Void galaxy

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A void galaxy is a galaxy located in a cosmological void. [1] Few galaxies exist in voids; most are located in sheets, walls and filaments that surround voids and supervoids. [2] [3] Many void galaxies are connected through void filaments [4] or tendrils, [5] less massive versions of the regular galaxy filaments that surround voids. These filaments are often straighter than their non-void counterparts due to the lack of influence by surrounding filaments. [4] These filaments can even be rich enough to form poor galaxy clusters. [6] The void galaxies themselves are thought to represent pristine examples of galactic evolution, having few neighbours, and likely to have formed from pure intergalactic gas. [7]



It is theorised by many astrophysicists that void galaxies are the result of large galactic filaments being pulled by the gravity of a major super cluster out of the less densely populated areas, causing voids such as the Boötes Void to grow. Galaxies such as MCG+01-02-015 are sometimes left behind from such events. [8]

List of void galaxies

PC 1357+4641 Boötes Void [9] Emission-line galaxy
IRAS 14288+5255 [9] AGN X-ray source
G 1432+5302 [10] Starburst galaxy
G 1458+4944 [10] LINER galaxy
G 1507+4554 [10] Starburst galaxy
G 1510+4727A & G 1510+4727B [10] Interacting galaxy pair
BHI 1514+3819 [9]
FSS 1515+3823 [9]
G 1517+3949 [10] Starburst galaxy
G 1517+3956A & G 1517+3956B [10] Interacting galaxy pair
IRAS 15195+5050 [9] AGN X-ray source
Markarian 845 [9] Seyfert 1 (X-ray source)
CG 547 [9] Emission-line Galaxy
CG 637 [9]
CG 922 [9]
MCG+01-02-015 [11] [12] [13] [14] LEDA 1852 (Pisces)
Pisces A Local Void [15]
Pisces B [15]
NGC 7077 [16]
NGC 6503
NGC 6789

See also

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Amy J. Barger is an American astronomer and Henrietta Leavitt Professor of Astronomy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is considered a pioneer in combining data from multiple telescopes to monitor multiple wavelengths and in discovering distant galaxies and supermassive black holes, which are outside of the visible spectrum. Barger is an active member of the International Astronomical Union.

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