in which the goal is to partition the elements of a matroid into as few independent sets as possible. An example is the problem of computing the arboricity of an undirected graph, the minimum number of forests needed to cover all of its edges. Matroid partitioning may be solved in polynomial time, given an independence oracle for the matroid. It may be generalized to show that a matroid sum is itself a matroid, to provide an algorithm for computing ranks and independent sets in matroid sums, and to compute the largest common independent set in the intersection of two given matroids.

In the mathematical theory of matroids, the rank of a matroid is the maximum size of an independent set in the matroid. The rank of a subset S of elements of the matroid is, similarly, the maximum size of an independent subset of S, and the rank function of the matroid maps sets of elements to their ranks.

In the mathematical theory of matroids, a matroid representation is a family of vectors whose linear independence relation is the same as that of a given matroid. Matroid representations are analogous to group representations; both types of representation provide abstract algebraic structures with concrete descriptions in terms of linear algebra.

Paving matroid base

In the mathematical theory of matroids, a paving matroid is a matroid in which every circuit has size at least as large as the matroid's rank. In a matroid of rank every circuit has size at most , so it is equivalent to define paving matroids as the matroids in which the size of every circuit belongs to the set . It has been conjectured that almost all matroids are paving matroids.

Matroid parity problem

In combinatorial optimization, the matroid parity problem is a problem of finding the largest independent set of paired elements in a matroid. The problem was formulated by Lawler (1976) as a common generalization of graph matching and matroid intersection. It is also known as polymatroid matching, or the matchoid problem.


  1. Oxley, James G. (2006), "Example 1.2.7", Matroid Theory, Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 3, Oxford University Press, p. 19, ISBN   9780199202508 . For the rank function, see p. 26.
  2. Welsh, D. J. A. (2010), Matroid Theory, Courier Dover Publications, p. 10, ISBN   9780486474397 .
  3. Oxley (2006), p. 27.
  4. Oxley (2006), pp. 77 & 111.
  5. Oxley (2006), pp. 106–107 & 111.
  6. 1 2 Oxley (2006), p. 100.
  7. Oxley (2006), pp. 202–206.
  8. Cormen, Thomas H.; Leiserson, Charles E.; Rivest, Ronald L.; Stein, Clifford (2001), "Chapter 9: Medians and Order Statistics", Introduction to Algorithms (2nd ed.), MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, pp. 183–196, ISBN   0-262-03293-7 .
  9. Jensen, Per M.; Korte, Bernhard (1982), "Complexity of matroid property algorithms", SIAM Journal on Computing , 11 (1): 184–190, doi:10.1137/0211014, MR   0646772 .
  10. Oxley (2006), p. 126.
  11. Oxley (2006 , p. 26).
  12. Oxley (2006), pp. 48–49.
  13. Welsh (2010), p. 30.
  14. Welsh (2010), p. 297.