Universal testing machine

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Typical lectromechanical Universal Testing Machine Universal testing machine.jpg
Typical lectromechanical Universal Testing Machine
Electro-Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine Electro-Hydraulic Servo Control Universal Testing Machine 600kN.png
Electro-Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine
Test fixture for three point flex test Three point flexural test.jpg
Test fixture for three point flex test

A universal testing machine (UTM), also known as a universal tester, [1] universal tensile machine, materials testing machine, materials test frame, is used to test the tensile strength (pulling) and compressive strength (pushing), flexural strength, bending, shear, hardness, and torsion testing, providing valuable data for designing and ensuring the quality of materials. An earlier name for a tensile testing machine is a tensometer. The "universal" part of the name reflects that it can perform many standard tests application on materials, components, and structures (in other words, that it is versatile).


Electromechanical and Hydraulic Testing System

An electromechanical UTM utilizes an electric motor to apply a controlled force, while a hydraulic UTM uses hydraulic systems for force application. Electromechanical UTMs are favored for their precision, speed, and ease of use, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, including tensile, compression, and flexural testing.

On the other hand, hydraulic UTMs are capable of generating higher forces and are often used for testing high-strength materials such as metals and alloys, where extreme force applications are required. Both types of UTMs play critical roles in various industries including aerospace, automotive, construction, and materials science, enabling engineers and researchers to accurately assess the mechanical properties of materials for design, quality control, and research purposes.


Several variations are in use. [2] Common components include:


Stress-strain curve showing typical yield behavior for nonferrous alloys (stress,
{\displaystyle \sigma }
, shown as a function of strain,
{\displaystyle \epsilon }
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True elastic limit
Proportionality limit
Elastic limit
Offset yield strength Metal yield.svg
Stress–strain curve showing typical yield behavior for nonferrous alloys (stress, , shown as a function of strain, ):
A concrete cylinder being tested under a UTM Universal Testing Machine.jpg
A concrete cylinder being tested under a UTM

The set-up and usage are detailed in a test method, often published by a standards organization. This specifies the sample preparation, fixturing, gauge length (the length which is under study or observation), analysis, etc.

The specimen is placed in the machine between the grips and an extensometer if required can automatically record the change in gauge length during the test. If an extensometer is not fitted, the machine itself can record the displacement between its cross heads on which the specimen is held. However, this method not only records the change in length of the specimen but also all other extending / elastic components of the testing machine and its drive systems including any slipping of the specimen in the grips.

Once the machine is started it begins to apply an increasing load on specimen. Throughout the tests the control system and its associated software record the load and extension or compression of the specimen.

Machines range from very small table top systems to ones with over 53 MN (12 million lbf) capacity. [3] [4]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Triaxial shear test</span>

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The four-point flexural test provides values for the modulus of elasticity in bending , flexural stress , flexural strain and the flexural stress-strain response of the material. This test is very similar to the three-point bending flexural test. The major difference being that with the addition of a fourth bearing the portion of the beam between the two loading points is put under maximum stress, as opposed to only the material right under the central bearing in the case of three-point bending.

A compressometer is a device used to determine the strain or deformation of a specimen while measuring the compressive strength of concrete specimens, generally a cylinder. It can be used for rock, concrete, soils, and other materials. For concrete, the device usually comprises two steel rings for clamping to the specimen and two gauge length bars attached to the ring. When the compressive load is applied, the strain value is registered from the compressometer. Generally, a data logger is used to record the strain.


  1. Davis, Joseph R. (2004), Tensile testing (2nd ed.), ASM International, p. 2, ISBN   978-0-87170-806-9.
  2. Annappa, C H (July 2012), "APPLICATION OF VALUE ENGINEERING FOR COST REDUCTION – A CASE STUDY OF UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE", International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, 4 (1): 618–629, retrieved 1 December 2017
  3. NIST, Large Scale Structure Testing Facility, archived from the original on 5 June 2010, retrieved 4 May 2010.
  4. Kirstein (1971). Universal Testing Machine of 12-Million-lbf Capacity, NBS Pub 355 (PDF) (Report). NIST. Retrieved 22 May 2017.